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“打造未来娄底城市中央商务区CBD的地标性建筑,为娄底树立起自己的产权式酒店品牌,这是梦想,更是责任”在娄底市鹏泰房地产开发有限公司董事长毛友俭看来,素有“湘中明殊”之称的娄底为他施展才华、实现抱负提供了一个绝佳的舞台这位挺拔、儒雅的董事长和他年轻的公司正在演绎一个崭新的商业传奇。[编者按]  相似文献   

3月9日下午3时,厦门市建设与管理局房地产开发与物业管理处办公室内,我们见到了该处副处长邱永聪。两三分钟的简单寒暄过后,我们便进入正式采访。令我有些许诧异的是,他在接受采访的同时,也会拿笔记下我们所说的问题和其他地区的经验。而采访过程中,也多次听到他曾就行业内某些问题请教深圳、上海乃至新加坡的同行。尤其是一句“我们永远是业主”,更是道出了他为民办实事的心声。忽然觉得,厦门市有这样务实的主管领导,乃是行业之幸。  相似文献   

海一 《中国质量》2004,(4):25-26
由中国质量协会、全国用户委员会组织开展的2003年全国住宅用户满意度指数测评,日前已圆满完成.结果显示,我国住宅产业2003年用户满意度指数为64分,比2002年提高了0.7分.  相似文献   

他,以品质打造精品,以品质铸就品脾; 他,个性洒脱,却沉稳、低调,坦言“低调也是一种自信”。 他就是长沙东方城房地产开发有限公司总经理潘彩炼。 他肤色白哲,鼻梁上架着一幅明亮的眼镜,面带微笑,言谈中,语气随和,话语平实,有着职业经理人的精干,也让我们感受到他知识渊博的一面。潘彩炼是一个很健谈的人,他说的每一句话都很自然、亲切、不做作。在整个采访过程中,他始终段有离开工作,离开长房·星城世家。 “我希望长房·星城世家不仅仅是一个普通的楼盘,而是一个时代的作品,在这个概念泛滥的时代,作为开发商,我们更应该在品质上下功夫,给消费者送上一个满意的答案,我想这是我们的社会责任,我本来就是学工程建筑的,又从事了多年的设计工作,我认为,唯有品质,才是提升楼盘内在的关键因素”这是潘彩炼房地产开发的表述。[编者按]  相似文献   

刘文同志是河北金华升房地产开发有限公司的董事长。他曾经遇到过人生寒冷的冬季,但把困难视为发展的契机,曾经三次白手起家,却把生命看作熊熊燃烧的火焰。他将个人与崇高的社会责任联系在一起,凭借着自强不息的拼搏精神,创建了产值超千万规模的企业,走出了自己独特而又精彩的人生!  相似文献   

杨雅杰 《活力》2012,(16):17-18
日前,哈尔滨裕建房地产开发有限公司董事长李培忠先生对该公司投资开发的“富佳新天地”项目和公司独到的运营理念做了全面的解读,他其独具的“运动养生”地产理念,正是广大消费者所一直追求的生活梦想。那么,裕建地产到底是怎样的一家企业,能够如此地洞察生活的本质和房地产开发的真谛?这次记者对裕建地产李培中进行了专访,听取了他对裕建地产的企业文化、经营理念及公司愿景等方面深层次地诠释。  相似文献   

房地产开发建设工程项目的招标和投标,是指房地产开发商设定“开发建设项目”这一标的,邀请若干个建设单位进行秘密报价竞争,由房地产开发商从中选择优胜者、并与之达成协议、签订合同、按合同实施的法律行为。在招投标过程中,由于种种原因,会发生招标失败的情况,其中有因为招标人原因导致的,也有因为投标人原因导致招标失败的情况。本文论述由于招标人原因导致招标失败的民事责任问题。  相似文献   

在一般人眼中,房地产开发是高风险行业,而物业管理的风险不足挂齿,其实不然。正如王经纬文章中指出的,物业管理的责任主体较多,涉及的关系复杂,风险无处不在。因前期物业管理合同期限的不确定性,随时有可能被业主大会解聘,是企业首先要面对的风险;在招投标活动中考虑不慎,以及接管验收的不细致,都可能带来取得项目后收费不能维持正常经营、难以处理业主投诉等风险;在物业管理过程中,存在着对装修管理疏忽而导致火灾等事故发生而引发的风险;对物业管理区域内的安全防范以及停车场管理的风险近几年更是接连不断,在合同约定不明晰的情况下,  相似文献   

