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 共查询到20条相似文献,搜索用时 9 毫秒
Book reviewed in this article: Allen, J. and L. McDowell, 1989: Landlords and property; social relations in the private rented sector. Brake, K. 1988: Phönix in der Asche - New York verändert seine Stadtstruktur. Bratt, R. 1989: Rebuilding a low-income housing policy. Castells, M. 1989: The informational city. Chase-Dunn, C. 1989: Global formation: structures of the world-economy. Coleman, W. and H. Jacek (eds) 1989: Regionalism, business interests and public policy Damer, S. 1989: From Moorepark to Wine Alley - The rise and fall of a Glasgow housing estate. Gottdiener, M. and N. Komninos (eds), 1989: Capitalist development and crisis theory: accumulation, regulation and spatial restructuring. Hardoy, J. and D. Satterthwaite, 1989: Squatter citizen: life in the urban third world. Hirson, B. 1989: Yours from the Union: class and community struggles in South Africa 1930–1947. Lai, B.B. 1990: The romance of culture in an urban civilization: Robert E. Park on race and ethnic relations in cities. Mackenzie, S. 1969: Visible histories: women and environments in a post-war British city. Maguire, M. 1990: Work, employment and new technology: a case study of multinational investment in Northern Ireland. Montgomery, J. and Å. Thornley (eds), 1990: Radical planning initiatives: new directions for urban planning in the 1990s. Pennington, S. and B. Westover, 1989: A hidden workforce: homeworkers in England, 1850–1985. Prigge, W. and W. Kaib (eds), 1988: Sozialer Wohnungsbau im internationalen Vergleich. Schultz, S.K. 1989: Constructing urban culture: American cities and city planning, 1800–1920. Slater, D. 1989: Territory and state power in Latin America: the Peruvian case. Stewart, J. and G. Stoker (eds) 1989: The future of local government. Ward, D. 1989: Poverty, ethnicity, and the American city, 1840–1925: changing conceptions of the slum and the ghetto.  相似文献   

THE SOCIAL OF BARGAINING: by Ian Morley and Geoffrey Stephenson , George Allen UNION GROWTH AND TIE BUSINESS CYCLE, AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS: by George Sayers Bain and Farouk Elsheikh . b  相似文献   

Book Reviewed in this article: Stimulating Innovation: a systems approach Changes in Working Time: an international review Unions, Unemployment and Innovation Militant Managers? Sons of the Machine: Case Studies of Social Change in the Workplace  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
McGoldrick, Ann. E. and Cooper, Cary L. Early Retirement.
Bryman, Alan (Ed.), Doing Research in Organizations.
Menzies-Lyth, Isabel. Containing Anxiety in Institutions. Selected Essays.
Marginson, P., Edwards, P. K., Martin, R., Purcell, J. and Sisson, K. Beyond the Workplace.
Ferner, Anthony. Governments, Managers and Industrial Relations: Public enterprises and their political environment.  相似文献   

