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自营式电商是传统零售自营模式基于互联网情境的拓展,然而其原有的痛点与瓶颈依然存在。探讨自营式电商如何更好地发挥商业资本职能具有理论和实践的双重意义。不同于电商发展的早期阶段,数字化为自营式电商跳出传统的盈利困境、摆脱单一的平台化转型思路、回归自营并最终驱动流通效率变革提供了广阔可能。为了揭示自营式电商如何实现数字化升级,文章首先从理论视角出发,归纳了自营式电商的本质属性和数字化作用的可能路径。而后选取了两家典型的案例企业,结合微观情境刻画了其内在机制。研究发现:利用数字技术,自营式电商可以通过强化商业资本职能提升商品经营效率,通过供应链反向整合实现流通效率与生产效率的同步改进,更能以数字化赋能的方式加速市场扩张并提升线下实体门店的运行效率。以上机理为自营式电商及其数字化零售创新提供了一定启发。  相似文献   

文章运用电商高频价格大数据,分析了新冠肺炎疫情对商品价格变化的影响。研究发现:根据公平定价理论,在突发疫情下商家会加入消费者情绪制定价格策略,商品价格经过调整后趋于稳定;并且,商品价格表现出较低的价格黏性,对称的交错调价使得新冠肺炎疫情对商品价格的冲击有限。因此,政府部门可利用线上商品价格编制大数据物价指标,及时反映市场供求变化,促进资源优化配置,为宏观政策制定提供依据;同时,加快推进消费数字化转型,优化线上交易环境,建立预警机制来应对突发情况。  相似文献   

根据搜寻理论,线上市场由于极大地降低了消费者搜寻成本,应当实现“一价定律”,然而大量的证据表明线上市场存在显著的价格离散现象。文章选取了中国最大B2C电子商务平台天猫商城上高度同质化、标准化的虚拟产品——手机充值卡作为研究对象,发现确实存在价格离散现象。然后,利用固定效应向量分解模型和蒙德拉克模型,检验了哪些因素会影响价格离散程度,发现零售商异质性越大、商家数量越多,价格离散程度越大;商品越是畅销、商品价值越大,其价格离散程度越小。文章在数据上有较大创新,对已有文献形成有益补充;结论有助于增进对中国线上市场效率的认识,能够为Internet市场“效率悖论”提供一些线索和启示。  相似文献   

近年来,我国电商物流业发展迅猛,目前正处于经营主体多元化、商业模式不断创新、服务品质亟待提升的新阶段。本文以京东与菜鸟两种典型电商物流模式的差异化竞争为视角,首先,分析比较了京东自营物流模式和菜鸟开放式平台协同物流模式的发展现状与优劣势;其次,分析了当前电商物流市场中存在着高成本、低效率与快递业务量高增长,以及客户体验升级与电商物流市场混乱等突出矛盾;最后,提出平台协同式电商物流模式既能让客户和企业受益,又能大大提高整个行业的物流效率与服务水平,是未来电商物流发展的大势所趋。  相似文献   

按照传统微观经济学的观点 ,在网络市场上伴随着搜寻成本的下降 ,价格的离散应该下降。然而 ,相关的经验研究却得出了与一般看法相反的结果 :在线产品市场的价格离散不仅存在 ,而且其离散幅度大于离线产品市场的价格离散幅度。由此 ,产生了一个与传统经济理论相矛盾的“价格悖论”。本文从网络产品质量信息不对称性的角度 ,对网络市场中“价格悖论”现象提出了基于网络逆向选择视角的解释 ,并对消除和减少网络市场中价格离散、提高网络市场交易效率进行了探讨和分析。  相似文献   

随着“数商兴农”行动计划的全面推进,我国电商平台正式进入数字化转型时期,进而对农产品上行价格产生了一定的指导作用,进而成为后续农产品电商平台发展的重要趋势。在大数据与电商平台的融合建设下,电商平台对农产品上行价格的指导作用不断增强,进而成为进一步建立稳定运行、科学发展的农产品电商市场的重要举措。本文即通过分析电商平台对农产品上行价格的指导作用来源,进而提出电商平台对农产品上行价格指导的实现途径。  相似文献   

