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从城市人口的一个重要视点--"居住地"和"工作地"的人口概念出发,对城市中发生的许多现象进行了解释.对"工作地"和"生活地"的城市人口的研究,把人口学研究和社会学、经济学、地理学等多学科的研究结合起来,能丰富和拓展人口研究的内容.还介绍了"居住地"和"工作地"的人口资料来源.  相似文献   

1城市建设深港结成双子城 现状分析 在珠三角地区,由于深圳具有毗邻香港的独特区位优势,与香港互为“一小时生活圈”的关系。由于深圳的消费水平相对于香港较低,现在已经吸引了大批的港人来深置业、居住、消费。很多港人选择在深居住、在港工作的生滔方式,有的港人甚至干脆把居住地及工作地都放在了深  相似文献   

要解决武汉市人口发展和管理体制方面存在的问题,一个总的原则是既要符合我国市场化改革的大趋势,又要能够有效地对城市人口的增长进行调控,使人口增长与社会经济发展保持协调,实现城市的可持续发展.人口管理体制改革的最终目标是要改变过去计划经济时代限制人口迁移的一些不合理作法,逐步消除“农业人口”和“非农业人口”的界限,实现从户口申报审批制过渡到以居住地、职业为基础的人口登  相似文献   

研究城市私人小汽车合乘行为有助于采取针对性对策提高小汽车载客率,对于改善城市道路拥堵等问题具有重要意义。文章采用2021年贵阳市居民出行调查数据和建成环境数据,对城市居民私人小汽车合乘出行特征及影响因素进行了研究。基于Logit模型分别探究通勤与非通勤合乘出行的影响因素。结果表明:对城市居民通勤与非通勤出行是否合乘均有显著作用的影响因素包括性别、家庭就业人数、小汽车保有量、出发时间、居住地道路密度等。受教育程度、家庭年收入、家庭人数、是否有6岁以下儿童、是否有自行车、出行距离、居住地人口密度、公交站密度、土地利用混合度及工作地停车场密度和土地利用混合度对通勤合乘出行具有显著影响;年龄、出行链、出行目的及目的地道路密度对非通勤合乘出行具有显著影响。  相似文献   

我们在致力于加快城市化发展进程和社区人口管理过程中 ,强烈地感受到社区人口管理面临的诸多困难和问题 ,如 :社区建设缺少规划 ,有序管理意识淡薄 ;社区管理体制不适 ,工作混乱无章 ;管理客体不明确 ,管一漏十 ;管理区域内因户籍地、居住地、工作地不一 ,难以界定管理对象 ,政策无法落实 ;主管部门多 ,但要求不一 ;政策法规交叉冲突 ,造成执法困难 ;社区人口信息申报、登记、变更、验查制度缺乏 ,难以建立信息反馈机制 ;管理制度不明确 ,无章可循 ;多重身份的矛盾 ,导致管理冲突 ;社区投入不足和服务质量低劣 ,影响社区居民凝聚力 ;社会保…  相似文献   

我们在致力于加快城市化发展进程和社区人口管理过程中,强烈地感受到社区人口管理面临的诸多困难和问题,如:社区建设缺少规划,有序管理意识淡薄;社区管理体制不适,工作混乱无章;管理客体不明确,管一漏十;管理区域内因户籍地、居住地、工作地不一,难以界定管理对象,政策无法落实;主管部门多,但要求不一;政策法规交叉冲突,造成执法困难;社会人口信息申报、登记、变更、验查制度缺乏,难以建立信息反馈机制;管理制度不明确,无章可循;多重身份的矛盾,导致管理冲突;社区投入不足和服务质量低劣,影响社区居民凝聚力;社会保障机制有待于进一步完善等等.  相似文献   

最高人民法院20日发布司法解释,明确职工在上下班途中工伤的四种情形。根据规定,职工在合理时间内往返于工作地与配偶、父母、子女居住地的合理路线的上下班途中发生事故的,亦可认定为工伤。  相似文献   