《Economic Affairs》1986,6(6):61-64
Book reviews in this article:
THE RED PRUSSIAN Leopold Schwarzschild
THE SAUDI ARABIAN ECONOMY Ali D Johany, Mischel Berne and J Wilson-Mixon Jr
THE LIMITATION OF CONFLICT: A Theory of Bargaining and Negotiation L.N. Rongarajan
OFFSHORE LANDS Oil and Gas Leasing and Conservation on the Outer Continental Shelf Walter Mead, Asbjorn Moseidjord, Dennis Muraoka and Philip Sorensen  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Price Theory and Price Control. By M. A. C. van M eerhaeghe
Introduction to Price Theory. By M icha G isser
Price Theory and Applications in Business Administration . By W. D avid M axwell
Personnel Management. Ed. by D. E. M c F arla
Minpower Planning - The Management of Human Resources . By G arexh S tainer
Training in Industry & Commerce. By E. J. S inger
T-Groups - A Survey of Research. Ed. by C. L. C ooper and I. L. M angham
Motivation and Control in Organizations. Ed . by G. W. D alton and P. R. L awrence
Organizational Structure and Design. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and J. W. L orsch
Organisational Change and Development. Ed. by G. W. D alton , P. R. L awrence and L. E. G reiner
Writers on Organisatons . By D. S. P ugh , D. J. H ickson and C. R. H inings
The Management of Northern Ireland Industy . By J ames B ates and M aeve B ell
Civil Engineering Management . By J ames M. A ntill  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Brown, C. V. Taxation and the Incentive to Work London
Schoemaker, Paul J. H. Experiments on Decisions under Risk
Bush, Tony, Glatter, Ron, Goodey, Jane and Riches, Colin (Eds.) Approaches to School Management London
Checkland, Peter Systems Thinking, Systems Practice Chichester
Hood, Christopher and Dunsire, Andrew Bureaumetrics Farnborough
Hill, S. Competition and Control at Work
Hage, Jerald Theories of Organizations
Esland, Geoff and Salaman, Graeme (Eds.). The Politics of Work and Occupations Milton Keynes
Van Dijkhuizen, N. From Stressors to Strains Amsterdam
Boydell, Tom and Pedler, Mike (Eds.) Management Self-Development
Bennett, Roger Managing Personnel and Performance London  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Suzuki, Y. Japanese Managmnt Structures, 1920–80.
Bradley K,. and Taylors, Business Performance in the Retail Sector: Experience of the John Lewis Partnership.
Haspeslagph P. E. and Jemison, D. B. Managing Acquisitions: Creating Value Through Corporate Renewal.
Arnold J. Robertson I. T. and Cooper. C. L. Work Psychology: Understanding Human Behaviour in the Workplace.
Smith, M. (Ed.). Analysing Organisational Behaviour.
Ewing K. D. The Right to Strike.
Witt S. F., Brooke M. Z. and Buckley. P. J. The Management of International Tourism.
Blyton P. and Morris. J., (Eds.). A Flexible Future: Prospects for Employment and Organization.
Diacogiannis, G. and de Souza, E. Lotus 1-2-3 for Finance and Business: A Practical Guide.
Legge, K. Clegg C,. W. and Kemp N. J. (Eds.), Information Technology, People and Organizations.  相似文献   

Book Review in This Article.
FINANCE Financial Reporting in Japan . By R obert J. B allon , I wao T omita and H ajime U sami
INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Developing Social Skills in Managers, Advances in Group Training . Edited by C ary L. C ooper
Social Psychology of Collective Bargaining and Negotiation . By J effrey Z. R ubin and B ert R. B rown
Trade Unions and Pressure Group Politics . By T imothy C. M ay
ECONOMICS Theoy of the Firm . By M. A. Crew
Theory of the Firm . By C. J. H awkins
The Theoy of the Firm . By P. J. C urwen
Modern Managerial Economics . By B. L owes and J. R. S parkes
Managerial Economics . By P. J. C urwen
Introduction to Process Economics . By F. A. H olland , F. A. W atson and J. K. W ilkinson
An Introductiun to Industrial Economics . By P. J. D evine , R. M. J ones , N. L ee and W. J. T yson
Industrial Organization . By K. D. G eorge
The Strategy and Structure of British Enterprise . By D. F. C hannon
The Economic System . By S. L etchford
Economic Policy . By P. J. C urwen and A. H. F owler
An Introduction to Applied Economics . By G. D ouglas V aughan
Disequilibrium Economics . By J. van D oorn
STRUCTURE AND SYSTEMS OF ORGANIZATION Effective Behavior in Organizations . By A. R. C ohen et al .
Behavior in Organizations . By L. W. P orter et al.
Organization Design . By D erek N ewman
Organization and Bureaucracy . By N icos P. M ouzelis
ORGANIZATION The Government of Business . By R. E. T homas
The Sociology of Organizations . By A ngela B owey
A Critical Introduction to Organization Theory . By B runo L ussato
Readings in Organizations . Edited by J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly
Organizations . By J. L. G ibson , J. M. I vancevich and J. H. D onnelly  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Consumer Product Development . By R oderick W hite
Marketing New Industrial Products . By M ichael J. B aker
Effective Marketing logistic . By G raham B uxton
Legal Aspects of Marketing . By J ohn L ivermore
Ofensive Marketing . By J. H. D avidson
Economics and Transport Polig . By K. W. G william and P. J. M ackie
The Management of Urban Public Transport . By P. J. H ovell , W. H. J ones and A. J. M oran  相似文献   

