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The exchange rate of the US dollar fell sharply last year. What part was played by the adverse “fundamentals” of the US economy, the large current account deficit, the country’s heavy foreign indebtedness and the substantial budget deficit? How will the dollar behave in future?  相似文献   

Monetary policy rules which rely on the monetary base have been advocated by Meltzer and McCallum. Proponents claim that following monetary base rules would minimize fluctuations around the target growth rate for nominal GNP. Critics of such rules contend that currency has not been properly accounted for in their analysis. This paper examines McCallum's monetary base rule by explicitly taking the demand for currency into account. Assuming that currency is supplied elastically, our investigation quantifies changes in the composition of the monetary base under these rules and provides an estimate of how these compositional changes might affect the variability around the target nominal GNP growth rate.  相似文献   


东亚区域货币合作与人民币的核心竞争力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着《清迈协议》的签订,东亚货币一体化正式进入区域货币合作阶段。根据“最适度货币区”理论,在区域货币合作中,需要有一种占主导地位的货币,在货币合作中起支撑作用。东亚各国(地区)货币中,日元由于种种原因,难成区域性主导货币(核心货币)。由于人民币近年来的不俗表现,其竞争力不断增强,将最有条件成为区域货币中的中坚力量。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of currency derivatives on firm value using a broad sample of firms from thirty-nine countries with significant exchange-rate exposure. Derivatives can be used for managers' self-interest, for hedging or for speculative purposes. We hypothesize that investors can appeal to a firm's internal (firm-level) and external (country-level) corporate governance to draw inferences on a firm's motive behind the use of derivatives, since well-governed firms are more likely to use derivatives to hedge rather than to speculate or pursue managers' self-interest. Consistent with this explanation, we find strong evidence that the use of currency derivatives for firms that have strong internal firm-level or external country-level governance is associated with a significant value premium.  相似文献   

When a series of Asian countries got into a serious economic crisis in the middle of last year, it took most observers by surprise. Current models for the explanation of currency crises are indeed inadequate in this instance. Do we need a new theory, or can existing models be expanded to enable us to explain and predict events such as those in Asia?  相似文献   

The eurozone crisis has revealed certain shortcomings of the EMU, such as its vulnerability to asymmetric shocks and its inability to act as predicted by the theory of optimum currency areas. Although the share of intra-EU trade has increased since the introduction of the euro, dissimilarities in economic structure combined with high degrees of industrial specialisation have increased the EMU’s vulnerability to asymmetric shocks. Moreover, the lack of labour mobility or a transfer payment system limits the EMU’s crisis adjustment capabilities. However, most of the implemented and proposed stabilisation measures seek to remedy this vulnerability by promoting economic integration, further fiscal discipline and debt redemption.  相似文献   

We investigate how the elimination of intra-European exchange risk may affect international financial markets using a conditional version of the International CAPM. We estimate the EMU and non-EMU components of aggregate currency risk and document significant exposures to both. The premium for EMU risk is positive and associated with exposure to the French, Italian and Spanish currencies. The premium for non-EMU risk is consistently negative and accounts for most of the aggregate currency premiums. In the 1990s, exposures to EMU risk declined significantly while exposures to non-EMU risk increased. Hence the adoption of the Euro is unlikely to have a large impact on aggregate currency risk premiums.  相似文献   

As the recent struggles connected with the readjustment of exchange rates within the European Monetary System have shown, the relatively unproblematic “running in” period of the EMS, which was supposed to be a constructive contribution to the creation of a more viable international monetary system, is over. Dr. Matthes doubts that the EMS can live up to the original expectations and argues in favour of a restoration of the US dollar to its function as the key currency of the Western monetary system.  相似文献   

俄罗斯作为我国第一大边贸伙伴,中俄边境贸易在我国边境贸易及中俄贸易中占有重要的地位.随着中俄贸易合作的加强和人民币国际化步伐的加快,在中俄边境贸易中推行本币结算,既是促进中俄两国经济进一步发展的需要,也是中俄双方金融合作向深层次发展的客观要求,对促进人民币区域化更是具有重要的历史和现实意义.  相似文献   

The response of trade to a monetary union is a dynamic process. An empirical study of the European monetary union finds that the extensive margin of trade in new goods responded several years ahead of EMU implementation and ahead of overall trade volume. A dynamic rational expectations trade model shows that early entry of new firms in anticipation is explainable as a rational forward-looking response to news. The model helps identify which types of trading frictions are reduced by a currency union, and shows how new entry can be affected by uncertainty about EMU.  相似文献   

08年美国次贷危机演变为全球化的金融危机,美元疲软,人民币升值,同时11年日本大地震元气大伤,直接导致日圆国际支付能力的下降。伴随近年中国经济的发展,地区影响力增强,为中国谋求世界经济大国的地位,建立新的货币体系提供了机遇,因此建立以人民币为中心的世界货币体系,势在必行。  相似文献   

货币形态演进和货币国际化是两种重要的货币现象。本文在交易成本解释逻辑的基础上,引入币值稳定性和充足流动性概念,扩展为一个基于信用的货币形态演进及其国际化的分析框架。据此并结合主要国际货币国际化经验,分析了货币形态演进与货币国际化的内在一致性基础,即货币信用;其不同之处在于前者是货币在形态上的纵向演进,后者是货币在空间维度上的横向延伸。在此基础上,针对人民币国际化提出提高人民币信用应该深化金融领域改革和突出政府作用的政策建议,并着重强调贸易结算与支付在货币国际化中的基础驱动力作用,尤其是在货币形态数字化演进前夜,应发挥我国世界工厂产业优势叠加互联网+先行优势,抢先构建数字人民币国际化的网络外部性基础。  相似文献   

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