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河南省城市经济发展效率的DEA评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用数据包络分析(DEA)有效性方法,对河南省的18个城市,从投入产出角度,通过技术效率、规模效率等指标来具体评价城市经济发展效率,阐明地区之间投入产出方面存在的一定差距。运用deap软件求解,得出各城市的相对效率值及指标值,并提出了改进城市经济发展效率的政策指导。  相似文献   

基于DEA模型的环境治理效率评价——以河南为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在考察国内学者对环境治理问题的相关研究后,从新的视角出发,运用条件广义方差极小法和变差系数法对评价指标进行筛选,然后运用数据包络分析方法(DEA),对河南省近8年的环境污染治理相对有效性进行实证研究。结果表明,河南省的环境污染治理效率波动较大,环境治理技术水平亟需改进,环境污染治理效率有待提高。基于此研究结论,提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

郑奕  刘观园 《海洋经济》2019,9(3):31-40
经济发展的质量可以通过经济效率进行评价。为探讨舟山群岛新区的设立对该地区经济发展质量的影响,将数据包络分析与反事实分析相结合,首先通过收集1995-2015年江浙皖 21个地级城市的投入产出经济数据,利用数据包络分析方法测算这些城市在上述 21年间的经济效率;然后根据测算结果,以 “反事实”分析方法量化研究舟山群岛新区的设立对舟山经济效率的影响。研究表明,舟山群岛新区设立在一定时期内提高了该地区的经济效率,但作用时间有限,今后还需要对舟山现有经济增长方式及时加以改进。  相似文献   

文章利用2014年河南省18个地市农业投入与产出相关指标的数据,运用数据包络分析(DEA)模型,对河南省农业生产的综合技术效率、纯技术效率与规模效率进行了测算与评价。结果表明,河南省总体技术效率较高,鹤壁等8个省辖市的纯技术效率为1,其中综合技术效率最优是鹤壁和信阳2个地市,说明农业综合技术效率不单受到经济条件、地理区位及相关的农业资源投入等因素影响,经营规模的无效率也会制约各个区域农业综合技术效率的进一步提升,最终引起地市之间农业生产效率高低相同。河南省需要在合理配置资源投入、加速农业科技进步与扩散的同时有效转移农村剩余劳动力。  相似文献   

文章的主要目的是验证数据包络分析方法(DEA)对企业进行信用评分的可行性与有效性。在实证分析中,文章选用了171家制造业公司作为DEA评分方法的评价对象。6个财务指标通过DEA模型计算得出一个综合财务效率值,这个财务效率值即是基于数据包络分析的企业信用评分。然后用回归分析法,判别分析法以及ST类股公司来论证DEA信用评分的有效性。最后的实证结果表明DEA对企业进行信用评级是可行有效的。  相似文献   

本文以中国28个省市(地区)2010年环保数据为研究对象,利用数据包络分析方法,选取相应的投入产出指标,建立环境治理投资效率评价指标体系,从环境污染综合治理、废水、废气等方面多维度对不同省市(地区)的环境治理投资效率进行分析评价,结果表明,当前中国大多数地区环境治理投资效率相对较低,从规模效率的角度来看,多数地区仍处于规模报酬递增,需要进一步加大环境治理投资的力度。  相似文献   

基于DEA的新能源板块上市公司评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数据包络分析(DEA)是以相对效率概念为基础的评价方法,尤其是用以解决多输入、多输出决策单元的有效性评价问题.本文首先综述了运用数据包络分析方法进行公司财务指标研究的成果和目前的研究现状,然后从数据包络分析方法的角度出发,构建了新能源板块上市公司的财务指标评价体系,并对新能源板块上市公司的财务数据进行实证分析.  相似文献   

数据包络分析方法是一种以线性规划为基础的评价决策单元相对有效性的数学工具。本文利用这一方法对新疆主要地区经济发展的相对有效性进行了实证研究,从相对有效性的角度分析各个地区的发展状况,再结合运算得出的各个地区输入剩余和输出亏空的实际情况提出了改进建议。  相似文献   

袁群 《经济研究导刊》2009,(19):201-203
数据包括分析(DEA)是运筹学、管理科学和数理经济学交叉研究的一个新的领域,使用DEA进行效率评价可以得到很多在经济学中上仍深刻经济含意的管理信息。介绍了数据包络分析方法的基本思想和模型,分析了这一非参数方法的几个数学模型,阐述了DEA方法在多个领域的研究应用状况,总结了国内外近二十年来DEA方法的研究成果,并对该方法的发展作一展望。  相似文献   