COMMUNICATIONS The Art of Communication. By A. C. Leyton The Speech Writing Guide. By James J. Welsh A Manager's Guide to Speaking and Listening. By J. Campbell Connelly Impromptu Speaking. By Vera Gough , Second Edition Towards Efficiency in Reading. G. Wainwright How to Use the Case Study in Training for Decision Making. By David R. Willings Case Studies in Marketing Finance and Control. By Michael Ivens and Frank Broadway CHURCH MANAGEMENT Ministry and Management. By Peter F. Rudge ECONOMICS Investments for Capacity Expansion: Size, Location and Time Phasing. Studies in the Economic Development of India. By Alan S. Manne Mathematical Reasoning in Economics and Management Science: Twelve Topics. By J. C. G. Boot Price Policies and Practices. A. Source Book of Readings. By Donald F. Mulvihill and Stephen Paranka INDUSTRIAL DEMOCRACY Industrial Democracy: The Sociology of Participation By Paul Blumberg Industrial Democracy and Industrial Management. By Eric Rhenman INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS Industrial Relations, Comparative Aspects with particular reference to Ireland. By George F. Daly Labour Management Relations in India. By K. N. Subramanian Personnel Management in Context. By Anne Crichton Social Services in British Industry. By A. F. Young Trade Unions. By Allan Flanders INDUSTRIAL SECURITY Design for Security. By Richard J. Healy RACE RELATIONS Immigrants in Industry. By Sheila Patterson The Coloured Worker in British Industry, By Peter L. Wright RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT Innovation for Profit Uncertainty in Research Management and New Product Development. Edited by Raymond M. Hainer , Sherman Kingsbury and David B. Gleicher Handbook of Industrial Research Management. Edited by Carl Heyel , 2nd Edition SOCIOLOGY The Affluent Worker: Industrial Attitudes and Behaviour. I. By John H. Goldthorpe , David Lockwood , Frank Bechnofer , Jennifer Platt The Affluent Worker: Political Attitudes and Behaviour. 2. By John H. Goldthorpe , David Lockwood , Frank Bechnofer , Jennifer Platt The Sociology of Industry. By S. R. Parker , R. K. Brown , J. Child M. A. Smith STATISTICS Calculus for Students of Business and Management. By Bevan K. Youse and Ashford W. Stalnaker Mathematics for Accountants and Managers. By R. F. J. Dewhurst Introducing Statistics: Statistics for the social scientist, Vol. 1. By K. A. Yeomans Applied Statistics: Statistics for the social scientist. Vol. 2. By K. A. Yeomans  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article: ACCOUNTING Accounting and Analytical Metbods. By Richard Mattessich Accounting for Management. By Eric L. Kohler Accounting for Management Analysis. By David H. LI. Accounting for Industrial Management. By Roy Sidebotham Case Strudies: Pillars of Management Accounting Series, Vol.4. By E. D. C. Evans Topics in Business finance and Accounting By J. W. BFJWETT, J. McB. Grant and R. H. PARKER The Mathematics of Money By H. Jones MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION The Managing of Organization. Volumes I and 2. By BERTRAMM GROSS Men, Management and Morality. By ROBERT GOLEMBlEWSKI Glacier Project Paprs By WILFRED BROWN and ELLIOTT JAQUES PROFESSIONAL WORKERS The Qualifying Associations: A Stdy in Profcssionalization. By GEOFFREY MILLERSON Professional Employees: A Stndy of Scientists and Engneers. By KENNETH PRANDY GENERAL MANAGEMENT Management -Organisation and Practice. By FRANKLING MOORE Administrative Action -the Techips of Organisation and Manugemnt. By WILLIAM H. NEWMAN Organisation for Profit - Management for the Age of Tecbnohogy. By GERALD G. FISCH Elements of Manugmal Action. By MICHAEL J. JUCRUS and WILLIAM E. SCHLENDER Principlees of Organisation and Management (Second Edition). By HENRY H. ALKERS The Maaugemen of Improvement: Concepts, Organisation and Strategy. By ROBERT N. LEHRER INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS IndustriaI Relations in Engineering. By ARTHUR MARSH MANAGEMENT EDUCATION Management Education in Five European Cosntries. By T. M. MOSSON Management Education in Belgiumm. By G. A. G. Ormsby Management Recrsaitment and Development. DECISION THEORY Decision and Value Theory. By P. C. FISHBURN The Theory of Decision Making. By W. SADOWSKI Management Sciences in the Emerging Nations. Ed. by NORMANN. N. BARISH and MICHEL VERHULST Plnning and theExecution OfEconomic Development. By LOUIS J. WALINSKY MANPOWER DEVELOPMENT Manpower Deveslopment. By ELIASH PORTER  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
Efficiancy and uplift. By SAMUEL HABER
Multiproducts ltd. By LILS DLEIN
The Dynamics of a changing technology. By PETER J. FENSHAM and Douglas HOOPER
The Law of Restrictive Practices and Resale Prce Maintenance , (2nd edition). By JEREMY LEVER
Thc Restrictive Practoces court, A Study of the Judicial process and Economic PoIicy . By R. B. STEVEN and B. S. YAMEY
Resale Price Maintenance . By IAN. MACDONALD
Resale Prices Act 1964.
Restrictive Tradng Agreements in the Common Market , Texts and Com- mentaries. By A m CAMPBELL
Modles for Decision . By C M. BERNERS-LEE (Ed.).
Science and the Manager . By R. W.REVANS
Scientific Metbod in Production Management . By G. R. GEDYE
Conceptual Foundations of Bnsiness Rcsearcb . By PAUL. H. RIGER
New Thinking in Management, A Guide for Magagement . By F. DE F. HANIKA
The Dynamics of Research and Development . By EDWARDB. ROBERTS
Managemmt Uses of Rcsearch and Development . By WARRENt. LOTHROP
Management for Research and Development . By H. A. CoLLINSON
The Efficiency Experts . An imparsial study Management Consdtancy. By LAURA TATHAM
Science in Marketing . GEORGE SCHWARTZ
Models, Measwremen & Marketing . PETER LANGHOFF
Marketing in Action . SHULTZE and MAZZE
Cases In Marketing Management . By EDWARDC C. BURSK
International Marketing . By JOHN FATERWEATHER
InternationalBusiness Magagement, Reading and Cass . By JOHN S. EWING and FRANK MEISSNER
Management of the Adwertisibg Function . By ALFRED R. OXENPELoT and CARROLL SWAN
Thrusters and Slepers. A study of Attitudes in Indusurial Management . P.E.P.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Sociai Psychoology of Work . By M ichael A rgyle
Perceptions of Work . By H. B eynon and R. M. B lackburn
The Receding Ideal . By G. D. N ewbould and A. S. J ackson
Six Approaches to the Person . By R alph R uddock
Mathematics for Managers . By A. F letcher and G. C larke
Modern Mathematics . By K. W illiams
Calculus – A Short Course . By M ichael G emignani
Winkler on Marketing Planning . By J ohn W inkler
Planning for Products and Markets . By D ouglas W. F oster
Marketing Management . By H arper W. B oyd J r . and W illiam F. M assy
Integrated Marketing . By B. G. S. J ames
Marketing Logistics and distribution Planning . Ed. by M artin C hristopher and G ordon W ills
How To Do Business in Branded Goods . By E ric A. G. M organ
Profit From Figures; A Manager's Guide to Statistical Methods . By C yril J. A nson
Statistical Analysis for Business; A Conceptual Approach . By L ee H. S mith and D onald R. W illiams
Statistical Methods for Business Decisions . By C harles T. C lark and L awrence L. S chkade
Sources of Economic and Business Statistics . By Bernard Edwards
Guidance, Selection and Training - Ideas and Applications . By P eter C. M orea
Managing the Training Function - U sing Instructional Technology and Systems Concepts . By C hristopher G ane
Performance Appraisal in Management . By M. R. W illiams
Management Controls in Action . By W illiam M urray
Productivity Committee Development Division 1970
Personal and Organkational Effectiveness . By R ichard H acon
The Reality of Organisations . By R osemary S tewart
Organisational Desip . By P eter A. C lark
The Study of Organisations . By D avid D unkerley
The Applicability of Organisationaal Sociology . By C hris A rgyris  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
The Corporate Economy: Growth, Competition and Innovative Potential . Edited by R obin M arris and A drian M ood
The Juggernants . By G raham B annock
Acquisitions and Mergers in Canada . By D esmond B. M orin and W arren C hidpindale
The Pure Theory of International Trade and Investment . By M urray C. K ehid
Labour Markets Under Different Employment Conditions . By D. I. M ackay , D. B oddy , J. B rack , J. A. D iack and N. J ones
Labour Market Economics: A Short Survey of Recent Theory . By J. C orina
Managing the Multinational Enterprise. Organisation of the Firm and Ownership of the Subsidiaries . By J ohn M. S topford and L ouis T. W ells , J r .
The Multinational Company in Europe. Some Key Problems . Edited by M ichael Z. B rooke and H. L ee R emmers
The Rise and Decline of Small Firms . By J. B oswell
Small Businesses: How they survive . By P. C larke
Business in Britain . By G raham T urner
The Economic Theory of Medium and Small Industries in Japan . By N oboru I naba  相似文献   

