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说到美国首富,大部分人第一时间就会想到比尔·盖茨,说到美国最富家族.却会让人犹豫:洛克菲勒?美国《福布斯》杂志日前评出了美国最富有家族榜,沃尔玛连锁商店创始人山姆·沃尔顿的妻子海伦和4名子女是美国最有钱的一家,他们的财富比第二富家族多了一倍多,是2009年美国首富比尔·盖茨与美国第二富豪沃伦·巴菲特财富的总和。老牌的洛克菲勒家族只以70亿美元在榜单上排名第19,而大名鼎鼎的肯尼迪家族压根没有上榜。  相似文献   

谁都希望自己的一生一帆风顺,事业青云直上,然而人生不如意十常八九,与挫折和失败为伍者浩浩荡荡,事事随心称意者往往寥若晨星。无论是谁,他的一生几乎都逃不掉挫折和失败的厄运。有的人愈挫愈奋,愈挫愈勇;有的人愈挫愈心灰意冷、愈挫愈萎靡不振。生活的辩证法告诉我们,祸福常常相倚,失败乃成功之母。不是么?美国大发明家爱迪生为了研制电灯灯丝材料,先后做了数千次实验,我们谁又能说他除了最后一次实验外所有努力都是徒劳、都毫无价值呢?可以说,正是他的数千次挫折和失败的经历才奠定了他最后成功的基础。我们有必要为生活中的小小不如意、…  相似文献   

最近,我因写一本《亚洲最漂亮女性》的书,有机会访问了世界公认最漂亮的,也是最有才华的近100位亚洲女性,问她们:“假如你只能拥有一个化妆品,你想要的是什么产品?”结果95%以上的人都异口同声的说——口红。(另外的5%则说是眼线笔)这就说明了口红在女人心目中多重要。如果你的口红要用得对,有两点你必须注意:首先你要选择漂亮的颜色。你是否见到过有的人用了口红以后,比她不用  相似文献   

我们生活在一个财富迅速膨胀的时代,每个人都在以自己的方式创造财富,享受财富。个人生活的改善,自我价值的显现,社会效益的达成,以及个体的人格魅力和行动轨迹对大众的影响力,都在以一种创造财富的方式得以实现。可以肯定地说,这个时代最伟大的工作就是创造财富!我们的身边就站立着一个个顶天立地的财富人物,他们的名字和事业成为大众的楷模和奋斗方向。而比伟大的财富人物更有价值的是他们在经历种种磨炼之后形成的财富观,这些金子般的思想不仅是他们的人生经验,更是他们之所以顶天立地的思想基础。几乎所有成功的财富人物都已经洗尽铅华,返朴归真。他们创造了财富,他们用自己的智慧和汗水为社会同时也为自己创造了巨大的财富,但他们不以简单的财富积累为目的,不会躺在财富的怀抱里享受安逸,他们永远生活在创造财富的过程之中。  相似文献   

对于大多数想创业的年轻人来说,他们有的是热情、书本知识,缺少的是经验、资金。而资金往往是创业所必须的,所谓初次创业成功就是掘到第一桶金。有了这第一桶金,加之掘金过程中积累的经验,创业之路就开始步入正轨了。那么如何得到这宝贵的第一桶金呢?当然也有少数幸运的人会比较容易得到,比如凭长辈赐予、偶然所得(比如中彩票)等,但更多的人还是靠自己的智慧和勤奋在创业路上苦苦挣扎。初次创业——挖一小桶金就那么难吗? 俗话说,处处留心皆学问。其实在创业之路上,我们也可以说:处处留心皆财富。  相似文献   

一个人的财富在很大程度上由与他关系最亲密的朋友决定。第一次听到这个观点时,我也十分怀疑。但是,后来的一次经历使我体会到了这个论断的真正含义。几年前,我参加了一个主题为“创造财富”的论坛。在讨论会上,一个发言人在演说过程中向听众提出了一个问题。他说:“请大家拿出一页纸,然后在纸上写下和你相处时间最多的6个人,也可以说是与你关系最亲密的6个朋友,记下他们每个人的月收入。然后,算出这6个人月收入的总和,最后算出他们月收入的平均数。这个平均值便能反映出你个人月收入的多少。”后来,我认识到了这个游戏的本质意义,那就是交…  相似文献   

□ 硅谷单身汉多硅谷是美国的财富最集中的地方之—。硅谷中的居民,把一天中的绝大部分时间都用来赚钱。那里的单身男人比单身女人多56O0多人,其原因何在呢?一位34岁的硅谷经理说:“对大多数人来说,谈情说爱太费时间。大家虽认为与异性交往感觉挺好,但这种交往如果影响他们去赚上百万美元的话,就只好免了。”31岁的萨比·贝阿蒂创办了一个免费电子信箱服务网站,1998年把该网站卖给微软,赚了2亿美元,于是向他求婚的电子邮件数不胜数。他说:“我约会的次数,大约一个月一次。如果你忙着照看新开张的公司,就很难结识什么人,或者对…  相似文献   

英国BBC网站6月7日有篇报道提出一个值得深思的问题:是什么驱动中国追逐财富?从前,富人遭到迫害,如今他们受到尊敬,而且富人数量不断增加。目前,中国有超过100万个富翁家庭的财产在100万美元以上,他们的后面还有好几百万名希望赶超他们的人。  相似文献   

