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讨论旅游业发展中的土地问题很有必要,一些重要问题应当引起关注. 一、旅游用地供给问题 我国已是世界第二大经济体,在人均土地资源并不富裕的国情下,资源环境过多耗用,形成了全球最大的建设用地规模,这使得在旅游需求开始升级时,旅游业用地进入约束不断增强的供给时期.进入"十二五"后,我国旅游用地需求规模持续扩量,在旅游消费升级需求引致下,旅游发展地区建设用地需求量增大,特别在经济下行情况下,旅游发展用地需求不减反增,一些地区投资规模大、用地多的项目多涉及旅游,不少是上百亿的超大项目.用地需求呈现出与旅游关联的各类基础设施用地多,形态各异的旅游新业态用地多,且用地规模大、结构复杂、乡村区域布局多、投资急等特点.同时,这一时期土地供给方式却出现一些变化,经过经济高速增长后,许多地区新增建设用地空间不多了,逐渐进入存量供给模式,需要控制增量、盘活存量,这使得保障旅游项目用地时,往往是捉襟见肘.旅游用地供需不平衡、矛盾突出的问题怎样解决?  相似文献   

以市场研究促进我国度假旅游发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旅游业是以需求定义的产业,有效旅游产品的供给必须以对游客需求的切实把握为前提.要开发我国的休闲度假旅游,不能简单照搬以往对传统观光旅游市场的需求特征的研究结论,而必须要全面地了解我国休闲度假旅游市场的客观现状与市场的真实需求,正确判断现阶段我国休闲度假旅游市场的基本特点.  相似文献   

刘锋 《旅游学刊》2016,(2):8-10
中国经济经过30多年的快速发展,巨大的旅游市场需求正在加速释放,伴随而来的也有供给与需求的不相匹配.一方面,低水平、同质化、粗放式的旅游产品大量存在;另一方面,高品质、个性化、精细化的新业态产品和休闲度假产品供给严重不足,呈现结构性过剩与结构性短缺并存的局面.因此如何满足市场需求的变化,如何推进旅游“供给侧改革”是当下中国旅游业面临的一个重要命题.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,海南的休闲度假旅游成为旅游业的主要旋律和方向,海南被评为国际旅游岛更是会促进休闲度假旅游的发展.同时对海南休闲度假旅游也提出了更高的要求.从海南休闲度假旅游的现状出发,分析海南休闲度假旅游存在的问题,并在此基础上提出推动海南休闲度假旅游的可持续发展的对策.  相似文献   

邓冰  陈玲玲  张翾 《旅游学刊》2015,30(3):116-126
低碳而时尚的自行车旅游已经吸引越来越多的人参与其中,是可持续旅游的重要形式.国外学者在这一较新领域已有15年的积累,研究较为系统而深入.文章通过对国外关于自行车旅游的42篇文献进行梳理,认为国外相关研究主要集中于自行车旅游的供给和需求两大方面,影响研究和系统研究方面也有涉及.从供给来说,重点研究自行车旅游产品、营销、组织;从需求来说,重点研究自行车旅游者的行为特征.最后,对该领域在国内外研究的差距做了简要分析,提出建议,以期推动国内自行车旅游研究的发展.  相似文献   

杭州国内休闲度假旅游市场调查及启示   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
王莹 《旅游学刊》2006,21(6):44-48
发展休闲度假旅游是我国旅游产业转型与提升的必然选择,目前我们对休闲度假市场的现状还缺乏足够的了解,对休闲度假旅游产品的开发带有一定的盲目性.本文以杭州市国内休闲度假旅游市场的问卷调查为基础,分析归纳了我国休闲度假市场的现状特征,提出了差异化开发、休闲度假市场培育等建议.  相似文献   

不变与变:旅游利基市场重要性的凸现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、旅游利基市场的心理基础 人们往往对旅游业只有模糊的概念,并且认为其过于庞大和复杂,这来源于旅游需求以及与之相配合的供给.需求或供给的品类、规模以及它们的匹配程度,或者说,需求与供给的状况以及相互关系决定了旅游业的发展轨迹.  相似文献   

休闲度假旅游是当代人对服务行业提出的新需求,他们希望在自己的闲暇生活,走进自然,体验生活。这就需要相关旅游服务的支持。本文主要以森林休闲度假旅游为文章阐述的主要内容,通过对度假旅游服务开发的意义进行阐述,对森林旅游度假的特点进行分析,给出其旅游服务企业在今后发展过程中主要经营策略,以供参考。  相似文献   

