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传统市场理论精神的内核应该是自由,即主张通过完全竞争市场当中经济人的理性逐利行为来实现资源配置的帕累托最优,反对政府介入经济生活。实践表明,市场不是万能的,考虑到其自身的局限性,政府的适度介入是必要的。本文主要探讨市场经济运行过程当中政府的职责所在。  相似文献   

市场与政府的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

陈凯荣 《经济界》2013,(2):75-82
基于医疗服务行业所具有信息不对称性、行政垄断性、公共品属性及外部效应致使该行业市场失灵与政府失灵同时并存。本文认为垄断、公共产品的供给、信息不对称及外部效应引致了市场失灵的产生;政府的内部效应、寻租活动、政府的低效率及信息不完全导致了政府失灵的产生。本文分析了医疗服务行业中市场失灵和政府失灵的具体表现,并就市场失灵和政府失灵的情况提出了矫正失灵具体对策。本文认为应该从矫正医疗服务行业的信息不对称、垄断、外部效应、公共产品及优化政府规制等方面矫正其产生的市场失灵。应该从医疗服务行业引入竞争优化垄断竞争格局、加大对公共医疗服务的投入缓解供给短缺及加强制度建设遏制腐败和寻租矫正其产生的政府失灵。  相似文献   

提高国有企业效率,增强企业活力是国有企业走出困境的关键所在,资源的最优配置将是企业高效率的基础,如何借鉴帕累托最优理论使资源达到最佳配置,以最大限度地提高企业效率将是本文探讨的主要问题。  相似文献   

所谓最优资本结构是指企业在一定时期内使加权平均资本成本最低、企业价值最大的资本结构。按照帕累托最优标准。如果资本结构发生改变或调整。企业的综合资本成本不再因此而降低,企业价值也不再增加,这时的资本结构达到最优。  相似文献   

房地产市场过热与政府失灵   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
当前,我国部分地区房地产市场发展过热及所存在的种种问题的原因可归结为市场失灵和政府失灵,地方政府不当干预或过度干预所导致的政府失灵是重要原因。因而,对房地产市场进行宏观调控,抑制房地产市场过热,使房地产市场能够长期稳定发展的关键之一就在于避免或减少政府失灵。  相似文献   

“帕累托最优”是西方经济学追求的最优境界,也是我国在社会主义市场经济条件下的追求目标。文章通过对我国收入分配差距的现状的分析.阐述了在现阶段如何实现收入分配差距的帕累托改进。  相似文献   

次优和非最优的一般分析:方法的创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文运用理性预期思想和随机等价方法开拓性地研究了资源配置的效率,包括帕累托最优(无约束帕累托最优和有约束帕累托最优)和非帕累托最优。基本结论是,一个资源配置中所有商品价格波动的总方差等于零等价于在二阶条件具备下其处于帕累托最优状态,也等价于资源配置满足无约束条件下的怕累托最优条件或有约束条件下的帕累托次优条件;而总方差大于零等价于资源配置处于非帕累托最优状态;总方差与资源配置中期望价格的比值越小,则这个配置的效率越高,反之,则越低。最后,设计了一个“信息逐步披露的预期帕累托改进”模型,讨论了非帕累托最优配置的改进途径及其政策含义。  相似文献   

房地产市场是一个不完全竞争市场.供给垄断、信息不对称、房地产的外部性及公共物品属性等原因使得市场自身的调节能力难以发挥,需要政府"有形的手"进行宏观调控,以保持房地产行业的持续稳定健康发展.  相似文献   

在政府采购的过程当中,政府失灵与市场失灵是影响政府采购质量的重要因素,因此对于两者的深入研究对于提高政府采购绩效有着极为重要的意义。本文分别分析了政府采购中的政府失灵与市场失灵现象,并对采购过程中政府失灵与市场失灵相结合的四种情况进行了详细说明。  相似文献   

文章论述了在网络经济下的虚拟企业能够突出核心竞争力,能有效加强组织协调,能克服创新本身所具有的不确定性、路径依赖性、不可逆性以及系统集成性特征所引起的创新障碍,为企业创新的成功提供了一个崭新的平台。  相似文献   

This article introduces the business models for sustainability innovation (BMfSI) framework to study how business models mediate between sustainability innovations and business cases for sustainability. The BMfSI framework integrates two major perspectives (implicitly) found in the sustainable business model literature. The first is the agency perspective. It takes into consideration that some form of agency is needed, that is, “someone” who takes decisions and acts. Sustainable entrepreneurs are discussed as those agents who align their new or existing business models with sustainability innovations in order to be successful in business and to create value with and for stakeholders. The second perspective is the systems perspective, which acknowledges that business models are always embedded within sociotechnical contexts through which, for example, public policies, private financing, or stakeholder interests influence whether and how business models can be developed. The agency and systems perspectives are integrated in the so‐called business model mediation space. This theoretical notion embraces the decisions and activities pursued by sustainable entrepreneurs as they align their business models with sustainability innovations on the one hand and the influence of environmental contingencies, barriers, and stakeholders from the sociotechnical context on the other hand. The paper concludes with propositions for future research derived from the BMfSI framework.  相似文献   

