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美国家居设计师Jason Miller近日在土耳其伊斯坦布尔的个人作品展上发布了一系列最新设计。展品中,由动物毛皮折叠缝制而成的椅子格外引人注目,它的坐垫由野牛毛皮制成.包裹在支架上.背和扶手均可调节.既有造型感.坐上去又十分舒适。展览上的其他展品还包括灵感来自于太阳眼镜的玻璃桌、高级鹿角台灯、水管椅.螺旋沙发椅等.风格特别,个性鲜明。  相似文献   

胡迟 《中国经贸导刊》2010,(23):23-24,35
数据显示,2010年中国制造业企业500强的营业收入、资产总额分别比上一年增长了2.36%、17.01%,均低于2005-2010年间的平均增长率21.35%、22,37%。特别是营业收入的增幅下跌较多。相比之下,利润总额却比上一年猛增26.63%,  相似文献   

当前在终端市场上.买断之风盛行。从品种上,由白酒扩展到红洒、啤酒、黄酒;从地域上,由南方蔓延到北方。一些厂商利用资本的力量.在终端以这种方式.打压竞争对手,迅速开辟自己的疆土.由于操作方式简单.效果明显,所以在大家喊精酒店买断不挣钱时.还都乐此不疲地掏钱买店.  相似文献   

本月,中国出口集装箱运输市场演绎本年的收官战。尽管航商大力缩减运力,但鉴于运输需求深处隆冬,供需的天平难以平衡。为迎接传统新年前出货小高峰,航商月中在多条航线上推进运价恢复计划,但执行效果各异。12月27日,上海航运交易所发布的中国出口集装箱综合运价指数为1084.44点,较上月末上升1.7%;上海出口集装箱运价指数为lll3.73点,较上月末上升11.8%:度甚于欧线,部分船公司首周舱位利用率不足70%。尽管该航线跟随欧洲航线涨价,但货量加速下滑及略为宽松的运力供给导致即期市场订舱价格走势未如欧洲航线稳健。12月2713,中国出口至欧洲、地中海航线运价指数分刖为1457.9点、1527.5点,较上月末上涨6.1%、2.6%,  相似文献   

2014年第二季度跨国采购(上海)信心指数为52.87,高于上季度(52.18),其中工业品跨国采购指数为52.07,高于上季度(51.16),消费品跨国采购指数为53.93,略高于上季度(53.75)。  相似文献   

或许有一天.你突然发现,在中国道路上奔驰的沃尔沃轿车不再来自福特,而是贴上了长安、东风.吉利或者奇瑞的标志。  相似文献   

中级《经济法》模拟试题一、单项选择题(本类题共20分,每小题1分)1.下列选项中,可以抵押的财产为()。A.宅基地使用权B.某大学的办公楼C.自留山D.某中学的小轿车2.依据《票据法》的规定,下列关于汇票记载事项的表述中,正确者为()。A.汇票上未记载付款日期的,为出票后1个月内付款B.汇票上未记载付款地的,出票人的营业场所、住所或经常居住地为付款地C.汇票上未记载收款人名称的可予补记D.汇票上未记载出票日期的,汇票无效3.甲公司系一国有企业,因经营管理不善进入破产程序。下列与甲公司有关的款项或费用…  相似文献   

2010年,北京共举办各类文物艺术品拍卖会198场,上拍文物19.045万件(套),总成交额达到360.43亿元,同比分别增长26.11%、35.99%、186.19%。  相似文献   

允翀 《市场周刊》2010,(8):68-69
陆羽到好友皎然处品茶,皎然是唐代一位嗜茶的诗僧,不仅知茶、爱茶、识得茶趣,更写下许多饶富韵味的茶诗。见陆羽到来,便叫僮儿提来泉水.倒在茶釜中烧上。皎然从茶架上取下一只银盒,上面雕着凤翼鹿纹,甚是精致.揭开一层剡藤纸.取一只茶饼.对陆羽道:“鸿剑,(陆羽字)来煮吧。”陆羽用小竹夹夹起茶饼.在松炭上慢慢烤着.炙烤后碾成末,侯汤初沸.并加以搅拌.沸腾时则止。  相似文献   

