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陈学胜 《特区经济》2006,(12):90-91
在CKLS模型的基础上,笔者提出了一个加入跳跃过程的单因子利率期限结构模型。通过对我国国债回购利率的实证检验,发现加入跳跃过程后,模型不但能更好地拟合实际数据,而且揭示了利率均值回复和水平效应的部分原因,从而增强了模型的解释能力。  相似文献   

陈学胜 《南方经济》2006,(10):96-103
在CKLS模型的基础上,我们提出了一个加入跳跃过程的单因子利率期限结构模型。通过对我国国债回购利率的实证检验,发现加入跳跃过程后,模型不但能更好地拟合实际数据.而且揭示了利率均值回复和水平效应的部分原因,从而增强了模型的解释能力。  相似文献   

随着债券市场的不断发展,债券融资在我国社会总融资规模中的占比持续上升。其中银行间质押式债券回购成为我国短期资金市场的主导力量,交易活跃、成交额大,且其利率已成为短期资金市场的代表性利率,同时也是我国短期金融产品定价的基准利率之一。本文基于时间序列分析,探究M1的同比增长率对银行间质押式回购利率的影响,并得出相关结论。  相似文献   

中国金融市场基准利率选择的经验分析   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
本文在总结金融市场基准利率基本属性和评析国外基准利率选择的基础上,围绕基准利率的四个属性,系统比较分析了中国利率体系中各种利率,并对相关利率关系进行统计分析和Granger 因果检验,认为以银行间债券回购市场利率作为当前中国金融市场短期基准利率优于其他利率。  相似文献   

<正>利率涨势加速传导银行间市场流动性正在缩紧,货币市场上短期利率的涨势正在加速向中长期品种传导。5月31日,银行间隔夜质押回购利率跳升19BP,达到2.36%。这种涨势从5月17日起变得强劲,涨幅达81BP。融入机构对7天、14天品种的资金需求继续旺盛。5月31日,7天、14天  相似文献   

目前,我国以M1为货币政策中介目标,以MO和M2为观测目标,操作目标为超额准备金,同时关注货币市场利率(包括拆借市场利率和回购市场利率),并运用多种政策工具以实现货币政策目标.  相似文献   

国债市场在我国金融市场上占有重要的地位,国债价格成为中央银行等金融机构和投资者关注的关键变量。由于我国利率市场化已经取得重要的进展,将西方成熟的国债定价理论应用于我国的国债市场的时机已经成熟。本文分析了均衡模型和无套利模型、单因子模型和多因子模型的特征,并利用银行间国债回购利率回归得到几个随机利率期限结构模型,利用这些期限结构模型给我国国债定价。根据国债定价结果,对我国国债市场的发展提出了相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

本文利用VAR-ATSM模型对中国利率期限结构与经济增长、通货膨胀和利率的相互关系进行分析。研究结果表明,在不同期限利差中,较长期利率利差对经济增长率和通货膨胀率的短期预测能力较弱,而中长期预测能力较强。不同期限利差均对短期利率具有较强的短期预测能力,时期越短,预测能力越强。经济增长、通货膨胀和短期利率冲击对不同期限利率在短、中期内产生正向影响。经济增长和短期利率冲击对不同期限利差产生负向影响,而通货膨胀冲击对不同期限利差产生正向影响。  相似文献   

我国商业银行利率风险管理实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用利率敏感性缺口模型中的利率敏感性缺口、缺口率、利率敏感性比率和利率敏感性比率偏离度四个指标,对我国14家上市银行2006年和2007年的利率风险管理情况进行分析。结果显示:近年来我国商业银行利用利率敏感性缺口模型对利率风险进行了较有效的管理,但1年以上资产、负债的匹配上失衡现象严重,利率敏感性缺口的调整滞后于利率变化趋势;我国传统国有大型商业银行的利率风险管理,落后于新兴的股份制商业银行。  相似文献   