基于渠道权力理论的旅游供应链企业关系博弈分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从渠道权力的角度对旅游供应链上下游企业间的关系类型进行分析.在渠道权力二元结构基础上,结合旅游供应链的特点,利用旅游淡季与旺季的供给-需求曲线关系,重新建立了旅游供应链渠道权力二元结构.并对不同的旅游供应链供应商-中间商关系进行了分析.文章重点讨论了随着旅游淡旺季旅游产品出现周期性供给过剩与供给不足情况下,供应商与中间商的单次博弈与无限次博弈的最优策略.  相似文献   

旅游公共服务多元化供给:政府职能定位与模式选择研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着我国旅游业的蓬勃发展,旅游公共服务的广泛社会需求、政府职能转变的内在要求以及旅游公共服务的实践探索,已经对创新旅游公共服务供给模式提出了迫切要求。文章以公共经济学和公共管理学等理论作为主要分析工具,结合旅游公共服务实践,明确政府在旅游公共服务多元化供给过程中职能定位的基础上,探讨旅游公共服务政府、市场、社会共同参与的旅游公共服务供给模式,以保证旅游公共服务在制度框架内有效供给,满足公众日益增长的旅游公共服务需求和实现公共利益。  相似文献   

影响京郊旅游业持续发展的主要产业环境问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北京郊区是当前扣未来北京旅游业发展所依托的最重要地区。随着郊区旅游业与经济社会的快速发展,一系列正在危害郊区旅游业持续发展的环境问题凸现了出来。概括起来,主要有三方面。一是长期对郊区旅游业发展将形成制约的关键资源供给短缺厦由此引发的资源矛盾问题,二是已经扣正在对郊区旅游业发展构成危害的郊区非旅游产业不同环境效应所导致的各种资源厦环境问题,三是不客忽视的郊区旅游业自身所存在的许多不可持续性环境问题。  相似文献   

北京国内休闲旅游高端市场发展现状及发展对策   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
国内休闲旅游是旅游市场中重要的组成部分,本文采用企业访谈和问卷调查的方法对北京国内休闲旅游高端市场供求进行了分析,并在此基础上预测了未来的发展趋势,最后提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

社会学视角下的旅游文化现象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文是国家社科基金项目的阶段性成果之一。文章从社会学角度,观察旅游文化现象,介绍了旅游社会学形成的渊源和研究的问题,探讨了旅游行为和社会变迁之间的相互关系。文章认为,现代社会经济的发展和科学技术的进步,增加了社会成员的收入和闲暇时间,使多数社会成员把旅游消费作为日常生活的一部分。同时,旅游者、旅游机构和旅游目的地之间的互动也影响社会政策,改变社会结构,引起社会变迁。  相似文献   

近年来国内关于城郊旅游开发研究综述   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
随着国内旅游迅猛发展,假日旅游蓬勃兴起,城市郊区逐渐成为旅游的热点区域。本文从城郊旅游兴起的原因、城郊旅游开发的条件(或优势)和形式,以及城郊旅游开发中存在的问题和开发对策(或战略)等方面对近年来国内城郊旅游开发的研究文献进行了简略的综述,并对国内城郊旅游开发研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

Several emerging trends are pointing to the re-emergence of the bicycle as an important leisure and recreational transportation mode. Yet little research has been conducted into cycling within a tourism context. This paper examines the increasing phenomenon of bicycle tourism by defining bicycle tourists and bicycle tourism from a demand perspective, and describes the characteristics, infrastructure and travel behaviour associated with bicycle tourism through the examination of data collected on independent cycle tourists in the South Island of New Zealand. It illustrates through performance-importance analysis, the areas of major concern in the planning and management of bicycle tourism, and recommends that a demand side perspective is needed if the supply side of the industry is to be sustainable in the future. It makes recommendations for the future planning and management of bicycle tourism in New Zealand that may be of interest to countries currently developing cycle tourism.  相似文献   


This article examines three different approaches to lifestyle segmentation in improving the quality of tourism and leisure marketing decisions in three separate cases. Tourism and leisure products are prototypical lifestyle purchase yet in many tourism research studies visitors are described by demographics or tourism behaviour only. These cases illustrate different approaches to lifestyle segmentation. Firstly, there are segmentation schemes based on external logic that can be broadly applied across a range of markets, including tourism and leisure. Alternatively, there are schemes that are based on a 'conversation' with the data and which rely on an internal logic within that data that may not transfer to other market contexts. Between these two lie schemes that apply external paradigms to specific datasets. The cases selected illustrate points along this spectrum.

