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战后日本对非援助经历了一个动态调整的过程,冷战期间主要以获取经济利益为导向,冷战后开始注重通过援助非洲谋求政治利益,而近年来,随着日本财政状况日趋严峻以及非洲投资价值的凸显,日本对非援助出现了明显的经济利益回归趋势,开始由"援助非洲"向"投资非洲"转变。在这种背景下,为了给日本企业在非洲创造良好的投资环境,日本政府力求以政府开发援助为手段,重点援助非洲国家推进基础设施建设以及法律制度整备,试图以此完善非洲的区位条件,促进日企投资并带动国内经济增长。在中国推进"一带一路"建设的背景下,中日两国可在援非领域加强协调与合作。  相似文献   

国际比较框架中的日本ODA全球战略分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
官方发展援助(ODA)作为发达国家一种面向发展中国家的援助,其初衷是促进经济发展和提高人类福祉。然而,日本却借机将ODA作为其重要的和富有效率的外交手段之一,其日益彰显的政治性正逐渐受到世人关注。基于20年来全球ODA数据的全面分析,作者将ODA政策的经济性与政治性相结合,运用国际比较的研究方法,就总量、类型分布、主要地区分布、援助形式等方面,从结构战略、区域战略、发展战略三个维度对日本的ODA战略进行了剖析,深入讨论了日本20年来的ODA全球战略演进。作者认为,日本的ODA战略有其政治与经济动因,主要包括强化其在区域经济合作中的主导地位、确保自然资源的可靠供给和进出口运输以及争取受援国支持、扩大国际影响力以实现"政治大国"等政治经济目标服务。  相似文献   

1月5目,正在坦桑尼亚访问的日本外相高村正彦发表演讲,表示日本将通过有关国际机构向非洲提供总额达2.6亿美元的援助,为非洲培养联合国维和行动人员,以帮助解决地区争端。该援助还将用于推行有关防旱项目,以防治因全球变暖带来的干旱。此外,日本将寻求非洲国家在石油与贵重金属资源等方面给予合作。高村之所以选择非洲国家作为其新年首访国,是为了向海内外宣示日本积极援助非洲的决心,为即将于今年5月在横滨市召开的“非洲发展国际会议”造势。  相似文献   

本文旨在研究中国对非洲提供的官方发展援助与对非洲直接投资、对非洲进出口等方面的关系。根据中国对非洲援助目标与政策的转变,把中国对非洲援助与直接投资关系的分为三个阶段,并根据第三阶段1993~2007年的相关数据,建立面板数据计量模型。结果表明,中国对非洲的官方援助与对非直接投资在规模上具有互补性,但从各自占当年中国GDP的比重而言,两者又具有相互替代性。此外,本文还在建立计量模型时发现,中国对非洲援助可以极大的促进中国对非洲出口,但对非洲进口方面的影响并不大。  相似文献   

对外援助是国际政治和经济的一个重要领域,关于对外援助理论的争论由来已久,有些业已成为有条件援助盛行的依据。作者通过回顾美国对非洲援助的阶段性特征,评析了美国对非洲有条件援助的效应及其制约因素,认为美国的有条件援助不仅缩小了非洲国家的政策空间,耗费了大量的谈判成本,而且还影响了非洲国家的长期发展战略。最后分析了中国的非洲战略对美国产生的效应。  相似文献   

美国对非洲援助的政策与效应评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对外援助是国际政治和经济的一个重要领域,关于对外援助理论的争论由来已久,有些业已成为有条件援助盛行的依据。作者通过回顾美国对非洲援助的阶段性特征,评析了美国对非洲有条件援助的效应及其制约因素,认为美国的有条件援助不仅缩小了非洲国家的政策空间,耗费了大量的谈判成本,而且还影响了非洲国家的长期发展战略。最后分析了中国的非洲战略对美国产生的效应。  相似文献   

本文将中国对非洲援助模式界定为"发展引导型援助模式",认为它是一种通过"援助+合作"的平等方式帮助和引导受援国实现自主发展,并最终实现受援国与援助国共同发展的援助模式。在援助理念上,坚持"平等互助、共同发展";在援助方式上,强调"平等协商、互利互惠";在援助目的上,致力于"以援助促发展,以发展促合作、以合作实现共同繁荣"。总之,中国对非援助已经形成了自己独特的理论基础和实践特色。  相似文献   

非洲拥有丰富的战略资源储量,也亟需发展清洁能源应对气候变化影响,已成为国际能源合作的重点区域。日本作为全球能源进口大国,高度重视通过能源外交保障自身经济安全。在此背景下,能源逐渐成为双方合作的重要领域。日本一方面加紧完善国内能源经济政策机制基础,另一方面积极推动对非能源外交,逐渐形成了在官民协作平台统筹下,以传统能源供给和清洁能源技术为重点的能源合作格局。但是,由于体量规模、竞争压力、企业意愿等现实因素制约,日非能源合作整体进展有限。随着2022年第八届东京非洲发展国际会议成功举办,日本加强对非能源外交的趋势将愈发显著。  相似文献   

