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吕实 《北方经贸》2004,(5):109-110
随着中国经济实力的增强 ,有越来越多的中国产品产量居世界第一 ,这些产品行销世界 ,中国正在成为“世界工厂”。但是 ,用严格的“世界工厂”标准来衡量 ,中国还有差距。在“中国制造”的背后还隐藏着许多弱点 ,尚不具备真正的实力。要成为真正的“世界工厂” ,中国还须努力。  相似文献   

吕莱 《国际市场》2011,(7):54-55,10
近日,丹麦投资促进局、中国国际商会(北京)、上海市国际贸易促进委员会、香港总商会、国际知名咨询公司毕马威、安睿律师事务所在北京、上海、香港三地举办丹麦投资论坛,向中国投资者和企业界带来了来自丹麦的商机。丹麦是世界上最古老的君主立宪制国家,有着悠久的历史和文化,安徒生童话  相似文献   

1 Introduction The global financial crisis, whose effects have been most severe on the world's largest banks, has created a vacuum in banking sector in Africa by stalling investment from the traditional investor. The world's largest banks, brought to their knees by the crisis, and having had to be bailed out, are in no position to continue investing in the banking sector in Africa.  相似文献   

The increasingly grave financial crisis has had an effect on all sectors of the economy both big and small, as such,the world's automobile industry could not have saved itself from this financial storm.From General Motors (GM),Ford or Chrysler,the U.S.auto giants are suffering through the harsh climate together. Unfortunately, China's auto sector is also struggling to survive and thrive in the changing global auto market; however, the current financial storm also brings an unprecedented opportunity for China's auto industry, an opportunity to take a better position in the reconstructing of the traditional order in the industry. Faced with an increasingly grave financial outlook, how will China's auto companies tackle this difficult task and reach sunny sky?  相似文献   

As an important part of Automechanika, one of the world's largest series of auto parts & accessories exhibitions, Automechanika Frankfurt is the leading International Trade Fair for aftermarket auto parts and the Original Equipment Market. It is held every two years. It was first established in 1971 based on the idea "of necessity" by Messe Frankfurt GmbH, one of the famous German companies, because of a crisis in the automobile industry.  相似文献   

China and Greece have both made great contributions to the world's cultural heritage.As the Chinese economy has become an economic powerhouse In the global economy,the Greek economy has proven capabilities and is constantly improving.  相似文献   

低碳经济趋势下贸易摩擦及WTO机制困境   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际贸易活动以间接的方式影响着能源消耗以及碳排放的程度,各国在促进贸易发展与实现低碳经济的双重战略要求下,势必会引发新的贸易摩擦,WTO机制在双重目标的要求下陷入困境,如何实现世界低碳经济发展模式和减少贸易领域的摩擦是未来WTO和各国政府亟待研究的课题。  相似文献   

The world's largest industry has received little ethical attention, yet it raises questions of consumer fairness, marketing and environmental and cultural integrity. The author has recently gained an MSc in Tourism Studies from the University of Surrey, and is currently working as an independent consultant in the tourism and leisure sector.  相似文献   

吴建业 《中国市场》2009,(43):52-53
<正>2009年8月12日,深圳市农产品股份有限公司披露的年度中期报告显示,以世界首富比尔.盖茨及其妻子梅琳达的名字命名的、世界最大的慈善基金会——比尔和梅琳达.盖茨基金,增持股份至1200万股,成为第9大股东。目前  相似文献   

At the end of 2009, Central Economic Conference was held in Beijing to set the tone of next year's economic work while reviewing last year's economic situation.The 4-trillion-yu, an stimulus package,a massive injection of credit, and multiple export-tax refunds all lead to China s economic rebound.These timely and decisive measures have helped China become the world's fastest growing economy.  相似文献   

Spirituality, in the broad sense, provides a deeper foundation for principles of international business ethics than legalistic, command-based ethics programs. Spiritual-based principles and values are presupposed and endorsed by established legal and ethical principles for international business. Identifying such spiritual-based principles and values requires the exercise of moral imagination and an openness to values embraced by the world's religions. Once identified, a new realm of moral freedom is attained for multinational corporations which may help them move beyond an "ethics for sale" orientation.  相似文献   

