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提高工业绿色技术创新效率,有助于推动工业企业绿色转型发展。本文从创新价值链视角出发,将绿色技术创新过程分为技术研发、成果转化和商业化三个阶段,运用网络NSBM模型测度2011—2020年中国工业绿色技术创新效率及三个子阶段的效率值,并通过标准差椭圆模型、Dagum基尼系数分解法、协调度发展模型探究其时空格局演化特征及协调发展情况。研究表明:中国工业绿色技术创新总效率及子阶段效率均呈现出良好的波动上升态势,但技术研发、成果转化和商业化环节之间还存在着一定程度的脱节;标准差椭圆重心“东北-西南”的分布格局逐步弱化,省域技术研发和成果转化阶段效率的差距逐渐缩小,而商业化阶段略有增加,区域间差异是工业绿色技术创新效率空间差异的主要来源;协调性的高值区主要分布在广东、上海、浙江、湖南等经济发达的省市,低值区则主要集中在欠发达的西部地区,包括内蒙古、贵州、青海及黑龙江等。最后,依据实证分析结果提出提高中国工业绿色技术创新效率的对策建议。 相似文献
产学研合作的演化博弈分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用演化博弈论建立了一个产学研合作的演化博弈模型,分析了产学研合作的演化过程。结果显示系统演化的结果呈现出鲜明初值依赖的特点,并与合作方从合作获得的收益的多少及收益能否得到公平的分配密切相关。 相似文献
人类是我们能够观察到的,在没有血缘关系的个体之间,进行广泛而密切的合作的唯一物种,合作在某种意义上,成就了这一生物物种于自然界中的生存和发展.从演化经济学的视角,将制度演化理解为在一般生物演化中获得生物特征的同时获得社会特征的演化过程,进而寻求合作的社会起源. 相似文献
基于演化博弈的产学研合作稳定性分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着知识经济的到来,科技与经济一体化成为了当今发展的主旋律,产学研合作是科学技术转化为生产力的有效途径,同时也成为技术创新和经济发展的必然要求。产学研合作的稳定性,对于产学研合作各方来说都是至关重要的。基于此,相对于完全理性假设下的传统博弈分析,本文应用了“有限理性”假设下的演化博弈研究方法,考察产学研合作各方的收益情况与产学研合作稳定性的关系以及产学研合作渐进稳定的过程,通过研究发现合作与合作的纳什均衡只是产学研合作稳定性的必要非充分条件,而第一次合作意愿的大小与合作效应的大小是产学研合作稳定的重要决定条件。 相似文献
In this paper, we analyze a team trust game with coordinated punishment of the allocator by investors and where there is also a final stage of peer punishment. We study the effect of punishment on the reward and the investment decisions, when the effectiveness and cost of coordinated punishment depend on the number of investors adhering to this activity. The interaction takes place in an overlapping‐generations model with heterogeneous preferences and incomplete information. The only long‐run outcomes of the dynamics are either a fully cooperative culture (FCC) with high levels of trust and cooperation and fair returns or a non‐cooperative culture with no cooperation at all. The basin of attraction of the FCC is larger; the higher the institutional capacity of coordinated punishment, the higher the level of peer pressure and the smaller the individual cost of coordinated punishment. 相似文献
70多年来,我国开展的一系列对口政策,兼顾政治稳定、民族团结、边疆巩固和区域协调发展,经历了由对口支援到对口帮扶再到对口合作的演化与发展,是对区域发展路径的一种创新.其演进机制体现为:在两个大局战略思想指引下,既有纵向的政治动员与统筹部署,也有横向的基于优势互补的资源配置和人文交流,在铸牢中华民族共同体意识的同时,不仅确保了社会主义公共产品的供给,还凸显出独具中国特色的制度优势与活力.中国式跨区域协同发展模式并非一成不变,而是与时俱进.全面推进乡村振兴,以新发展格局实现高质量发展,切实提升国家治理效能,将成为新时代我国推动对口合作的使命与方向. 相似文献
实验和现实数据均显示,即使在一次性的交往过程中人类也会惩罚非合作者.即使这种"利他性惩罚"可以解释人类社会较高水平的合作行为,但是它也会产生一个演化悖论:现有模型认为非亲缘个体之间的利他性合作只有在小规模群体中才可以稳定地演化,因而用这一模型来解释利他性惩罚的演化时就会产生一个结果,即人们不会自己承担成本去惩罚别人,并为大量非亲缘的成员提供利益.然而,本文认为,利他性合作与利他性惩罚之间是不对称的,这就使得利他性惩罚可以在一次性和匿名交往中演化,并使利他性惩罚和利他性合作都得以维持. 相似文献
We analyze the interplay between cooperation norms and people’s punishment behavior in a social‐dilemma game with multiple punishment stages. By combining multiple punishment stages with self‐contained episodes of interaction, we are able to disentangle the effects of retaliation and norm‐related punishment. An additional treatment provides information on the norms bystanders use in judging punishment actions. Partly confirming previous findings, punishment behavior and bystanders’ opinions are guided by an absolute norm. This norm is consistent over decisions and punishment stages and requires full contributions. In the first punishment stage, our results suggest a higher personal involvement of punishers, leading to a nonlinearity defined by the punishers’ contribution. In later punishment stages, the personal‐involvement effect vanishes and retaliation kicks in. Bystanders generally apply the same criteria as punishers in all stages. 相似文献
本文从生物演化的角度,分析了经济学中偏好、信念和理性的形成和演化特点,揭示了人类经济行为的生物学基础。 相似文献
企业集团子公司协同治理的合作博弈分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过对企业集团子公司协同治理的合作博弈模型进行描述和分析,动态的重复博弈使得在子公司所采取的策略中,博弈双方均采取合作策略或均采取背叛策略,因双方合作能带来协同效应,协同治理中的子公司最优的选择为采取合作策略。 相似文献
Gordon Tullock 《Journal of Bioeconomics》2002,4(2):99-107
The simple economic approach to human behavior is inconsistent with many human actions. Firstly we engage in very considerable
charitable gifts to strangers, people who are not related to us. We also risk our lives, or some of us do, sometimes for the
benefit of collective entities like nations. This is not only a deviation from simple maximization for the individual and
hence uneconomic, but would appear to contradict the general principles of evolution. At first glance these traits should
have been selected out. Looking back to primitive times it can be seen that both of these activities had evolutionary value
then and hence have been preserved, although maybe they will be eliminated after a number of generations of modern society.
Hamiltonian altruism led to gifts to people who were members of tribal groups and to neighboring tribes. With the improvement
in communication, these gifts, albeit small gifts, are much more widely distributed. The preservation of the territory of
a tribe also had evolutionary value and hence the willingness of individuals to take risk to that end.
This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date. 相似文献