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The relation between the urban and rural economy is alway a controversial issue in China. There are lot of experiences and lessons we can conclude from the changing relation of urban and rural economy in the history. To some extent, the present stagnant situation of the rural reform can attributo to the frustration of the  相似文献   

According to the present situation of the village energy,the need to protect the crop tree energy and the environmental construction,in 1980,Beijing city brought it into line with the plan to develop the forest for firewood.On the basis of analysing the consumption structure of Beijing′s village energy,the authors elaborate the strategy significance to construct the forest for firewood.  相似文献   

Driving forces for change of water footprint in China based on IPAT-LMDI model/XI Xu, et al (College of Urban and Environment, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China)
Abstract: By establishing IPAT model for change of water footprint, the driving forces for change of water footprint in China are decomposed into three humanistic factors of population, affluence and technology. The contribution rates of the above three factors to change of China' s water footprint as well as their average annual contribution rates in various provinces in China from 1997 to 2011 are measured using the LMDI decomposition model. The results show that the impact of the degree of affluence on change of water footprint is the greatest, that of the population is the smallest, both of which are positive driving factors, and the technology has bidirectional driving effects, while currently it is substantially negative driving force.  相似文献   

This papergives firstly a brief introduction about the theory of needs analysis and target needs.Needs analysis is also known as needs assessment as well as procedures used to collect information about learners needs.Secondly,it analyzes junior students’needs by using the framework of a target situation analysis.In the paper,data collection includes questionnaires which designed for junior students,observation,discussions,consultations with junior teachers andread materials concerned.The needs analysis that the author have done in this paper is with the expectation to provide reference for mastering needs trend of junior students and trying to meet needs of students in teaching activities as well as induce students to make a better progress..  相似文献   

The People' s Republic of China is going to celebrate her 40 years, anniversary. Under the 40 years' leadership of the Chinese Communist Party our country has achieved great change. Particularly,there are lots of experiences and lessons in rural  相似文献   

On the base of the analysis on the production present condition of Shanxi province′s millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice,mainly elaborating the forthcoming historical opportunity to exploit millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice.At last ,putting forward some concrete measures to vigorously produce millet and little food grains other than wheat and rice,realize business management and make it to become a new point of rice of agriculture econony of Shanxi province.  相似文献   

Difficulties and countermeasures in operation of China's central fund on farmland water conservancy/CHEN Tao, et al (Graduate School, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing 100005, China)
Abstract: The increasing investment into the construction of farmland water conservancy in China is needed, however, the available sources for the funds are short. In order to fill the financial gap of the construction of farmland water conservancy, the background, design and operating mode of the funds for the farmland water conservancy in China are elaborated, and the preliminary estimate and the actual draw of China's central funds for the farmland water conservancy are analyzed. With regard to the poor draw situation, some countermeasures are put forward: the draw degree should be strengthened,  相似文献   

Review and prospect of water resources in China:60 years of splendid water resources/ZHANG Yue (Ministry of Water Resources, P. R. China, Beijing 100053, Chian)
Abstract: The development course of water resources in P. R. China since its founding for 60 years was reviewed. The outstanding achievements of water resources in socialistic construction were depicted. A conclusion is drawn that that the water resources in P. R. China have always followed the road of scientific development of securing the nation, enriching the people and strengthening the country. The reformation and development of water resources are fuU of Chinese characteristics and exhibit the power and wisdom of the Chinese Nation ' s Furthermore, they also times in the thought of water resources industry social material basis for harnessing water resources . fully show the advance with the harnessing water resources. The in P. R. China provide important securing the nation, enriching the people and strengthening the country and greatly contribute to the development of the economy and the society.  相似文献   

Recommendation Chen Chieh-jen keeps his long-term observation on exploring how to make the invisible reality in the contemporary society visible.He is accomplished in revealing the invisible political power and power relationship,and even the potential repression in the society through video.One can say that is always the main spirit in his work.In a long time,those way that presented and analysed his work are mostly focus on his single work and the historical character,ideology within it.They are still ...  相似文献   