周博 《环球财经》2013,(8):39-42
各类衍生品工具历来是广大投资者最重要的风险管理工具之一。而在利率衍生品市场中,国债期货占据重要地位。国债期货主要交易所分析利率期货范围宽泛,除以中长期国债为标的的期货外,还有以短期利率为标的的期货,如欧洲美元期货,3个月的Euribor期货等;同时,也出现了以利率互换为标的的合约,如:墨西哥衍生品交易所的2年期和10年期的利率互换合约:长期利率为标的的期货,如5年mini欧洲美元期货。  相似文献   

Short‐term interest rate processes determine the term structure of interest rates in an arbitrage‐free market and are central to the valuation of interest rate derivatives. We obtain parameter estimates and compare the empirical fit of alternative one‐factor continuous‐time processes for the South African short‐term interest rate (and hence of arbitrage‐free term structure models) using Gaussian estimation methods. We find support only for diffusions where the interest rate volatility is moderately sensitive to the level of the interest rate. Other common models with restrictions that either preclude this effect, or restrict it to be too high, do not fit the data. Differences in the specification of the drift function have no evident effect on model performance.  相似文献   

高驰  王擎 《南方经济》2006,22(12):19-26
本文采用Svensson法从上海证券交易所2003年10月到2006年6月交易国债中获得隐舍的利率期限结构,并以此为分析对象,采用卡尔曼滤波和极大似然估计法对三因子仿射期限结构模型进行实证分析。结果表明,模型较准确的反映了我国利率期限结构的动态变化,但模型对短期利率的刻画能力不如对长期利率的刻画能力。  相似文献   

本文基于包含随机波动率的时变参数向量自回归(SV—TVP—VAR)模型研究了货币供给冲击作用下我国货币政策传导的动态响应机制。实证结果表明:我国的货币传导机制具有明显的时变效应,SV—TVP—VAR模型能够很好的刻画货币传导机制中的时变特征。同时,货币政策传导机制中时变效应大于惯性效应。此外,我国的货币供给过程表现为逐渐增强的产出缺口驱动特征。进一步研究发现,增加货币供给量这种扩张性的货币政策在短期内具有真实效应,能够显著的影响实际利率和产出水平,然而从长期来看对实际利率和产出水平却缺乏永久性影响。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the degree to which volatility in interbank interest rates leads to volatility in financial instruments with longer maturities (e.g. T‐bills) in Kenya since 2012, year in which the monetary policy framework switched to a forward‐looking approach, relative to seven other inflation targeting (IT) countries (Ghana, Hungary, Poland, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand and Uganda). Kenya shows strong volatility transmission and high persistence similar to other countries in transition to a more forwardlooking monetary policy framework. These results emphasize the importance of a strong commitment to an interbank rate as an operational target and suggest that the central bank could reduce uncertainty in short‐term yields significantly by smoothing out the overnight interest rates around the policy rate.  相似文献   

The paper addresses the empirical question of whether economies that do not systematically target inflation (non‐inflation targeters) experience higher exchange rate volatility as compared with inflation targeters in 10 countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) from 1990 to 2010. The paper examines the role of real exchange rate, exchange rate volatility and the reaction functions of central banks using dynamic panel estimation techniques. The results indicate that the output gap offers more useful information than the inflation gap in setting interest rates for inflation targeters, implying that the real term is more important than the nominal term. In turn, this suggests that an increase in interest rate can be wielded swiftly to reduce real gross domestic product and suppress inflation. The real exchange rate appears as a weaker determinant in setting interest rates for non‐inflation targeters. Inflation targeters experienced lower exchange rate volatility compared with non‐targeters in the ASEAN, which implies that implementation costs to their domestic economies may be marginally lower. Meanwhile, the non‐targeters follow a mixed strategy as both the inflation and real exchange rate are used as instruments to set the interest rates.  相似文献   

This paper analyses how systematic risk emanating from the macroeconomy is transmitted into stock market volatility using augmented autoregressive Generalised Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedastic (AR‐GARCH) and vector autoregression (VAR) models. Also examined is whether the relationship between the two is bidirectional. By imposing dummies for the 1997‐1998 Asian and the 2007‐2009 sub‐prime financial crises, the study further analyses whether financial crises affect the relationship between macroeconomic uncertainty and stock market volatility. The findings show that macroeconomic uncertainty significantly influences stock market volatility. Although volatilities in inflation, the gold price and the oil price seem to play a role, it is found that volatility in short‐term interest rates and exchange rates are the most important, suggesting that South African domestic financial markets are increasingly becoming interdependent. Finally, the results show that financial crises increase volatility in the stock market and in most macroeconomic variables, and, by so doing, strengthen the effects of changes in macroeconomic variables on the stock market.  相似文献   

