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This article presents the current market definition in the different electricity markets as applied by the Bundeskartellamt (Federal Cartel Office). The market definition has been modified recently due to an increasing intensity of competition. The main focus is on the definition of the relevant product and geographic markets at the end consumer level. Moreover, the article considers implications of the market definition for competition policy.  相似文献   

This article addresses the investment dilemma in the area of power generation, which in insufficiently designed, liberalized power markets leads macroeconomically to undesirably low levels of energy supply security. The prime causes for this dilemma in the German power market are rooted first in damages for suppliers which are limited in cases of generation capacity-induced power failures and second in the time delay between the final trading opportunity and the actual power delivery. The latter inhibits the ability to individually balance unexpected changes in rates of power generation and discharge at any time. Furthermore, the following factors contribute to an intensification of the dilemma: insufficient end user participation in the wholesale market, a lack of single end user cut-off options, as well as time lags in the construction of generation capacities combined with various market uncertainties. Potential approaches to a sustainable improvement of supply security include on the one hand an increase in liquidity of intraday trading to align market clearing and power delivery as closely as possible. The promotion of direct marketing for renewable energy along with other strategies will lead to such an improvement. On the other hand, end users’ utilization of smart meters should be enhanced. Thus, peak load could be moderated and allows for the inclusion of end users’ willingness to pay into the wholesale market.  相似文献   

The German Federal Government wants to establish Germany as a leading market for electric mobility. Potential environmental benefits and changes in the economic framework conditions of the energy sector are described in this paper. In order to quantify the electricity split which is actually used for charging electric vehicles, two economic models for the energy sector, a model for the market penetration of electric vehicles, a vehicle model and an LCA model are brought together. Based on an assumed dynamic increase of electric vehicles to 12 million in 2030, an additional electricity demand of about 18 TWh is calculated. If the vehicles are charged directly after their last daily trip, the peak load increases by 12%—despite the small increase in electricity demand. First model calculations for the development of the European power generation system show that the direct impact on the construction of new power plants remains low even until 2030. An impact of electric mobility on CO2 certificate prices can only be seen from 2025 onwards and is limited to an increase in certificate prices by a maximum of 8 % in 2030. An optimisation is possible with intelligent charging strategies: The peak load without demand side management can be reduced by 5 GW and about 600 GWh of additional wind energy can used which would otherwise have been throttled due to feed-in management—about 3.5 % of the total electricity demand of electric vehicles. On the other hand, demand side management leads to more coal power plants instead of gas power plants being used to meet the additional electricity demand. If additional renewable sources are installed along with demand side management, the electricity for electric vehicles is almost carbon free. This is also reflected in the life cycle balance of electric vehicles which also includes vehicle and battery production: With today’s average electricity split in Germany, the greenhouse gas emissions of electric vehicles are about comparable to vehicles with conventional combustion engines. However, the electricity split in 2030 or the use of additional renewable energy sources lead to a significant advantage in the greenhouse gas balance.  相似文献   

Business models are essential tools for understanding and creating the logic of a company’s business including all relevant stakeholders’ activities. Despite the knowledge of the organic-systematic interdependencies from companies with other stakeholders, business models of the energy economy primarily aim to transfer their value propositions via revenue streams into economical value. This article provides solutions for theoretical and practical extensions of business models for energy storaging to ensure they are sustainable in the future. Sufficiency-oriented energy storage business models are described as a sustainable framework.  相似文献   

Many consumers currently follow the idea of energy self-sufficiency and try to contribute to meet their energy needs in order to become independent and self-sufficient from the central power supply system. In order to achieve load-oriented energy self-sufficiency the provision of energy must cover the full energy demand at any time. Against this background, in this paper the costs and potentials of a load-oriented energy self-sufficiency of single-family homes are analysed. Thereby it is differentiated between electricity-, heat- and energy self-sufficiency. The modelling is carried out with the simulation environment ?Polysun Designer“ which allows a high temporal dynamic simulation of the annual energy demand and supply.The results show that, within the investigated supply variations, the highest levels of energy self-sufficiency can be achieved by an energy supply system completely based on electricity using a combination of PV; heat pump and battery storage. Depending on the building standard, a maximum of 45 (existing buildings) and 71?% (new buildings) of the building’s energy demand can be covered with renewable energy. The economic evaluation however has shown that under present conditions, none of the investigated supply variants can compete with conventional energy supply (public grid connection + gas condensing boiler).  相似文献   