3-stage and 9-step process method to study strategic planning for establishment of water-saving society in China (Part 1 )- analysis of internal and external environments;Incentive mechanism for low-carbon economic development of enterprises based on multitask principal-agent model;Case study of virtual water for agricultural products in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region of Haihe River basin;Adjustment of agricultural structure in Hebei Province and its benefit analysis based on virtual water strategy;  相似文献   

Land consolidation has multi-functionality. Most of the existing researches focus on the supplementary function of cultivated land, but lack of systematic research on its function of promoting the sustainable development and revitalization of rural areas. In the context of the current global rural decline, land consolidation has been endowed with the connotation of promoting rural revitalization and regional sustainable development. This study systematically reviewed the evolution history of land consolidation in China, and then explored the current status, characteristics and potential impact of land consolidation as well as the driving mechanism of land consolidation promoting rural revitalization, and finally explained the feasible way to revitalize countryside by land consolidation in a typical case. Results showed that China's land consolidation has played an irreplaceable role in stabilizing the dynamic balance of arable land and ensuring food security. It has made or is moving towards supporting the development of modern agriculture, poverty alleviation and rural revitalization as well as regional sustainable development. Land consolidation is gradually favored in promoting rural development and revitalization because of its social, economic and ecological benefits, and it can provide a platform and inject new vitality for rural revitalization by solving the difficulties of lack of fund, land, technology, talent and industry. Comprehensive land consolidation helps to promote the overall revitalization of rural industry, ecology, organization, culture and talent. However, it also needs to be alert to the eco-environmental risks and negative effects brought by land consolidation projects. The problem-solving oriented land consolidation is needed in the process of promoting rural revitalization and regional sustainable development. The internal logic of rural decline at different development stages varies across countries, and the strategies to promote rural revitalization through land consolidation also need to be adjusted in time.  相似文献   

目的 乡村振兴战略是顺应我国发展趋势和应对我国发展难题所提出的重大战略部署,在我国乃至全球“三农”发展进程中都具有划时代的里程碑意义,通过对青海乡村振兴实施成效进行测度,找出加快推进农业农村现代化的制约因素,以期为青海农村全面发展提供决策思路,也为欠发达地区有效实施乡村振兴战略提供借鉴。方法 文章基于乡村“五大振兴”维度,构建了38个具体指标的评价指标体系,对青海省乡村振兴实施成效运用改进熵值TOPSIS灰色关联度模型进行测评,找出青海省乡村振兴与理想状态整体拟合程度;并用障碍度模型对障碍因子进行分析,找到制约农村全面发展的关键因素。结果 (1)青海省乡村振兴灰色关联贴进度为0.425,处于中级阶段;各地区之间乡村振兴发展不平衡,各准则指标的灰色关联贴进度由大到小依次为产业振兴、人才振兴、文化振兴、组织振兴、生态振兴。(2)乡村振兴主要障碍因子有:规模农业经营户比重、农村居民可支配收入、流转草场面积比重、通天然气村比重、有开展旅游接待服务的村比重、农民参加农民合作社和劳动力转移户数比重。结论 青海省乡村振兴发展相对较好,但存在区域间的不平衡性,为了更好地促进乡村全面可持续发展,实现农业农村现代化,就必须从建立现代化农牧业产业集群、改善农牧区就业环境和强化乡村生态保护与修复入手,从根本上完善乡村的全面振兴。  相似文献   