研究目的:横向比较评价我国31个省(市、自治区)农地利用结构的综合效率、技术效率和规模效率,并按照超效率对各地区进行排序。研究方法:数据包络分析(DEA)的C2R模型、BC2模型与超效率C2R模型。研究结果:(1)总体来说,大多数地区农用地利用结构综合效率低下,主要原因是技术效率太低;(2)我国74.2%的地区农地利用处于规模报酬递减阶段,要提高生产效率,必须调整用地结构;(3)超效率值较高的地区主要是经济发达地区和传统农业大省。  相似文献   

The efficiency of a decision-making unit can be estimated relative to the direct output possibility set or the indirect (cost-constrained) output possibility set. For the direct and indirect output sets we show that the ratio of two Farrell (radial) efficiency measures equals the ratio of two Zieschang (non-radial) efficiency measures if and only if the production technology is inverse-homothetic. A consequence of inverse homotheticity is that the input and output expansion paths are linear.  相似文献   

农户是我国农村最基本的生产单元和微观组织,农业竞争力最终体现在农户的生产效率上,农户的生产效率决定着我国整个农业的生产效率。因此,对于农户生产效率的研究,可以从侧面反映出我国现阶段农业的生产效率以及竞争力。本文运用数据包络分析法(DEA)对我国13年(1991~2003)农户的投入产出数据以及2003年全国各地区农户的投入产出数据对农户的综合生产效率、纯技术效率和规模效率进行了分析.从DEA分析结果可以看出,无论是对农户投入产出效率的趋势分析还是区域分析,我国农户投入产出综合效率总体上都比较高;农户的生产纯技术效率比较高,规模效率相对来说就要低一些,致使大部分地区农户生产无效率。因此,从我国目前农业的生产状况以及资源配置情况来看,要提高农户的生产效率、增强农业旁争力。就必须在提高农户生产技术的同时.增加农户的生产规模也是关键所在。  相似文献   

The efficiency of hospitals is of interest to health insurers, government authorities and hospital management itself. However, econometric methods for determining (in)efficiency have severe drawbacks since hospitals are multiproduct firms and because the duality between production and cost functions cannot be assumed. In this work, non-parametric, deterministic data envelopment analysis (DEA) is used to measure the relative inefficiency of 89 Swiss hospitals covering the years 1993–1996 (310 observations). Special attention is given to the role of patient days in the production of health. The findings depend on whether patient days are viewed as an input of patient time or as an output, as in previous studies. While the probability of a unit being inefficient cannot be explained using the available data, the degree of overall inefficiency is shown to significantly depend on the financial incentives faced by management, in particular due to subsidization. Private hospitals do not seem to be less inefficient than public ones; however, this may be caused by their ‘overusing’ inputs that in fact are valued as amenities by patients. This consideration points to an important limitation in applying the purely quantitative criteria of DEA to hospitals.  相似文献   

The paper provides a closed form solution for the value of a firm which costlessly can change its mode of operation between two activities. The technology is such that production is zero from the inactive production line. In addition we assume that the production potential on any production line is idle when not operated, else the production follows a geometric Brownian motion. Although this framework is rather general, it is motivated by the problem to produce a natural resource located in two separate wells/ores, using a single (flexible) production unit. For what seems to be reasonable parameter values, the flexible unit is seen to achieve a surprisingly large value relative to the value achievable by a comprehensive unit, producing both alternatives simultaneously. In addition it is interesting to note that switching might occur even if the active production line gives the highest immediate income.  相似文献   

