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In this article, we study the heterogeneity of habit strength in households’ demand for regular carbonated sweetened beverages (CSBs) and beer in the United States. A demand model that nests a smooth transition function is used to describe habit-based consumption patterns, revealing heterogeneous strengths of habits among households. We find that more habitual consumers, those with a strong preference for a particular product, are not as sensitive to price or expenditure as the aggregate population. This finding is further supported by simulations of the potential effects of soda and beer taxes. We find the aggregate response to soda and beer taxes is smaller than when the influence of habit is assumed to be homogeneous.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the role which federal, state and local governments can play as large buyers in influencing the behavior of sellers in markets. While the available data make it impossible to draw unambiguous conclusions, the evidence is consistent with the possibility that theAustralian Commonwealth (federal) Government has used its market position as a large buyer to encourage competitive behavior, especially in highly concentrated industries. The local preference buying policies of state and local governments, however, may have augmented the effects of market power. The results suggest strongly that omission of variables representing the buying side of markets will lead to misspecification of structure-performance models, and indicate that government purchases could at appropriate times be used in addition to antitrust action, in order to improve market performance.  相似文献   

纳税人税收遵从度是一个国家税收分配关系和谐与否的重要标志之一,影响着一个国家税收制度的完善与发展。我国税收制度亟待深化改革,办事作风程序化,税收立法不完善,税收执法不规范。面对这种状况,解决途径包括建立符合国情的现金流控税体制,建立税收激励机制,完善税务诉讼,加大处罚力度,培养公民的纳税意识,加强税收文化建设。  相似文献   

This study replicates prior research regarding research and development (R&D) spending by sampling R&D spending for a cross‐section of firms in non‐service related industries. Compustat data for 231 firms from 1992 to 1998 are used to test whether the US Federal tax credit for R&D meaningfully influenced R&D spending of the sampled firms. Firms' (1) effective rate of R&D tax credit, (2) rate of decay in R&D capital for firms' primary industry affiliation, (3) financial cost of capital, and (4) marginal tax rate are used to compute firms' user‐cost of capital for in‐house R&D. Results show that firms that were eligible for the tax credit spent more on R&D than non‐eligible firms as the user‐cost of in‐house R&D increased. These results add further evidence regarding the role of the tax credit in stimulating R&D activity and suggest that a tax credit for incremental research can be used to boost private‐sector R&D spending.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effect of improved transparency in the bidder qualification process, using the experience gained from a case study of municipal public works auctions. A difference-in-differences analysis reveals that improved transparency reduces procurement cost by up to 8%. This finding is robust with regard to the concerns of both endogeneity and sample selectivity. The bidding-function estimates, combined with features of Japanese procurement system, imply that the introduction of transparent practices is insufficient to bring about efficiency in public procurement.   相似文献   

《固定资产准则》与《企业所得税税前扣除办法》对固定资产减值的处理存在较大差异。本文就两者差异和如何进行纳税调整作了初步探讨。  相似文献   

财产税作为地方税收的主要税种,是地方财政收入的主要来源。我国自1994年实行税制改革以来,财产税制得到了很大完善,在一定程度上适应了发展社会主义市场经济的需要。但我国财产课税制度还存在很多问题,已经严重滞后于市场经济的快速发展。本文通过对现行财产税制存在问题的分析,提出了完善我国财产税制的政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the unemployment effect on food expenditure (UEFE) for Spanish households and quantifies its magnitude in boom and crisis periods. The results show that the UEFE was negative in both contexts but was reinforced during the economic crisis. Applying propensity score matching and difference-in-differences techniques to a sample of Spanish households for 2006 and 2013 (representative of a boom period and a crisis period, respectively), we found that the UEFE amounted to 2.9% in the boom period and to 4.5% in the crisis period. Quantile difference-in-differences estimates confirmed that the economic crisis enhanced the UEFE for Spanish households, with this effect decreasing continuously up to quantile 0.9. The UEFE was exacerbated mainly in those economically disadvantaged households.  相似文献   

“统一抑或差别”是理论经济学家和公共财政政策制定者之间长期争论的永恒主题.文章以这一主题为线索介绍西方学者有关最优商品税理论研究的最新进展,认为最优商品税理论对于政策制定者而言,不仅具有重要的理论参考价值,而且还可以帮助在理论研究与具体政策建议之间架起交流的桥梁.特别是考虑家户生产的最新研究进展从定性和定量两个层面都能对合理设计以及实施差别税率的最优商品税制提供有用的政策依据和建议.  相似文献   

从我国保险企业所得税现状出发,结合新实施的企业所得税法,分析探讨我国保险企业所得税制度中的税负、准备金扣除、税收优惠、汇总纳税等几个主要问题及完善思路,兼论新税法对我国保险企业的影响。  相似文献   

刘欣 《山东纺织经济》2007,(6):26-27,25
改革开放以来,随着我国社会主义市场经济体制逐步建立,我国现代金融体系已经逐步建立,繁荣的金融市场给我们的经济发展带来了契机,但同时也给我们提出了严峻的挑战。我国应借鉴其他国家金融资产课税的实践经验,改革和完善现行金融资产税收制度。  相似文献   

