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Collie 《中国纺织》2004,(5):130-131
继巴黎、米兰、伦敦时装周,以及紧随其后的纽约、东京、圣保罗、香港时装周之后,中国国际时装周2004/5秋冬发布会于3月28日-4月3日在北京举行.  相似文献   

2012年2月22~25日,第八届亚洲运动用品与时尚展在北京国家会议中心精彩开幕。以极限运动、传统运动、健身运动的全新分类来诠释运动产业,ISPO BEIJING显然在继续其专业引领路线。这个源自德国,聚焦中国冬季及户外运动产业、运动时尚和街头潮流文化的展会规模达到35000平方米,吸引了来自全球21个国家的583个品牌参展,展品覆盖户外运动装备,雪类运动装备,以及极限运动用品等。  相似文献   

处于纺织产业链前端的华孚色纺,一直以来都以“时尚源动力”的理念坚持色纺运动,突破性地将自己定位为“新型纱线综合供应商”,从源头引领时尚。尽管2012年上半年全球纺织市场持续疲软,但华孚色纺依托自身强大的品牌支撑,积极开拓终端市场。华孚色纺在深刻理解色纺纱天然和科技的基础上,提出了“时尚色纺纱”,并成为最早在色纺行业内发布色咭和流行趋势引领纺织服装新时尚的企业。多年来,华孚坚持每两年推出新版标准色咭,每年推出春夏和秋冬两季流行色咭,并在行业内第一家推出适合专门品类、工艺或材质的特殊产品色咭的毛衫专用色咭。迄今色咭总颜色个数已近20万个,向着一个时尚服务商的方向坚定前行。  相似文献   

时尚休闲装品牌的生存思考从品类创新中寻找财富服装业是改革开放后最早腾飞的行业之一。发展到今天,遍布全国的大大小小的服装厂数不胜数,而不少企业处于竞争惨烈、利润微薄的境地,发展空间狭小,没什么前途。尽管生存环境恶劣,依然有一些企业凭借长期积累形成  相似文献   

筱闻 《中国纺织》2005,(3):134-135
如果说,牛仔服饰代表着前卫、青春,那么,威鹏这个创立了20年的牛仔服饰品牌仍能以年递增20%的速度,连续13年在同类产品国内市场综合占有率荣列第一始终作为中国牛仔服装行业的代表,每年引领着国内牛仔服饰时尚的流行文化,"威鹏"品牌的健康、活力是不容质疑的.  相似文献   

董正 《中国纺织》2012,(8):174-175
对于传统的毛织产业来说,时尚是一种苏醒,是一种突破与前瞻,更是当前我国纺织行业调整结构、转型升级大趋势的题中之义。跃动的斑斓色彩、很潮很有范儿的款式、功能很好很强大的创新材质,毛衫的"时尚"究竟是什么?定于今年11月3~6日在东莞大朗镇华丽亮相的第十一届中国(大朗)国际毛织产品交易会(以下简称大朗"织交会")将给出一个最完美的诠释。跟着时尚的感觉走,本届"织交会"将为大朗的毛织产业、乃至我国整个纺织工业开启一个全新的时代。牵手时尚揭未来走向第十一届大朗"织交会"由东莞市人民政府、中国国际贸易促进委员会纺织行业分会和中国毛纺织行业协会共同主办,东莞市大朗镇人民政府和东  相似文献   

李慧 《中国纺织》2008,(5):110-111
经营品牌服装,重要的是营销品牌的时尚精神。广州市莱克斯顿服饰有限公司大力变革营销理念,让品牌的魅力和时尚价值观在终端服务中生动体现,使品牌在激烈的市场竞争中迅速扩展,在2007年新增品牌专卖唐近300家、年销售回款同比增长2倍多的基础上,今年2月,全国又有19家莱克斯顿品牌店隆重开业,莱克斯顿创建的品牌新商业模式,留给人们的启示是深远的。  相似文献   

截至2005年,恒源祥已经有100多个加盟工厂和5000多个加盟销售商,而事实上,恒源祥本身只有一支不到200人的团队,却操控着多达4万人的生产团队.  相似文献   

在中国上海、浙江江苏、江西等地,维科拥有开发总面积超过200万平方米的工业园,引进了国际最先进的纺织、印染整理等设备,形成了完整的家纺、服装生产链.2004年,维科以特种超细旦纤维为原料,通过特殊的生产工艺,开发了重量轻、亲和度好,吸湿性、透气性强的高科技珊瑚绒毛毯,成为国际市场新一代家纺产品,经推出立即获得了美国、日本等国家消费者青睐,产品供不应求.  相似文献   

