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While CSR and sustainability have been widely debated topics over the past decades, there is still evidence of unethical practices by businesses, as witnessed through corporate scandals across a number of industry sectors. This highlights the need for firms to collaborate to actively prevent malpractices and instead find ways to improve standards along the whole value chain. With the increased pressure from various stakeholders, calling for firms to address these issues in a collaborative and holistic manner, the development of models facilitating collaboration is vital. Taking a communication perspective, this paper seeks to improve the knowledge on how organisations can manage diverse stakeholders to improve value chain collaboration towards more sustainable practices. Based on a multiple case study methodology, involving in-depth interviews with senior directors in the food and drink value chain, a framework is developed, depicting the value of a branded sustainability program as a useful platform for stimulating collaboration and co-creation from diverse and/or competing stakeholders. The framework builds on, and contributes to several literature strands including CSR/sustainability communication, coopetition and branding.  相似文献   

Given the inseparable environmental and health impact of dietary habits, integrating health and sustainability goals has become a highly topical issue in policy development and communication to encourage consumers to adopt healthier and more sustainable diets. Increasing evidence indicates that it is possible to develop diets that are both environmentally sustainable and healthy, but their potential success largely depends on consumers’ willingness and ability to change their behavior. This study investigates consumer perceptions of the match, or mismatch, between healthy and sustainable diets, and gives insight into consumers’ motivation to eat healthily and sustainably, as measured by involvement. Data were collected in Spring 2014 through a cross-sectional quantitative online survey with samples representative for age, gender and region in four European Union (EU) countries (United Kingdom, Germany, Belgium, and the Netherlands) (n = 2783). The images of a healthy diet, a sustainable diet and a plant-based diet were found to be highly compatible based on a strongly observed match between European consumers’ perceptions of these concepts. Half of the participants were highly involved in healthy eating and one third in both healthy and sustainable eating. Informational food policy actions targeting both healthy and sustainable food consumption behavior are recommended to address issues relevant to the target segments, taking into account their levels of involvement. Increasing consumers’ motivation and involvement in health and sustainability emerges as a key trigger for increasing healthy and sustainable eating.  相似文献   

A new food policy coherent with the goal of achieving sustainable food systems implies changing visions and radically revising the understanding of the system on which agricultural and food-related policies act. This paper identifies and discusses policy processes that contribute to sustainable food systems in Europe. Based on a conceptual framework that links the policy cycle approach to transition theories, we (i) assess the evolution of policy cycles of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) to highlight how the food and nutrition concepts have evolved and been reframed throughout the five phases of the CAP, (ii) map and classify available policy instruments to assess potential synergies and gaps in view of their reorganization and (iii) indicate and discuss strategic tools for sustainable food policies. This contribution goes beyond the current literature highlighting the obstacles which hinder the transition to a policy regime that embodies the nexus among food and nutrition security, natural capital preservation and climatic and social justice, and proposing new avenues for food policy studies.  相似文献   

We elaborate mechanisms through which multi-stakeholder collaboration can ameliorate food loss and waste (FLW) from the end-to-end supply chain. In this context, we integrate the discourse on collaborative relationships in supply chains with stakeholder theory (roles and orientations) and use a multi-method approach combining systematic literature review (SLR) and embedded case studies based on secondary data. We develop a conceptual framework that illustrates collective stakeholder orientation emerging from aligned vertical and horizontal stakeholder orientation across the supply chain towards reducing FLW. We explain how achieving such alignment requires these stakeholders to navigate various collaboration conditions (structural and sporadic) that otherwise spur individualism, culminating in FLW mitigation efforts across food supply chains. We develop propositions, motivate future research, and offer practical implications.  相似文献   