本文从10个方面对世界官方发展援助(ODA)进行了比较研究,探讨了其产生、发展和运行的若干规律。官方发展援助源自于又超越于援助国的国家利益,其政策目标可分为经济、政治和公共目标三大类。官方发展援助的基本模式可划分为战略型、发展型和人道主义型,其管理体制、决策机制、援助规模在各国存在诸多共同特点,也存在较大差异。由于政府资金来源和对外政策目标的约束,各国财政部、外交部和特定金融机构在官方发展援助中发挥主导的作用。  相似文献   

自从发达国家的官方发展援助体系建立以来,援助是否对经济发展有效就一直是个极具争议性的话题。作者检测了1960—2013年间官方发展援助同发展中国家经济增长之间的关系,发现两者之间没有显著的相关性。援助有效性理论和现实之间的反差反映了现有国际援助体系的三个主要缺陷:资源不足、机制扭曲和碎片化。在此基础上,作者提出了一个新型发展合作模式构想,包括三个部分。第一,在定义上用更包容的发展合作融资概念代替官方发展援助概念,强调多源性、互惠性、自主性。第二,在理念上明确发展途径的多样性和发展目标的差异化。第三,在实施上利用援助、贸易、投资这三驾马车,帮助欠发达国家实现开放式的工业化,进一步融入全球价值链。这个构想不仅可以整合传统的官方发展援助和南南合作模式,同时突出了发达国家和新兴国家在发展合作中各自的比较优势,也有助于厘清南南合作中的模糊概念,为中国对外援助体系的改革提供清晰的理论框架。  相似文献   

Since the creation of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in 2000, Chinese official development assistance (ODA) to Africa has increased drastically. Only few analyses on the determinants of Chinese ODA allocation to African countries are available. Moreover, existing literature mainly focused on total aid flows while Chinese motivations for aid allocation might differ depending on the ODA sector considered. Our objective is to study the factors associated with Chinese aid allocation to African countries by sector between 2000 and 2014. We consider three ODA broad sectors as defined by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD): the social infrastructure and services sector, the economic infrastructure and services sector and the production sector. Chinese ODA is measured using AidData's Global Chinese Official Finance Dataset, 2000–2014, Version 1.0. Over the 2000–2014 period, China allocated 971, 218 and 138 ODA projects to African countries in the social infrastructure and services sector, the economic infrastructure and services sector and the production sector respectively. Between 2000 and 2014, the economic infrastructure and services sector was the first sector in terms of ODA amount with a total of US$18.9 billion ahead from the social infrastructure and services sector with US$7 billion or the production sector with US$3.1 billion. Results of our analysis suggest that the motivations of Chinese aid allocation to African countries differ by sector. Chinese ODA in the social infrastructure and services sector appears more responsive to the economic needs of recipient countries but is also more driven by foreign policy considerations. Chinese economic interest, in particular for natural resources acquisition, is associated with China's ODA allocation in the economic infrastructure and services sector. Finally, while governance quality in recipient countries is not related to Chinese ODA in the social infrastructure and services sector, we find that China allocates more ODA in the economic infrastructure and services sector and the production sector to African countries with weaker institutions. One of the strong conclusions of this study is to show that considering only China's overall aid to Africa can be misleading as to its underlying determinants, and therefore to point out the need to disaggregate the analysis by ODA sectors.  相似文献   

中日邦交正常化以来,双边经济合作成果尤其显著,其中日本ODA对中国经济现代化的发展起到了积极的促进作用,成为维系中日关系的重要纽带之一。依据国际政治经济学和历史学的分析范式,从政策决定过程和政治与经济互动、中日关系互动的视角来分析和考察日本对华ODA决策、实施的过程及其对中日关系的影响和未来走向,有助于我们做好足够的心理准备,适时制定灵活的政策方针。  相似文献   