This paper describes the results of a study focusing on effectiveness and participation in strategic planning and their inter-relationships. The work reported is a comparative study of ten, diverse organizations in the United Kingdom. The paper sets out the frameworks for effectiveness and participation against which the empirical work took place; describes the results of the analysis undertaken; and postulates a number of theories concerning effective planning practice and its relation to participation in the system.  相似文献   

通过对我国现行个人所得税收入分配功能的分析和定位可看出,我国目前贫富差距惊人,城乡收入差距悬殊.从基尼系数分析显示,我国已经步入了国际警戒线,造成这种情况的原因是我国个人所得税不能充分执行其调节收入分配的功能。通过对税收制度方面和税收征收管理方面缺失的研究,显示我国个人所得税收入调节功能存在着严重的缺陷,影响其功能发挥的原因有个人所得税没有体现税负公平的基本原则、个人收入所占的比重较低、调控客体不完全到位等。针对这些影响因素,文章提出了强化我国个人所得税收入分配功能的改革思路.主要是对个人所得税制课税模式、功能定位、税收扣除方式等方面的调整。  相似文献   

基于节能减排的制造企业竞争力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国制造企业发展节能减排的必要性和制约因素进行了分析,以山东省淄博市纺织制造企业为例,设计了基于节能减排的制造企业竞争力评价指标体系,收集了该地区规模以上纺织企业近13年的发展状况和节能减排情况的整体数据,并采用因子分析法进行了实证研究,研究结果表明节能减排对纺织企业竞争力的提高具有促进作用。最后在分析上述研究的基础上得出节能减排与企业竞争力增强的双赢发展是可能的,并提出了具有可行性的对策和措施。  相似文献   

“营改增”后企业仍处于适应阶段,再加上房地产业涉及的上下游行业众多、税种复杂,一些企业出现税负不降反增的现象,这主要是由于技术人员在应用增值税过程中,受传统行业经营模式的影响没有合理获取前端增值税进项发票或者不能合理应用不同计价方式规避税负增加。文章主要从“营改增”后工程计价方式的选择角度,结合具体项目案例分析不同计价方式对增值税税负变化的影响,并通过案例分析应如何采取对应的合同模式和计价策略,进而提出要在综合分析项目执行的具体情况下确定有利于合同主体的计价模式,为企业开展市场经营提供参考方案。  相似文献   

房地产业是我国的新兴产业,但目前的房地产市场呈现出市场失灵现象。基于房地产市场本身所固有的特性,文章认为,通过对房产税的改革,可以有效地调控房地产市场,为房地产市场持续、健康、有序、均衡地发展创造良好的环境。  相似文献   

Service is one of the inventory managers' concerns and is frequently incorporated into the ordering decisions. Since there are multiple measures of service available for evaluating the efficiency of an inventory system, a comparative study is necessary and has not been addressed in the literature. This paper evaluates two popular service measures, which are the probability of no stockout during lead time and the fill rate, in the context of continuous inventory systems. The performance of the two measures is examined by evaluating the tradeoff among the cost, the level of service, and the inventory turnover ratio.  相似文献   

近年来,我国一、二线城市的房地产价格普遍迅速上涨,出现了较为严重房产泡沫。2017年,我国政府提出的 房地产税改革、 一揽子政策组合拳等举措再次引发激烈讨论。本文采用实验经济学方法,在计算机化的实验环境中设置房产交易市场,模拟房产交易,从而分析了房产价格泡沫产生的原因与过程,检验了我国现存各项房产政策抑制房产市场泡沫的作用大小。结论为:房产价格泡沫主要产生于交易者的“竞争非理性”,增加交易费用、单方面征收房产税对房产泡沫的抑制作用并不明显,限贷、提高首付比例等政策可较为有效地抑制房产泡沫;房产政策的“组合拳”往往对抑制泡沫更为有效。  相似文献   

上海自贸区作为我国推进金融改革的新型发展模式,其离岸银行业务的税收政策在施行中可能会产生离岸银行业务优惠税制与我国现有税制的冲突、“税收洼地”导致“黑色经济”滋生、征管程序中出现“法律真空”地带等法律风险.而中国香港、新加坡离岸银行业务税收监管制度则体现出了低税负、高效征管的特点,有鉴于此,自贸区在对离岸银行进行税制创新时应当以税收政策的法定化、统一化为最终目标,协调境内关外离岸银行优惠税收制度与境内税制改革,建立离岸银行的国际化税收征管制度,以控制自贸区离岸银行业务税收政策的法律风险.  相似文献   

运用财税政策促进我国中小企业发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中小企业在各国经济中占据着重要地位,并在技术创新和社会就业等方面发挥着独特的作用,促进中小企业发展已经成为大多数国家最重要的经济社会发展战略之一。本文通过对我国运用财税政策促进中小企业发展现状的分析,结合我国国情,提出了推动我国中小企业发展的财税政策的建议。  相似文献   

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