政府“偏爱”与城市发展:以中国为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文着重研究政府“偏爱”行为对城市发展的影响,而在中国,政府对城市“偏爱”的行为主要表现在城市之间行政等级的差异上.对中国地级以上城市的实证研究结果表明:在控制影响城市发展其他因素的情况下,行政等级越高,城市人口增长速度就越快、城市达到人口规模门槛值的时间就越早,表明政府可以通过赋予某一城市行政等级优势从而促进该城市的发展.本文的研究不仅有助于理解改革开放以来中国城市化的“政府主导+市场推动”模式和历史因素、生态环境对城市发展的积极作用,也提出了中国政府在新一轮城市化进程中的“角色定位”,尽管政府在推动落后地区城市发展方面依然具有关键性作用,但是参与方式应在充分发挥市场机制的情况下,由“政府主导”转变为“政府引导”,避免由于政府的“偏爱”而导致城市之间发展地位的不均等,最终影响中国城市总体发展的效率.  相似文献   

随着旅游“热”的不断高涨,对旅游城市的功能和建设,已成为专家和广大旅游者共同关心的问题。这里,试就此作粗浅的论述。一、旅游城市的功能“城市”是指人口集中、交通便利、工商业发达、居民以非农业人口为主的地区。它是社会经济(主要是商品经济)和文化发展的产物。马克思曾概括说:“城市本身表明了人口、生产、工具、资本、享乐和需求的集中”。这充分说明了城市的共性。任何城市,在其  相似文献   

1998年11月,我们与浦东新区劳动人事局劳动处合作,对新区企业员工的居住地分布和居民在业人口的工作地分布状况作了一次较深入的调查。被调查企业和员工数分别为25个和12874人,企业主要分布在金桥出口加工区、外高桥保税区、陆家咀金融贸易区、张江高科技开发区和六里现代化生活园区等开发小区;被调查居委会和居民(15-59岁)分别为21个和1989人,主要分布在各开发小区的周边地区。本文主要根据这次调查结果,分析当前浦东新区人力资源空间配置的主要特征,并对有关问题作一探讨。一、浦东新区企业员工的居住地分布在被调查的企业员工…  相似文献   

Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China.Its name means"the place where the emperor crossed the river".Its urban area is the third largest in China,after Shanghai and Beijing.Tianjin's urban area is located along the Hai He River.Its ports,some distance away,are located on Bohai Gulf in the Pacific Ocean.Tianjin Municipality borders Hebei province to the north,south,and west;the municipality of Beijing is to the northwest,and Bohai Gulf to the east.  相似文献   


Through identifying the attributes of a place that have an influence on the patronage behaviour of urban retail customers, this paper presents a conceptual model that proposes direct and indirect antecedents regarding the different retail-related dimensions associated with urban place attractiveness. An empirical study was conducted whereby the model was tested by surveying approximately 500 actual customers at the time they visited a particular town centre for the purposes of shopping. The results showed that the retail tenant mix, the merchandise value, and the atmosphere had a direct impact, and the product range and the sales personnel an indirect impact upon the evaluation of attractiveness. Furthermore, a number of additional effects towards these antecedents were identified with respect to parking conditions, the non-retail tenant mix, manoeuvrability, and orientation. This revealed that retailing activities were a major driver of attractiveness for an urban place. The practical implication of these findings suggests that place marketing activities should be proactive in supporting and enabling retailers in fulfilling their roles.  相似文献   


The concept of demarketing, originally introduced by Kotler and Levy (1971 Kotler, P. and Levy, S.J. 1971. Demarketing, yes, demarketing. Harvard Business Review, 49: 7480. [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]), can be used in the context of places to describe specific activities aimed at deflecting interest, visitors, and/or investment to a particular place. This paper presents an exploratory investigation into the use of place demarketing in the UK. Thirteen in-depth interviews were conducted with place-marketing practitioners whose work was identified as incorporating elements of place-demarketing practice and activity. Four main rationales for demarketing places were identified: sustainability of the place product; market segmentation and targeting; reducing the effect of seasonality; and crisis prevention/management. The strategies identified in the place-demarketing process include: no marketing; redirection/marketing alternative places; informational place demarketing; restricting access; and pricing mechanisms. The paper concludes by drawing together some of the issues and implications that the demarketing of places raises.  相似文献   


Using earlier research into models of place branding-management processes, this paper develops a multi-level conceptual model of strategic place brand management designed to support managers in embracing a holistic approach to place brand management. The model identifies the following components for attention and activity: place brand evaluation; brand infrastructure relationships, including infrastructure (regeneration) and stakeholder engagement (management); place brand articulation; and brand communications. The model identifies the influences and action processes between these components, including brand identity and architecture, influencing brand experience. Existing place branding models take different perspectives on the branding process – respectively, relationship management, communications, and strategic planning; none of these models are comprehensive and neither are they widely adopted or tested. This paper proposes an integrative model that builds on and subsumes these earlier models and is also grounded in the wider research on branding and place branding concept and processes.  相似文献   