The issues of food loss and waste (FLW) in the global supply chains have recently gained attention. However, causes for FLW and their mitigation strategies for curbing FLW at different stages of the supply chains remains under researched. Our research aims to address these research gaps in a three-fold way: i), we identified key causes (through root-cause analysis) of FLW in the supply chain of developed and less developed countries; ii), systematically classified measures and policies, which have been implemented to mitigate FLW; iii), developed an interdisciplinary conceptual framework for waste utilisation practices that can contribute towards the triple bottom-line in food system. A root-cause analysis was performed, and mitigation strategies identified by systematically analysing and synthesizing the extant research published over the past 20 years (1998 to 2018) in the areas of food loss and waste in the supply chain. A conceptual model for the prevention of FLW utilising a systems approach through the circular economy concept has been proposed. Since the agri-food sector is largely interdisciplinary, we have also demonstrated a method of integrating contributions from multiple disciplines in our proposed model towards achieving a total depollution (zero waste supply chain).  相似文献   

Product architecture decisions regarding, for example, product modularity, component commonality, and design re-use, are important for balancing costs, responsiveness, quality, and other important business objectives. Firms are challenged with complex tradeoffs between competing design priorities, face the need to facilitate communication between functional silos, and want to learn from past experiences. In this paper, we present a qualitative approach for systematically evaluating the product architecture of a product family, comparing the original architecture objectives and actual experiences.
The intended contribution of our research is threefold: (1) to present a framework that brings together a diverse set of product architecture-related decisions and business performance; (2) to provide a set of metrics that operationalise the variables in the framework, and (3) to provide a workshop protocol that is based on the framework and the metrics. This workshop aims to improve cross-functional communication about the product architecture of an existing product family, and it results in practical improvement actions for future architecture design projects. Experiences with this approach are reported in pilots with Philips Domestic Appliances and Personal Care, and Philips Consumer Electronics.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this article is to expand our understanding of the sophisticated utilization of independent incentives and its influence on channel relationship commitment and performance toward sustainable channel relationship and competitive advantage. On the basis of a conceptual framework, this paper develops an analytical model to explore the correlations among channel power, relationship commitment and channel performance under the implementation of diverse independent incentives. The proposed model is empirically tested using LISREL and questionnaire survey data sampled from the liquid crystal display TV manufacturer-dealer channels of the optoelectronic industry in Taiwan. The results reveal that the sophisticated utilization of independent incentives through channel relationship commitment as the key mediator determines the channel performance; furthermore, relative to contractual incentives, relationship-building incentives appear to be more effective in promoting channel relationship commitment, thus leading to superior channel performance toward the ultimate goal of sustainable channel relationship management.  相似文献   

Since the turn of the century a growing chorus of researchers has been espousing reduced meat and dairy intake as a partial strategy to transition towards a sustainable food system. Many of these studies have been predicated on a life-cycle assessment (LCA) methodology and though transparent in communicating their work within that framework, it has largely gone unmentioned that LCA involves a number of choices by the assessor and LCA methodology developers that are ultimately subjective. This study uses a consequential LCA of the average Danish diet in comparison to model vegetarian and vegan diets, leveraging the cultural perspectives afforded by the ReCiPe methodology, as starting point to explore the ways that subjectivity influences the LCA process and to test the robustness of the results against these different viewpoints. Mirroring earlier studies, we find vegetarian and vegan diets generally perform better environmentally compared to a standard Danish diet, but that there was minimal difference between the two no-meat options. Results were resilient to varying cultural perspectives applied in the model. LCA methodology, though loaded with value judgments, remains a dependable tool for assessing environmental dietary performance, but is less suited for estimating environmental pressures that are highly dependent on local conditions (e.g. chemical toxicity).  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to propose a decision support framework for developing Ecodesign at the conceptual design phase based upon ISO/TR 14062 (2002). The contribution of this research lies in the decision support model for integrating analytic network process (ANP) and the distance-to-target (DT) method in order to calculate a single score Ecodesign concept indicator that makes the new product more eco-effective than the baseline product. The highlight of this framework is that the model can reduce bias and ease the decision-making process as well as enhance presentation of the new idea to stakeholders. A case study, recommendations, limitation, and further research are also presented.  相似文献   