Several market initiatives within Europe aim at implementing flow-based methods for capacity allocation. Compared to the common transaction-based methods, these new methods are supposed to lead to an improved utilisation of cross-border capacities. In order to quantify the implications, a model for the coupled consideration of the power plant dispatch and the resulting load flows in the transmission system was developed. By means of detailed data of the Central Western European region the model was used to highlight the advantages of a flow-based allocation. Due to the more accurate mapping of the actual flows within the algorithm, the trade volume can be increased significantly leading to an enhanced convergence of the single market prices. However, the involved market players do not benefit in the same way from the trading possibilities in the presented case. The algorithm does not send direct economic signals regarding the profitability of different locations of power plants because of the required simplifications in the practical implementation. But the system-wide impact of the input in a certain location can be evaluated and therefore also be controlled where appropriate.  相似文献   

In Germany heat dissipation of subsea cables for power transmission from offshore wind farms into the sea floor is regulated. The precautionary value to be adhered to is a maximum temperature increase of 2?K in 20 to 30?cm sea bed depth. Such a temperature increase is defined by a number of influencing factors and boundary conditions and is extremely difficult to physically measure. Thus the purpose of this paper is to simulate the heat generation of DC submarine cables and the dissipation into the surrounding sea floor using the Finite Element Method (FEM). Herewith crucial parameters and influencing factors can be identified. The results show that the strongest influencing factors on the sediment temperature in 20 to 30?cm sea floor depth are the average load or longer-term preload of the cable, the burial depth and the thermal resistance of the sediment. Overall, during standard operation of wind farms and the corresponding cable systems the 2?K limit is adhered to safely. In general, this also applies to special wind and load situations.  相似文献   

The implementation of smart meters in German households by 2032 is a major step in the transition towards an intelligent and connected energy system. Despite of federal legislation providing a structured plan for the nationwide smart meter rollout including basic product requirements, actors within the energy market have the opportunity to take an active part in shaping the market through appealing product offers and hence to create competitive advantage. This study identifies relevant features of smart meters from literature und business practice, and measures customer’s preferences for these features. Results indicate predominantly positive customer evaluations of smart meter features, amongst which the availability of consumption data, the installation price and rental charges as well as time variable tariffs contribute most to overall utility of smart meters. Finally, findings suggest targeting customers by defining strategies to address privacy concerns, to educate about saving potentials as well as to create differentiated pricing schemes.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development of the design and technology component of the National Curriculum of England and Wales from its inception in 1988 to its current form in 1995 and the influence of the Nuffield Design and Technology Project in this process. The paper discusses the Nuffield approach to four important issues – breadth and balance, continuity and progression, differentiation and clarity of content. The paper discusses the role of the teacher and identifies four important features required for successful teaching. The paper describes the work of the Project in providing continual professional development for design and technology teachers including the work of area field officers to support teachers who are using the Project publications. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cogeneration is a promising technology in the energy transition amongst other things in view of its energy efficiency and its broad applicability in the household, tertiary and industry sectors. For the promotion of cogeneration technologies, support schemes are in place in German energy policy. Amongst other things the Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Act serves as the main instrument for the promotion since 2002. In the new version of the CHP Act of 2016 the German Federal Government strives towards a more market-oriented design resulting in significant amendments featuring inter alia a highly case-dependent tariff design with modified levels and durations of remuneration. It is therefore the aim of the present study to assess these modifications with respect to technical, economic and ecological aspects in a model-based approach by means of selected use cases at different levels of spatial aggregation for residential buildings. Results point to an economic advantageousness for cases of the medium energy consumption level (streets and blocks of houses) under the new regime as well as the reversal of this attractiveness for objects of high consumption (neighbourhoods, districts). Particularly, CHP plants tend be dimensioned comparatively smaller with a greater number of full-load hours under the new regime. Furthermore, implications with regard to technical and ecological aspects are shown in this contribution.  相似文献   

