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《Labour economics》1999,6(2):229-252
Monthly observations from the German Socio-Economic Panel (GSOEP) are used to model the labor force behavior of older married couples in Germany. A discrete time, competing risks hazard model of transitions among labor force states defined by the employment status of both spouses is estimated. The analysis indicates that the probability of one spouse exiting employment is much larger if the other spouse is not employed than if the other spouse is employed. Similarly, one member of a couple is much more likely to enter employment if the spouse is employed than if the spouse is not employed.  相似文献   

分析了德国货运中心兴起的动因,简要阐述了德国货运中心的发展、运作模式及经营管理方式。  相似文献   

杨婧 《中国企业家》2008,316(10):84-87,10
庞玉良到德国东部,需要从法兰克福转机,再到目的地。如果遇到航班延误和机场滞留,他的心态多少和制伞具的人企盼雨天一样有点得意。庞玉良的如意算盘是,德国这些大机场越拥堵,帕希姆机场的机会就会越多。  相似文献   

在全面推进依法治国、司法体制改革的大背景下,人民法院作为司法体制改革的主体之一,作为全面推进依法治国的主要力量之一,要积极转型成为智慧型法院、实时性法院、先进性法院,积极建设坚强有力的司法人才队伍,对接国家精准扶贫工作,加强数据化和信息化建设等等,为全面建成小康社会提供司法服务和司法保障。  相似文献   

This paper examines the incentive effects of division of labor on worker effort, in the absence of the scale effects studied by Adam Smith. The game-theoretic model gives two results. (1) Suppose workers are identical and risk-neutral, and there is stochastic observation of group output by the firm offering compensations subject to some worker-participation constraint. Then the firm can arrive at the same first-best outcome with or without division of labor. However, if workers are risk-averse, division of labor can give the firm strictly greater profit. (2) A deepening division of labor magnifies this positive incentive effect; but if workers are heterogeneous, or if there are certain informational imperfections in the production process, this incentive advantage of division of labor could be impaired or even reversed. The first result may help explain the emergence of division of labor in the early stages of industrialization without relying on the Smithian advantages, which are also present in some labor deployment schemes without division of labor. The second result throws light on some recent anecdotal evidence of a shallowing division of labor in some areas of modern manufacturing. These factors affecting the efficiency of division of labor are then further discussed in the light of recent empirical findings on division of labor and team work, such as those in Katzenbach and Smith (1993).  相似文献   

<中华人民共和国劳动法>的颁布执行旨在保护劳动者的合法权益,调整劳动关系,赋予劳资双方各自应享有的权利,同时规定双方应履行的义务.在生产经营过程中,劳资双方违反<劳动法>的情况时有发生.相关法律规定,不论用人单位还是劳动者,只要违反<劳动法>就应该做出赔偿.哪些情况用人单位须做赔偿,哪些情况劳动者须做赔偿,赔偿的数额、标准、方式都有哪些?本刊为您做如下总纳:……  相似文献   

一、概念问题 测度未付酬劳动的一个先决条件是获取一个令人满意的定义.目前被广泛接受的定义准则是“第三方”(third person)或“市场替代”(market replacement)准则,这一准则由Reid于1934年首次创立,并被许多研究人员所引用.  相似文献   

West Germany     
《Economic Outlook》1989,13(12):8-8

West Germany     
《Economic Outlook》1986,10(12):7-7
The government's argument that domestic demand is buoyant and that output is rising at a 3 per cent rate was vindicated by figures, for the second quarter. After a weak first quarter (partly due to another severe winter), GNP bounced back strongly and the annual growth rate reached 3.3 per cent, higher than the government's target of 3 per cent for 1986. This rebound, together with above-target monetary growth explains why the German authorities continue to resist pressure from the US to cut interest rates. Despite the rapid volume growth of imports as demand picks up, the fall in their DM price means that the trade surplus is continuing to grow. The current account surplus of DM40.5bn for the first seven months of the year is more than double that in the equivalent period last year.  相似文献   

晨辰 《中国新时代》2006,(12):106-111
当飞机临近慕尼黑城市上空时,这是我们感受德国南部的最好方式,因为对于巴伐利亚省而言,其风景如画的首府慕尼黑颇具代表性——处处可见湛蓝的天空、葱郁苍翠的绿茵、仿佛点缀般的田园民居……沉浸在这种田园风光的视觉享受中,我们的德国悠闲之旅就从半空中开始了  相似文献   

In this paper an empirically stable money demand model for M3 in Germany is presented. The sample period 1975–94 includes German unification. It is shown that this development has not substantially destabilized money demand. Parameter stability is extensively tested and not rejected. Applying encompassing tests, this model encompasses two recent models but is not encompassed by them. Exogeneity of the explanatory variables is discussed and tested along the definitions given in Engle, Hendry and Richard (1983). There is evidence that inflation and long-term interest rates are super-exogenous with respect to the parameters of the demand for M3 model. This result and the empirical long-run money demand function presented in this paper may affect the applicability of the so called ‘P-Star concept’ for German M3. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Trends in U.S. female and male labor force participation are outlined, particularly for the post-World War II period. Potential causes of these trends are then discussed, both those that operate on the demand side and those that operate on the supply side of the labor market, along with some discussion of alternative approaches to modeling these employment changes. Effects of these trends and future direction of changes are also considered.  相似文献   

一、信息不对称与逆向选择模型信息不对称理论产生于20世纪70年代,乔治·阿克劳夫(George'Akerlof)在1970年发表了名为《柠檬市场:质量不  相似文献   

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