After the outbreak of the global financial crisis, there has been an outcry .from developing countries, especially the so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China), that a “diversified”international monetary system should be put in place. At their first formal summit meeting held on June, the leaders of Brazil, Russia,  相似文献   

黑龙江省服务业对经济增长的影响分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
服务业是国民经济的重要组成部分,目前全球经济总量中服务业已占60%以上。服务业的发展水平是衡量现代社会发达程度的重要标志,服务业在经济发展中的作用日益重要。在我国加入WTO后,黑龙江省服务业发展也比较快,对经济增长的促进作用显著,但贡献仍显不足。因此,黑龙江省应加快服务业发展步伐,带动黑龙江省经济全面发展。本文阐述了黑龙江省服务业的发展现状,针对这种现状,分析了服务业对黑龙江省经济发展的贡献,并提出了相应的对策建议,以期为黑龙江省服务业发展提供一些有益的启示。  相似文献   

Influenced by the financial crisis, the overall bilateral trade volume between China and lran decreased .by 39% in the first quarter of 2009;however, the volume of Iran's exported crude oil to China has increased by 88% compared with the same period last year up to May of 2009, totaling 308.8 million tons. Iran, as the world's No.5 crude exporter, replaced Saudi Arabia as China's largest oil supplier. At the same time, China, as the world's No.2 oil consumer, now imports half of the crude oil it consumes, and has become Iran's third largest customer.  相似文献   

高盛聚合国际投资有限公司成立于2010年。公司拥有一支由专业金融人员组成的投资分析团队。致力于开展金融,财经服务和投资咨询服务,公司依托广泛的国内外合作伙伴和政府资源,为企业和个人创造了完美的融资渠道和投资策划咨询服务。聚合以其自身雄厚的实力和资源平台。打造成为中国最大的投资主体、融资平台、合作载体。为机构投资者提供的一个综合性、全价值链的投资服务。  相似文献   

<正>古人云:器大者声必闳,志高者意必远。从环渤海到京津冀,从东北振兴到中部崛起,从西部开发到中亚合作,从北部湾再到泛北部湾,每一个区域的繁荣都迫切需要金融业的支持。在此背景下,在地域面积等同整个欧洲的中国大地上,出现多个金融中心并不为奇的看法正在形成共识。而在此间,经由各地经济发展所支撑的中国经济总体复兴,亦正呼唤一个与之地位相  相似文献   

Conclusions  Managing migration is one of the key challenges facing nation states in a 21st century marked by closer connections and rising inequality between countries. In a world in which travel and tourism are becoming a major industry, and in which wages across borders can be 20 or 30 times higher, there are increasing incentives to cross national borders for employment. The industrial countries, which have about 12 percent of the world's labor force but 60 percent of the world's migrants, are struggling with the best ways to respond to rising numbers of irregular workers. Most responses are some combination of prevention, interior enforcement, and legalization: the challenge is how to include the fourth element, cooperation with migrant countries of origin. chair of the University of California's Comparative Immigration and Integration Program; editor of the monthly Migration News and the quarterly Rural Migration News.  相似文献   

发展低碳经济是我国顺应世界发展大潮流的必然选择,应把碳排放作为重要的指标纳入到国家发展战略体系中。本文考虑到不同区域的异质性,采用面板数据的计量模型,深入研究了碳排放的影响因素,认为影响我国碳排放的主要影响因素是产出规模、产业结构以及能源消费结构,而清洁技术水平是低效率的,没有发挥碳减排效应。同时,不同区域中影响碳减排因素的效果是有差异的。  相似文献   

美国次贷危机不仅引发了全球金融市场的剧烈动荡和流动性匮乏,更波及到众多国家的对外贸易发展。作为世界上最大的消费市场,美国次贷危机导致本国经济低迷,在很大程度上对中国出I:1产生了负面影响,对于新疆出口贸易短期内影响微弱,但从长期看将会阻碍新疆出口增长。因此应大力推进新疆地产品出口,实现多元化市场战略以降低次贷危机所带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

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