Book review in this Article
Quinn, J. B. Intelligent Entreprise.
Clark, P. and Staunton, N. Innovation In Technology and Organization.
Milgrom, P. and Roberts, J. Economics, Organization and Management.
Brewster, C., Hegewisch, A., Holden, L. and Lockhart, T. (Eds.). The European Human Resource Management Guide.
Morgan, G. Imaginization: the Art of Creative Management.
Durlabhji, S. and Marks, N. E. (Eds.). Japanese Business: Cultural Perspectives.
Hassard, J. Sociology and Organization Theory: Positivism, Paradigms and Postmodernity.
Loveridge, R. and Starkey, K. (Eds.). Continuity and Crisis In the Nhs.
Kessler, S. and Bayliss, F. Contemporary British Industrial Relations.
Johnson, H. Relevance Regained, From Top-Down Control to Bottom-Up Empowerment.
Hansen, P and Conrad, A. (Ed.). A Handbook of Psychological Assessment In Business.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Mccarthy, W. (Ed.). Legal Intervention In Industrial Relations: Gains and Losses .
Brown, R. Understanding Industrial Organisations .
Giordano, L. Beyond Taylorism .
Sak, O, M. Prices, Qualify, and Trust: Interfirm Relations In Britain and Japan .
Anderson, N. and Shackleton, V. Successful Selection Interviewing .
Ferner, A. and Hyman, R. (Eds.). Industrial Relations In the New Europe .
Argyris, C. On Organisational Learning .
Edwards, P. and Whitston, C. Attending to Work .
Stagey, R. Strategic Management and Organizational Dynamics .  相似文献   

