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林杰文 《广告大观》2009,(11):22-25
2009年。4A广告以少有的力度与频率,通过各种渠道发布了消费者研究报告,4A广告如此高调的举动让我们看到了一些不寻常的新意。4A广告加大消费研究力度就是力求在广告主领域决胜广告市场。但究竟这条路能走多远.还有待观察。  相似文献   

编前:2011年3月9日,中央电视台2010年度十佳优秀广告代理公司颁奖盛典召开,随着新一年度的十佳名单出炉,具有业界标杆意义的这项评选再度受到关注。只是这一次,我们意外地发现:在十佳名单上只看到了群邑一家4A公司。  相似文献   

4A广告公司户外媒体购买与别的广告公司有什么分别呢?这个问题一直困扰了我们很长时间,一些东西想跟大家分享一下。我们做广告,就是为客户建立并且维护它们产品的市场份额,我相信大家在这方面是做了比较多的工作的。因为我们不做,其他的竞争对手就会把这些市场份额争取过去。广告分为线上广告和线下广告,我要说的是线上广告和线下广告的支持对于品牌的成功同样重要。"线上"包括广告业创意公司如何对客户品牌定进行定位,做沟通策略:  相似文献   

周捷 《中国广告》2002,(3):57-57
为什么大名鼎鼎的国际4A 公司会一而再、再而三地在争取本土客户时输给本土公司?为什么运作规范,占尽优势(除了价格)的国际4A公司会一而再,再而三地丢失本土客户?为什么许多国际4A 公司在进入中国大陆市场后口碑每况愈下,甚至被众多本土客户嗤之以鼻?为什么在服务本土客户的时候,"小米加步枪"的本土公司反倒比"武装到牙齿"的国际4A 公司更有优势?在广告圈一段时间后,你多少会有这样的疑问和感叹。但是,一旦你知道许多国际4A 公司服务本土客户的时候是怎么一回事的话,答案也就水落石出了。企业界的朋友常常跟我感叹:为什么提案时那么优秀的国际4A 广告公司,真正到服务起来的时候却"货不对板"?提案时庞大的明星阵容,在签下合同以后就从此再也见不到了,一天到晚跟你打交道的全是些虾兵蟹将。除了收费是国际4A 水准之外,创意,策略……跟许多本  相似文献   

消费者研究成为4A媒体公司的重点消费者洞察一直是突破创意执行和媒体策划的基石。但有人提出4A媒体公司和广告商是在各种趋势之间循环变动的——即他们工作的重点经过一段时  相似文献   

章汝shi 《中国广告》2002,(10):82-83
全球信息沟通巨人 WPP 企图通过控制亚太地区众多公司的所有权而主导该地区的沟通业务,从而盈利。它在亚太地区控制媒介代理的两个顶尖代理商即奥美公司和紧随其后的同行智威汤逊公司。奥美位居排行榜的第一位是一点也不令人感到意外的。它确是代理商的巨人。其业务蔓延的广度和工作的深度是任何代表商都很难与之相比的。奥美把持排行榜第一,主要是它在创意技能上占有优势其次是占着市场份额较大的便宜。尽管智威汤逊在市场营销活动上比奥美要强得多。奥美有一份值得羡慕的客户名单,它们是 MOTOROLA、IBM、COCA-COLA、American Express。这些大公司都是品牌  相似文献   

在广告主制定自己的营销策略与媒介投放策略过程中。必定要选择自己的智业服务机构。这也是广告主要花出去的一部分钱。在这个过程中。这些智业服务机构便成为了决定广告投放方向性因素的决策因子,因为这些智业服务机构往往成为企业决策的“意见领袖”。是要选择跨国的4A公司呢?还是要选择本土广告公司以及咨询公司来为自己制定营销战略以及媒介投放策略呢?是选择大的公司呢还是选择小的公司呢?其实,这都不重要,关键是选择到适合自己企业发展的智业服务机构。在这个选择的过程中,广告主又期望这些智业服务机构扮演什么样的角色呢?[编者按]  相似文献   

对话人:张惠辛《中国广告》杂志社主编(以下简称张)郑松茂台湾意识形态广告公司董事长(以下简称郑)张:进入中国大陆的4A 公司有好几种类型。比较早的有上广跟奥美、广装与旭通的合资.它们的投资比例大抵相等。后来.好像外资的控股比例在提高……郑:用外国话来说.这叫"这个伙伴在睡觉"。外商很有国际化的习惯.他们总是想要拥有控制权.这里面就会有很多吞并的技术。我们很多公司没有被国际化的经验,更不要谈国际化别人的经验。所以.有的是有意识的.有的是不小心就被吞并了的。  相似文献   

