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基于交易成本视角的企业网络效率边界分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘佳勇 《北方经济》2009,(10):21-22
根据科斯的企业理论,我们认为企业网络(即“广义企业”)的出现实现了权威机制与价格机制有机结合,这种结合一定程度上既可以降低组织成本又可以降低交易成本。企业网络最小边界决定于“狭义企业”组织一项交易的边际组织成本等于其边际交易成本之处.企业网络的最大边界决定于“广义企业”组织一项交易的边际组织成本等于其边际交易成本之处。  相似文献   

当企业内部组织成本与市场交易成本处于均衡状态时,企业达到了其有效边界.但由于企业之间竞争激烈,企业边界的均衡受到外在的威胁,采用反收购是一种选择.历来对于企业反收购的价值毁誉参半,但文章认为以利益相关者理论指导企业反收购能有效地防御企业边界.文章借鉴西方成熟的企业反收购策略,构建了包括强本机制、预警机制和反击机制三个层面的我国企业反收购体系.  相似文献   

本文试图对我国证券市场开放对我国上市公司权益融资成本的影响进行一个理论上的初步分析。我们对权益资本成本的三个组成部分(风险溢酬、代理成本、交易成本)分别进行了探讨,得到以下基本结论:理论上证券市场的对外开放在一定条件下能够降低市场证券组合的风险溢酬,从而降低我国企业的权益融资成本,证券市场的对外开放将会降低权益融资的代理成本和交易成本,对我国证券市场的发展有重要的意义。  相似文献   

内部劳动力市场中的企业人力资源配置   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在市场经济条件下,劳动力市场并非像新古典理论所描述的那样统一完整,而是处于分割的状态.如果以企业与市场的接触点为边界,那么我们可以把劳动力市场划分为企业内部劳动力市场和企业外部劳动力市场两大块.由于企业能够通过内部劳动力市场的运作有效地降低劳动力替换成本,并获取充分的有关劳动力质量的信息,建立合理有效的内部劳动力市场就显得十分重要.所以,内部劳动力市场理论对于企业实现更有效的人力资源配置、提高效益具有重大意义.  相似文献   

自2015年中央经济工作会议提出降低制度性交易成本以来,我国企业制度性交易成本下降明显,但由于某些制度政策不完备以及市场机制不完善使企业成本下降的效果大打折扣.为进一步降低企业制度性交易成本,必须全面理顺政府与市场的关系,以全面深化改革为统领,统筹政府改革、市场改革和社会改革,在全社会形成改革合力;以优化营商环境为抓手...  相似文献   

企业和市场都是资源的配置方式,企业在其边界内比市场节省了交易成本,赢得比较优势.企业的核心是企业家资源的利用,是企业家节省交易成本.培育和促进企业家成长是应对全球化市场竞争的主要任务和唯一手段.  相似文献   

刘军 《港口经济》2010,(4):25-27
本文从影响企业外包决策的成本收益因素出发,在交易成本理论的框架内分析了专业化分工、一体化经济、管理费用及市场结构等因素对企业交易费用与边界的作用机理,指出企业在利润最大化目标下的外包决策取决于上述因素对交易费用影响的相对大小。物流外包是专业化分工深化的结果,推动了企业间的竞争转向供应链之间的竞争,并使企业的边界日渐模糊。  相似文献   

一、前言 美国哈佛大学的迈克尔·波特提出,成本优势和技术优势是企业可能拥有的两大竞争优势,而现在企业恰好可以通过电子商务降低交易成本,在市场技术上占据优势,从而使企业获得竞争优势,在激烈的竞争市场上生存并且持续发展下去。企业家已经认识到电子商务对企  相似文献   

基于电子商务的逆向物流策略研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术和互联网的迅猛发展,电子商务得到了广泛应用,不仅改变了人们的消费方式和消费观念,还减少了交易成本,但随之而来的高退货率往往增加企业的成本.电子商务环境下的逆向物流则成为企业电子商务应用中的一个关键.文章结合当前经济回暖复苏的形式,提出了我国企业在新的经济形势下电子商务的逆向物流策略与发展建议.  相似文献   

文章定义了交易—治理总成本,利用制度变迁演化博弈分析和交易成本离散结构分析,对中国煤电交易的经济行为及边界选择的问题进行研究。研究结果表明:理论层面,煤炭企业和火力发电企业进行策略选择时,交易成本和治理成本是双方做出有效选择的基础;技术层面,煤、电企业在选择"购买"或"生产"的问题时,不仅要根据概率和成本等信息做出交易决策,还要根据企业的专用性资产现状,分析长期交易的成本节约问题;现实层面,当煤炭企业和火力发电企业的专用性资产发生变化时,随着制度变迁,策略选择会体现三种趋势,即市场制、混合制和层级制。并据此提出了相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

企业:生产成本和交易成本总和的节约   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
交易成本理论和团队生产理论分别从交易成本与生产成本的角度论证了企业的存在。本文通过列举一个生产成本和交易成本相互转换(即朝不同方向变化)的例子,来说明这两种理论都是片面的,并且试图在不同内涵企业起源理论基础上建立一种生产成本和交易成本总和节约导致企业存在的分析框架。  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the entry and exit of firms in a dynamic general equilibrium model with capital. At the firm level, there is a fixed cost combined with increasing marginal cost, which gives a standard U‐shaped cost curve with optimal firm size. Entry is determined by a free entry condition such that the cost of entry is equal to the present value of incumbent firms. The cost of entry (exit) depends on the flow of entry (exit). Equilibrium is saddle‐point stable and the stable manifold is two‐dimensional. Transitional dynamics can, under certain circumstances, be non‐monotonic.  相似文献   