An intelligent coupling of the power and the heat sector offers huge possibilities for the integration of electric energy from fluctuating, renewable energies. In this regard heat pumps depict a highly efficient way of power-heat-coupling. However, for a pool of heat pumps this potential can only be exploited effectively with a suitable control methodology. Such a control methodology makes it possible to enforce – depending on the specific case of application – a system-compatible behavior of the pool of heat pumps. In this respect a decentralized control approach offers a higher scalability compared with a centralized control approach. Thus a decentralized control approach based on game-theoretic methods is developed and presented here. For this purpose three game-theoretic optimization algorithms are examined. Their performance is analyzed and evaluated for two specific cases of application (reduction of peak load and tracking of a predefined load profile) by means of simulation. The results of both case studies illustrate, that game-theoretic control is easily applicable and can effectively be used to control a pool of heat pumps. Furthermore the developed control methodology can principally be adapted and utilized for all other electric loads with inherent storage functionality.  相似文献   

The teacher plays an important role in the Technology and Design (T&D) classroom in terms of guiding students in their design process. By using concepts developed within engineering philosophy along with a framework for teacher–student interactions the design process in a T&D classroom is classified. The material shows that four of six predefined categories of design knowledge and three of seven predefined classes of activity are present in the material. Findings suggest that two categories of design knowledge, fundamental design concepts and practical considerations, are particularly significant in the students’ work. The teacher’s influence with respect to particularly the first of these categories is crucial for the students’ design process. Direct trial is found as the students’ dominating activity for solving the technological challenges. The results indicate that it is beneficial for students to be introduced to an operational principle before they can be innovative and develop their own design configuration when they establish their fundamental design concept. Curriculum developers, designers of teaching materials as well as teachers should take into account the students’ need of sufficient time to explore their design configuration.  相似文献   

The main goal of the present study was to provide insights into how disciplinary expertise might be infused into Design and Technology classrooms and how authentic processes based on professional design practices might be constructed. We describe elementary students’ collaborative lamp designing process, where the leadership was provided by a professional designer. The video-recorded lessons on lamp designing and the “Lamp Designing” view of the project’s database constituted the data sources of the study. A data-driven qualitative content analysis was conducted for categorizing the scaffolding activities of the designer. The results indicate that the designer’s participation opened up the world of designing for the students. This enabled the students to engage in embodied design practices, and to gain new insights of the professional mechanisms of designing. Having the professional designer working with them, provided students with the opportunity to gain the full potential that solving complex design problems can offer to learning.  相似文献   

China School Wear "Safety and Stan- dards" Summit Forum, held on Oct. 25th in Ningbo International Conference & Exhibition Center during the 18th Ningbo International Fashion Festival, made discussion on current safety standards of elementary and secondary school wear, including the safety standards of fabrics, accessories, technology, style design and structural design. The distinguished guests attending the Forum included: Sun Jianming, president of Party Commit- tee in Ningbo Municipal Commission of Education, Chen Jincai, vice chairman of The Sub-Council of Schools Logistics Equipment Management, China Educational Equipment Industry Association, Wang Fu, president of China Educational Equipment Industry Association, Wu Ying, director of comprehensive labora- tory of Educational Equipment Research & Development Center, Ministry of Edu- cation, and Ruan Lifang, the committee member of Technical Committee 219 on Garment of Standardization Administra- tion of China and senior engineer of Zhe- jiang Provincial Fiber Inspection Bureau.  相似文献   

The model of temporary disconnection of renewable energy in case of high energy injection and low demand is thought to be an effective method for reducing investments in electricity networks. However, plant owners need to be reimbursed for foregone sales. According to the currently discussed draft of the Amendment of the German Incentive Regulation Ordinance, these costs can be rolled over to the consumer on a yearly basis, but are part of the cost benchmark with their base year values. This paper shows that this model sets incentives for optimal investments in electricity networks, but violates the participation constraint: Net operators will be exposed to a severe risk of worsening their position in the cost benchmark. In expectation, they will generate losses and investors have no incentive to invest in electricity networks. This problem can be solved by allowing net operators to roll over costs to customers, while considering average reimbursement fees in the cost benchmark.  相似文献   