In this paper, we explore whether Legge’s classic 1970s criticism of human resource (HR) executives as ‘conformist innovators’ is still relevant. Drawing on institutional logics, we analyse HR managers’ rationales for choosing particular university business schools to provide senior executive development. Our mixed-methods study demonstrates that senior HR managers socially construct and enact business school reputations by drawing on strategic rationales. These rationales are embedded in societal, field and organizational logics, especially the extant reputational rankings of international business schools and an ‘ideal’ template of elite business schools. We find that these rationales, and the decisions they evince, tend to confirm the traditional picture of conformist innovation among HR executives. We discuss the implications for the reputation of HR as a profession, their employers and business schools.  相似文献   

Business model innovation is an emerging hot topic in management research. It has been developing steadily for 20 years and has gained enormous momentum in recent years. A solid basis has been created, and the first literature reviews summarize the topic. However, an analysis of the core literature and the general foundation of business model innovation literature is missing. This gap is closed with this bibliometric. It analyzes 30 core articles referenced in 380 business model innovation publications. From this, a total of four research clusters can be delineated. This foundation of the research area is supplemented with a trend analysis of recent publications, which identifies three trends for the future of this research stream. The analysis highlights that sustainability, dynamic capabilities, and small- and medium-sized enterprises are the most promising trends in business model innovation. Based on the results, we present a general model for business model innovation.  相似文献   

Firms in a variety of manufacturing sectors as well as the software industry have increasingly embraced services alongside their product portfolios in order to improve financial performance. Yet, the key question “How do service market strategy change and the accompanying business model change interact, and how does their interplay affect value creation?” remains open. Relying on twelve case studies of firms that have shifted towards providing highly advanced services (e.g. outcome-based contracts), theoretical propositions concerning the interplay of market strategy and business model on value creation are derived. The firms studied report two interdependent changes: first, they evolve the market strategy from provision of pure products to provision of services and then outcomes, in order to achieve a better fit with customer needs and to grow their service businesses. Second, they rely increasingly on partners and suppliers to provide new activities that are outside their competence base. This 'open business model' allows them to grow their new service businesses effectively and efficiently. At the same time, however, the shift to a service market strategy requires enhanced accountability to customers and increases the threat of penalties in the case of failure, while reliance on partners and suppliers leads to loss of control over the activity system and increases the threat of failure due to third party dependency. Thus, this paper finds that the success of firms that shift to services and outcomes hinges on their ability to balance the trade-off between increased value (i.e. growth, efficiency and effectiveness) and increased uncertainty associated with service market strategy/open business model interplay.  相似文献   

Scholars and practitioners across fields increasingly recognize that business models for the circular economy may be an effective lever for solving ecological persistent problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and growing natural resource scarcity. Despite a growing interest in the potential of circular business models, interconnections between the organizational dimensions of firms and their business model innovation processes remain underexplored. Based on problem‐centered expert interviews with business consultants experienced in circular business development, this study creates a conceptual model that offers structured knowledge about why firms steadily reproduce linear BMs and how incumbents manifest themselves as a constant linear‐oriented value creation system. The model also demonstrates organizational conditions and management strategies that frustrate the reproduction of linear BMs and, thus, enable initial moves towards CBM innovation. Building on this, the article provides a set of propositions on how an organizational transition management may be configured and what incumbents require to successfully navigate circular business model innovation. The findings provide a foundation for a contemporary understanding of circular business model transition management, which simultaneously serve as impulses for future research investigations.  相似文献   

本文通过对现有关于商业模式与企业绩效关系研究的梳理和总结可以看出,商业模式是企业绩效差异的重要因素之一,商业模式创新成功会使企业绩效得到极大的改善和提升。文章总结了商业模型领域的研究现状,并进一步提出了未来研究的方向和方法的改进。  相似文献   

本文总结了众包的概念,对众包与外包之间的的关系进行了区分,分析了众包的产生与发展趋势、众包的特征,研究了众包对传统企业模式的革命性影响,针对众包商业模式在我国发展进程中存在的问题,对众包商业模式的流程进行了逻辑分析,并就我国企业构建众包商业模式应遵循的路径提出了若干建议。  相似文献   

为进一步助推“双创”升级,创孵机构一直不断地探索着新的商业模式、探索优质资源,进一步改善运作效率。在目前的市场经济环境中,要实现创新创业服务资源的最优配置,就需要结合市场机制研究孵化器的服务模式。文章分析了市场机制下孵化器创新创业服务的定价模型,根据该模型得到孵化器市场化运作效率的影响因素。基于该定价模型进行实证研究,可以分析得到孵化器在实际市场运行过程中存在的问题,并以创业黑马为例进行了创新创业服务运营的实例分析。根据该定价模型与实证分析结果,提出了从服务内容优化、服务效率优化、孵化器品牌战略、入孵筛选机制优化等方面优化孵化器运营模式,探寻适合孵化器长期可持续发展的创新创业服务体系,从而进一步助推创新创业。  相似文献   

市场经济环境下的金融业竞争日益激烈,尤其在经历了金融海啸之后,商业银行要取得长足的发展,要获得强大的竞争力,必须开展业务创新。文章对国内商业银行业务创新存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了一些业务创新思路。  相似文献   

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