More and more firms are recognizing the advantages of web-enhanced brand communities as a lever for relationship-marketing communication. Brand communities, not only provide companies with an additional communication channel, but also allow the possibility of establishing linkages to devoted users. So far, brand community has only been discussed in relation to B2C marketing. However, the effect of using web-enhanced brand communities in a B2B context may be even greater inasmuch as professional users have a strong and long-standing interest in exchanging product-related information. Based on the Coloplast case study, this contribution outlines a conceptual model for linking web-enhanced brand community activities and relationship building in B2B markets.  相似文献   

More and more firms are recognizing the advantages of web-enhanced brand communities as a lever for relationship-marketing communication. Brand communities not only provide companies with an additional communication channel, but also allow the possibility of establishing linkages to devoted users. So far, brand community has only been discussed in relation to B2C marketing. However, the effect of using web-enhanced brand communities in a business-to-business (B2B) context may be even greater, inasmuch as professional users have a strong and long-standing interest in exchanging product-related information. Based on the Coloplast case study, this contribution outlines a conceptual model for linking web-enhanced brand community activities and relationship building in B2B markets.  相似文献   

Current research into co-branding and brand extensions indicates that these marketing strategies benefit firms, yet marketing literature examines the concepts only independently. This article reports the findings of two studies, conducted among 256 students, that compare the effectiveness of co-branding versus brand extension strategies. The comparison of these strategies, both individually and concurrently, considers consumers' attitudes, quality perceptions, and purchase intentions toward a new product (i.e., Bluetooth-enabled sunglasses). The first study reveals that the presence of at least one high-equity brand in co-branding strategy suffices to leverage consumers' evaluations of a new product. However, the findings of the second study indicate no significant differences between co-branding and brand extensions in terms of consumer evaluations of an identical product.  相似文献   

Prior literature on corporate branding in the business-to-business (B2B) context fails to provide insight into the dynamics of corporate brand strategy formation, despite the critical need for industrial organizations to move beyond a traditional understanding of brands. This article examines the corporate brand strategy formation of a European-based industrial organization by drawing on strategy-as-practice research and thereby identifying the brand actors who participate in corporate brand strategy formation, the construction of manifestations that subject the brand values to experience, and the situational context—all within a single, ongoing, recursive interaction process.  相似文献   

品牌文化认同对区域品牌产品购买意向影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
从消费者视角探讨产生区域品牌效应的品牌文化认同前因,并将文化认同细分为认知性文化认同、情感性文化认同与评价性文化认同,试图分别考察3种认同对购买意向的不同影响,以及3种认同是否存在相互影响的关系。实验选取4个区域品牌作为研究对象,进行预测试修正问卷后,通过对随机拦截的方式获得392份有效问卷,利用AMOS软件分析3种品牌文化认同产生的区域品牌效应及相互之间的影响。研究结果表明,品牌文化认同与消费者购买意向显著正相关,评价性文化认同的影响效果最强、认知性文化认同影响最弱;且认知性文化认同需要通过情感性文化认同和评价性文化认同来影响消费者购买意向,其与购买行为相关不显著。  相似文献   

Despite significant advances in the study of B2B branding, including several contributions and special issues in this journal, the specificities of franchising, a subfield of B2B relationships, dictate further investigation. In effect, the franchise branding literature remains largely fragmented and dependent on data from a single stakeholder source. This paper attempts an integrative view of franchise branding by examining brand benefits from three theoretical perspectives (brand as a resource, brand as knowledge, and brand as a relationship fulcrum) and data from two stakeholders. Specifically, the objective of this paper is threefold: to offer a comprehensive view of brand benefits for franchisees, as perceived by both franchisees and franchisors, and considering their evolution throughout the franchise relationship lifecycle. 37 interviews with franchisees (n = 22) and franchisors (n = 15) reveal diverse brand benefits, including new insights related, for instance, to experiential benefits which have received very limited attention in B2B branding. The study also unveils significant perceptual gaps, with franchisors having a much narrower view of brand benefits than franchisees, which could potentially be detrimental for this subtype of B2B brands. Based on the findings, we also develop a tool that helps franchisors manage their brand benefits (i.e. deploy, emphasize or downplay individual benefits) over the lifecycle of their relationship with each franchisee.  相似文献   

任晓华 《中国纺织》2005,(12):58-59
为什么五千年的悠久历史没有孕育出世界知名的中国时尚品牌?为什么心灵手巧的中国人常常被指责为抄袭的能手?  相似文献   

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