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以剩余收益估值模型衡量股票错误估值程度,基于公司层面测度投资者情绪,利用非平衡面板数据模型检验投资投资者情绪如何通过证券市场传导到上市公司从而影响其实际投资行为。实证研究发现,投资者情绪主要通过直接的迎合渠道而非间接的股权融资渠道影响上市公司投资行为,且公司投资在迎合渠道上表现出对投资者情绪的"反迎合机制",此外不同特征的公司其投资对投资者情绪的敏感度存在横截面差异。  相似文献   

研发项目的高风险和收益不确定性容易导致投资者对公司前景产生非理性预期,管理者有动机增加公司研发投资以迎合投资者非理性情绪。利用2010—2020年沪深A股上市公司数据,考察投资者情绪与公司研发投资迎合的关系,并探讨公司研发投资迎合对财务信息质量的影响。结果表明,管理者研发投资迎合行为导致公司高质量创新专利减少而低质量创新专利增加,不利于公司创新效率提高和长期价值增长。进一步地,管理者有动机通过盈余管理操纵公司财务信息,进而配合其研发投资迎合行为。分析投资者情绪扭曲公司研发行为对公司财务信息质量的内在作用机理,对于我国上市公司研发投资行为优化和创新能力提升具有重要借鉴价值。  相似文献   

行为公司金融理论研究表明,投资者的非理性情绪变化会通过迎合渠道影响上市公司经理人的投资决策。本文利用1999~2008年期间中国上市公司的经验数据,实证检验了我国上市公司经理人投资决策中迎合倾向的影响因素。结果表明,盈余预期不确定性和投机性是影响我国上市公司经理人迎合倾向的主要因素。信息透明度低和成长性高的公司经理人的投资决策更容易受到投资者市场情绪的影响,而收益波动性和换手率等市场指标对经理人迎合倾向的影响并不显著。  相似文献   

产业政策是否会引起股票市场上投资者情绪的波动,政策外生冲击下的投资者情绪如何影响实体经济中企业资源的配置行为和效率,其深层的作用机制又是什么呢?为回答这一系列问题,文章基于中国资本市场的经验数据,通过实证研究发现,鼓励支持类的产业政策会引起投资者情绪的上涨,并刺激企业投资,这将加剧企业过度投资,缓解企业投资不足;淘汰限制类的产业政策会引起投资者情绪的下降,并抑制企业投资,这将会缓解企业过度投资,加剧投资不足.上述结论表明,在产业政策引导资源配置过程中,投资者情绪扮演了传导中介的角色.进一步研究发现,企业股权融资依赖程度或管理层股权激励越大,企业资源配置对投资者情绪的波动越敏感,这说明政策外生冲击下的投资者情绪影响企业资源配置的深层机制在于企业存在股权融资依赖和迎合市场情绪的动机.最后,总体上产业政策外生冲击下的投资者情绪对企业资源配置的影响造成了公司价值的损毁,并且不同影响渠道具有显著差异,利用投资者情绪降低股权融资成本所进行的资本投资显著提升了公司价值,而迎合市场情绪所进行的资源配置显著毁损了企业价值.上述研究成果有助于从微观企业视角理解股票市场在国家政策引导企业资源配置行为中的作用.  相似文献   

本文通过Python收集东方财富网上证指数股吧的发帖信息并构建市场情绪指数,在此基础上以2010—2019年沪深A股上市公司为样本考察市场情绪对公司投资决策与管理者薪酬的影响。研究结果表明,市场情绪与公司投资支出和管理者超额薪酬正相关,而与管理者薪酬-业绩敏感性负相关。对管理者短视程度大的公司而言,市场情绪对公司投资支出与管理者薪酬的影响更大。影响机制分析表明,市场情绪会通过迎合渠道对公司投资决策产生影响,并且市场情绪通过作用于公司投资进而影响管理者薪酬。本文通过构建大数据情绪指数对公司迎合投资的相关研究成果进行了有益的拓展,并对优化管理者薪酬契约设计具有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   

文章在限制卖空的背景下,利用改进的股权融资模型和投资者迎合理论模型,理论分析并实证检验了投资者异质信念与企业过度投资行为之间的关系。研究表明:投资者异质信念既通过促使企业管理者迎合投资者而直接加剧企业过度投资,也通过影响企业的股权融资现金流而间接促进其过度投资;投资者异质信念对私营企业过度投资的影响仅体现在投资者迎合渠道,而对国有企业的影响则主要反映在股权融资渠道;两种作用渠道都存在于成长性企业中,而不存在于非成长性企业中。  相似文献   

近年来,经营多元化业务的上市公司越来越多,且经营非相关多元化业务的公司也大量存在,如何合理地对这些公司的股价进行估值已成为业界的一个热门话题。以内蒙古鄂尔多斯投资控股集团有限公司为例,将成长因子作为一项重要影响因素、采用可持续增长率(又称预期增长率)对传统市盈率模型进行调整,并运用修正后的市盈率模型对该公司羊绒服装和电力冶金这两种不同的主营业务分别进行估值。在此基础上,结合该企业2013—2017年度的实际情况和发展战略,对其股价分别按资产总额和毛利额进行加权评估,以期为上市公司投资者对多元化业务发展的上市公司股价估值提供新思路与新方法。  相似文献   