G reen , A ndy . Education and State Formation .
K iezun , W. Managing In Socialist Countries: Ussr and Central Europe .
B rown , H elen . Women Organising .
A uerbach , S imon . Legislating For Conflict .
B rewster , C hris and T yson , S haun (Eds.). International Comparisons In Human Resource Management .
M orris , J. and I mrie , R. Transforming Buyer-Supplier Relationships .
R ankin , T om . New Forms of Work Organization: the Challenge For North American Unions .
F reeman , R. (Ed.). Business Ethics: the State of the Art .  相似文献   

P ettigrew , A., S erlie , E. and M ckee , L. Shaping Strategic Change.
W hitley , R ichard . Business Systems In East Asia: Firms, Markets and Societies .
W ilson , D avid C. A Strategy of Change: Concepts and Controversies In the Management of Change.
N iland , J ohn and C larke O liver (Eds.). Agenda For Change: an International Analysis of Industrial Relations In Transition.
M artin , R oderick . Bargaining Power.
M iceli , M. P. and N ear , J. P. Blowing the Whistle.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this articles.
Womack, James P., Jones, Daniel T. and Roos, DANIEL. The Machine that Changed the World.
Eli, Max. Japan Inc. Global Strategies of Japanese Trading Corporatiom.
Kester W. Carl, Japanese Takeovers. The Global Contest for Corporate Control.
Flood Robert L. Librrating System Theory.
Lewis, Colin. Business Forecasting in a Lotus 1-2-3 Environemt.
Nystrom, Harry. Technological and Market Innovation - Strategies for Product and Company Development.
Friedland, Roger and Robertson, A. F. (Eds). Beyond the Market place: Rethinking Economy and Sociefy.
Reddings, S. Gordont. The spirit of Chinese Capitalism.
Mead, Richard Cross-cultural Management Communication.
Cross Michael cHanging Job Structures: Techniques for the Design of New Jobs and Organisations.  相似文献   

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