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Exchange Rate Uncertainty and the Efficiency of the Forward Market for Foreign Exchange. — The paper investigates to what extent exchange rate uncertainty can account for the observed deviations from the forward market efficiency hypothesis (FMEH). The empirical analysis employs a simple varying parameter regression to allow uncertainty to modify the central parameters of the FMEH in a direct way. Uncertainty is proxied by significant exchange rate changes. The results indicate that there is considerable support for the FMEH if one allows the intercept term to vary over time.  相似文献   

A Re-Examination of the Forward Exchange Rate Unbiasedness Hypothesis. — This paper applies the Phillips and Hansen estimation and inference procedures to re-examine the hypothesis that the forward exchange rate is an unbiased predictor of the future spot exchange rate. The results indicate that the 90-day forward exchange rate is not an unbiased predictor. However, the 90-day forward and future spot exchange rates are cointegrated. Only for the U.K. pound/U.S. dollar exchange rate is there an error correction representation. Overall, however, the evidence is consistent with the hypothesis that risk-averse agents in the forward foreign exchange market form expectations rationally.  相似文献   

A Test of the News Model of Exchange Rates. — The news model is tested using quarterly data on six exchange rates involving four currencies over a period extending back to 1975. The results show that unbiased efficiency does not hold and that there are time-varying risk premia. The results also show that the news variables, proxied by the residuals of VAR models, do not have a significant effect on the exchange rate. It is argued that while news is a theoretically plausible explanation for erratic changes in the exchange rate, generated regressors cannot adequately represent news.  相似文献   

Misalignments of Real Exchange Rates and the Credibility of Nominal Currency Bands. — This paper analyzes a sticky-price target zone model in which realignment risk is modeled endogenously as a function of the degree of real exchange rate misalignments. The implications of the model are used to investigate the credibility of selected nominal ERM exchange rate bands. We find that a lack of credibility of the ERM currency bands occurs mostly in countries with substantial swings and persistent misalignments of real exchange rates. These findings suggest that the major real appreciations in some European bilateral real exchange rates between 1987 and 1992 have been pivotal in triggering the ERM currency crises of 1992 and 1993.  相似文献   

Real Exchange Rates and Unit Root Tests. — This paper examines monthly OECD exchange rate data (1979–1997) using univariate and panel data unit root tests. Some of these tests support the hypothesis of a unit root. But tests of cointegration reveal the existence of weak purchasing power parity relationships between bilateral nominal exchange rates and relative prices. We suggest that researchers need not conduct unit root tests on real exchange rate data when a modified version of PPP is used; or if there is a long enough time series. Given the definition of real exchange rates, the indicator should be stationary and should have intrinsic mean reverting behaviour.  相似文献   

State-Space Estimation of Rational Bubbles in the Yen/Deutsche Mark Exchange Rate. — This paper considers a series that uncovered interest parity predicts to be white noise and inspects it for evidence of stochastic rational bubbles. State-space methods are used that specify a bubble component of the series as an unobserved state. The technique’s effectiveness is demonstrated by Monte Carlo experiments. One span of the series is found in which a stochastic rational bubble specification clearly dominates the white noise specification. It coincides with a period of general financial turm-oil in the associated economies, i.e. Japan and Germany during 1989 and early 1990.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether there is a tendency for actual exchange rates to return to their fundamental equilibrium exchange rates (FEERs) when the latter are estimated based on popular exchange rate models. Co-integration tests and unit root tests are applied. There is little evidence that the exchange rates of Japan and Germany have a reversion to the purchasing-power-parity (PPP) rates or Williamson's FEERs or the underlying external and internal balance (UEI) FEERs.  相似文献   

Capital Controls and International Trade Finance in a Dual Exchange Rate Regime: The Belgian Experience Post-Mortem. — The purpose of the paper is to model “leads and lags” capital flows on the official segment of a dual exchange market and to examine the effects of various types of capital controls imposed by authorities on the official spot and forward exchange markets. The focus of the analysis is the degree of insulation provided by a “dual exchange market cum capital controls” in face of a speculative crisis. The crucial variables in this respect are the deviation from covered interest parity and the forward risk premium. Results of the theoretical model are confronted with empirical evidence over the 1975–85 period.  相似文献   

Sign Predictions of Exchange Rate Changes: Charts as Proxies for Bayesian Inferences. - One recurrent and controversial feature of high-frequency exchange rate returns is the apparent profitability of simple chartist rules. This paper attests the relevance of these rules for predicting the upward and downward tendencies in speculative prices. First, it is shown by means of a variant to the standard Markov switching model that there are swings in the mean for various weekly exchange rate returns. The paper proceeds by showing that certain chartist rules detect these regime shifts quite accurately. As such, these rules can be interpreted as workable proxies for the Bayesian filtering rule of Hamilton.  相似文献   

