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两年前,各大房企纷纷将总部迁到北京,引起媒体的广泛关注。两年过去了,不管今天的总部在何处,但业务经营范围却开始大规模向京外反向延伸,上演了大撤退的剧幕……  相似文献   

今年的全国两会上,房价问题成为代表们讨论和关注的热点,因此,关于房地产市场的未来趋势争论很激烈。谁也没有想到,阳春三月,楼市再次处于了拐点论的漩涡中。  相似文献   

素有齐鲁楼市第一展之称的青岛春季房展近日落下帷幕,70余家开发商携带100余个精品楼盘,接受了16万人次的检阅。虽然受到限购令等调控政策的影响,市内四区参展的住宅项目有所减少,但参会人数之多,还是出乎人们的想象。由于春季房展是青岛地区上半年惟一房展。因此也是判断今年市场走向的重要风向标。不限购引爆商业地产不限购、不限贷无疑是今年商业项目的最大卖点,春展上最出风头的开发企业之一算是万达集团。在现场,记者看  相似文献   

乐耀辉 《理财周刊》2006,(10):104-105
现如今,房地产市场真可谓风云际会,变幻无常。这边厢,国内开发商与调控政策斗智斗勇。那边厢,外资纷纷涌入内地房地产市场,进一步推高了内地的房价。  相似文献   

北京地产年度风云榜首创五榜评楼市:事件榜、英雄榜、品牌榜、名盘榜、潜力榜。五榜出击,完整品评年度楼市。七年来五榜为地产界提供了最权威、最全面的大事记、优秀企业、项目、人物……  相似文献   

回望2007年.住宅市场的日新月异多少有些让人始料未及,国内房地产市场呈现出的多样性,供不应求的矛盾.政策出台的频繁,众多元素构成了一年中住宅市场的跌宕起伏。在中  相似文献   

近两年来.女性购房者越来越多.日渐成为楼市中一道亮丽的风景。一个楼市“她时代”到来了。目前,上海楼市个人购房者比例占到了90%.而在这一群体中,女性购房者所占比重越来越大。  相似文献   

<正> 随着北京乃至全国范围的房地产萧条,开发商与投资者纷纷转向利润回报率更高的商业地产市场。自2008年开始,北京商业地产的供应量成倍增长,相应地,市场吸纳量也大幅提高,这从某种意义上而言,亦极大带动了京城商业地产市场  相似文献   

作为青岛每年在黄金时段举行的唯一地产盛会,春季房展对房地产市场的全年推广及销售将起到重要的引领作用。春季房展就像一棵消息树,一个风向标,一位引航者。房产新政推出、央行再次加息,对楼市产生着重大影响,那么青岛的房地产市场走势如何?作为山东省影响力最广、规模最大、效果最佳的品牌地产展会,第九届青岛春季房展将在今年的4月8日至10  相似文献   

2010年将是商业地产迎来前所未有的全新发展机遇的一年,政府提出扩大内需的方针,其关键是拉动居民消费,消费的对象是以商品流通和服务为主的第三产业,而它载体就是商业地产。有人说,过去的十年是中国房地产住宅产品蓬勃发展的黄金期,而未来的十年将属于商业地产。事实证明,众多开发企业也早已看到这一商机,以万科、金地为代表的中国实力地产企业纷纷在商业地产领域展开了新的征途。如果说企业看好商业地产是其拓展业务的前瞻性布局,那么土地市场配售的商业部分就是商业地产必然向上发展的助推器。可以预见的是,商业地产的开发和运营,对于开发商的专业素质和资源调配整合能力将提出新的考验,这也将成为新的市场环境下检验开发商综合实力的全新标准。  相似文献   

胡适  朱宏 《中国电子商务》2013,(18):45-46,48
基于位置的信息服务(LBS)要求在任何时间,任何地点,向有需要的人群提供正确的位置信息,因而在智能交通系统(ITS)中有着广泛的应用.传统的信息搜索方式是先对海量数据进行关键字检索,再对兴趣点进行逐个排除并得到最终结果,这种方式运算量大,检索结果复杂.方向限制的信息搜索通过对兴趣点建立新型索引,利用快速有效的剪枝技术结合关键字索引方法预先剪除大量不符合方向要求的数据,显著提升了搜索效率,为用户的出行提供更加便利的体验效果.  相似文献   

