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卡萨帝(Casarte),全球高端家电品牌,一个家电业新兴的贵族。Casa:意大利语,家的意思;art:艺术;Casarte,则意为家的艺术。Casarte因都市新兴贵族而生,用最顶尖的技术,为用户提供美好生活解决方案是其引领新贵时代生活方式的法宝,而卡萨帝洗衣机,则是Casarte家族在洗衣机行业里,又一巅峰之作。卡萨帝洗衣机,以最顶尖的技术,为高端用户提供尊享复式生活的方案,亦成为领航的风向标,卓而不凡,代表着一种品质与内涵,更兼顾着尊享生活的无上品味。  相似文献   

2020年12月18日,上海国际商品拍卖有限公司联合胡润研究院发布《2020上海国拍·胡润全球艺术榜》,榜单内容为前50名全球在世艺术家按照2019年度公开拍卖市场作品总成交额的排名。这是胡润研究院继连续十三年发布"胡润中国艺术榜"之后,首次发布"全球艺术榜"。本次发布会还举办了"全球化语境下新海派当代艺术表达与机会"...  相似文献   

太原市将于2010年9月1日到7日举办中国·太原晋商文化艺术周。活动周中,太原市将推出十四项文化活动,使之成为具有太原地域特色的文化惠民品牌工程。  相似文献   

朱健 《浙商》2011,(18):68-70
“投资是一种由智力控制资本的工作,同时也是一个‘把企业当作商业’、体现‘技术+艺术’的过程,所以它是我喜欢并将为之奋斗的事业。”  相似文献   

贡品轩始建于1991年,坐落于驰名中外的中国古典家具工艺之都--莆田仙游,工艺厂面积约一万五千平方米,展厅面积约五千平方米,是中国华东华南地最早收藏经营中式古典家具和仿制古典家具的大型企业之一。贡品轩致力于古典家具文化艺术的研讨与交流,并把对古典家具文化的研究、传播与发展作为发展的核心动力。  相似文献   

科学和艺术是不可分的,两者都在寻求真理的普遍性。事实上如一个硬币的两面.科学和艺术源于人类活动最高尚的部分.都追求着深刻性,普遍性、永恒和富有意义。  相似文献   

据统计数据显示,2010年1~11月,湖南省507家规模以上纺织企业实现工业总产值563亿元,同比增长34.08%,完成销售收入553亿元,增长33.97%,完成出口5.73亿美元,同比增长35.58%;据湖南省纺织办透露,截止到2010年12月底,全省规模以上纺织企业工业总产值达614.2亿元,实现主营业务收入582.7亿元、实现利税29亿元,实现利润15.6亿元,各项经济指标创历史新高。  相似文献   

豪雅(TAG Heuer)自1860年创立以来,一直被誉为瑞士前卫精准制表典范,是全球最大的奢侈品集团路威酩轩集团(LVMH)旗下的世界第四大奢侈腕表品牌。作为瑞士制表业的传奇和世界钟表业的百年先驱,豪雅与众多国际顶级体育赛事结缘,坚持创造最精确的计时工具和精美绝伦的腕表——它是第一个实现计时精确度达1/10秒、1/100秒,乃至1/1000秒的奢侈腕表品牌。  相似文献   

近日有幸采访了世纪星(深圳)电脑有限公司陈荣石总经理,充分感悟到了科技的发展和市场的变化。世纪星正式代理销售Panasonic数码相机“LUMIX”即“徕美”是这  相似文献   

王慧怡 《中国广告》2007,(9):106-108
沿着虹桥路上一条毫不起眼的小巷走到尽头是一幢西班牙风格的别墅,鱼鳞纹墙面,短坡屋顶,筒瓦覆盖;芳草如茵,树木回环,很是雅静。张江超艺就坐落于此,带着惊喜,  相似文献   

从2000年4月正式投产到2001年12月第20000辆诞生,从2001年18500辆超额完成预定任务到2002年35000辆目标的提出,不到两年的时间,风神蓝鸟已一跃成为中国最畅销中高档轿车品牌之一,这是中国轿车发展史上绝无仅有的。"人、车、生活","分期吸纳,优化组合",风神已开辟了一条特色之路,风神"神"在哪?"看不懂的风神"能在最闹最乱的2002年中"乱"出本色吗?  相似文献   

Emotional wisdom is defined as a set of seven dimensions of basic skills and meta‐narratives concerning how to regulate emotions within specific domains in such a way that the individual's and firm's well‐being are tied together. Using operationalizations of emotional wisdom for salespersons from a wide range of industries (Study 1) and in automotive dealerships (Study 2), with respect to both colleagues and customers, it is discovered that salespeople who score high on emotional wisdom cope differently with socially challenging situations and achieve better social relationships than those who score low on emotional wisdom. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the early 1990s philosopher Deane Curtin proposed a “food‐centered philosophy of human being,” whereby food became a potential site for the elimination of the self/other duality so central to Western thought. Since food is ingested and becomes part of the self, it obliges us to reconceptualize not only the other but also the identity of a self that is so permeable, it can physically incorporate the other. Food/cooking/eating as a conceptual complex has further challenged the self/other dichotomy in barrier‐breaking new cultural artifacts such as “food books,” performance art pieces, and popular film.  相似文献   

This article analyzes in detail the virtue of practical wisdom as described by Thomas Aquinas, and on this basis it develops a comprehensive framework to enrich Authentic Leadership theory, establishing the virtue of practical wisdom as foundational for the authentic leader’s behavior and character development, and highlighting shortfalls that may stem from vices opposed to it. The goal of the article is two-fold: First, it seeks to fill a void on the role of virtues–and in particular practical wisdom–in leadership studies; second, it aims to show how cultivating the virtue of practical wisdom as described by Aquinas promotes the development of exactly those traits that are characteristic of an authentic leader, offering a set of propositions delineating these correlations.  相似文献   

This article examines whether industries with differing target markets in terms of their customers’ gender reflect the design preferences of their target markets in line with the mirroring principle. An analysis was conducted of websites of industries concentrated alternatively on male and female consumers, namely the angling and beauty salon industries. In each case, a random selection of 60 angling and beauty websites were rated using rating characteristics identified as typical of the male and female web‐design production aesthetic. The fact that each gender has a marked preference for the production aesthetic of its own gender, and that the websites of industries focused on, alternatively, male and female consumers, are produced using a predominantly male design production aesthetic, shows the current failure in certain industries to deliver the empathy or mirroring principle. The male domination of the information technology and web‐design industries, together with the earlier rooting of research on web aesthetics in the universalist, as against the interactionist perspective, are adduced as possible factors in this failure. This failure, if representative of other industries, could be leading to the suboptimal use of web design for markets not dominated by men, and may be one of the factors leading women to be less frequent users of the web than men.  相似文献   

Representations of strategy tend to either be so generalized as to have little real meaning for employees, or go into such detail that people struggle to understand what is really required. The problem is this: a strategy not understood by those charged with implementing it is as bad as, or even worse than, not having a strategy at all. In 1983, a classic Business Horizons article by Karl Weick highlighted the importance of using graphical approaches to overcome strategy relation challenges; however, since then, little has been written regarding how managers might accomplish this successfully. Our article argues that individualized drawings of strategy, or what we term ‘stratography,’ could enable more effective conceptualization and communication of the strategic complexity that organizations face and the paths they are seeking to follow. Herein, we employ the latest thinking in cartography, educational philosophy, optics, graphic design, and military protocol to outline seven good practices of effective stratography.  相似文献   

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