The first case study examines the use by government tourism organizations of lifestyle segmentation 'bought in' from an external source. Here lifestyle segmentation data is collected from a representative sample of the Australian population as part of a commercial “single source” data set. The second case is based on a regional tourism study, which has utilized prior theory to develop its own lifestyle segmentation and at the same time related this to boarder characteristics of tourists in Tropical North Queensland. The third case examines the development of tailored lifestyle segmentation among 'event' spectators based on purely internal criteria unrelated to the broader population. These cases provide insight into the appropriate development and application of lifestyle segmentation and the use of the data by tourism and leisure managers. Managers may think about the type of lifestyle segmentation approach required based on how the segmentation scheme results need to be related to the wider market or population.  相似文献   

关于北京郊县(区)发展民俗旅游的考察报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
京郊民俗旅游依托北京独特的旅游资源和民俗文化办得有声有色,引起了各地领导和旅游业内人士的重视,在考察和深入研究的基础上,作者结合当地实际提出了具有明确针对性的意见和建议。  相似文献   

The general subject of this paper is the future of leisure. It is suggested that the existing forecasts over the last forty years regarding the future of leisure - either leisure's abundance or its scarcity - depend upon taking leisure and work either segmentally or even as polar opposites. It is argued that recovering a basic idea found in Samuel Smiles' book Self-Help (1859) could go a long way toward establishing an identity between real work and real leisure. Smiles is typically read as a mere lyric poet and as a writer in part responsible for projecting upon his people horrid centres of industrialism by way of promoting what is historically referred to as the Victorian work ethic. But Smiles can be read differently. In this paper it is argued that Smiles' interpretation of self-help is so inclusive as to be useful in understanding the nature and significance of the future of leisure if, that is, we take leisure to be work.  相似文献   

Slow tourism is motivated by the desire for personal and communal well-being. It emerged as an antidote to the fast-paced imperatives of global capitalism that urge the entrepreneurial self to speed up and work harder to achieve and demonstrate desired social status. The entrepreneurial self can be understood in the contexts of neoliberalism and the class- and gender-based histories of time-thrift and rational recreation; the entrepreneurial self uses leisure time purposively in the pursuit of status, avoids idle pursuits and has restricted capacity to experience leisurely social relationships. In this article, it is argued that leisurely social relations can be reclaimed by letting go, even temporarily, of time-thrift and the compulsion to use leisure time purposively. Data drawn from in-depth interviews with repeat visitors at two Australian caravan parks revealed that for the period of their holiday the tourists relax, refuse to be driven by schedules, socialise with other tourists and feel no compulsion to use time purposively. The key reasons the tourists return to the parks each year were for the friendships and the sense of community they experience as part of the holiday. Slow tourism by its very nature rejects time-thrift, however, as the movement is harnessed by global capitalism, slow tourism risks becoming a source of conspicuous consumption. The findings of this study suggest that friendship and community thrive more readily in conditions where the need to achieve and demonstrate social status is discarded along with time-thrift.  相似文献   


Visitor management plans are increasingly seen by local authorities as an essential contribution they can make towards sustainable tourism. However, tourism is subject to many external influences and is only part of the system of activities and land uses at the destination. Successful visitor management must, therefore, be broadly based and rooted in a wide range of policies. The objectives for sustainable tourism in Cambridge are supported by policies at the European, national, regional, county and local level covering tourism, recreation, transport, the environment, land use and economic development. This results in an integrated policy framework that ensures consistency, encourages cooperation and long‐term planning, makes the best use of resources, opens up additional sources of finance and provides a firm justification for refusing undesirable development. Achieving integration requires the visitor management plan to be seen neither as an end nor as a beginning, but as part of a process. In Cambridge this has involved a commitment to monitoring and reviewing strategies and to ensuring a policy input on tourism issues at all levels of decision making. Appropriate ad hoc bodies have been set up. Visitor management cannot succeed in isolation: other policies must be made to work for it, not frustrate action.  相似文献   

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