根据近日发布的J.D.Power亚太公司2006年中国汽车销售满意度指数(SSI)调研。“报告,奥迪在中国的新车销售和交车环节连续第三年名列消费者满意度指数调研榜首。  相似文献   

正尽管2012年各大媒介与广告代理商对RTB报以乐观姿态,但是广告主却并没有显出想象中的那般热情。随着RTB(RealTime Bidding,实时竞价)、DSP(Demand-Side Platform,需求方平台)、DMP(Data-Management Platform,数据管理平台)等  相似文献   

This research examines consumer attitudes towards four sub-types of interactive digital advertising: internet-based e- and email advertising, and mobile-phone-based SMS- and MMS-type advertising. The differences in attitudes among these four sub-types of interactive digital advertising are also compared. Data are collected from three universities in Taiwan. Data analysis extracts three attitudinal forms (common factors) towards interactive digital advertising, namely, ‘informative’, ‘entertaining’ and ‘irritating’. Consumer attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertising are both similar and positive (i.e. informative and less irritating and entertaining). Their attitudinal forms towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising are less positive (more irritating and less informative and entertaining). Furthermore, the three attitudinal forms towards the four sub-types of interactive digital advertising are compared. Consumer ‘informative’ and ‘entertaining’ attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertisingare similar, while their attitudinal forms towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising are equal and lower than towards the previous two sub-types of interactive digital advertising. As for the ‘irritating’ attitudinal form, consumers feel more ‘irritated’ towards email advertising and SMS-type m-advertising, while their attitudinal forms towards e-advertising and MMS-type m-advertising are equal and less irritated.  相似文献   

Despite an ongoing debate, authors agree that factors that determine consumers' involvement in any goal object are the characteristics of the object, the characteristics of the customer involved and the situational context of the decision. With this as the theoretical background, this paper advocates the need to study African‐specific contextual factors to gain a thorough understanding of consumer involvement and successful marketing practice in this society. An extensive review of the extant literature was done to provide a relevant framework for exploring consumer involvement and African‐related issues. The paper concludes that existing postulations on the subject matter could not robustly capture consumer involvement in Africa due to pertinent influences of cultural values and mores that do not apply elsewhere in the world. Hence, empirical studies to gauge the context‐specific application of the subject in relation to Africa are suggested as imperative. This paper advocates a society‐oriented consciousness for marketing activities in relation to consumer involvement with specific reference to Africa. Therefore, it cautions against undue generalization about the existing postulations on the subject, and provides directions for future research towards updating the literature.  相似文献   

本研究缘起于对“广告公司自身形象塑造与传播”话题的关注,从“改革开放以来广告公司自身广告传播”切入,将1981—2007年刊登在《中国广告》、《国际广告》、《现代广告》的2266条广告公司自身广告作为样本对象,进行了历时性和共时性的分析和研究。随着分析视角的逐一展开,发现广告公司的自身广告是一面镜子,它折射出27年来在中国的本土或者外资广告公司的众生百态。  相似文献   

本文以近年来上市公司的违规行为作为切入点,从委托代理理论的角度分析上市公司违规的原因,认为上市公司违规与其公司治理有着密切的关系,并从企业层面提出通过完善公司治理结构和治理机制来遏制违规行为的对策.  相似文献   

Quantitative Marketing and Economics - Does advertising help consumers to find the products they need or push them to buy products they don’t need? In this paper we study the heterogeneous...  相似文献   

We investigate the moderating role of national openness to foreign markets on consumer responses (attitude to ad, brand and purchase intention) to different degrees of advertising adaptation in Belgium, Iran and India. We operationalize three levels of advertising adaptation (standardization, glocalization and adaptation) by manipulating the model (international versus local celebrity) and advertising copy (international versus local advertising copy). The results show that societies with a low openness to foreign markets respond more positively to fully adapted ads than to glocalized and standardized ads. The differences in responses decrease with national openness.  相似文献   

The marketing literature has made significant progress toward a better understanding of how firms can effectively design and manage their channels of distribution. However, the complexity of today’s channel systems raises additional issues that remain unaddressed. The purpose of this article is to suggest promising research directions in this domain. We suggest several possible avenues to relate multiple channel design and management to channel-system, channel-relationship, and customer-level outcomes. In particular, we see a great opportunity to integrate multichannel customer management and traditional channel design research. We argue that future research should account for cross-level effects and incorporate variables at more than one relationship level.  相似文献   

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