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库德华 《消费导刊》2010,(6):256-256
从1995年开始,美国国务院开始发布《人权实践的国家报告》对包括中国在内的超出190个其他国家和地区的人权状况进行攻击。为了回应这些报告,中国决定通过关注美国的人权状况从而填补美国报告留下的空缺,中国的报告被正式命名为《美国人权报告》。两份报告不仅是国际政治、国家利益斗争的产物,而且清楚地折射出了中美在人权问题上的严重分歧,这些分歧就体现在对人权概念、人权实质的不同解读上。  相似文献   

国际社会对于中国计划生育领域的人权保护问题一直表示关注.分析了宪法中计划生育条款的含义,勾勒了我国计划生育法制体系的整体现状和发展趋势,指出我国在人口和计划生育领域进行人权保障工作已经达到的水平,并且有着进一步加强保障的良好趋势,但也存在不足,需要改进.对比人口领域国际人权标准,我国法制体系存在着一定差别,这种差别是基于不同的权利哲学造成的,对此我们既要加强对话,也要深入反思和改进我们的人权保障工作.  相似文献   

国际社会对于中国计划生育领域的人权保护问题一直表示关注。分析了宪法中计划生育条款的含义,勾勒了我国计划生育法制体系的整体现状和发展趋势,指出我国在人口和计划生育领域进行人权保障工作已经达到的水平,并且有着进一步加强保障的良好趋势,但也存在不足,需要改进。对比人口领域国际人权标准,我国法制体系存在着一定差别,这种差别是基于不同的权利哲学造成的,对此我们既要加强对话,也要深入反思和改进我们的人权保障工作。  相似文献   

“国家尊重和保障人权”这一纲领性的人权原则入宪,标志着我国人权保障开启了制度化的进程,为我国的人权问题从政治问题向法律问题的转化提供了宪法渠道。本文时我国人权价值论证方式、人权条款的设置模式、人权保障的修宪模式进行了理性剖析,我国的人权保障具有价值语证上的社会性强调、人权条款上的抽象化设置、修宪模式上的制度性演进等特点。  相似文献   

在国际政治中,人权问题始终是普遍关注的话题,并在许多方面影响着政府决策和国家关系.  相似文献   

寇婧  王红莲 《中国市场》2012,(5):120-121
世界化自人权而来。启蒙时代的普遍主义在1789年法国《人权与公民权宣言》以及后来的1948年《世界人权宣言》中得到了如此充分的反映。人类文明总是以其特有的运行规律向前迈进,尽管有无数次地区性乃至世界性的灾难羁绊着它的步伐,也不能阻止其前行的惯性。对于20世纪人类文明创建的最大业绩,就是作为一种恒定的理念——人权和人权保障的信念,作为普遍价值观在各种意识形态、不同类型国家中得到了普遍肯定。各种文明、各种文化立足于普遍价值观,普遍尊重人权,并通过跨国界文化层次的互动和对话,增进了解,增加互信,缩小差别,减少对抗,共同促进人权事业的发展。  相似文献   

张桂玉 《商》2014,(6):180-181
当今社会的不断进步与发展,使得人权这种上层建筑里的最高思想得到了愈来愈多的关注。人权问题已经成为当今社会,各国政府、地区尤为重视的一种现象。本文从人权的历史形成找到溯源,从而得出人权的概述以及迄今为止的发展,从根本上得出人权保障这一制度的理论所在依据,并得出人权未来发展的形势。中国人民并没有并西方国家所鼓吹的“人权”而吓到,相反的是更加坚定的走下去,曼加努力的为着少数民族的人权保障制度的创新以及完善做着更大的努力。笔者正是以中党中央和人民政府的相关政策和法律法规为理论基础,通过历时近一年的时间进行实地调研,走访人民群众,联系相关政府部门,得到了最基层的、最结合实际的理论研究调研知识。更是结合国内外著名学者以及结合相关法律法规、政策的理论,切实的理解到了我国少数民族人权保障制度,并据此提出了一些关于少数民族人权保障制度方面的创新之处。  相似文献   

文章通过对人权的总体概述,以此表明人权保障的重要性。通过说明国际条约在国内适用的一般理论及实践的同时,以比利时、日本、美国为例,展示了国际人权条约在国内适用的特点。重点将国际人权条约在中国适用存在的问题予以阐述,并提出了相应的解决办法。最后寄希望于中国在不断完善本国国内人权保障制度的同时,能够为人权赋予更多色彩,为人类发展目标做出更多贡献。  相似文献   

尊重人权,保障人权是目前社会发展中人们关注的重要议题。然而,有关人权保护的问题,人们总是下意识地认为,人权是政治问题,保障人权是政府的责任和义务。当代西方一些国家也通常将人权作为政治外交的一种手段和工具,将人权大棒指向他们认定“侵犯了人权”的主权国家。实际上,并  相似文献   

中国正在全面推进依法治国,人权保障制度的完善程度是衡量一个国家法制建设的重要标准。基于这一实时热点,笔者将从沉默权的角度来,来阐述人权保障。对于沉默权的的价值取向以及正确理解,有助于促进一国公民对人权问题更好把握与重视。文章分为三大章节,先回顾沉默权的历史,其次阐述沉默权的对人权保障的必要性,最后对我国我国设立沉默权制度给予笔者自己的意见。  相似文献   

