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Information technology lowers the cost of distributing information to dispersed consumers. Because national firms reap larger benefits from new media than firms serving only local consumers, media innovations may reduce the market for local products. This paper considers the effect of television on the market for local beer. Using market‐level data on television penetration, local breweries and brewery production from 1945–1960, results show that increases in television penetration are associated with fewer local breweries and less local beer production. The results indicate that the industrial organization of media markets can affect the structure of markets for local products.  相似文献   

In Beijing, the metropolitan government has made enormous place‐based investments to increase green space and to improve public transit. We examine the gentrification consequences of such public investments. Using unique geocoded real estate, new restaurant count data and demographic data by neighborhood, we document that the construction of the Olympic Village and two recent major subway systems have led to increased new housing supply in the vicinity of these areas, higher local prices and an increased quantity of nearby private chain restaurants. Recent time trends in local resident income and human capital attainment support the claim that these investments have caused local gentrification.  相似文献   

《Telecommunications Policy》2001,25(10-11):759-776
Competition in local access networks and local loop unbundling have been central in the 1999 review of the EU communications regulatory framework. These issues also figure high on national policy agendas. Competition in local access is thought to stimulate internet penetration and the development of e-commerce and interactive applications, all key elements for the move towards a ‘new economy’. Following an analysis of different ways to promote competition in local access networks and a review of the respective EU debate, this paper then concentrates on the relevant developments in Britain. At a broader level, it explores the interplay between EU debates and British policies and actions and the scope for harmonisation of national regulatory regimes. At a more specific level, the paper assesses the evolution of local access competition and relates this to the role of regulation and the question of facilities- vs. services-based entry. It is argued that the introduction of new market restructuring initiatives, such as local loop unbundling, requires a larger involvement by regulators, particularly in the early stages, rather than just a reliance on general competition rules.  相似文献   

以集群为发展模式的地方经济已逐渐纳入全球产业网络,它的竞争力提升,不仅需要挖掘集群的内部联系,更需要在全球价值链中与区域外的经济行为主体积极互动、不断调整自身嵌入全球产业价值链的方式,创造、保持和捕捉价值。文章以建筑陶瓷产业的实例分析为依托,阐述意大利、西班牙建筑陶瓷产业集群如何通过嵌入全球价值链实现集群的升级和发展,并控制全球产业的动态变化;探讨中国本土建筑陶瓷集群与国际建筑陶瓷集群间基于全球价值链的互动,对中国建筑陶瓷地方产业集群产生、发展、升级和区域经济带来的巨大影响;分析目前国内集群在全球价值链中面临的挑战,提出在全球产业视角下促进集群升级的可能途径。  相似文献   

This paper reports on an international comparison of three organisations established to promote new business start–ups in the USA, UK and Canada. A ‘knowledge–based’ approach is adopted to examine how networks of would–be entrepreneurs interact with networks of experienced entrepreneurs and managers, venture capitalists, technical experts, consultants, IPR lawyers and other specialists. This interaction is promoted and mediated at the local level by the three organisations at the centre of the study: the Austin Technology Incubator (ATI), Texas; Connect, Edinburgh; and the Canadian Environmental Technology Advancement Corporation (CETAC–West) in Canada. These act as local network–nodes or ‘knowledge integrators’, as well as ‘incubating’ new ventures to increase the new business ‘birth rate’ in their respective regions. The comparison is based on interviews and secondary data that describe the initiation, development, operation and local impact of these organisations. Findings stress the importance of the regional context as a source of particular kinds of knowledge and expertise that may promote or inhibit new technology–based business start–ups. In particular: the scale, scope and quality of ideas and business proposals in local networks; the availability of relevant expertise and experience for ‘intelligent selection’ and for successful mentoring; the nature of rewards and incentives for all players; and the importance of local champions or figureheads, are all factors that help explain differences across the example regions. The paper combines a variety of conceptual approaches around the idea of regional knowledge networks which underpin ‘distributed innovation’. Heightened technological and market uncertainty for new technology–based firms places a premium on the ability of entrepreneurs to integrate specialist knowledge and utilise expertise from a variety of local sources. Despite differences in the scale, scope and effectiveness of their efforts we conclude that all three organisations are supporting ‘accelerated learning’ amongst entrepreneurs.  相似文献   