行为公司金融理论认为,企业研发投入水平不仅会影响企业价值,而且会影响市场上投资者对公司成长的预期——拥有较高研发投入强度的公司被市场认为具有较高的红利增长不确定性。根据企业投资决策的迎合理论,外部治理压力会导致经理人做出偏离于最优水平的投资决策。基于2002—2009年我国上市公司的经验数据,分析了研发投入与迎合渠道之间的关系。实证结果表明,上市公司的经理人在进行投资决策时的确有明显的迎合市场的情绪倾向,并且研发投入强度较高的公司,这一倾向会更加显著。  相似文献   

以我国A股主板上市公司业绩快报行为作为分析对象,对投资者情绪是否以及如何影响公司自愿性信息披露决策进行了实证检验。检验结果表明:(1)当公司盈利时,随着投资者情绪的高涨,上市公司披露业绩快报的概率增加,而当公司亏损时,投资者情绪水平越高,公司披露业绩快报的概率则越低;(2)在公司披露业绩快报的前提下,投资者情绪越高涨,业绩快报中的盈利数据越被高估。上述结果意味着上市公司可能策略性地利用业绩快报行为来应对投资者情绪的波动,并从经验事实上支持了行为金融学的迎合理论。在当前A股市场整体信息披露质量欠佳的前提下,该研究结论有助于完善证券市场相关规制、对市场进行有效的引导或监管,为深化市场改革提供新思路。  相似文献   

新会计准则的公布和实施将对我国的上市公司和资本市场产生重要影响。新会计准则的两大重要意义在于提高了会计信息的决策有用性和透明度,其实施是一种强制性的会计政策变更行为。这会改变公司净利润的账面数字。纯数字意义的净利润变化本身并不会引起公司估值水平的变化。然而,会计准则的经济后果观告诉我们,上市公司的经营行为会因为会计政策的改变而有所改变。本文着重分析了新会计准则对上市公司内在价值的重塑影响,帮助人们进行正确的公司估值判断。  相似文献   

In this article, we re-examine the causality between the stock returns and investor sentiment in China. The number of net added accounts is used as a proxy for investor sentiment. To mimic the different investment horizons of market participants, we use the wavelet method to decompose stock returns and investor sentiment into time series with different frequencies. Additionally, we test for nonlinear causal relationships based on Taylor series approximation. Our results indicate that there is a one-directional linear causality from stock returns to investor sentiment on the original series, while there is a strong bi-directional nonlinear causality between stock returns and investor sentiment at different timescales.  相似文献   

田昆儒  张帆 《现代财经》2005,25(10):35-40
随着我国市场经济的发展,上市公司已成为整个经济体系中重要的组成部分。而上市公司会计信息及其披露则成为现代资本市场监管的核心内容,也是投资者进行投资决策的主要依据。通过对天津上市公司会计信息披露的现状进行分析,可发现其中存在的问题,有助于制定改进措施,以提高整个天津上市公司会计信息的披露质量。  相似文献   

投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和经济增长   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李春红  彭光裕 《技术经济》2011,30(5):105-108,123
采用2000—2009年的GDP、股票市场流通市值以及交易值的季度数据,从实证角度对此时段的投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和资本化率进行计量分析,通过ADF单位根检验、Johansen协整检验及Granger因果检验研究投资者情绪、股票市场流动性和股票市场发展之间的关系,进而揭示了投资者情绪影响经济增长的途径。结果显示,投资者情绪和股票市场流动性是经济增长的格兰杰原因。  相似文献   

This article uses the investor sentiment index to investigate the Granger causality between investor sentiment and stock returns for the US economy using a multi-scale method. To focus on the local analysis of different investor horizons, bivariate empirical mode decomposition is used to decompose time series of investor sentiment and stock returns at different timescales. We employ the linear and nonlinear integrated Granger causality method to examine the causal relationship of decomposed series on similar timescales. The results indicate both strong bilateral linear and nonlinear causality between longer-term investor sentiment and stock returns. However, there is no strong evidence for correlation of stock returns and investor sentiment on shorter timescales.  相似文献   