Abstract: Macroeconomics in general and interest rate policy in particular are believed, from a theoretical point of view, to act on stock market movements. This paper discusses this issue in the case of the West African stock market by studying the Regional Securities Exchange (la Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM)) stock market reactions to interest rates innovations. Our results, based on VAR analysis, show that the BRVM stock market does not react immediately to short‐run interest rates’ innovations. Nevertheless, backed reactions occur in imminent periods: at the earliest in the second period and at the latest in the sixth period according to VAR models used. Long‐term effects of short‐term interest rates’ innovations on stock prices returns depend on models specified, on the kind of interest rate and on data frequency. Thus, the long‐term effect of central bank rent rates’ innovations is relatively more important than the one related to interbank rate's innovations. The previous situation of the market is, however, the main determinant of the change of stock prices. Our results show also that stock prices and short‐run interest rates have a similar reaction to both exchange rate and inflation rate's innovations.  相似文献   

We examine the effects on the level and volatility of yield spreads of the Quantitative Monetary Easing Policy (QMEP) of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) implemented from March 19, 2001 to March 9, 2006. We adopt an Exponential Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity (EGARCH) model to analyze daily data for the five year duration of QMEP. The purpose of QMEP was to reduce short-term interest rate expectations with the goal of bringing down long term interest rates to stimulate the economy. Under QMEP, the operational target of monetary policy was taken as the current account balances (CABs) of financial institutions held at the BoJ. In support of QMEP effectiveness, we find that the policy to raise CABs was indeed associated with a decrease in yield spreads across all maturities. At the same time, the policy may have increased the volatility of yield spreads at short and medium time horizons, perhaps due to unevern demand for government security issues that nevertheless left confidence in the future of low interest rates intact. Preserving liquidity at or above the CABs target range was found to decrease yield spreads.  相似文献   

The paper analyses the relationship between expected inflation and nominal interest rates during a period of inflation targeting in South Africa, i.e. from 2000 to 2005. Specifically, it investigates the Fisher hypothesis that nominal interest rates move one‐to‐one with expected inflation, leaving the real interest rate unaffected. The analysis distinguishes between a short‐run Fisher effect and a long‐run Fisher effect. Using cointegration and error correction models (for monthly data for the period April 2000 to July 2005), it was found that the short‐run Fisher hypothesis did not hold during the relevant period under the inflation targeting monetary policy framework in South Africa. This is attributed to a combination of the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) control over short‐term interest rates and the effects of the monetary transmission mechanism. The long‐run Fisher hypothesis could not be confirmed in its strictest form: while changes in inflation expectations move in the same direction as the nominal long‐term interest rate. This suggests that monetary policy has an influence on the real long‐term interest rate, which has positive implications for general economic activity, thus confirming the credibility of the inflation targeting framework.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to examine the interest rate transmission mechanism for South Africa as an emerging economy in a pre‐repo and repo system. It explains how the money market rate is transmitted to the retail interest rates both in the long run and short run, and tests the symmetric and asymmetric interest rate pass‐through using the error‐correction model (ECM) and the adjusted ECM‐exponential generalised autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity (ECM‐EGARCH) (1,1)‐M methodology. This permitted the examination of the impact of interest rate volatility, along with the leverage effect. An incomplete pass‐through is found in the short run. From the entire sample period, a symmetric adjustment is found in the deposit rate, which had upward rigidity adjustment, while an asymmetric adjustment is found in the lending rate, with a downward rigidity adjustment. All the adjustments supported the collusive pricing arrangements. According to the conditional variance estimation of the ECM‐EGARCH (1,1), negative volatility impact and leverage effect are present and influential only in the symmetric deposit interest rate adjustment process in South Africa.  相似文献   

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