Material flow accounting and analysis (MFA) has been established as an influential framework for quantifying the use of natural resources by modern societies. So far, however, no reference data for overall scale and trends of global extraction of natural resources and their distribution between different world regions has been available. This paper presents the first comprehensive quantification of the material basis of the global economy, i.e. used domestic extraction in a time series from 1980 to 2002. We analyse time trends for major material groups (fossil fuels, metals, industrial and construction minerals, and biomass) disaggregated into seven world regions. This allows for (a) an illustration of the global economy's physical growth driven by worldwide processes of economic integration over the past decades, and (b) an indication of the worldwide distribution of environmental pressures associated with material extraction. The results show that annual resource consumption of the world economy increased by about one third between 1980 and 2002. This indicates that scale effects due to economic growth more than compensated for other effects, such as the relative increase of the service sectors' contribution to GDP (structural effect) and the use of new production technologies with higher material and energy efficiency (technology effect). The observed growth of natural resource extraction is unevenly distributed over the main material categories, with metals showing the highest growth rate. The regional analysis shows the increasing importance of Asia and Latin America in global resource extraction. On the global level, material intensity, i.e. resource extraction per unit of GDP, decreased by about 25%, indicating relative decoupling of resource extraction from economic growth. The paper concludes with policy recommendations for a more sustainable use of natural resources.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to construct a dynamic stochastic production frontier incorporating the sluggish adjustment of inputs, to measure the speed of adjustment of output, and to compare the technical efficiency estimates from this dynamic model to those from a static model. By assuming instantaneous adjustment of all inputs, a static model may underestimate technical efficiency of a production unit in the short-run. However, in this article I show that under the assumption of similar adjustment speed for all inputs, a linear partial adjustment scheme for output characterizes the dynamic production frontier. The dynamic frontier with time-invariant technical efficiency is estimated using the system GMM (generalized method of moments) estimator. Applying the model and estimation method on a panel data set spanning 9?years of data on private manufacturing establishments in Egypt, I find that (1) the speed of adjustment of output is significantly lower than unity, (2) the static model underestimates technical efficiency by 4.5 percentage points on average, and (3) the ranking of production units based on their technical efficiency measures changes when the lagged adjustment process of inputs is taken into account.  相似文献   

基于DEA与AHP的标杆树立研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了使标杆管理更有效地促成企业快速成功,标杆的确定与否对标杆管理的成败起着关键作用。数据包络分析法(DEA)是一种评价决策单元相对效率的方法;层次分析法(AHP)将定量和定性分析相结合,把相对有效的决策单元做出排序,找出企业的标杆,再结合数据包络分析法对被评价的决策单元指出改进的方向,从而提高企业的绩效。把二者结合起来选取行业标杆是一种科学的方法,对于企业来说也是一种可行的方法。  相似文献   

Frontier-based models are an alternative to traditional eco-efficiency ratio indicators. This paper considers two different types, environmentally adjusted production efficiency models and frontier eco-efficiency models, and tries to find justification for incorporating the materials balance principle (MBP) in them. Similar importance is attached to the economic and environmental outcomes of a production process. Like economic outcomes can be derived from inputs and outputs and respective prices, some cases allow for deriving environmental outcomes from the production function with the MBP. After an overview of attempts to incorporate environmental issues in production efficiency models and some reflections why MBP has been neglected in environmental economics and production efficiency analysis, the paper gives basic principles to incorporate the MBP in conventional production efficiency methods and shows how this adjustment leads to a more diversified diagnosis of eco-efficiency. Finally, potentialities and bottlenecks are discussed. Exploiting the MBP in production efficiency and eco-efficiency analysis will facilitate more pro-active eco-efficiency research.  相似文献   

This paper applies the nonparametric DEA-Malmquist index approach to estimate total factor productivity growth, efficiency change and the rate of technological progress from 1979 to 2003. This is done to conduct analysis on the total factor productivity of China’s provincial economy. Analysis on the evolution of distribution dynamics of relative labor productivity, relative total factor productivity, relative efficiency and relative technological progress is done by using kernel density estimation for the period from 1979 to 2003 in 29 provinces of China. Our analysis indicates that disparities of provincial economic growth are large and have been increasing owing to the relatively large and increasing disparities of total factor productivity growth especially the rate of technological progress. __________ Translated from The Journal of World Economy (世界经6D4E;), 2005, (5) (in Chinese)  相似文献   

Expenditures devoted to research and development (R&D) are scarce and thus need to be used as efficiently as possible given the financial constraints countries are facing. This article assesses the relative efficiency of R&D expenditures for 26 OECD member countries and two nonmember countries. As countries differ in their national innovation systems and states of economic development and industrialization, e.g. transition economies in Eastern Europe versus Asian countries versus Anglo-Saxon countries, the measurement of R&D efficiency needs to consider differences in the technology of knowledge production. By means of a latent class model for stochastic frontiers, we relax the assumption of a homogeneous technology frontier and model technological differences in knowledge production among countries. Empirical evidence suggests the existence of different classes stressing the importance of accounting for countries’ disparities within R&D efficiency analysis.  相似文献   

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