High rates of undernutrition persist in Afghanistan, but community-level information is scarce on its underlying causes. Developing policy in such situations is affected by varying stakeholder perspectives on the issues. This study uses the UNICEF malnutrition framework and a rapid assessment methodology to compare how stakeholders at community, provincial and national levels describe the food and nutrition situation. Consistent differences in problem definition by administrative level and between agriculture and health sectors were apparent. Stakeholders at all administrative levels widely agreed on the need to improve incomes and employment to ensure food security because of the many constraints to agricultural production. Provincial and national level stakeholders further agreed on the need for nutrition education at all levels of society. The research illustrates how local adaptation and application of the UNICEF malnutrition framework can reveal divergent perspectives, as a first step toward finding common ground and an appropriate policy response.  相似文献   

Within a context of delivering food security into the future, dietary guidelines are being reframed, corporations are replacing unsustainable products, and consumers are being encouraged to become ecological citizens. While there is a growing literature on the food practices of ‘alternative’ consumers, ‘mainstream’ consumers are less well understood. This paper describes qualitative research undertaken in a socio-economically disadvantaged area of Sydney, Australia, which aimed to uncover consumer views towards sustainable and healthy diets. Most participants indicated a discrepancy between their desired and actual behaviours: while they want to support Australian, or local, food producers they gravitate towards cheap and tasty food from ‘anywhere’; and while they associate nutritious food with fresh food, they will buy processed foods which can be less expensive, appeal to children and are prone to less waste. Reflecting mainstream Australian political culture, participants were compromising household food budgets in order to pursue a socially acceptable standard of living (including decent housing, car-reliance). They were also incorporating the pleasure and desires of family members as part of ‘the moral arts of everyday life’. Using social theories of consumption and practice sociology we argue that food choices and practices – easy or not – need to be interpreted as part of the role that consumption plays in political citizenship and moral subjectivity. In the Western Sydney context, food practices are essentially household budget and family nourishment practices rather than nutrition and sustainability practices; a position which is not addressed in the government’s new food policies or wage determination processes.  相似文献   

The paradox that tonnes of food is wasted while people go hungry has raised concern from national and international authorities. In developed countries, reducing these problems has focused on surplus food distribution as a ‘win-win’ solution contributing to sustainable development goals. While the existing literature acknowledges the role of third-sector organisations, research on the supply chain of surplus food distribution and the coordination among actors is limited. This research explores actors and organisations in the value chain of surplus food distribution at the city level. Based on semi-structured interviews and participant observation, our findings highlight the need for a coordinated effort between actors as an essential arrangement to capture the value of surplus food. Despite the close cooperation, hierarchical power relationships exist between organisations in the supply chain. We unpack challenges in the surplus food supply chain, such as lack of a legislative framework for food donations and organisational sustainability issues that have forced third-sector organisations to work independently to reduce the uncertainties of food quality and quantity. We shed light on the practical implications by highlighting how multiple stakeholders could improve the efficiency of surplus food distribution.  相似文献   