Employing the panel convergence method of Phillips and Sul (2007) to the nominal deviation indicators of two recent unofficial constructions of an Asian Currency Unit (ACU) index, this paper examines the existence and extent of convergence in the movements of East Asian currencies against the ACU. Empirical results reveal that intra-East Asian exchange rate movements have not converged to form one, cohesive and unified bloc where currencies share homogenous movements, regardless of whether one examines the data on intra-East Asian exchange rate movements before or after the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008. Instead, a separate number of convergent clubs or blocs in the region have formed in recent years. Finally, and most importantly, we observe at the end of the period of our examination that economies in the region are, generally, converging at different speeds to two opposing poles of convergence, that is, groups of relatively depreciating currencies and, on the other, groups of relatively appreciating currencies.  相似文献   

Forecasting the Euro Exchange Rate Using Vector Error Correction Models. — This paper presents an exchange rate model for the Euro exchange rates of four major currencies, namely the US dollar, the British pound, the Japanese yen and the Swiss franc. The model is based on the monetary approach of exchange rate theory which uses fundamental macroeconomic variables to explain the exchange rate. A crucial point when using such a model is its proper estimation through cointegration analysis. The euro exchange rate model is therefore estimated in the form of a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) model with cointegrating vectors (VECM). We find that when cointegration analysis is undertaken properly, the naive random walk prediction can be out-performed for the US dollar, the British pound and the Japanese yen, but not for the Swiss franc.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Abweichungen der Terminkurse verschiedener Fristen von der Zinsparit?t. — Der Zweck dieses Aufsatzes besteht darin, die Bedeutung der Zinsarbitrage zu betonen und aufzuzeigen, wie eng die Zinsstruktur verschiedener L?nder über die Zinsparit?t miteinander verbunden ist. Es wurde versucht, für verschiedene Fristen das Verhalten der Zinsparit?t zwischen den nationalen Geldmarkts?tzen der Vereinigten Staaten und dem Vereinigten K?nigreich beziehungsweise der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu analysieren, da es weitgehend anerkannt ist, daΒ die Zinsparit?t auf den Euro-W?hrungsm?rkten Gültigkeit hat. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung zeigen, daΒ die nationalen Geldmarkts?tze verschiedener Fristen nicht homogen durch die Zinsparit?t verbunden sein dürften. Im Gegenteil, die Tatsache, daΒ die Spekulanten im Fall des Pfund Sterling den kurzfristigen Titeln und im Fall der D-Mark den langfristigen Titeln den Vorzug gaben, deutet darauf hin, daΒ die auf den Pfund-Dollar-Kurs gerichteten Erwartungen in der Untersuchungsperiode st?rker schwankten.
Résumé Les déviations de la parité de taux d’intérét le long de la structure de terme des taux de change à terme. — Le but de cet article est de souligner l’importance de l’arbitrage d’intérêt qui tend à lier les structures nationales de terme des taux d’intérêt. Il est essayé de tester la conduite de la parité de taux d’intérêt (PTI) le long de la structure de terme sur les marchés monétaires nationaux des Etats Unis, du Royaume Uni et de l’Allemagne car il y a un accord général que la PTI existe sur le marché des euro-monnaies. Les résultats de l’investigation empirique indiquent que les structures nationales de terme des taux sur le marché monétaire ne pouvaient pas être homogènement liées par la PTI. En contraste, un habitat probablement préféré par les spéculateurs dans les maturités basses en cas du sterling et un habitat à long terme par les spéculateurs du D-Mark suggèrent une variabilité plus grande des expectatives de taux de change sterling-dollar dans la période considérée.

Resumen Las desviaciones de las tasas de interés de paridad a lo largo de una estructura de términos para las tasas de cambio a futuro. — El propósito de este artículo es recalcar la importancia de la actividad de arbitraje de interés, particularmente como el medio por el cual las estructuras nacionales de términos de tasas de interés se relacionan entre ellas. Se ha hecho un intento para probar el comportamiento de la tasa de interés de paridad (TIP) a lo largo de la estructura de términos de las tasas de interés del mercado monetario nacional de EEUU y el Reino Unido; y de EEUU y Alemania Federal, ya que es ampliamente reconocido que la TIP tiene validez para el mercado de monedas europeas. Los resultados de la investigación empírica indican que las estructuras de términos nacionales de las tasas de mercados monetarios pueden no estar ligadas homogéneamente a la TIP. En contraste, un entorno probablemente preferido por los especuladores en vencimientos de corto plazo en el caso de la libra esterlina, y el entorno de largo plazo de especuladores del marco alemán, sugieren una mayor volatilidad de las expectativas del tipo de cambio libra esterlina/dólar en el periodo considerado.