This essay attempts to demarcate the industrial practice of product design and situate it in the context of academic research. The term product design presents definitional challenges, as it is used in practice in different ways, and even varies in usage regionally. For this article, product design is “conceiving and giving form to goods and services that address needs.” The activity of product design can be thought of as comprising several key decisions. Because the decisions of product design do not map cleanly to any one academic discipline, the subject has not garnered enough attention in any one field to develop fully its own academic identity. Scholarly research in product design has often been cultivated by the emergence of a methodological paradigm. While several such paradigms are in use, several others offer substantial promise.  相似文献   

Wind power takes a leading role among the renewable energy sources. Whereas in offshore wind power utilization large technical challenges still need to be tackled for commercial exploitation, the replacement of obsolete plants (repowering) in the onshore sector provides an interesting alternative. This paper first provides an overview of the technical, legal and social development concerning wind power utilization in general, and repowering in particular, in Germany. In a next step, by means of model-based analysis, the technical potential for wind power by means of repowering is determined. The theoretical potential is valuated against social aspects. Due to the large heterogeneity of candidate sites for repowering, general potential studies are not suitable for concrete investment decisions. Instead, a detailed economic feasibility study is required. In our study, we performed scenario analysis, also taking into account the repowering-specific risks. The parameter values varied are those for the quality of the site, the size of the wind park, and the age of the wind turbines to be replaced. Finally, we discuss the results and provide an outlook on the development of repowering in light of the novelized EEG. We find that, until now, the repowering potential could not be fully exploited. An intensified realization of repowering projects in the coming years can be expected, due to the technical potential, simplifications in the commissioning process, rising acceptance on the side of the communities due to changes in the tax legislation and, above all, thanks to the incentives for almost all onshore wind parks.  相似文献   

Over the last years, proposals for the implementation of capacity mechanisms in Germany have been published. However, some basic questions have not been answered yet: regarding the need for capacities, the functioning of the energy-only-market and the objective and type of a possible capacity mechanism. The actual need for capacities is an important input factor for capacity mechanisms and crucial to determine whether these are required. Currently, uncertainties prevail due to differing assumptions regarding the capacity credits of renewables and other capacities. Existing studies show highly diverse estimates for capacity needs after 2020. It is also unclear whether the energy-only-market can provide sufficient investment incentives. The current low prices cannot be interpreted as a sign for market failure. They represent overcapacities due to European integration and increasing renewable shares. The mid-term effects of increasing renewable shares on electricity prices still need to be analyzed in detail. At last, the objective of a capacity mechanism is not clear in the German context. This makes the selection of an adequate capacity mechanism and an effective market design more complicated. Furthermore, effects on the energy market need to be considered. Parameterization errors can be expensive. Also, capacity mechanisms do not necessarily guarantee higher investment security. As a consequence, the authors advise against the prompt introduction of a capacity mechanism, especially as the new EnWG guarantees the operation of system-relevant power plants until 2017. Instead, an incremental improvement of the energy-only market and in-depth analysis of the described questions seam necessary.  相似文献   

Aiming the stabilisation of the CO2 concentration in the atmosphere at 450 ppm, a strong climate policy in the EU-27 will be required. Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) and the building up of a CO2 pipeline system will be one option to avoid climate change. The analysis of the potential CO2 storage options in Europe shows a huge potential in the North Sea and their neighbouring countries and only less potentials in the southern European countries. A scenario analysis using the European energy system model TIMES PanEU shows that the installation of CO2 transport pipelines for cross boarder exchange of CO2 from power plants located next to the boarder could be one possible infrastructure solution. This solution is a cost efficient option which will be used mainly by the North Sea neighbouring countries (Germany, UK, the Netherlands, Denmark) and Poland. A central pipeline grid in the North Sea for the usage of huge storage options like the Utsira formation will be important in the future for countries with limited CO2 storage capacities (like Belgium or the Netherlands). If cheap storage options like onshore Aquifers are not available, the design of central CO2 pipeline grids has a strong impact on the power plant structure, the electricity and CO2 certificate price. Based on a limited availability of onshore CO2 storages the electricity price will increase by up to 16 € 2007/MWh and the CO2-certificate price will rise by additional 35 € 2007/t CO2 in 2050.  相似文献   

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