“用10元换取100元你愿意吗?”李践现场掏出100元钱大声问,仅有6人冲上演讲台,争着用10元换取百元大钞。难道多数人不愿赚钱?李践一番询问,有的称没零钞,有的称没来得及跑上台,有的称100元钱太少.有的称持观望态度……李践对这些回答均不满意,说这些就是嫌钱的障碍,往往良机就在犹豫不决、好高鹜远时永远错失。  相似文献   

现象胡润称超2/3中国富豪漏榜民企需补品牌课在百富榜统计中,一般有超过2/3的人会被漏掉,所以浙江十亿富豪的真实人数应该在700人左右,他们大部分是民营企业家。中国百富榜创始人胡润表示,民营企业家当前最需要补的一堂课是品牌。胡润从1999年开始首次发布中国的百富榜  相似文献   

招行副行长唐志宏:中国私人银行应以顾问咨询模式为主 日前,招商银行副行长唐志宏在出席第十四届两岸金融学术研讨会时发表演讲.就中国刚刚兴起的私人银行业务发表看法.他认为从当前国情出发.中国的私人银行应该以顾问咨询服务模式为主。  相似文献   

Most properties of the classical general equilibrium model without externalities fail to extend to the wildest forms of consumption externalities. The recent interest for wealth concerns, a kind of externality associated with herding behavior and other-regarding preferences, motivates a study of the general equilibrium exchange model with those externalities. The diffeomorphism of the equilibrium manifold with a Euclidean space, the smoothness and properness of the natural projection and its non-zero degrees are shown to hold true for endowment spaces with variable total resources. Other properties of the classical exchange model without externalities are fragile in the sense that they do not resist the introduction of wealth concerns even in models where consumers preferences are represented by the simplest forms of utility functions like the log-linear (or Cobb–Douglas) functions. The most notable fragile properties are the uniqueness and regularity of equilibrium at equilibrium allocations and the stability of no-trade equilibria.  相似文献   

A bstract . In order to determine whether the distribution of wealth in American society uncovers deeper fault lines of inequality than income alone, data from the 1984 Survey of Income and Program Participation is examined. The findings indicate that: (1) aggregate shares of wealth held by households are distributed far more unevenly than income shares, with extreme concentrations at the upper levels; (2) the data on wealth shows that the condition of black America is far more precarious, marginalized, and unequal than was thought previously; (3) single and separated women hold few assets in comparison with their male from SIPP using the weights provided by the U.S. Census which approximates the U.S. population. Parallel analyses conducted on the weighted and unweighted samples showed similar results. 3. For a detailed analysis of black-white differences in wealth see Oliver and Shapiro (1989).  相似文献   

This paper investigated the relationship between the U.S. stock and housing markets as well as their influence on the wealth effect of consumption and found that the stock market sentiment index can explain changes in the wealth effect. The empirical results indicate that these two markets exert a wealth effect on consumption. The estimation results of the Markov-switching model indicate two states: a state in which the stock market influences its coexistence with the housing market and a state in which the housing and stock markets are unrelated. Public optimism regarding stock market investments affects the probability of transitioning between these states.  相似文献   

We measure the change in value to sellers and buyers of divested high-tech assets. Sellers and buyers experience favorable announcement effects in response to high-tech divestitures. However, buyers of divested high-tech assets experience more favorable announcement effects than sellers, which is opposite of the related research findings on other types of divestitures. Based on a cross-sectional analysis, the announcement effects for sellers of high-tech assets are more favorable when there is an investment bank advisor, the transaction price is disclosed, and the size of the divestiture is large. The announcement effects for buyers of high-tech assets were also more favorable when there was an investment bank advisor during the tech-bubble period. Overall, the results suggest that the stock price behavior in response to divestitures of high-tech assets is distinctly different from that of other types of divestitures.  相似文献   

《Economic Outlook》2006,30(4):11-20
There is widespread disagreement about the role of housing wealth in explaining consumption. However, much of the empirical literature is marred by poor controls for the common drivers both of house prices and consumption, such as income, income growth expectations, interest rates, credit supply conditions, other assets and indicators of income uncertainty (e.g. changes in the unemployment rate). For instance, while the easing of credit supply conditions is usually followed by a house price boom, failure to control for the direct effect of credit liberalisation on consumption can over‐estimate the effect of housing wealth or collateral on consumption. This paper (Janine Aron, John Muellbauer and Anthony Murphyi, October 2006) estimates an empirical model for UK consumption from 1972 to 2005, grounded in theory, and with more complete empirical controls than hitherto used.  相似文献   

The relationship of statistics and national prosperity is not a simple causal one, but some historical examples suggest a persistent association. A number of examples are considered, from the political arithmetic of the seventeenth century to the quality assurance methods of the 1950s, and a few speculative conclusions are offered.  相似文献   

The habitual opposition to the growth of service industries from traditionalists and manufacturing interests is rehearsed in the Aldington Report on Overseas Trade John McEnery (right), former Under-Secretary at the Department of Trade and Industry, and author of IEA Research Monograph Manufacturing Two Nations, condemns outmoded patterns of thought and recalls on the Upper House to abandon its manufacturing myopia  相似文献   

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