浙江产业集群的动力机制--基于企业家的视角   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
企业家对产业集群发展演变的影响不仅表现为其企业自身较好的经济绩效,更重要的是他们对地方主体产生的直接或间接的作用。浙江集群的案例表明,一方面,地方企业家的行为引发外部效应(即示范效应和竞争效应),激励地方持续创新;另一方面,地方企业家通过创建地方产业网络,重新配置地方要素资源,并促进资源、技术与信息在整个地区的流动与传递。地方企业家联盟亦是重要的网络关系,可能导致竞争势力的强弱交替,并引发地区市场结构改变。内外企业家联盟(尤其是与海外投资商的联盟)是推动集群纵深演进的另一重要网络关系,他们共同推动集群技术水平提升、增强集群品牌效益,并引发浙江集群系统效应。  相似文献   

Future 5G networks aim at providing new high-quality wireless services to meet stringent and case-specific needs of various vertical sectors beyond traditional mobile broadband offerings. 5G is expected to disrupt the mobile communication business ecosystem and open the market to drastically new sharing based network operational models. 5G technical features of network slicing and small cell deployments in higher carrier frequencies will lower the investment barrier for new entrants to deploy local radio access networks and offer vertical specific services in specific areas and allow them lease the remaining required infrastructure on demand from mobile network operators (MNO) or infrastructure vendors. To realize the full vision of 5G to benefit the society and promote competition, innovation and emergence of new services when the 5G end-to-end network spans across different stakeholders administrative domains, the existing regulations governing the mobile communication business ecosystem are being refined. This paper provides a tutorial overview on how 5G innovations impact mobile communications and reviews the regulatory elements relevant to 5G development for locally deployed networks. This paper expands the recent micro licensing model for local spectrum authorization in future 5G systems and provides guidelines for the development of the key micro licensing elements. This local micro licensing model can open the mobile market by allowing different stakeholders to deploy local small cell networks with locally issued spectrum licenses ensuring pre-defined quality guarantees for the vertical sectors’ case specific needs.  相似文献   

National housing forecasters are beginning to recognize that local government policies have an impact on national housing production. From a reading of the recent past record of local government-developer conflicts, one might assume that the future for increased housing production is not so rosy. But a number of powerful economic and social forces are forcing both public officials and private developers to recognize their mutual interest in cooperating. We may be heading toward a new era of public-private cooperative housing production, with important implications for the volume and quality of new housing.  相似文献   

In the telecommunications industry, the ladder-of-investment approach claims that service-based competition (when entrants lease access to incumbents’ facilities) can serve as a “stepping stone” for facility-based entry (when entrants build their own infrastructures to provide services). In this paper, we build an empirical model that encompasses a complete ladder-of-investment, composed of three rungs: bitstream access, local loop unbundling and new access facilities. Using data from the European Commission’s “Broadband access in the EU” reports covering 15 European member states for 17 semesters, we test the ladder-of-investment hypothesis. We find no empirical support for this hypothesis, that is, for the transition from local loop unbundling to new access infrastructures, and weak empirical support for the transition from bitstream access lines to local loop unbundling. These results are robust when we take into account the migration effect, the number of access rungs, the development of broadband cable, the regulatory performance, and the evolution of local loop unbundling prices.  相似文献   

关于油田与地方关系的问题及对策分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近年来,随着油田企业加快重组改制和地方加快当地经济建设,油田与地方关系中出现了一些新问题和新矛盾:油地双方产业结构矛盾加剧,争市场、争资源的现象突出;围绕土地有偿使用问题油地双方纠纷不断;油田作为国有特大型企业,其办社会职能移交给地方与地方财力不足的矛盾十分突出。在实践中为解决这些矛盾,不少大型国有企业探索出了一些成功的模式。党的“十六大”关于国有资产管理体制的改革,为油地双方采用市场机制解决这些矛盾创造了条件,油地双方应加强产业结构协调,以产权为纽带,积极发展合作经济,跨油地进行资产重组,采取企业自主经营与政府管理相结合的方式分离企业办社会职能。  相似文献   

