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掌上游戏机之死?2011年12月17日,万众瞩目的索尼新一代PSVita掌机和24款配套游戏正式在日本发售。PSVita掌机于2011年年底在亚洲其他国家发售,2012年年2月在北美和欧洲上市。这是索尼在  相似文献   

1便携式CT机偏远的山区,出现偏头疼的问题怎么办?U.S.Office of Naval Research目前研发出一种叫Infrascanner的便携式快速诊断脑损伤的装置,利用近红外光谱(NIR)成像帮助患者快速诊断脑部内出血及其它危及生命的头部损伤,  相似文献   

2011年6月15日,北京世纪金源大饭店,第六届企业社会责任国际论坛暨“2010金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”发布典礼举行。  相似文献   

在经济全球化日益成形以及国内期货市场的不断成熟情况下,LME与SHFE两市间铜期货套利行为日趋增多。从跨市套利的角度,通过国内外市场价格比值的变化考察国内外市场的关联性,结果表明,国内期货市场价格波动对于国内外期货市场的价格信号的反应存在显著差异,并且这种差异呈现同一的模式。究其原因,主要是国内投机者存在着低估国际市场价格波动、高估国内市场价格波动的心理偏差。从现实和长远利益的视角出发,无论理论界还是实业界,都应重视期货市场本身的套期保值行为和套利行为,重视理论研究和实务出现的偏离。  相似文献   

本文译自“The Future of AIDS:Grim Toll in Russia,China,and India",作者为Nicholas Eberstadt,原载于美国刊物《外交》2 0 0 0年第 11月 /12月号 ,FOREIGN AFFAIRS,November/December,2 0 0 2 ,.考虑到非专业人士的阅读需要 ,本译文对原文的部分内容作了删节。有需要阅读原文者 ,可参见网址 :www.aei.org/scholars/eberstadr.htm.  相似文献   

The Future of Telecommunications   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

Retailers have embraced a variety of technologies to engage their customers. This article focuses on “The Future of Retailing” by highlighting five key areas that are moving the field forward: (1) technology and tools to facilitate decision making, (2) visual display and merchandise offer decisions, (3) consumption and engagement, (4) big data collection and usage, and (5) analytics and profitability. We also suggest numerous issues that are deserving of additional inquiry, as well as introduce important areas of emerging applicability: the internet of things, virtual reality, augmented reality, artificial intelligence, robots, drones, and driverless vehicles.  相似文献   

1日渐逼近的灾难 目前,从全球看,艾滋病人和病毒携带者中的绝大多数仍然集中在撒哈拉以南非洲地区.  相似文献   

张文霖 《市场研究》2006,(12):53-55
近两年一个陌生而又熟悉的事物走进我们的生活,它就是移动博客(MobileBlog,简称Moblog)。说它陌生是因为以前不存在这个名词,说熟悉是因为它是手机与博客相结合的产物。它的产生,是建立在博客、可拍照手机与移动互联业务三者基础之上的。顾名思义,移动博客就是在移动设备中写日  相似文献   

Chinese government has recently introduced more flexible policies on foreign investment,which can help to partially restore the development of foreign inflows in China but can hardly resume its previous growth speed.Bian Weihong,a senior analyst from the Institute of International Finance of the Bank of China,believed that,given the current conditions,the situation for foreign investment absorption in the second half of the year will still stay complicated.Bian also pointed out that in the previous phase,as the European debt crisis stops deteriorating and the U.S.  相似文献   

Magnitudes describing product attributes are basic elements used in decision making. Although several researchers have emphasized the need to understand how consumers categorize product attributes, empirical research on this issue is rare. As a first step in developing and evaluating methodologies to examine this issue, a sorting task methodology is introduced to study this problem. Hypotheses were generated to address important theoretical issues relating to how consumers use magnitudes describing product attributes and tested in two studies. The results suggest that the number of magnitudes used by consumers to think about product attributes (i) is higher for abstract when compared to concrete attributes, and (ii) is positively related to the number of magnitudes used in an overall evaluation of liking. Results also provided evidence to support the use of the sorting method. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