“十四五”时期中国农村发展若干重大问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"十四五"时期是中国经济社会发展的重要转折时期,其规划制定必须处理好继承和创新的关系,实现继承性与创新性相统一。新中国70年的持续发展、40多年的农村改革经验以及"十三五"规划的有序推进,为"十四五"时期中国农村发展奠定了坚实的基础。随着2020年全面建成小康社会和脱贫攻坚目标的实现,中国将进入高水平全面建成小康社会进而向富裕社会迈进的"后小康"时代,国家"三农"工作的重点将逐步由脱贫攻坚转移到全面实施乡村振兴战略上来。在"十四五"时期,立足"两个阶段"发展目标,进一步巩固提高农村全面小康质量、为农业农村基本现代化开好局将成为核心主题。围绕这一核心主题,中国农村发展需要着力解决好五个重大问题,即建设高水平的农村全面小康、夯实农业农村基本现代化的基础、实现由脱贫攻坚到乡村振兴的转型、破解粮食安全和农民增收难题以及推动农村改革由试点走向全面推开。  相似文献   

[目的]乡村振兴作为我国工农城乡关系发展到新阶段的新战略,是我国在新时代做出的战略抉择。以实例为基础,深入研究实施乡村振兴中的目标、重点、实现路径等,有助于科学推进乡村振兴战略。[方法]文章根据已有研究成果和实地调研情况,运用理论分析与实证研究相结合的方法,分析了四川省乡村振兴过程中的制约因素、目标、重点及战略路径。[结果]四川省乡村振兴的现实基础与浙江、江苏等沿海省份差距较大,主要制约因素有土地细碎化、农产品竞争力不强、农村基础设施薄弱、乡村生态环境有待改善、多层次人才匮乏和治理能力面临挑战等。[结论]明确了四川省乡村振兴要以涉农产业蓬勃发展、生态环境根本改善、文明乡风基本形成、乡村治理体系更加完善和生活富足为目标,以衰退地区和深度贫困地区作为重点,以特色优势产业发展为核心,以村庄整治和宜居乡村建设为突破口,以贫困人口同步小康为关键,以激活土地要素为措施,以壮大集体经济为抓手,通过“融合”“绿色”“善治”“人文”“差异”和“激活”六大战略路径实现乡村振兴。  相似文献   

[目的]乡村振兴战略是新时期我国"三农"工作的总抓手,是一项复杂的系统工程。从理论层面和操作层面对乡村振兴的规律性问题、规划落地问题进行综合系统探究,对有序推进乡村振兴具有重要理论和现实意义。[方法]基于当前乡村振兴战略实施现状和学术研究前沿,从城乡融合发展的视角系统探讨乡村振兴的理论逻辑、发展目标及实现路径。[结果]目前,我国乡村振兴理论准备不足,概念、标准、动力等尚不明晰;乡村振兴路径谋划不足,地区功能定位、主导产业配置、发展模式趋同;县域镇域村域的乡村振兴系统规划不足,存在对上位或其他地区规划文件的简单模仿;乡村振兴示范区推广价值不足,"锦上添花"式布局建设较为普遍;乡村振兴制度保障不足,人、地、资本等资源要素潜能亟待激活释放。[结论]乡村振兴是魅力上与城市无差距的等值发展状态,动力是城市田园化和乡村城镇化"双轮"驱动,突破口是"两园一体",标准是"六大魅力指数"全面提升;科学确立乡村振兴优先序,优化城乡布局结构;坚持规划先行、规划引领,系统谋划乡村振兴落地方案;分区分类创建乡村振兴示范区,探索可借鉴的经验与模式;创新体制机制,为乡村振兴保驾护航。  相似文献   