Research summary : While research has shown that good stakeholder relations increase the value of a firm, less is known about how specific types of stakeholder governance affect firm value. We examine the value of one such governance mechanism—community benefits agreements (CBAs) signed by firms and local communities—intended to minimize social conflict that disrupts access to valuable resources. We argue that shareholders evaluate more positively CBAs with local communities with strong property rights and histories of institutional action and extra‐institutional mobilization because these communities are more likely to cause costly disruptions and delays for a firm. We evaluate these arguments by analyzing the cumulative abnormal returns associated with the unexpected announcement of 148 CBAs signed between mining companies and local indigenous communities in Canada. Managerial summary : With firms across many industries facing escalating costs associated with social conflict, new tools are emerging to help firms mitigate these risks by seeking the support of the local communities in which they operate. Community benefits agreements (CBAs) are contracts in which a community provides consent for a new investment in return for tangible benefits, such as local hiring and revenue sharing. We argue that although CBAs are costly for the firm, they are particularly valuable when communities can cause costly disruptions and delays for a firm. Our study of investor reactions to the announcement of 148 CBAs signed between mining companies and local indigenous communities in Canada shows that investors value more CBAs signed with communities with strong property rights and histories of protest. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文从对我国地方产业集群的四种基本形态--蜂窝型、专业市场领导型、主企业领导型和混合型一定抽象意义上的划分和特征分析入手,推演基于不同组织架构和分工协作体系视角下,现阶段我国地方产业集群升级的技术创新能力提升途径与产业升级可行路径.以中国戴南不锈钢制品产业集群为例,从实证角度剖析了主核心企业领导型企业网络对地方产业集群升级的有效推动作用和重要性.指出,地方产业集群的转化和升级是组织架构、外向关联度、社会资本和企业家创新精神的协同转化进程.  相似文献   

融资租赁作为一种集融资与融物相结合的新型金融方式,能为地方政府融资平台的基础设施项目建设提供长期限、低成本的资金.由于我国融资租赁行业的发展还处于起步阶段,与融资租赁行业相关的制度措施并不完善,在融资平台中开展融资租赁业务特产生诸多的风险.文章概述了我国融资租赁行业发展状况,分析了融资租赁应用于政府融资平台的优势和业务模式,并对模式在实际运行中可能出现的风险进行剖析,在此基础上提出了相关的风险防范措施.  相似文献   

Increasing media visibility, public concern, and restrictive legislation over the effects of chemicals in use by society is creating a range of problems and liabilities that many local jurisdictions are currently unprepared to cope with. Communities around the nation are struggling to develop cost effective, sustainable internal systems to manage their responsibilities for hazardous chemicals which are used, stored, manufactured or transported within their areas of responsibilities. Within the past few years, federal and state legislation has mandated new local responsibilities for management of chemical hazards. The sheer volume of statutes, regulations, guidance and advice available from public and private sources on how to manage these new responsibilities and liabilities can be overwhelming.  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗筹资是新型农村合作医疗制度运行的关键。构建贫困山区因地制宜的长效筹资机制有利于贫困山区新型农村合作医疗制度的可持续运行。通过对青海省都兰县新型农村合作医疗筹资机制的考察分析,提出了贫困山区新型农村合作医疗长效筹资机制创新的启示与建议。  相似文献   

农业产业集群这一新的农业发展模式已经成为农业产业化向纵深方向发展的重要路径,对一个地区经济的发展起到了重要的推动作用。目前国内的许多省市和地区都在积极推动本地农业产业集群的发展。本文对新疆农业产业集群的现状进行了分析,并针对存在的问题提出自己的对策建议。  相似文献   

农业产业集群这一新的农业发展模式已经成为农业产业化向纵深方向发展的重要路径,对一个地区经济的发展起到了重要的推动作用。目前国内的许多省市和地区都在积极推动本地农业产业集群的发展。本文对河南农业产业集群的现状进行了分析,并针对存在的问题提出了自己的对策建议。  相似文献   

Using the entry threshold concept developed by Bresnahan and Reiss (Brookings Pap Econ Act 3:833–882, 1987), this paper examines how competitive conditions vary in independent local banking markets when the number of depository branches grows. With data on the Spanish retail banking sector in 2003, I estimate a discrete choice model to calculate the entry thresholds. The empirical evidence suggests that the entry of a new branch implies competition on a local level. Local branches seem to have some scope for changing prices fixed on national and regional levels. Moreover, the entry of new branches increases the competition among branches with instruments other than price (e.g., advertising, location, and promotion).   相似文献   

本文在动态能力观点的基础上,构建了新的能力演化过程的分析框架——成本一市场能力框架,利用它分析了跟随韩国现代汽车来华的4个韩国零部件供应商的子公司的采购、生产、销售和研发能力的演化过程,并对其进行了比较。在此基础上,从能力演化的角度,我们总结了这些韩国零部件供应商的子公司在中国的三种演化类型:市场追逐型、出口导向型、依附客户型。  相似文献   

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