一个由200名农民创办的小水泥厂,经过20多年的发展.成为拥有净资产10亿元,经营生产回转窑水泥和高仿真纺织面料,兼营房地产开发、电线线缆制造的集团公司.特别是水泥生产上有了很大的发展,其生产的“立马”牌普通硅酸盐水泥在2002年3月荣获“国家免检产品”荣誉称号。那么立马控股集团股份有限公司是如何由小变大.最后变强的,又是如何保持“国家免检产品”荣誉称号的?日前本刊记者采访了立马控股集团股份有限公司董事长、总经理章树根。  相似文献   

Retail sales figures for February showed a fall of 0.5%, raising the possibility that the consumer recovery may be losing momentum. That would be consistent with our latest forecast, published in February's Economic Outlook, indicating a slowdown in consumer spending growth from the present rate of over 3% per annum to between 1 and 1.5%. In particular, our forecast of consumption growth for 1995 - 1.1% - is markedly lower than the consensus expectation of over 2%. In this Forecast Release, we look in more detail at the arguments for taking a cautious view of consumer prospects.  相似文献   

就当下而言,房产税不管以什么形式来征收,其承担的使命主要显然是灭火的功能远远大于完善整个房地产市场的税收体系。循此逻辑,首先可以肯定的是,热炒数年的物业税出台的可能性不大。  相似文献   

This survey discusses recent contributions to the quantitative literature on unsecured consumer debt and default, and some ongoing challenges for the literature. Key topics include the sources of the rise in personal bankruptcies, the importance of asymmetric information and the effects of developments in information technologies on consumer credit markets, delinquency and informal bankruptcy, debt collection and restructuring of distressed debt, the cyclical behavior of consumer debt and default, and the insurance role of household debt. Implications for welfare analysis and policy design are discussed. Several theoretical contributions and approaches to modeling the consumer credit markets are also highlighted.  相似文献   

When modeling demand for differentiated products, it is vital to adequately capture consumer taste heterogeneity, But there is no clearly preferred approach. Here, we compare the performance of six alternative models. Currently, the most popular are mixed logit (MIXL), particularly the version with normal mixing (N‐MIXL), and latent class (LC), which assumes discrete consumer types. Recently, several alternative models have been developed. The 'generalized multinomial logit' (G‐MNL) extends N‐MIXL by allowing for heterogeneity in the logit scale coefficient. Scale heterogeneity logit (S‐MNL) is a special case of G‐MNL with scale heterogeneity only. The 'mixed‐mixed' logit (MM‐MNL) assumes a discrete mixture‐of‐normals heterogeneity distribution. Finally, one can modify N‐MIXL by imposing theoretical sign constraints on vertical attributes. We call this 'T‐MIXL'. We find that none of these models dominates the others, but G‐MNL, MM‐MNL and T‐MIXL typically outperform the popular N‐MIXL and LC models. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the estimation of the distribution of non‐sequential search costs. We show that the search cost distribution is identified by combining data from multiple markets with common search technology but varying consumer valuations, firms' costs, and numbers of competitors. To exploit such data optimally, we provide a new method based on semi‐nonparametric estimation. We apply our method to a dataset of online prices for memory chips and find that the search cost density is essentially bimodal, such that a large fraction of consumers searches very little, whereas a smaller fraction searches a relatively large number of stores. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper examines the time-series and micro-econometric evidence on the relationship between stock and house prices and consumer spending. The time-series studies distinguish between short-run and long-run links between consumption, income and wealth. They allow us to identify which variables adjust to restore the long-run equilibrium in the case of a shock, and to determine the time taken by the adjustment process. The micro-econometric literature improves our understanding of the link between wealth and expenditure and distinguishes among the alternative hypotheses – of direct wealth effect, common causality and collateral channel – that have been proposed to explain this relationship. The relationship between wealth and consumer spending appears to be strong, but there is some disagreement as to its size and nature. Furthermore, there appear to be some important differences across countries, which should be allowed for by policy makers when appraising the policy implications of a change in asset prices.  相似文献   

The pharmaceutical industry, with few exceptions, is not permitted to advertise its products directly to consumers (DTCA). It is the author's opinion that DTCA should be allowed and encouraged and that it is only a matter of time before this happens. Support for this view comes from reviewing the substantial amount of research undertaken in this controversial area of health policy.  相似文献   

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