The multisensory approach to understanding consumer behavior has received increasing attention as a factor shaping individuals’ perception, attitude, and behavior. However, previous studies have scarcely investigated the role of senses on destination experiences as places of consumption. The aim of the research is to uncover tourists’ meaningful multisensory place perceptions by analyzing cruise travel blogs. The study conducted a thematic content analysis of 248 blog entries on Mediterranean port of call experiences using the text analytics software Leximancer. The results show a convergence between visual, gustatory, olfactory, and haptic impressions, while auditory perceptions are scarce and refer mainly to the presence/absence of noise. Interestingly, unlike past multisensory studies that reported haptic perceptions as the least salient sensory dimension in tourist experiences, the research identified three haptic themes associated with cutaneous, hedonic-elicited, and somatic touch. The research yields a threefold contribution: (a) It provides empirical evidence for the relevance of multisensory perceptions on tourists’ evaluation of place experiences; (b) a novel methodological approach to assessing sensory impressions is used by analyzing tourists’ freely written online narratives; and (c) the research broadens the scope of existing multisensory literature by assessing urban/coastal travel destination experiences.  相似文献   

企业思维模式的新趋势:企业利益相关者问题研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在中国众多企业奉行“股东至上主义”或“消费者第一”的固定思维模式的今天,提出了利益相关者的思维模式。作者在综述有关利益相关者国内外研究现状的基础上,系统地阐述了利益相关者的定义、分类、特点。作者展望了对企业不同利益相关者的重要性及影响程度的研究、利益相关者满意度和企业绩效的关系等方面的研究,将有助于企业更好的平衡各利益相关者的利益,提高各利益相关者的满意度,提高企业综合竞争能力。  相似文献   

Everyday many old buildings are knocked down,while lots of new high rises rapidly spring up.But when we are faced with these old buildings that mark the history of a city or even a nation,should they be demolished to make way for new urban construction?Undoubtedly,the answer should be "NO".  相似文献   

Due to the increasing competition in the leisure and tourism market, loyalty-related studies and researches have been gaining attention. This empirical research explores the formation of destination loyalty from the interaction of visitors with hot-spring resorts (place attachment) and examines the relationship between such a loyalty and its antecedents. Based on an attitude framework, this study conceptualizes place dependence, place identity, and behavioural intention as the tripartite framework of destination loyalty. Using the covariance structure analysis, empirical results indicated that the service quality–satisfaction–loyalty model is supported and tourist satisfaction completely mediates the effect of service quality on place dependence, place identity, and behavioural intention.  相似文献   

扩大开放进一步提高国际经贸合作水平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为,中国的对外开放正在实现中外企业的双赢,中国已成为很多外资企业生产和销售的平台,越来越多的跨国公司把中国作为其全球战略的重点,在中国投资、采购、生产加工,又从中国出口,中国企业也开始“走出去”。文章指出,中国将继续毫不动摇地坚持对外开放的基本国策,积极促进服务贸易和高新技术领域的对外合作,鼓励外商投资企业到我国中部、西部和东北发展,欢迎外资参与国有企业的改革,同时也鼓励中国企业到国外去投资。文章认为,中国有市场,有优秀的劳动者,有日益完善的基础设施和法律体系,有爱好和平、与人为善的环境,未来几年中国仍将是投资者的乐土,并有条件在更高的层次上与外国企业进行合作,一是合作的项目应有更大的规模;二是要提升技术合作的层次。  相似文献   

本文认为,“效率优先”是社会主义市场经济的必然要求,应成为我国经济工作一项有指导意义的原则。文章提出,采用“效率优先,增进公平”的提法更为适宜,它既宣示社会主义市场经济为改革的取向,又鲜明地以因果关系把“效率优先”和“增进公平”二者联系在一起,不仅看到市场经济的缺陷,承认经济发展中会有差距,而且表明要靠提高效率来“增进公平”,缩小差距。没有“效率优先”,不用市场竞争机制来发展经济,不把“蛋糕”做大,则“增进公平”就成为“无源之水”;而“增进公平”应是“效率优先”的目标和归宿,体现了以人为本、促进社会和谐的社会主义理念与原则。  相似文献   

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