张律 《广告大观》2007,(10S):111-112
Google已经击败微软成为了全球第一品牌,百度正在向中国第一个突破百亿美元的互联网公司发起冲击;各门户纷纷闻“搜”而动,搜狗、爱问、搜搜、有道等等一应俱全。搜索大旗席卷互联网.搜主义从此盛行于江湖。[编者按]  相似文献   

信海光 《中国海关》2013,(2):83+15-83
尽管很多互联网公司拆分了“无线事业部”,但仅仅是把无线视作传统PC业务的升级补丁,而没能认识到这是一个根本趋势的改变。  相似文献   

The accession negotiations between the European Union and up to ten first wave candidate countries are expected to come to a close at the end of 2002. While substantial progress has already been made, there remain major challenges to be met by both the enlarging Union and the prospective new members. Our authors, economists from two of the candidate countries, Hungary and Poland, present their vieews on a number of strategic issues.  相似文献   

One could make a career of throwing darts at the work of AlfredChandler. I don't mean just criticizing him. You could takethe pages of Chandler's books, paste them up on a wall, andstart throwing. Almost everywhere a point struck would be alittle gem of business history to draw your interest. I didn't need a dartboard, but in 1980 when I first read TheVisible Hand I came across a reference to futures trading thatfascinated me. It was something I knew little about, yet thereit was, its history deftly laid out in a few pages. ClassicChandler: futures trading emerged out of a combination of  相似文献   

<正>谁是未来的消费主流随着时间的推移,年龄在20 ̄30岁之间的年轻新生代人群,正在成为不可忽视的社会主流消费群体。他们无论是在校学生,还是刚刚步入社会,无论是新婚夫妇还是独身青年,都有很强的高消费倾向,他们已经掌握足够的“可支配收入”,正在逐步进入市场形成强大的购买力量。  相似文献   

This research focuses on (a) introducing and exploring ethically effective leadership, (b) introducing and testing theory on triad of typical–maximal–ideal ethically effective leadership performances, (b) theorizing and empirically testing that each of typical–maximal–ideal ethically effective leadership performance is different from each others, in other words exploring mean differences between each pair of typical–maximal–ideal effective leadership performances, (c) introducing, theorizing, and testing mechanism to quantify respondents’ intrinsic desire and inherent potential to enhance their ethically effective leadership performances, (d) exploring precedents of each of typical–maximal–ideal ethically effective leadership performances, and finally (e) exploring bases and feasibility of virtual, robotic, and mixed reality ethically effective leadership that may or may not be same as conventional ethically effective leadership. This paper explores global leadership aspect of ethically effective leadership performance at three data collection levels (via typical, maximal, and ideal effective leadership performances) adding precision to assessment of ethically effective leadership and resolving an important challenge (precise assessment) to ethical leadership development. It explores respondents’ typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T, their maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M, and their ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I. It presents non-western perspectives on ethically effective leadership disregarding homogenization of leadership behavior. It advances our insight into ethical leadership development by empirically identifying presence, direction and magnitude of respondents’ (a) intrinsic desire and (b) existing intrinsic potential for alteration of their ethically effective leadership. Means of typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T, maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M, and ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I are distinct. Typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T is positively associated with maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M and ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I. This article concludes that the selected leaders report their ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I to be higher than their typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T and maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M depicting significant intrinsic desire for 14 % enhancing their ethically effective leadership performance. Respondents have significant existing intrinsic potential for 10 % enhancing their ethically effective leadership performance. Regression constants for regression models for typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T, maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M and ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I are significant depicting that the researchers have to look for other variables to fully explain variance in typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T, maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M and ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I. Regression coefficient of typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T is significant in model for ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I as well as maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M and vice versa. So, the paper suggests that training strategies may be feasible to alter typical ethically effective leadership performance E_T and maximal ethically effective leadership performance E_M in such a way as to bring it closer to ideal ethically effective leadership performance E_I but for this, researchers have to look for other variables too.  相似文献   

<正>在开拓三、四级市场,流通业变革(包括零售和批发)等渠道热点现象中,有一个基本而核心的问题:在这样的趋势下,我们需要什么样的人才来管理未来的渠道?通过与大量渠道管理者的沟通以及对市场一线的调研,笔者归纳出几方面的素质要求:  相似文献   

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