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标题似乎是与这样一个已被广为讨论的命题不符:外国投资者通过购买美国证券帮助美国保持了低利率。的确,目前外国投资者所持有的美国资产已经大大超过美国所持有的外国资产,超过的数额达2.5万亿美元,约占美国GDP的25%。但尽管如此, 外国投资者对持有美国证券的偏好仍然较弱,本文探讨的是这种偏好到底有多弱。  相似文献   

We present a detailed view of market quality in the presenceof preferencing arrangements. A unique dataset provides theopportunity to measure trading costs of marketable orders andfill rates and ex post costs of limit orders across tradingvenues. For market orders, we find the primary exchange providesthe lowest execution costs. However, the preferencing exchangesare no worse than, and in most cases better than, the nonpreferencingregional exchanges. For limit orders, the regionals executelimit orders more frequently than the primary market and withan ex post execution cost that is not very different from theprimary market.  相似文献   

2004~2007年我国内地57家中小企业以IPO方式在纽交所和NASDAQ上市。本文收集整理了这批企业的招股说明书、交易数据等资料,数据分析较为全面地展现了这批企业的主营业务、IPO、市场表现、上市前财务状况等具体情况,从多个层面反映出了中美两国证券市场制度安排、市场运行特点的差异。  相似文献   

Foreign official holdings of U.S. Treasuries increased from $400 billion in January 1994 to about $3 trillion in June 2010. Most of this growth is accounted for by a handful of emerging market economies that have been running large current account surpluses. These countries are channeling their savings through the official sector, which is then acquiring foreign exchange reserves. Any shift in policy to reduce their current account surpluses or dampen the rate of reserves accumulation would likely slow the pace of foreign official purchases of U.S. Treasuries. Would such a slowing of foreign official purchases of Treasury notes and bonds affect long-term Treasury yields? Most likely yes, and the effects appear to be large. By our estimates, if foreign official inflows into U.S. Treasuries were to decrease in a given month by $100 billion, 5-year Treasury rates would rise by about 40–60 basis points in the short run. But once we allow foreign private investors to react to the yield change induced by the shock to foreign official inflows, the long-run effect is about 20 basis points.  相似文献   

近年来,以纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克为代表的美国全国性市场体系(National Market System,简称NMS),由于自身出现问题以及外部环境的改变,正面临来自其他新型市场交易体系——例如电子化交易网络(Electronic Communication Networks,简称ECNs)等的挑战。作者认为,由于美国证券交易体系在监管和运作方面存在的结构性问题,以及当今技术进步的影响,其重新定位的时机已经到来。本文为本刊美国特约编辑杰姆斯·巴茨(James Barth)博士的荐稿。作者玛琳·欧哈拉(Mauren O’Hara)为康奈尔大学约翰逊研究生院的管理学教授。  相似文献   

转型中的美国证券交易市场(中)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,以纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克为代表的美国全国性市场体系(National Market System,简称NMS),由于自身出现问题以及外部环境的改变,正面临来自其他新型市场交易体系——例如电子化交易网络 (Electronic Communication Networks,简称ECNs)等的挑战。作者在上一部分指出,由于美国证券交易体系在监管和运作方面存在的结构性问题,以及当今技术进步的影响,其重新定位的时机已经到来。在这一部分,作者探讨了目前美国各交易场所在竞争中所存在的问题及可能的解决方式。本文为本刊美国特约编辑杰姆斯·巴茨(James Barth)博士的荐稿。本文作者为康奈尔大学约翰逊研究生院的管理学教授。  相似文献   

转型中的美国证券交易市场(下)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,以纽约证券交易所和纳斯达克为代表的美国全国性市场体系(National Market System,简称NMS),由于自身的问题以及外部环境的改变,正面临来自其他新型市场交易体系——例如电子化交易网络 (Electronic Communication Networks,简称ECNs)等的挑战。作者在前两部分探讨了美国各类交易市场在竞争中所存在的问题及可能的解决方式,本部分则主要探讨市场联结及新形势下的市场监管方式。本文为本刊美国特约编辑杰姆斯·巴茨(James Barth)博士的荐稿。本文作者为康奈尔大学约翰逊研究生院的管理学教授。  相似文献   

2010年6月美国联邦最高法院审结的莫里森案,是美国证券法发展史上的重要节点,代表了全球化背景下最大资本市场在处理涉外欺诈纠纷问题上的转向。以往的行为和影响标准被否定,交易标准得到强调,《证券交易法》第10(b)条的适用范围被限缩,存托凭证和国外基础证券受到区别对待。此后一年间,尽管不无争议,莫里森案判决和交易标准被下级法院广泛援引,并经受住了Dodd-Frank法案的考验。由此释放出的信号包括,美国有意愿加强公共执法和国际多边合作。  相似文献   

We study whether foreign banks engaged in countercyclical lending in the United States during the 1990–1991, 2001, and 2007–2009 recessions. Aggregate lending by foreign banks increased in the 1990–91 recession and by domestic banks in the 2001 recession. Controlling for local GDP and unemployment, we show countercyclical lending by foreign branches in the 1990 recession and by foreign subsidiaries in the 2001 recession. In the 2008 recession, foreign branches and subsidiaries exhibited neither countercyclical nor procyclical lending. We conclude that foreign banks like domestic banks respond to local economic conditions; the foreign ownership is not a factor.  相似文献   

