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Alice Lam 《Human Resource Management Journal》1994,4(3):22-40
Alice Lam, who is Lecturer in Human Resource Management and Industrial Relations in the Canterbury Business School at the University of Kent, examines how the organisation of technical work affects the utilisation and skills development of engineers. Evidence is drawn from a detailed investigation of the roles and career experience of some 60 Japanese and 55 British engineers in the electronics industries. the analysis highlights the importance of effective on-the-job learning for engineers and the need to view the structure of work organisation as one main determinant of skill formation. the author argues the inappropriate work organisation in the British firms has led to poor utilisation of the skills of engineers. This has caused low motivation and inhibited the innovative performance of firms. 相似文献
Sayer (1995) has argued that the division of labour has a structure that is distinct from capitalist relations of production, and, following Hayek, that it is determined most strongly by the use of knowledge by enterprises. Conscious coordination or alteration of the division of labour therefore usually result in reduced efficiency and in an authoritarian suppression of difference. In this article we argue that the division of labour in capitalism is strongly determined by conflict within and between classes, and that in the short term socialist policy can and should aim to alter it. A model of socialist economic coordination is presented which is feasible and ameliorates many of the problems of the capitalist division of labour. This model would enable the development rather than suppression of positive differences. 相似文献
面对知识经济的挑战,企业的人力资源发展需要突破原有的思维模式和运作方式.文章在对学习型组织理论和人力资源管理理论研究的基础上,从人力资源管理全过程的角度,提出了基于学习型组织的人力资源发展模型,并对模型进行了分析. 相似文献
面对知识经济的挑战,企业的人力资源发展需要突破原有的思维模式和运作方式。文章在对学习型组织理论和人力资源管理理论研究的基础上,从人力资源管理全过程的角度,提出了基于学习型组织的人力资源发展模型,并对模型进行了分析。 相似文献
近年来,新社会组织正日益成为佳木斯市经济社会生活的一支重要力量,在促进经济社会全面、协调、可持续发展中发挥着不可替代的作用。切实加强新社会组织党建工作,是巩固党的执政基础,提高党的执政能力,完成党的执政使命所面临一项艰巨任务,也是当前亟待研究和解决的一个重大课题。因此,必须真正把新社会组织党建工作作为新时期党的基层组织建设的一项重要任务抓紧抓好,为新社会组织的健康发展提供坚强有力的组织保证。 相似文献
随着市场经济的发展,享乐主义思想在不断侵蚀人们正确的价值观、人生观,而红色资源作为一种优质的教育资源,其包含的艰苦奋斗、不怕吃苦等精神对当代大学生具有重要的教育功能。因此实现红色资源与高校大学生管理工作的有机结合,对提高高校管理工作,帮助学生树立正确的价值观、人生观具有重要的现实意义。 相似文献
本文通过BP神经网络模型来分析HRM实践与组织情境的匹配关系,建立了具有良好预测效果的预测模型。发现决定HRM实践的四个主要影响情境因素是企业生命周期、正规化、垂直边界、等级情况。并且在相同的组织情境下,对比已有的类似企业,新建立企业在招聘、培训、绩效考核、员工晋升四个HRM实践倾向于沿用,而对在职位通道、薪酬制度、员工参与、沟通方面则倾向于进行改良。 相似文献
Tain‐Jy Chen 《Journal of Management Studies》2003,40(5):1107-1130
ABSTRACT This paper illustrates foreign direct investment (FDI) as the management of important network relations, using Taiwan's electronics firms as an example. Through FDI, seemingly small and weak firms propel the process of internationalization by making maximum use of external resources to which they have access. FDI often starts at a location close to the home base where support from the domestic networks can be drawn, subsequently moving on to more distant locations after investors have accumulated new network resources. The location chosen is usually an area rich in network resources or in close proximity to such rich networks. FDI enables the investors to construct a regional, or even global, sub‐network under their control to supply a set of wide‐ranging, differentiated and low‐cost products in a flexible fashion, and sometimes within close proximity to the markets. With this capacity for versatility, investors become valuable partners for multinational firms that offer global services. 相似文献
Exploiting heterogeneous variations in labour cost increases due to Japan's 2003 social insurance premium reform as a natural experiment, we estimate the impacts of the increased social insurance premiums on employment, working hours and payroll costs. Using the difference‐in‐differences method with establishment fixed effects, we find that firms reduce the number of employees and increase average annual earnings from longer working hours in response to an exogenous increase in labour costs without productivity gains. Firms manage to pay for this increase in the average wage paid to the remaining workers by reducing the number of employees to keep total payroll costs unchanged. In contrast, since social insurance premiums are shared equally between employees and employers, firms pay the remaining half premiums that they are imposed with. Sub‐sample analyses show that firms adhering to a labour hoarding policy did fire many workers taking advantage of the 2003 reform. This may indicate that the reform provided a good excuse to cut employment in firms that had been forced to comply with a labour hoarding policy even in an over‐employment situation, which is more likely in sectors and countries where dismissals are rigorously regulated. 相似文献