What should, or can, businesses do about‘prisoners of conscience’? Sir Geoffrey Chandler CBE is Chairman of the recently founded Business Group of the British Section of Amnesty International.  相似文献   

Oil Companies and Human Rights   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chairman of Amnesty International's UK Business Group considers how oil companies must change their attitudes in a world which is changing faster. "Silence or inaction will be seen to provide comfort to oppression and may be adjudged complicity." Sir Geoffrey Chandler CBE is a former senior executive of the Royal/Dutch Shell Group and architect of Shell's first Statement of General Business Principles. This article is reprinted with permission from Oxford Energy Forum , November 1, 1997.  相似文献   

基于天赋人权理论的种种局限性,有必要从一个新的高度和视角来建构我国的人权理论体系。“预付人权”理论的核心理念是,人权基于对等而有偿。预付人权理论所包含的公正性因素,以及其在法治实践中的优势。使人权理论有效规避了人权思想异化的风险,屏蔽了天赋人权观中的不合理因素。这最大程度上确保了人权实现在合乎正义、合乎理性的轨道上运作。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present article is to analyse South African listed companies’ public reporting in order to contribute to our understanding of how and why companies consider human rights. The empirical analysis is placed in the context of the increasing prominence of human rights as a business issue, premised in part on the activities of the United Nations (UN) Special Representative of the Secretary General (SRSG) on human rights and business. On the basis of a content analysis of the public reports of the top 100 companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE), we test hypotheses focused on the antecedents of companies’ demonstrated human rights due diligence, with particular reference to assumptions or findings of the SRSG and institutional theory. Some of our results are unexpected: there is little influence exerted by the sector and size of companies in our sample, and there is also an unexpectedly insignificant impact of company participation in the UN Global Compact and the JSE Socially Responsible Investment Index. On the other hand, a key predictor of human rights due diligence is an explicit leadership commitment, and important roles are also played by government regulations and stock exchange listing rules.  相似文献   

International business faces a host of difficult moral conflicts. It is tempting to think that these conflicts can be morally resolved if we gained full knowledge of the situations, were rational enough, and were sufficiently objective. This paper explores the view that there are situations in which people in business must confront the possibility that they must compromise some of their important principles or values in order to protect other ones. One particularly interesting case that captures this kind of situation is that of Google and its operations in China. In this paper, I examine the situation Google faces as part of the larger issue of moral compromise and integrity in business. Though I look at Google, this paper is just as much about the underlying or background views Google faces that are at work in business ethics. In the process, I argue the following: First, the framework Google has used to respond to criticisms of its actions does not successfully or obviously address the important ethical issues it faces. Second, an alternative ethical account can be presented that better addresses these ethical and human rights questions. However, this different framework brings the issue of moral compromise to the fore. This is an approach filled with dangers, particularly since it is widely held that one ought never to compromise one’s moral principles. Nevertheless, I wish to propose that there may be a place for moral compromise in business under certain conditions, which I attempt to specify.  相似文献   

The United Nations Special Representative on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights, John Ruggie, has adopted a new framework for considering this issue within the international legal system. This article examines this framework in terms of its coherence, its consistency with international human rights law and how it can be ‘operationalized’ (which is required by the United Nations). In regard to the states legal obligation to protect human rights, it is considered whether this obligation is broader and deeper than is envisaged in the framework, especially if it can include the extra-territorial activities of corporations. The corporate responsibility to respect human rights is examined in terms of its conceptual and definitional problems, and the article also questions whether there will be sufficient legal remedies available to victims under the framework.  相似文献   

科学技术的发展带来了人权理论和人权内容的划时代变革,推动了人们在自由观念、人权内容、权利意识、人权理论和人权法理等方面的发展,同时也衍生出很多人权悖论。随着科技进步和人们对科技认识的加深,人们对人权悖论的调适,也在不断深入进行。  相似文献   

Journal of Business Ethics - This study investigates the antecedents of human rights infringements (HRIs) by emerging market firms (EFs). We used fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA)...  相似文献   

This paper explores how the fair trade coffee market translates consumer action and shopping habits into the promotion of human rights in distant locales. This process does not occur through direct producer–consumer contact. Instead, it is channeled through two interrelated avenues. First, the fair trade certification system which requires producer groups to be democratic, transparent, and accountable and second, the relationships between producers and coffee roasters and importers, who, in this specific commodity chain, act as conduits for consumer actions and intentions. These two facets of the fair trade consumer market promote and protect the secure organizational space that is necessary for producer initiated community development. This freedom to identify and fulfill economic and social development goals through cooperation also reaffirms existing cultural traditions of service and mutual aid among producers. These key components of human rights compliance are critically important in countries such as Guatemala with its history of violent repression, structural inequality, and cultural discrimination against indigenous populations and community organizers. The analysis emerges from ongoing ethnographic research on a group of indigenous, fair trade coffee producers in Guatemala and their relationships with outside buyers and certifiers.
Sarah LyonEmail:

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