冉凌浩 《新金融》2001,(3):36-39
改革开放以来,我国资本市场获得了迅猛发展。但是,除了由宏源信托改组而成的证券公司外,我国其它的证券公司都还不是上市公司。上市券商数量如此之少,不仅有利于我国资本市场的发展,而且也不符合国际惯例。本试图从理论与实际方面探讨我国证券公司的上市问题。  相似文献   

The effects of asset liquidity on expected returns for assets with infinite maturities (stocks) are examined for bonds (Treasury notes and bills with matched maturities of less than 6 months). The yield to maturity is higher on notes, which have lower liquidity. The yield differential between notes and bills is a decreasing and convex function of the time to maturity. The results provide a robust confirmation of the liquidity effect in asset pricing.  相似文献   

中国证监会、国家计委、国家税务总局联合发文,自5月1日起,调整证券交易佣金收取标准,A股、B股、证券投资基金的交易佣金实行最高上限向下浮动制度,证券公司向客户收取的佣金(包括代收的证券交易监管费和证券交易所手续费等)不得高于证券交易金额的3‰,也不得低于代收的证券交易监管费和证券交易所手续费等.  相似文献   

每一位美国经济学家都会说中国经济的高速增长会对美国消费者有直接影响。但是怎么影响,影响究竟有多大?本刊特约编辑杰姆斯·巴茨(James Barth)博士和《美国新闻与世界报道》首席文案里克纽曼之间的对话,生动贴切地道出了美国老百姓的切身体会和疑虑。  相似文献   

We document that the use of private investment in public equity (PIPE) by foreign firms listed on U.S. exchanges is growing even faster than its use by U.S. firms. On average, foreign firm PIPE stock deals represent a similar proportion of the firm's market capitalization to U.S. firm PIPEs, but suffer less of a share price discount than U.S. firm PIPE issuances, a relation that is robust to consideration of exchange, deal size, share turnover and return volatility. We document that hedge funds are only small investors in foreign firm PIPEs issued in the U.S., which tend to be purchased by pensions, government funds and corporations. PIPE, in combination with the reverse merger method of going public, provides a cost-effective means for foreign firms to raise capital in the U.S. capital market.  相似文献   

Debate about the effects of permitting U.S. commercial banks to expand their range of activities has intensified in recent years. Some observers worry that banks with access to a federal safety net have strong incentives to use new opportunities to take greater risks and increase their likelihood of failure at possible cost to the FDIC and taxpayers. Others fear that the safety net might give banks a competitive advantage relative to nonbank rivals. A key element of this debate is whether a holding company structure does a significantly better job of mitigating against these potential problems than a bank subsidiary alternative and should be made mandatory for banking organizations that want to engage in nontraditional activities. Unfortunately, hard, current empirical evidence on the benefits and costs of alternative structures generally is lacking. The purpose of this paper is to provide this sort of evidence. In the study, annual financial data for the 1987–1997 period for an unbalanced panel of foreign securities subsidiaries of U.S. banking organizations are used to investigate two questions: What factors influence how bank holding companies organize securities activities when they have a choice? And are the observed differences in organizational form related to significant differences in key measures of subsidiary performance? This sort of study is possible because U.S. banking organizations can and do engage in securities activities through subsidiaries of the bank as well as holding company affiliates. These subsidiaries also file financial reports with bank regulators. A probit model is used to empirically identify important factors influencing structural choice. Univariate and multivariate statistical techniques are used to determine whether or not differences in subsidiary structure are related to differences in subsidiary risk, funding costs, and efficiency. Simultaneity is investigated to a limited extent. In brief, the empirical results do not support the position of the holding company proponents. Safety net subsidy incentives don’t appear to be a primary determinant of structural choice. The evidence does not indicate that bank-owned securities subsidiaries tend to be more risky than holding company securities subsidiaries. Bank securities subsidiaries also do not appear to enjoy any funding advantage relative to holding company subsidiaries. These two results are particularly noteworthy because section 23A and 23B restrictions on intracompany funding currently do not apply to transactions between banks and their direct and indirect bank subsidiaries. Finally, some evidence indicates that bank subsidiaries tend to be more efficient.  相似文献   

We examine the effects of foreign trading of U.S. Treasuries on the market's microstructure. Two intervals, the first characterized by heavy run‐ups in foreign ownership (1/1994–6/1997), and the second by multiple indicators of peaking of foreign ownership (7/1997–2000), are followed. Our findings reveal systematic effects associated with foreign trading. For instance, reductions in liquidity and trade sizes, and increases in informational asymmetry and dealer risk aversion, accompany falling demand for Treasury debt. Moreover, in this environment, foreign trading volume plays a larger explanatory role about the market's microstructure, than in an environment of rising demand. We also find dealer reactions to foreign transactions vary across the term‐structure.  相似文献   

按照美国1940年《投资顾问法》及相关规则,美国证监会将资产管理、证券投资建议、理财规划服务提供方作为投资顾问进行监管,投资顾问监管牌照基本涵盖了整个市场的资产管理和理财服务。美国投资顾问服务市场呈现出数量庞大、多层次、多样化的特征,其中,证券商及其关联投资顾问机构占据相对主导地位。20世纪70年代以来,美国证券商经历了从依靠经纪通道服务模式向客户需求导向服务模式的转变,而发展投资顾问服务是其客户服务转型的基本路径。我国证券公司正在探索证券投资顾问服务,美国证券市场投资顾问服务发展经验对深化我国资本市场的投资顾问服务具有现实的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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