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Dr. Kim Gi-Hong 《International economic journal》2013,27(4):103-123
The purpose of this paper is to explain theoretically the role of GATT in tariff negotiations, without narrowly interpreting GATT as an agreement. This paper, which establishes a game model where two nations are involved in tariff negotiations, shows the following points. First, free trade is difficult to realize even in a world with complete information. Second, GATT can serve as a mechanism for nations to find a particular cooperative tariff under incomplete information. Third, gradual tariff reduction can be explained as the interaction between the gradual decline of domestic political pressure and multilateral tariff negotiations under GATT. [F13] 相似文献
A bioeconomic model on the management ofby-catch of juvenile fish in the shrimp fisheryin the Barents Sea and the Svalbard Zone,presented by the Norwegian Directorate ofFisheries to the Joint Norwegian RussianFisheries Commission in 1993, is evaluated. The model is based on management of by-catchthrough closure of areas when the by-catch ofjuvenile fish from commercially importantspecies exceeds a critical number. It isargued that although the model may prove usefulin bringing economic rationale into themanagement of by-catch, care must be taken whenstocks are in poor shape. This is illustratedby using the high mortality rates and low stocklevels experienced for cod and haddock in 2000,and which is expected for the next couple ofyears. It is therefore discussed when it isappropriate to use the model with reference tothe Code of Conduct provided by FAO in 1995. 相似文献
Between 1917 and 1935, Japanese life insurance companies competed with each other on a premium–dividend basis. We propose that such competition took the form of product differentiation, exploiting differences in discount rates or price expectations among policy-holders. Our model shows that under some conditions the introduction of such competition can be beneficial to the competitive companies. It is shown that these conditions were satisfied at that time, and that more detailed factors are also consistent with the model.
JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D43, G22, N25. 相似文献
JEL Classification Numbers: C72, D43, G22, N25. 相似文献
基于东部发达地区产业转移的中部地区工业发展分析 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
东部发达地区的劳动力、能源原材料指向型工业与其资源禀赋发生了较大的偏离,在产业结构升级的压力下,这些产业需要向外转移。中部地区所具有的区位优势、资源优势和产业基础优势,使其成为承接产业转移的主要区域是合理的。同时,中部地区发展这类产业,对国家统筹区域经济发展来说,又是必要的。国家应从全局出发,审时度势,制定政策措施,促进东部发达地区的这些产业向中部地区转移,以实现区域经济的协调发展。 相似文献
中国治理评估框架 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
俞可平 《经济社会体制比较》2008,(6):1-9
国家的治理体制是国家政治体制的重要内容。建立一套立足于中国国情及改革开放的实践,同时又体现人类共同价值追求的治理评估标准有着极为重大的意义。这一治理评估指标体系要紧紧围绕党和政府的大政方针,并由此推动国家的民主治理改革。本文据此提出了一个具有明显中国特色的治理评估框架。 相似文献
滨海旅游业是能够彰显沿海城市综合竞争力,促进 “一带一路” 沿线国家之间民心相通和不同文明互学互鉴的重要载体,在促进国家战略推进过程中具有举足轻重的作用。东海区沿海城市具有经济基础好,人口密度高,城市服务功能完备,基础设施优良,以及海洋文化资源丰富等显著特点,然而东海区三省一市的沿海城市滨海旅游业在发展中存在诸多问题, 城市交通基础设施不够便利、市容市貌生态环境不够优良、滨海旅游产业发展相匹配的配套服务功能不够完善、支撑滨海旅游业发展的体制不够健全、滨海旅游业行业服务没有相应的标准、旅游资源内涵挖掘深度不够等问题比较突出,这些都成为影响滨海旅游业的关键因素遥 论文依据产业经济理论和东海区沿海城市滨海旅游业发展的关键制约因素,以滨海旅游业消费环境评价为研究目标,构建了旅游消费环境评价指标体系,并采用基于信息熵的 TOPSIS 逼近法,对东海区 8 个沿海城市 2014-2016 年的沿海城市滨海旅游业消费环境进行了评价,最后基于评价的结果提出了有针对性的对策建议 相似文献
中、西方管理伦理比较及其对中国企业的启示 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
从思维方式的差异、管理伦理目的的差异、管理伦理手段的差异及管理伦理的变革意识的差异四个方面比较分析中西方管理伦理的差异,进而比较中西方管理伦理的优劣势,确定中国企业在管理伦理中的对策,即进行跨文化的管理伦理建设,树立以人为目的的理念,培育健全的社会责任意识,提高企业家的道德素质. 相似文献
Rouba Al-Fattal 《Review of Political Economy》2013,25(4):537-547
Garrett Hardin's Tragedy of the Commons argument states that resources held in common will inevitably suffer overexploitation and degradation. However, recent contradicting evidence has led theorists to question the soundness of this claim. This paper assesses the accuracy and predictive success of the six essential assumptions of Hardin's approach. The aim of the paper is to compare the functioning of the tragedy of the commons approach at the local and the international levels, in order to demonstrate that the context we choose affects the applicability of the hypothesis in explaining policy outcomes. The paper compares the validity of the tragedy of the commons hypothesis in three marine cases: California fisheries, modern Oregon fisheries and European Union Common Fisheries Policy. We find that at the local level the tragedy of the commons can be mitigated when a co-management of institutions is achieved, while the EU case shows that the tragedy of the commons is a realistic prediction when dealing with international institutions. 相似文献
Environmental and Resource Economics - The purpose of this essay is to bring attention to some serious problems that exist in econometric application of fisheries economic models. These problems in... 相似文献