乡村振兴:农村转型、结构转型和政府职能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农村发展过程有其共性规律和区域差异。本文首先以亚洲主要国家为例,分析了农村转型和结构转型存在的共性问题及其与农村发展的关系;其次基于40年中国农村发展改革经验,分析了农村转型路径与转型效果以及与农村转型各阶段相适应的的制度安排、政策支持和投资重点;基于以上分析,本文提出在乡村振兴过程中,要加速农村转型速度,促进高值农业发展和农民增收;加速结构转型速度,促进农村劳动力非农就业和农业劳动生产率的大幅提升;要转变政府职能,通过制度创新、政策创新和投资创新,加快农村转型和结构转型,促进乡村振兴战略的顺利实施;不同地区加速农村转型不能搞一刀切;同时也提出未来需要深入研究的重大理论和政策问题。  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国城镇化的持续较快发展取得了巨大成就,也带来日趋严重的“城市病”和“乡村病”,乡村众多青壮年为寻求更高的待遇离开农村往城市发展,而老龄化的进程使老一辈农民没有能力再进行耕作,大量土地废弃的“人地关系”失衡现象,造成生态环境的破坏和资源的极大浪费。要破解这种矛盾,必须实施“乡村振兴战略”,而改善乡村生态环境是实现生态宜居和乡村振兴的重要内容。乡村振兴,首先是农业振兴,为使农村资源合理利用,进而推动城乡资源合理流动,激活乡村活力,提出“种养结合的农业生态循环模式”,探讨通过优化种植养殖用地、生产生活方式的转变来进行乡村生态环境的改善,以期为未来各地区建设生态环境友好型新乡村规划设计的可持续发展提供参考。  相似文献   

中国科协的各级组织是我国实施科教兴国战略、建设创新型国家的重要力量,也是联结最基层的科技工作者和广大农民群体、促进乡村振兴战略落地的纽带。然而,全国层面的科协系统拥有高端的科技,但真正与广大农民群众对接的基层科协却是"冷冷清清"的"尴尬"组织,面临编制不足、队伍松散、经费紧缺、激励缺乏、地位不高、机关化和行政化等问题,在有限的人力、财力等资源约束下难以胜任直通基层"最后一公里"的任务。尽管如此,基层科协和农技协也不乏助力乡村振兴、精准扶贫的实践创新行动,其中,"专家工作站+农技协+公司(协会)+农户"是整合各方资源、实现小农户和现代农业发展有机衔接的有效方式。为了推动基层科协更好地服务乡村振兴战略,建议建立基层专家工作站、总结各地最佳实践、表彰优秀基层科协组织、出台加强基层科协建设的政策文件、补充县级科协应届大学毕业生就业岗位等。  相似文献   

厘清乡村振兴的主体及实现路径问题,可以避免乡村振兴出现重大导向性偏差。本文在评述政府主导、资本主导和农民自主三种路径面临困境基础上,提出应以习近平“共建共治共享”社会治理理论引领乡村振兴。在阐释习近平“共建共治共享”社会治理理论后,构建了一个乡村振兴与共建共治共享内在关联的理论分析框架,回答了乡村振兴的本质属性“是什么”、乡村振兴“为什么”需要共建共治共享、乡村振兴“怎么”进行共建共治共享的问题。然后以明月村为例,阐明了普通乡村在特定的经济与制度条件下通过共建共治共享走上振兴之路的现实可行性。本文认为,乡村振兴应以增进农民福祉为导向,但从实现路径上不应只依靠农民,多元主体共建共治共享至关重要。现阶段实施乡村振兴战略,关键是抓住城市化带动消费升级的历史机遇,健全城乡融合的体制机制,构建一套可操作的共建共治共享机制,让城市化辐射到的乡村以市场方式率先振兴起来,同时把节约的财力转移给城市化辐射不到的乡村进行保底建设。  相似文献   

当前,中国脱贫攻坚已到了决战决胜的关键阶段,这与乡村振兴战略交汇叠加,深度贫困地区既要如期打赢脱贫攻坚收官之战,又要稳步实施乡村振兴战略,亟需从理论和实践两个向度探索统筹衔接的有效路径。本文利用凉山彝族自治州3个县的366份农户、36份村干部访谈文本,根据多维贫困理论、按照乡村振兴建设总要求,分别建立了脱贫攻坚与乡村振兴指标体系,采用交互耦合的协调度模型实证检验两者统筹衔接现状。研究发现凉山州脱贫攻坚成效显著,但二者的统筹衔接处于低协同低发展水平下的低耦合状态,协调度落入0.10~0.19的严重失调区域。根据研究结论,本文从衔接共识、制度设计、优势产业培育、人力建设四个维度提出了二者统筹衔接路径。  相似文献   

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