In a complete financial market we consider the discrete time hedging of the American option with a convex payoff. It is well known that for the perfect hedging the writer of the option must trade continuously in time, which is impossible in practice. In reality, the writer hedges only at some discrete time instants. The perfect hedging requires the knowledge of the partial derivative of the value function of the American option in the underlying asset, the explicit form of which is unknown in most cases of practical importance. Several approximation methods have been developed for the calculation of the value function of the American option. We claim in this paper that having at hand any uniform approximation of the American option value function at equidistant discrete rebalancing times it is possible to construct a discrete time hedging portfolio, the value process of which uniformly approximates the value process of the continuous time perfect delta‐hedging portfolio. We are able to estimate the corresponding discrete time hedging error that leads to a complete justification of our hedging method for nonincreasing convex payoff functions including the important case of the American put. This method is essentially based on a new type square integral estimate for the derivative of an arbitrary convex function recently found by Shashiashvili.  相似文献   

排队论在生产过程时间组织中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
陈庆宏  温渤 《北方经贸》2003,(11):92-93
文章结合生产过程时间组织中的具体问题 ,运用排队论的基本观点 ,分析研究了零件生产周期确定中应该考虑的加工时间、等待时间以及运输时间 ,为优化生产过程中的移动方式提供了数学依据。  相似文献   

沈扬 《国际市场》2006,(6):62-63
过去我们是只讲劳动只讲贡献不怎么讲休息和享受的,如今不同了,两者可以有所兼顾了。劳动自然是“人类存在”的先决条件和必要的内容,但倘然有劳无逸,有张无弛,那么“人类存在”同样无从谈起。所以文明社会对于人类权利的解读应当是全面而科学的,即人既有劳动的权利,也有休息的权利,而且这样的权利得到了法律的确认和保障。从这个意义上说,如今我们所处的时代,是劳动的时代,也是休闲的时代。  相似文献   

This paper offers a characterization of the content of production and consumption credit based on the Marxian circuit of capital and a distinctive approach to credit relations. All credit allocations make the same contribution to demand, sales and profit flows, and, consequently to the pace of accumulation. Production credit uniquely contributes to investment by borrowers. Consumption credit thus effects a form of leveraging of social capital, boosting profitability while strengthening productive constraints and financial risks bearing on credit relations. Systems with higher allocations of consumption credit experience lower scopes for growth‐enhancing credit extension, and face higher aggregate levels of credit risk than comparable economies.  相似文献   

This study is an analysis of the utility value of time. Time is viewed on a productivity continuum with activities that result in measurable products such as income or home sewing at one extreme of the continuum and activities such as sleep at the other extreme. The use of time by unemployed and employed heads of households was the basis for this analysis. Four measures of time were constructed to determine the amount of time spent in market, household, leisure and personal activities. Unemployed heads of households spent more time in household and leisure activities than employed heads. Assuming that household activities have productive value, time spent in child care, shopping, house cleaning, etc., were viewed as having utility value for the household. Thus, reallocated time had utility value for the household. In addition, it was found that a significant relationship existed between employment status and use of time, regardless of position on the productivity continuum. From this study comes a better understanding of how time is reallocated during unemployment so that the economic loss for the household as well as the economy can be minimized.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the first and the second fundamental theorems of asset pricing in the case of nonexploding financial markets, in which the excess‐returns from risky securities represent continuous semimartingales with absolutely continuous predictable characteristics. For such markets, the notions of “arbitrage” and “completeness” are characterized as properties of the distribution law of the excess‐returns. It is shown that any form of arbitrage is tantamount to guaranteed arbitrage, which leads to a somewhat stronger version of the first fundamental theorem. New proofs of the first and the second fundamental theorems, which rely exclusively on methods from stochastic analysis, are established.  相似文献   

Fenghuang (Chinese for phoenix), a small city under the jurisdiction of the Tujia Autonomous Prefecture of Hunan Province, borders northern Guizhou Province and eastern Chongqing Municipality. Surrounded by mountains and girdled by the Tuojiang River, this small, quiet city is famous for its beautiful landscape, and as birthplace of several celebrated Chinese personages.  相似文献   

赵伟 《大经贸》2011,(7):13-13
与浙江别的地区相比,温州实际遭遇着双重的"边缘化":一重是经济地理意义的,另一重则是体制上的。  相似文献   

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