The central proposition of this paper is that African countriesshould start thinking through undertaking an orderly transitionfrom the current high dependence on foreign aid for financingeconomic and social development. Aid dependency should be reducednot because the international development community believesit will eventually happen, but because such dependence on foreignaid could substantially impair Africa's export competitivenessand therefore derail the Continent export-oriented developmentstrategies. A combination of further debt relief, reforms ofthe current aid regime and enhanced policy environment shouldallow a managed transition to a mixed menu of official developmentassistance (ODA) and private capital flows. However, the attemptby Africa to increase its share of investments from internationalprivate capital markets should be firmly anchored to the basictenets of an export-based development strategy. To provide thebasis for these policy conclusions, I estimate the relationshipbetween ODA, real exchange rates (RER) and non-traditional exportsfor a panel of 62 developing countries, including 28 from Africa.Unsustainable ODA flows were shown to have caused substantialpartial RER overvaluation in many African and non-African countries.Moreover, exceptionally high aid-dependent African countrieshave either experienced, or are likely to experience, overallRER overvaluation. Conditional on absence of RER overvaluation- a proxy for good policy environment of relevance to exportperformance - a robust Laffer curve-type relationship existsbetween aid and non-traditional exports through the misalignmentof RER relative to its equilibrium. The Laffer curve relationshipjustifies a 'precise' concept of aid dependency, based on theextent to which excessive ODA flows exceeded the threshold beyondwhich more ODA actually hinders rather than helps export expansion.According to this concept, several African countries were characterisedas being 'aid dependent'.  相似文献   

于潇 《现代日本经济》2002,122(2):26-31
发展援助对日本战后经济的恢复和发展起到了重要作用。随着日本经济的发展,日本逐渐由接受援助国转变为世界最大的对外援助国。在日本经济长期低迷的情况下,20世纪90年代中后期以来,日本开始对政府发展援助(ODA)进行改革。在政府开展援助预算逐年减少的情况下,日本对华ODA在援助金额、援助方式、重点支持领域、地区分布等方面正处在调整时期,并且受日中关系波动起伏的影响。  相似文献   

The 17th Sustainable Development Goal aims to enhance the international cooperation between developed and least-developed countries, and the Official Development Assistance (ODA) program is the largest source of external support in the attainment of this goal. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effects of the Panay Island Upland Sustainable Rural Development Project (PIU-SRDP), an ODA project supported by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and the Local Government Units of project municipalities in the Philippines. We focused on Phase II of the PIU-SRDP, which implemented randomly various agriculture-based income-generating projects, aimed at improving the sustainable productivity of low-income farming households. Based on a spatial and intertemporal variations of the project, we exploit a difference-in-difference approach using household-level data. The results suggest that the project significantly increased the rice yield and farm income of beneficiaries. With the opposing views about the true impacts of ODA programs, our study shows evidence of the positive effects of an ODA project on farmer-beneficiaries. This study provides insights for future engagement and implementation of related community-based ODA, agriculture, and rural development projects.  相似文献   

The expected increase in aid to Africa will put a big challenge for public service delivery. This paper provides an analysis of the effects of the volume and volatility of aid on education, health, water and sanitation outcomes, taking also into account the institutions related to public service delivery, including freedom of press, corruption, and decentralization, using a simultaneous equation model. Overall the share of Official Development Assistance (ODA) that is provided for education and health seems to have a positive impact on outcomes in these sectors, whereas total aid seems to be negatively associated. Aid volatility is associated with better outcomes in sanitation, water, and infant mortality, contrary to expectations. JEL no. H4, H5, H7, I1, I2, L9, O2  相似文献   

日本的中亚能源战略与上合组织框架下的能源合作   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中亚的政治和经济正处于大国竞争与合作的复杂困境之中,寻找共同的战略利益与新的合作领域成为维护和巩固中亚政治与安全稳定的重要课题。日本重视同中亚的能源合作是其亚太外交战略的综合战略选择,其意义和产生的影响是深远的。如何在上合组织框架下继续推进区域安全合作和经济合作,积极寻求中日两国共同参与中亚的能源合作,不仅有利于该地区社会经济发展和政治稳定,也有利于构筑和深化中日战略互惠关系。  相似文献   

在经济全球化和一体化趋势下,上海合作组织的经济功能显得日益重要。基于上海合作组织这一强大的平台,中国与中亚国家的双边贸易日益增强,但竞争力依然有限。本文借助市场占有率指数和贸易竞争力优势指数(trade competitiveness,TC)等分析工具,对1996年以来中国与俄罗斯、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦三国贸易数据进行了定量分析,并衡量了中国与这三国不同产业的产业内贸易程度、比较优势和国际竞争力,得出中国的劳动密集型产业具有较强的优势,应进一步加强与中亚国家的能源开发与合作。  相似文献   

龚璇 《特区经济》2010,(8):105-106
作为中国—东盟自由贸易区框架下"海上次区域"经济合作的新平台,泛北部湾次区域已逐渐成为中国—东盟自由贸易区的前沿地带。加强该区域内各国的间接税协调,将对整个自由贸易区的经济一体化发展产生重要影响。本文旨在借鉴欧盟间接税协调的实践经验,对泛北部湾次区域合作的间接税协调进行探讨。  相似文献   

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