Innovations within global food systems have contributed to the predicament known as the triple burden of malnutrition – the co-existence of hunger and micronutrient deficiency with the diseases of overnutrition, such as obesity, diabetes and hypertension. We use the case of the triple burden in South Asia to demonstrate analytically that innovation is a double-edged sword, with positive and negative potential, rather than a simple good. To achieve the Sustainable Development Goals that target food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture (e.g. SDGs 2, 3 and 12), the countries of South Asia need more innovation, but, first, they would also benefit from some intelligent reflection about what innovation means, the directions it should take, and its risks and downsides alongside its benefits. In the present juncture, South Asian countries have an opportunity to learn from the experiences of other developing nations, and choose from alternative options to steer their own course. In this paper, we discuss how innovation has contributed to the present situation and ask how alternative kinds of innovation may enable South Asian countries to escape from the triple burden. We describe a conceptual framework that may be useful for thinking about how innovation pathways can be created and directed towards the goal of improving nutritional outcomes in South Asia. The framework draws attention to the direction of socio-technical change, the distribution of technologies and their risks and benefits, and the diversity of possible innovation pathways (STEPS Centre, 2010). We illustrate these points using examples of innovations in the areas of agricultural production, value chain interventions, and policy and institutional reforms.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the roles adopted by the distinct stakeholders that are engaged in a voluntary initiative to reduce food loss and waste (FLW) in the context of an emerging country. Data were collected by way of participant observation in multi-stakeholder events, observation visits and interviews with 54 food sector stakeholders, and from secondary data. The theoretical contribution of this paper is that it provides a systemic and realistic perspective for tackling FLW, as research in the field usually only focuses on one supply chain agent, or on consumer behaviour. Another contribution that may be replicated in other countries has to do with the role of each stakeholder in identifying the processes with which they are involved for reducing FLW. Activities and actions in a multi-stakeholder initiative change according to their positioning at the institutional or value chain level of analysis. Future studies should consider the extensive interplay that exists between the institutional and value chain levels in the food sector, and how they interact  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore the synergies between nutritionally healthy and ecologically sustainable diets. The aim was to explore the possibilities for future integrated dietary guidelines that support consumers to make informed dietary choices based on both ecological and nutritional values. We developed a score system for health and sustainability. Subsequently, we tested six different diets: current average Dutch, official ’recommended’ Dutch, semi-vegetarian, vegetarian, vegan and Mediterranean. For the sustainability rating, we used the Life Cycle Assessment, measuring the impacts on greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and land use (LU). For the health rating, we used ten nutritional indicators. By comparing the overall scores we found that the consumption of meat, dairy products, extras, such as snacks, sweets, pastries, and beverages, in that order, are largely responsible for low sustainability scores. Simultaneously, these food groups contribute to low health scores. We developed a matrix that illustrates that the health and sustainability scores of all six diets go largely hand in hand. Fig. 1 provides a visualisation of the position of the six diets in the full health and sustainability spectrum. This matrix with scores can be considered a first step in the development of a tool to measure both sustainability and health issues of specific food patterns. In selecting the diets, we examined two directions: health focus diets and the animal protein reduction diets. The Mediterranean diet is generally the health focus option with a high sustainability score. We conclude that guidelines oriented in between the two directions (i.e., semi- and pesco-vegetarian) are the option with the optimal synergy between health and sustainability.  相似文献   

Every year one third of the food produced globally is either lost or wasted along the food supply chain (FSC) causing significant economic, environmental and social damages. In the developed countries household food waste is a major concern, which is manly triggered by poor food-related behaviour. Due to the importance and magnitude of the phenomenon, the UN has set the global goal of halving food loss and waste by 2030. However, to the best of our knowledge, to date no systematic literature review has been conducted on household food waste and little comprehensive explanation has yet been offered for wasteful household behaviour. Therefore, the aim of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the literature produced over an eighteen-year period (2000–2018) in order to gain a deeper understanding of multiple, complex facets of the food waste phenomenon at consumer level. Drawing on the results of the systematic literature review and of the behavioural and marketing theories, we propose a new theoretical framework “The Household Wasteful Behaviour Framework”, with the aim of better explaining food waste behaviour at household level. Results can be useful to better target social norm and educational campaigns both at private and public level.  相似文献   