宋湛 《中国人力资源开发》2016,(14)
集体劳动争议采用劳动争议调解组织(或民间调解、或非官方调解)为调解主体的方式来进行调解,具有成本相对低、因保全双方关系(面子)而减少后续矛盾和问题等好处.然而,当前由于劳动争议调解组织的组成人员素质参差不齐、而集体劳动争议调解对调解工作的要求高,因而造成调解后续问题较多、双方当事人不愿意选择调解等情况的发生.本文以调解目标的回顾和阐述为基础,对调解应具有的基本原则进行逐一分析,来讨论如何构建政策体系来提升调解效率,化解冲突并减少后续遗留问题. 相似文献
abstract Based on qualitative interviews (n = 64) within five UK organizations that have embarked on large-scale restructuring (including delayering, downsizing, culture change, role redesign, lean production) we argue that middle managers are currently experiencing significant and progressive work and personal pressures. Performance is monitored more closely, hours and intensity of work are increasing, roles and tasks are changing frequently, and prospects for promotion are downscaled within flattened hierarchies. Whereas middle managers report increased levels of autonomy and skill, are often well remunerated, and frequently appear motivated (at least in the private sector), we suggest their burgeoning grievances over working hours, role pressures and promotion prospects have worrying implications for the future performance of UK industry. We argue further that the motivation for corporations to embark on such large-scale restructuring is best understood with reference to the incessant demands of international capitalism. We conclude that such restructuring, and the personal managerial experiences that result from it, is in keeping with many, but crucially not all, of the trends predicted by Bravermanian labour process theory. 相似文献
数据化促进了经济发展,也造成了传统雇佣模式的变化.本文以互联网平台为例,从国际视角分析了数据化带来的劳动者权益保障问题,并简要概括了国际劳工组织与发达国家解决这些问题的对策.笔者提出,互联网平台从业者大部分从事的是非标准工作,这类工作存在体面劳动方面的诸多缺陷.笔者认为,在传统雇佣关系发生变化之后,无需再用传统的定义和标准去研讨非标准工作从业者是否具有“雇员”的身份,而应当将这些通过劳动获得报酬的从业者视为“劳动者”.笔者指出,政府应当尽其所能,制定和修改劳动政策,为他们提供底线型的基本保障,帮助他们实现体面劳动. 相似文献
We construct benchmark estimates of labour productivity covering the transport and communications sectors for the US, UK and Germany for 1992 and 1993. The US lead is substantial in rail and trucking, even after adjusting for differences in stage length, but Britain leads in air transport and all three countries have similar productivity levels in local transport. In telecommunications and postal services the US enjoys a large lead over both the UK and Germany. We compare these estimates based on industry data with ones derived from the national accounts and find them similar in communications but not in transport. For 1973–96, and also 1989–96, productivity was growing slower in the US, hence some of the gap has been closed. 相似文献
人才的竞争是企业竞争的核心,人力资源开发成为企业发展的关键,这已经是不争的事实。变传统的人事管理为人力资源管理,已经成为不可逆转的潮流,人力资源部自然成为这一转变的焦点。然而,我们很遗憾地看到,部分企业人力资源部仅仅是人事部的翻版,根本没有进入人力资源管理变革的阶段。也有一些企业正执着地实施这样的转变,更令人担忧的是,他们不知不觉进入了“死胡同”,人力资源管理变革面临着失败的威胁。 相似文献
徐明 《中国人力资源开发》2016,(16):68-74
在市场经济迅猛发展、国企改革逐步深入的时代背景下,劳资关系发生着深刻的变化、国企内部格局也做了较大调整,这使得企业社会工作介入工会管理有了现实需要.本文的研究对象为中石化某企业的工会干部,站在企业社会工作的视阈中,从行为访谈、编码定级、再到建立模型、验证模型,深入研究并构建了国有企业工会干部的胜任特征的模型.本研究旨在促使国有企业工会干部的胜任能力在新时期得以与时俱进,以期为其如何更好地服务职工提供依据. 相似文献
电信企业转型是一个从市场转型到服务与技术转型再到企业管理转型的多种内容并存、全方位、相互交叉的过程,而管理转型中的一个关键问题是组织与人力资源机制创新问题。通过对当前电信企业转型中组织与人力资源机制创新的必然性和基本内涵的阐述,研究了电信企业组织人力资源机制创新的主要措施,即以市场化导向创新组织架构、以岗位和职务通道分类管理创新用人机制、以多渠道吸纳新兴业务人才创新用工机制和以市场与客户价值为导向创新分配机制。 相似文献
人力资源的灰色预警模型研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于人力资源的特殊性,选择多层次灰色理论,建立人力资源预警模型。本文引入了人力预警运作图,说明人力资源预警的作用和重要性。从人力资源的一致性、管理、效益三个层面,构建了人力资源预警的指标体系,并用灰色理论做综合评价,最后用实证予以说明。 相似文献
本文主要从地方高校虚拟人力资源的战略伙伴选择实施,外包实施,虚拟师资人力资源管理的构建方面分析了基于虚拟组织的地方高校师资人力资源管理开发对策。 相似文献
论上海浦东机场和虹桥机场的分工与合作 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文主要探讨上海浦东机场和虹桥机场两大机场如何分工与合作的问题。在综合分析上海机场发展现状和上海航空枢纽功能定位的基础上,借鉴国际上多机场城市分工运作的经验与教训,深入阐述两大机场分工定位,逐步构建"一市两场"体系,并对两机场分工与合作提出几点建议。 相似文献