上海都市型现代渔业研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
本文在对都市型现代渔业进行界定的基础上,讨论了上海都市型现代渔业的发展现状及存在的问题,提出了总体的发展思路。文章指出,上海都市型现代渔业在整个上海渔业中的比重不断上升,其功能逐渐凸显,但仍处于起步阶段,存在着产业化高度不够、龙头企业尚需培育、资源衰退、环境恶化等问题。因此,文章提出,上海应当以“一个中心”、“三个基地”、“八大产业”的创立和建设为切入点,以制度创新为保障,发展都市型现代渔业。 相似文献
Incorporating Resilience in the Assessment of Inclusive Wealth: An Example from South East Australia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Brian Walker Leonie Pearson Michael Harris Karl-Göran Maler Chuan-Zhong Li Reinette Biggs Tim Baynes 《Environmental and Resource Economics》2010,45(2):183-202
This paper explores the consequences of changes in a system’s resilience on the sustainability of resource allocation decisions,
as measured by Inclusive Wealth (IW) (Arrow et al. in Environ Resour Econ 26:647–685, 2003). We incorporate an estimate of
resilience in IW by taking account of known or suspected thresholds that can lead to irreversible (or practically irreversible)
changes in the productivity and value of assets and hence social welfare. These thresholds allow us to identify policies or
projects that may be leading to an increased risk of decline in capital stocks (the wealth of the region). Such risks are
not reflected through usual measures of current system performance, e.g. agricultural production. We use the Goulburn-Broken
Catchment in south-eastern Australia as a case study to explore the significance and practicality of including resilience
in inclusive wealth estimates. 相似文献
This paper combines the elegant technique of Data Assimilation and a Monte Carlo procedure to analyze time series data for
the North East Arctic Cod stock (NEACs). A simple nonlinear dynamic resource model is calibrated to time series data using
the variational adjoint parameter estimation method and the Monte Carlo technique. By exploring the efficient features of
the variational adjoint technique coupled with the Monte Carlo method, optimal or best parameter estimates with their error
statistics are obtained. Thereafter, the weak constraint formulation resulting in a stochastic ordinary differential equation
(SODE) is used to find an improved estimate of the dynamical variable, i.e. the stock. Empirical results show that the average
fishing mortality imposed on the NEACs is about 16% more than the intrinsic growth rate of the biological species. 相似文献
垂直管理与属地管理:行政管理体制的选择 总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10
经济分权和政治集中的中国式分权在推动经济持续高速增长的同时,也带来了环境污染加剧和安全事故频发等问题。为缓解这些问题,中央陆续在一些政府部门实行垂直管理。本文运用契约理论建立理论模型对比研究了垂直管理体制和属地管理体制的优劣。研究发现,垂直管理体制在实现地方监管部门否决坏项目上优于属地管理体制,的确能减弱地方政府的干扰;但当监管任务的绩效难以考核时,垂直管理体制不仅不能改变属地管理体制下监管部门通过坏项目的情况,还挫伤了地方政府发展经济的积极性,结果对中央政府来说反而更糟。最后本文还刻画了适合进行垂直管理的部门特点,并为未来的行政管理体制改革作出推测。 相似文献
随着市场经济的不断完善和市场竞争不断加强,知识经济在国际范围内的兴起,我国企业人力资源管理与知识经济和市场竞争机制之间存在的突出矛盾日益显现出来,建立适应知识经济发展规律和激烈市场竞争需要的新的人力资源管理机制,是企业管理的中心课题之一。特别是我国面临加入世贸组织的挑战,培养和造就一批能够适应国际竞争的高素质人才队伍,提高我国人力资源的整体素质,已经成为我国政府和企业界所共同关心的重要话题。 相似文献
对外担保作为一种或有负债,其本身并不会引起跨境资金流动,但其履约则会形成现实的对外债权债务。本文通过具体案例介绍了我国对外担保管理政策,深入分析了目前政策和实际操作所存在的问题,并在此基础上提出相应政策建议。本文还强调了单个企业担保风险过大需要引起重视。 相似文献
Panos Gavras Sofoklis D. Vogiazas Maria Koura 《International Advances in Economic Research》2016,22(1):77-93
Country risk is recognized as a key factor considered prior to undertaking cross-border economic activity such as an investment or a financial transaction. When the level of country risk is deemed low, commercial and other risks play a more important role in the assessment of the advisability to undertake a cross-border activity. In other cases, country risk levels are significant and may play a decisive role in the assessment of the cross-border activity. By its nature, country risk depends upon perceptions, and as a result both objective measurable factors and subjective issues need to be considered. This study investigates the factors that determine country risk as signalled by a commonly used proxy, the sovereign credit ratings assigned by the major rating agencies. To this end, panel data analysis has been used and applied to three heterogeneous country sub-groups, the Black Sea Economic Cooperation (BSEC) countries, the EU-15, and the Central Europe and Baltic countries, for the period 2004–2013. The results generated suggest that three sets of variables: gross domestic product per capita, debt metrics, and institutional factors, play an instrumental role in explaining country risk across all the sub-groups. However, the individual results for each sub-group provide evidence that sovereign rating agencies focus on particular economic facets of each, and hence, take into account idiosyncratic aspects, structural as well as regional. Therefore, the study also examines those indicators that matter most or have a ‘specific gravity’ in determining sovereign ratings in each country-group, with a particular focus on the BSEC countries. 相似文献