This paper attempts to compare the effect of a corporate tax holiday with that of a subsidy on the behaviour of the individual firm. Assuming the subsidy equals the amount of tax paid by a firm operating under the subsidy system, we find that the firm's net profit will be greater under the tax holiday than under the subsidy regime. Similarly, if the subsidy exceeds the tax by an amount that would equalize the profits made by the (“marginal”) firm under the two regimes, then it is found that firms with higher than “average” unit costs would opt for the subsidy system; conversely, firms with a low cost structure would maximize profits by selecting the tax holiday. Finally, a multiperiod analysis of the particular choice facing prospective manufacturers in Ciskei, shows that the firm would normally choose the subsidy system except if the current tax exceeded the subsidy at the output level representing maximum profit under the tax holiday.  相似文献   

企业边界与虚拟组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对虚拟组织与企业边界的理解,认为企业边界与虚拟组织间存在着必然联系。企业边界缩小,导致虚拟组织的出现;而虚拟组织正是一系列企业边界小的企业所构成。同时指出,企业核心竞争力是企业边界与虚拟组织的同一决定因素。虚拟组织是围绕企业核心竞争力,在对企业最优边界合理界定的基础上构建的功能网络;而核心竞争力则决定了企业内部组织管理成本与外部市场交易成本的高低,并最终决定了企业的最优边界。  相似文献   

现代企业的经营理念已从生产导向转变为营销导向,企业的营销特征十分突出,建立具有营销特征的企业模型是当前企业理论的主要研究问题之一。通过对科斯的企业理论的现实性评价,以及交易成本与营销特征关系的分析,提出了营销导向企业的顾客感知价值解构模型,得到以顾客为中心、营销导向企业的产生条件是企业的营销制度结构,而不是企业的生产制度结构。  相似文献   

Firms have increasingly adopted open work environments. Although openness is thought to have benefits, it could also expose firms to an unanticipated cost. An open (closed) internal reporting environment makes it more (less) likely that managers will observe a colleague's communications with senior executives. This increase in what one manager knows about another manager's communication to senior executives could facilitate employee collusion to extract resources from the firm. To test whether internal reporting openness results in more collusion, we conduct an experiment in which two managers each make separate reports to the firm about cost information they know in common but that remains unknown by the firm. Because both managers face the same truth‐inducing contract, conventional economic theory predicts that they will not collude to misreport costs regardless of reporting openness. However, using behavioral theory involving trust and reciprocity, we predict and find that managers honor their nonbinding collusive agreements and successfully collude more often in an open versus closed internal reporting environment, leading to lower firm welfare in the open environment. These results suggest that firms should consider how the cost of collusion compares to the benefits of openness.  相似文献   


A good understanding of the nature of the firm is essential in developing corporate strategies, building corporate competitiveness, and establishing sound economic policy. Several theories have emerged on the nature of the firm: the neo-classical theory of the firm, the principal agency theory, the transaction cost theory, the property rights theory, the resource-based theory and the evolutionary theory. Each of these theories identify some elements that describe the nature of the firm, but no single theory is comprehensive enough to include all elements of the nature of the firm.

Economists began to seek a theory capable of describing the nature of the firm within a single, all-encompassing, coherent framework. We propose a unified theory of the firm, which encompasses all elements of the firm. We then evaluate performances of Korean firms from the unified theory of the firm perspective. Empirical evidences are promising in support of the integrative theory of the firm.  相似文献   

The internal market transaction and the external market transaction have quite different characteristics. The cost of internal market transaction is decided by the inspection cost within a firm, while the inspection cost is mainly decided by the rationality of procedures assessing simple labor in a firm and the fairness in fixing every coefficient.  相似文献   

董丽雅  吴忠培 《特区经济》2006,210(7):351-353
协调经济活动有不同的制度形式:经济理论主要关注通过价格机制这只“看不见的手”来进行的市场协调;组织理论则更注重通过等级制这只“看得见的手”来协调企业的内部行为,市场和企业被视为两种最重要的协调制度形式。但事实上,在市场和企业之间并不存在明确的界限,它们之间相互渗透,产生了复杂多样中间组织,正如威廉姆森所说,大量的交易是在中间组织中进行,中间组织才是普遍的形式。本文试图在探讨中间组织的内涵特征、性质等问题的基础上,用交易费用经济学的分析方法对其成因进行扩展分析。  相似文献   

We study the extent to which inter‐firm relationships are locally concentrated and what determines firm differences in geographic proximity to domestic or foreign suppliers and customers. From micro‐data on self‐reported customer and supplier data of firms in Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, we measure the distances between firm pairs, that is, the distance to the main supplier and the distance to the main customer for the surveyed firms. The distances to suppliers and customers are shorter for indigenous firms in these Southeast Asian countries; but the arm's length differs across countries. The distance between firm pairs differs widely across firms within narrowly defined industries and countries. We find that both firm‐level transaction costs and capabilities affect the distances between customers and suppliers. The distance to suppliers is longer for firms that have accepted guest engineers from the main supplier to maintain production processes. Further, we find that the distances to suppliers and customers are longer for firms that have undertaken organisational change or improved marketing practices.  相似文献   

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