文章在一个关系契约分析框架下,比较了农产品电商渠道中“农户+电商市场”“农户+采购商”“农户+电商企业”和“农户+政府委托采购商”四种典型模式的生产效率,并分析了最优效率的形成条件。结果表明:(1)由于契约的不完全性、市场竞争程度高等因素,“农户+电商市场”模式缺乏信息优势、平台优势和技术优势,无法达到最优生产效率;(2)“农户+采购商”“农户+电商企业”和“农户+政府委托采购商”三种模式下,契约价格波动越接近市场价格波动,贴现率达到足够小,可以更接近最优生产效率;(3)农户在契约关系中的谈判力以及签订契约的机会成本会影响农产品电商模式的生产效率,且与生产效率成正相关的关系。  相似文献   

在国家实施“数商兴农”工程背景下,电商平台通过数字化转型,对农产品上行进行价格指导是当前和今后农村电商发展的重要任务。电商平台对农产品上行的价格指导机制包括价格指导的形成机制、效应机制和实现机制。其中,电商平台对农产品上行价格指导的形成机制又由压力机制、动力机制和能力机制构成;效应机制表现为电商平台的价格指导提升了竞争优势以及价值增值和数据赋能效应,产生了竞争力、成长力和融合力的“三力”提升效应;实现机制表现为价格数据采集、价格大数据挖掘和价格指导实施等三个环节。根据研究结论,提出了促进涉农电商平台数字化转型升级、拓展价格指导数字化应用场景和共同铸造数字化农产品特色品牌的对策建议。  相似文献   

文章基于京东、苏宁、国美、天猫四家电商经营的六大类家电的价格数据,分析了数字偏好、尾数定价对中国线上市场价格黏性的非对称性的影响效应。研究发现,中国线上市场确实存在明显的数字偏好现象,具体有数字“0”“8”“9”,其中数字“9”为最受欢迎的尾数。基于Logit模型进一步发现:数字“0”“8”“9”对于产品价格变化存在非对称的影响作用;随着数字“0”“8”“9”结尾的位数越多,其阻碍价格变化的能力越强,非对称的影响作用也越加明显;若产品价格提高,以偏好数字结尾会显著降低价格变化的可能性;节日效应会显著削弱由偏好尾数给价格变化带来的负向阻碍作用,甚至成为加快价格上涨的一个重要因素。  相似文献   

本项目对目前电商的焦点生鲜电商的生存空间与状况、市场环境以及发展模式特别是生鲜电商的冷链进行分析,通过一些电商与非电商企业试水线上生鲜的案例来探讨国内生鲜电商的前景.市场环境以及发展模式特别是生鲜电商的冷链进行分析,通过一些电商与非电商企业试水线上生鲜的案例来探讨国内生鲜电商的前景.  相似文献   

When physically similar products, of similar quality, are offered by retailers both online and offline, we often observe that the dispersion in prices of these products online is greater than the price dispersion offline. This observation runs counter to early theories that suggested price dispersion online would be smaller than that offline due to the ease of search and information availability online. This paper investigates and provides an explanation for this puzzling phenomenon by examining the impact of two important drivers of price dispersion: retailer type and consumers’ shopping risk. Retailer type refers to whether a retailer is a pure offline, pure online, or dual channel retailer. Shopping risk is defined as the product of consumers’ perceived risk of shopping and the transaction uncertainty related to shopping at different types of retailers.A game-theoretic approach is adopted to model consumers’ price search and product purchase, as well as price competition within and across retailer types in online and offline markets. Equilibrium pricing strategies are derived for different retailer types competing for different consumer segments with different levels of perceived shopping risk. The impact of retailer type and shopping risk on online versus offline price dispersion are quantified, and conditions when price dispersion is greater online than offline are identified.Results indicate that price dispersion is greater online when the number of pure online retailers is sufficiently large and is increasing in the number of pure online retailers. In addition, a reduction in online shopping risk may actually increase online price dispersion. Results further suggest that even without any online sales, dual channel retailers should maintain their online presence for the purpose of information dissemination, which justifies the importance for pure offline retailer to incorporate webrooming strategies, where consumers can search for prices online but purchase offline.  相似文献   