The arrival of information and communication technology (ICT) as well as the deployments of free and open-source software (FOSS) have brought hope to developing countries that the use of enabling technologies potentially mitigates the impact of global environmental and socio-economic crises, and it drive radical changes in a user's skills or culture. In 2019, with widespread territorial disparities, approximately 53.6% people were connected to the Internet worldwide. The majority of the offline user lives in the least developed countries, and only 19% of them use the internet, compared to 87% in developed nations. Sustainable development depends on successful management of open and inclusive urban development, especially in low-income and middle-income countries, where the fastest urbanization is expected to occur by the year 2050. The application of ICT enhances the independence, dignity, and equal opportunities of all people, thereby promoting their integration into society. An inclusive approach-based citizen participation is extremely important for building an inclusive society. Furthermore, this study highlights the current issues and challenges in developing countries, as well as the role of ICT in promoting socio-economic development, where it can serve as a catalyst for the implementation of the concept of sustainable urbanization. Considering the emerging socio-technological aspect, a framework for a sustainable socio-technical ecosystem is presented here to achieve economic independence and empowerment.  相似文献   

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agenda makes achieving food security and ending malnutrition a global priority. Within this framework, the importance of fisheries in local and global food systems and its contribution to nutrition and health, particularly for the poor are overlooked and undervalued. This paper reviews current fish production and consumption from capture fisheries and aquaculture, highlights opportunities for enhancing healthy diets and outlines key multi-sectoral policy solutions. Mirroring the call for a diversification of agricultural research and investment beyond a few staple grains, it is anticipated that productivity gains for a few farmed aquatic species will not suffice. Capture fisheries and aquaculture have a complementary role to play in increasing fish availability and access, and must be promoted in ways that support measurable nutrition and health gains. This paper argues that the lack of a nutrition-sensitive policy focus on capture fisheries and aquaculture represents an untapped opportunity that must be realised for ensuring sustainable healthy diets for all.  相似文献   

Sustainable innovations in food packaging are important in terms of preventing food waste and reducing environmental impact, but existing industry regimes and networks may hinder their diffusion into established markets. However, research on reorientation of existing industries, and value networks in that situation, has been limited. This study examines the changes to existing industry value networks that can facilitate the diffusion of sustainable innovation in food packaging. Empirically, the transformation and distribution of agro-food waste into a new bioplastic packaging through the existing food packaging value network is investigated. As a result, the changes to the existing value network and their connections, facilitating the diffusion of the sustainable innovation, are identified at three levels – firm, network, and macro. The findings show the importance of opportunity recognition, but also the role of new actors, resources, activities, and relationships in the restructuring of the existing value network and actions creating supportive regulative framework and increasing market demand for such renewal. This creates understanding of how the adoption of sustainable innovations, such as new packaging materials, which might seem simple, is complicated by the broad changes required from the existing value network.  相似文献   

Business-to-business (B2B) buyers are finding it increasingly difficult to judge the true sustainability of supply chain partners (Oruezabala & Rico, 2012). Yet three-quarters of buyers in the OECD report they will dismiss potential supply chain partners who fail to meet sustainability criteria (Pierre, 2008). B2B firms then, cannot afford any confusion over their sustainability practices and positioning. Unfortunately, there are no sustainability positioning measures for firms to assess this, and there is no agreed upon operationalization of a highly sustainable firm vs a weakly sustainable firm. As such, this research creates a B2B sustainability positioning scale and taxonomy. First, interviews with buyers and marketing managers determine perceptions of supplier sustainability practices and defines B2B levels of sustainability. Second, exploratory and confirmatory scale development studies are conducted with 578 experienced industrial buyers. The resulting B2B sustainability positioning scale shows that a sustainably superior positioning for B2B addresses five key factors: (1) sustainability credibility, (2) concern for environmental impact, (3) a careful consideration of stakeholders, (4) resource efficiency, and (5) a holistic philosophy. This scale is intended as a tool to help B2B marketers understand and better leverage their sustainability practices and communications around sustainability.“We're trying to be cleaner and greener: We recycle waste and switch things off. We use paper from responsibly managed forests whenever possible. We ask our printers to actively reduce waste and energy consumption. We check out our suppliers' working conditions...”– The back jacket of books from DK Publishers, 2018.  相似文献   

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