This article verifies whether the hypothesis of heterogeneous agent modelling and the behavioural heterogeneity framework can reproduce recent stylized facts regarding stock markets (e.g. the 1987 crash, internet bubble, and subprime crisis). To this end, we investigate the relationship between investor sentiment and stock market returns for the G7 countries from June 1987 to February 2014. We propose an empirical non-linear panel data specification based on the panel switching transition model to capture the investor sentiment-stock return relationship, while enabling investor sentiment to act asymmetrically, non-linearly, and time varyingly according to the market state and investor attitude towards risk. Our findings are twofold. First, we show that the hypotheses of efficiency, rationality, and representative agent do not hold in reproducing stock market dynamics. Second, investor sentiment affects stock returns significantly and non-linearly, but its effects vary with the market conditions. Indeed, the market appears predominated by fundamental investors in the first regime. In the second regime, investor sentiment effect is positively activated, increasing stock returns; however, when their overconfidence sentiment exceeds some threshold, this effect becomes inverse in the third regime for a high threshold level of market confidence and investor over-optimism.  相似文献   

Steep declines in the value of publicly traded stocks in the first quarter of 2001 left many market observers speculating whether investor sentiment had undergone a significant and negative change, and whether investors would subsequently flee stocks in favor of less volatile investment options. A survey study of investor expectations and confidence was conducted in late March 2001 to capture investor sentiment and compare it with similar measures taken in surveys conducted in 1998 during a period of rapid market incline. The surprising results are that there are only minor differences in investor sentiment in terms of: (a) confidence in the long and intermediate performance of the stock markets; (b) composition of stocks versus bonds in their portfolios; (c) the intention to buy on the dips; (d) the amount of risk investors plan to undertake. The high level of investor confidence observed in 2001 (in spite of a severe drop in market value) is potentially accounted for by psychological processes that influence investor judgment. These processes include reliance on image-driven affective evaluations of common stocks that contribute to excessive optimism.  相似文献   

In the portfolio choice literatures and the financial market, diversification and concentration are the focus of debate of philosophers. In this paper, we develop a model of portfolio choice to integrate the diversification strategy and the concentration strategy. Our model relies on the concepts of investor sentiment and inertial thinking. The results show that: Generally, when the level of sentiment is relatively low, an investor who is affected by sentiment and inertial thinking may do a well-diversified investment the same as the rational investor. When the level of sentiment is high enough, the investment strategies including diversification and concentration are complex and volatile. Quantitative results for either diversification or concentration investment are given for all cases in the paper.  相似文献   

The authors investigate the global and extreme dependence structure between investor sentiment and stock returns in 7 European stock markets (Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, the Netherlands, Portugal, and the UK), over the period 1985–2015. Global dependence refers to the correlation of changes in sentiment and stock returns over the whole range of these 2 variables, and extreme dependence refers to the local correlation of high (i.e. asymptotic) changes in sentiment and high stock returns. Using copula models and a bootstrap procedure, 6 statistical tests are performed for this purpose. Among the results of the tests, the authors highlight those that provide evidence of contemporaneous lower extreme dependence and contemporaneous upper extreme independence between sentiment and returns. As policy implications, these results suggest that financial stability can be promoted if regulators consider the impact of their decisions on investor sentiment. Also, the results seem to support the arguments in favor of short selling ban during turmoil periods. Finally, overall, the results are relevant for both investors and regulators and reinforce the importance of considering investor sentiment to better understand the behavior of financial markets.  相似文献   

L.A. Smales 《Applied economics》2017,49(34):3395-3421
The presence of investor sentiment pushes asset prices away from the equilibrium level justified by underlying fundamentals. While sentiment is not directly observable, identifying appropriate proxies and, quantifying the impact of sentiment on asset prices is an important topic. Asset prices that do not appropriately reflect fundamental values may result in inefficient allocation of capital – impacting portfolio allocation decisions and the cost of capital. Utilizing a number of sentiment proxies, over the period 1990–2015, we demonstrate a strong relationship between investor sentiment and stock returns that is consistent with theoretical explanations of sentiment. We determine that implied volatility index (VIX) is the preferred measure of sentiment in terms of improving model fit and adding explanatory power. Causality tests suggest that investor fear (VIX) drives returns across firm-size and value, and also across industry. We also illustrate that firms that are more subjective to value, or face limits to arbitrage, such as small-cap stocks, or those in the business equipment (technology) or telecoms industry, are most responsive to changes investor sentiment. Finally, we demonstrate that sentiment has a greater influence on market returns during recession, when sentiment is at its lowest ebb, and this is particularly true for those stocks most susceptible to speculative demand.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to investigate whether investors' sentiment measured by the Internet search behavior constitutes a valid measure of investor’s sentiment on Islamic and conventional indexes of emerging and frontier financial markets in MENA countries. In fact, we examine the relation between googling investor’s sentiment and monthly Islamic and conventional index returns during the period 2004–2016. Using the Dynamic Conditional Correlation, the BEKK-GARCH and the wavelet coherence models, we confirm that googling investor’s sentiment is a perfect indicator of investor’s sentiment measure. Indeed, we find that this measure has the ability to reflect major events such as subprime financial crisis, oil crisis and Arab spring revolution affecting MENA Islamic and conventional index markets. Our finding indicates that investors can use googling investor’s sentiment as an indicator to predict returns and volatility of emerging and frontier markets since it reflects the behavior and emotions of investors in MENA financial markets.  相似文献   

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