Although economic theory clearly provides reasons for a hedonic price function to change over time, this is not how it is traditionally approached empirically. For wine, which is one of the most widely used implications of hedonic price analysis, such time invariance can be traced down to the issues of data availability and price rigidity in the food and beverage sector. The development of e-commerce changes both these premises, providing reasons for more frequent price adjustments and making price data available at each point of time. Is willingness to pay for particular product attributes indeed time-invariant? In this paper, daily price quotes from the largest online grocery market in Russia are used to address this question using sparkling wines as an example. The results indicate that time invariance might be a rather strong empirical assumption, suggesting that the time dimension should be included into hedonic price studies whenever the data allows for it.  相似文献   

在线市场的价格离散现象研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王明明 《商业研究》2006,(15):35-37
由于信息不完全,现实市场中价格总是离散的。在线市场中,信息搜寻成本大大下降了,并且出现了可以自动搜寻各种信息包括价格信息的自动软件主体。然而实证研究表明,由于在线市场的交易行为与离线市场相比更加复杂,价格并不是消费者关注的唯一或最主要变量,因此在线市场的价格离散仍然持续存在,而且其中蕴含着更加丰富的顾客价值内涵。  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2022,98(1):152-177
The fast-paced growth of e-commerce is rapidly changing consumers’ shopping habits and shaping the future of the retail industry. While online retailing has allowed companies to overcome geographic barriers to selling and helped them achieve operational efficiencies, offline retailers have struggled to compete with online retailers, and many retailers have chosen to operate both online and offline. This paper presents a review of the literature on the interaction between e-commerce and offline retailing, highlighting empirical findings and generalizable insights, and discussing their managerial implications. Our review includes studies published in more than 50 different academic journals spanning various disciplines from the inception of the internet to present. We organize our paper around three main research questions. First, what is the relationship between online and offline retail channels including competition and complementarity between online and offline sellers as well as online and offline channels of an omnichannel retailer? Under this question we also try to understand the impact of e-commerce on market structure and what factors impact the intensity of competition /complementarity. Second, what is the impact of e-commerce on consumer behavior? We specifically investigate how e-commerce has impacted consumer search, its implications for price dispersion, and user generated content. Third, how has e-commerce impacted retailers’ key managerial decisions? The key research questions under this heading include: (i) What is the impact of big data on retailing? (ii) What is the impact of digitization on retailer outcomes? (iii) What is the impact of e-commerce on sales concentration? (iv) What is the impact of e-commerce and platforms on pricing? And (v) How should retailers manage product returns across online and offline channels? Under each section, we also develop detailed recommendations for future research which we hope will inspire continued interest in this domain.  相似文献   

In recent years, physical retailers have started selling products to consumers through either third-party or self-operated online platforms. Doing so, they face demand which depends on digital coupon promotions, delivery effort by the platform (i.e., deliver products from retailers to consumers), and channel preference. In this paper, we develop a game-theoretic model to examine the interactions between the physical retailer's distribution channel choices and coupon promotions. In normal operation, retailers prefer to pay lower fees to the third-party platform, but we find, counterintuitively, that when carrying on a digital coupon promotion, the retailer can be better off paying a higher participation fee to the third-party platform. We also identify the conditions under which the retailer prefers the third-party platform over the self-operated platform with and without coupon promotions. Furthermore, we show that digital coupon promotions and delivery effort boost the retailer's profits by price discriminating among consumers with differing purchase utilities.  相似文献   

User stickiness is an important factor in the development of live streaming shopping platforms, which describes the degree of users' attention to the platforms. Although some e-commerce websites have provided live streaming services to improve the purchase experience of consumers, few people know how the services affect user stickiness. Building upon attachment theory and socio-technical approach, we developed a theoretical model to understand how live streaming service affects the user stickiness through users' attachment, which is tested by using 425 live streaming shopping platform's users. The results showed that technical factors (synchronicity and vicarious expression) and social factors (interaction and identification) positively affect emotional attachment to streamers and platform attachment respectively, which in turn increase the user stickiness.  相似文献   

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