Existing panel data studies of real interest parity are either unable to identify which panel members are characterised by stationary real interest differentials, or are subject to size distortion resulting from the presence of structural breaks and cross-sectional dependencies. Using a panel stationarity testing procedure recently advocated by Hadri and Rao (2008) that allows for structural breaks and cross-sectional dependency, we are unable to reject the stationarity of Asian real interest rate differentials.  相似文献   

Excess Returns in the EMS: Do “Weak” Currencies Still Exist after the Widening of the Fluctuation Bands? — The authors analyze the issue of how the different institutional arrangements within the ERM have affected the behaviour of excess returns on DM-denominated assets and contribute to the debate on the future of the EMS. Their approach consists in estimating simple forecasting models for interest differentials, and testing for the presence of significant (negative) mean prediction errors. The comparison between predicted and actual outcome indicates that the new system might be characterized by the virtual disappearance of “weak” currencies, as the widening of the bands has removed the expectations of realignments which resulted in high interest differentials.  相似文献   

This paper explores the degree of price and exchange rate interdependence between China and the G3 (US, Japan and the Euro-zone) by undertaking a VAR based shock analysis. A GARCH framework is also employed to derive the conditional variances to uncover the extent of volatility transmission. We address two key issues. First as there have been concerns about low value-added cheap Chinese goods flooding G3 markets, we attempt to measure the impact of Chinese prices on G3 import prices. Second, we focus on the transmission of exchange rate shocks – a subject which we approach by examining shocks in China's bilateral exchange rate with each of these major trading partners (the US, Japan and the Euro Area). Our results indicate that reduced import prices from China are the channel through which aggregate domestic prices in the G3 remain depressed, while the impact of the RMB exchange rate with G3 currencies appears less powerful. This finding implies that the Chinese authorities’ RMB exchange rate policy is relatively unimportant and, in particular, that a revaluation of the RMB would not do much to reduce the US trade deficit. In terms of volatility spillover, the relatively flexible RMB exchange rate against the Euro results in RMB-EUR volatility having a stronger influence than the more tightly controlled RMB-USD rate on the volatility of Chinese export prices.  相似文献   

By proposing a stochastic intervention model of exchange rate determination, this paper provides an alternative rationale for the success of the Markov-switching model in explaining exchange rate dynamics. One extreme case is a pure floating rate model while the other extreme one is a driftless random walk model. The relation between the exchange rate and the future fundamentals under a non-intervention state is looser than the one under a pure floating exchange regime. This article also provides a method for detecting a central bank's interventions when intervention data are not available. Applying the stochastic intervention model to the monthly NT$/US$ exchange rates in 1989M1–2004M6, we find that it outperforms both the pure floating rate model and the random walk model in terms of the likelihood value and the diagnostic test of heteroscedasticity. In addition, with the constructed intervention state index in this article, the estimation of the stochastic intervention model is found to be consistent with the hypothesis that the regime switches of exchange rates are due to a central bank's (non-)interventions. J. Japanese Int. Economies 21 (1) (2007) 64–77.  相似文献   

Competitiveness and External Trade Performance of the French Manufacturing Industry. - This paper evaluates the competitiveness and external trade performance of the French manufacturing industry during the 1980s and early 1990s. It reviews developments in a broad range of competitiveness indicators, showing that the manufacturing sector appears to have maintained its competitive position, discusses developments in export market shares, and estimates a vector error correction model relating the trade ratio to relative unit labor costs, domestic and foreign demand, and nonprice competitiveness. Variance decompositions suggest that fluctuations in price and nonprice competitiveness account for about two-fifths of fluctuations in manufacturing trade flows.  相似文献   

Many argue that the renminbi needs to appreciate to rebalance China’s trade. However, empirical evidence on the effects of an RMB appreciation on China’s exports has been mixed for the largest category of exports, processed exports. Since much of the value-added of these goods comes from parts and components produced in Japan, South Korea, and other East Asian supply chain countries, it is important to control for exchange rate changes in these countries. Employing DOLS techniques and quarterly data, this paper finds that exchange rate appreciations across supply chain countries would cause a much larger drop in processed exports than a unilateral appreciation of the RMB.  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates if there have been any shifts in regimes with Asian holding of US long-term Treasury securities with particular attention paid to the role of growing regional integration in trade. A panel regression estimation of eight Asian countries for 1998–2004 confirms the striking persistency of the portfolio weight of US Treasury securities. It also reveals, without a surprise, that the traditionally strong trade link with US as well as exchange rate regime and volatility of local currency bond index explain observed overinvestment in US Treasury securities deviating from what can be warranted by the market share of the US Treasury securities. What is interesting, however, is the estimated regime switches as found when examined with a threshold estimation (Hansen, 1999). We find three thresholds which divide the sample into four regimes—a decreasing persistency as intraregional trade link becomes tighter.  相似文献   

刘万锋 《亚太经济》2008,(6):24-28,18
本文利用23个新兴市场经济国家20年间的面板数据,对汇率制度和通货膨胀的关系进行实证研究,对我国汇率改革实践进行了考察。从我国的实际情况看,汇率波动的幅度越大则通胀率均值越大,2005年实行管理浮动以来我国通胀率处于明显的上升趋势。我国应该限制人民币升值幅度,发挥汇率的"名义驻锚"的作用,以此遏制通胀的进一步发展。  相似文献   

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