孙纬 《市场周刊》2005,(16):23-23
3月末,国内市场长材价格指数为110.26点。比上月末上涨6.2点。线材价格指数为111.88点,上涨7.06点,价格上涨243元/吨;螺纹钢价格指数为111.81点。上涨7.42点,价格上涨264元/吨。国内板材价格在钢铁企业出厂价格大幅提高和需求的拉动下,继续呈现高位上扬走势,板材价格指数为150.98点,比上月末上涨7.17点,中厚板、热轧薄板、  相似文献   

This study intends to explore the effects of political, social and cultural values on consumers’ ethical beliefs regarding questionable consumption behaviors. The variables examined include status anxiety, social Darwinism perception, perceived trust of people, and cultural orientation. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that consumers with low ethical beliefs have higher perception of social Darwinism and status anxiety than consumers possess neutral and high ethical beliefs. The result also showed that the neutral ethics group had higher trust on people than the low ethics groups. Finally, the high ethics group expressed significantly higher perception of vertical collectivism than those consumers of the low and neutral ethics group. Jyh-shen Chiou (Ph.D. in Marketing, Michigan State), is professor of Marketing, Dept. of International Business, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research focuses on consumer behavior and strategic marketing. His work has been published in Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Research European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Social Psychology, etc. Lee-Yun Pan, is assistant professor of marketing, Dept. of Business Administration, Feng Chia University.  相似文献   

The Antecedents of Music Piracy Attitudes and Intentions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Piracy is the greatest threat facing the music industry worldwide today. This study developed and empirically tested a model examining the antecedents of consumer attitude and behavioral intention toward music piracy behavior. Two types of music piracy behavior, unauthorized duplication/download and pirated music product purchasing, were examined. Based on a field survey in Taiwan, the results showed that attributive satisfaction, perceived prosecution risk, magnitude of consequence, and social consensus are very important in influencing customers attitude and behavioral intention toward two types of music piracy behavior. In addition, singer/band idolization can affect the attitude and behavioral intention in the case of pirated music product purchasing. Perceived proximity was found to affect the attitude and behavioral intention in the case of pirated music product purchasing. However, it only influenced behavioral intention in the case of unauthorized duplication/download.Jyh-Shen Chiou (Ph.D. in Marketing, Michigan State), is professor of Marketing, Department of International Trade, College of Commerce, National Chengchi University, Taiwan. His research focuses on consumer behavior and strategic marketing. His work has been published in Information & Management, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Service Research, International Journal of Advertising, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Social Psychology, Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs, etc.Chien-yi Huang, Associate Professor, Department of Infant and Child Care, National Taipei College of Nursing. Sin-hui Lee, Graduate student, Department of International Trade, National Chengchi University.  相似文献   

As multinational firms explore new and promising national markets two of the most crucial elements in the strategic decision regarding market-entry are the level of corruption and existing trade barriers. One form of corruption that is crucially important to firms is the theft of intellectual property. In particular, software piracy has become a hotly debated topic due to the deep costs and vast levels of piracy around the world. The purpose of this paper is to assess how laissez-faire trade policies and corruption affect national software piracy rates. Using invisible hand theory, as well as literature from the fields of international strategy and ethics, formal research hypotheses are posited and tested. Results suggest that corruption mediates the relationship between economic freedom and software piracy. Implications for multinational managers and researchers are also addressed. Christopher J. Robertson (B.S. University of Rhode Island; M.B.A. and Ph.D., Florida State University) is an Associate Professor in the International Business and Strategy Group at Northeastern University. He has taught in Virginia, Florida, Spain, Peru and Ecuador and is a two time Fulbright Scholar. Professor Robertson’s Primary research stream is cross-cultural management with a focus on ethics and strategy. His work has been published in journals such as the Journal of World Business, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Management International Review, Organizational Dynamics and Business Horizons. K Matthew Gilley (B.A and M.B.A University of North Texas; Ph.D., University of Texas at Arlington) is the Bill Greehey Endowed Chair in Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Greehey School of Business at St. Mary’s University. His primary research explores issues of executive compensation, governance, international ethics, and outsourcing. His work has appeared in the Strategic Management Journal, the Academy of Management Journal, the Journal of Management, the Journal International Business Studies, and other outlets. William F. Crittenden, Senior Associate Dean, Dean of Faculty and Professor, General Management Group. A consultant and advisor to various private, public, and nonprofit organizations, Professor Crittenden has worked with such U.S based organizations as Boston Beer Company, BAE Systems, EG&G, Intronics, Lotus Software, Wal-Mart Stores, Boston Management Consortium, Head Start, Jefferson Hospital, Nazareth, the new England Association of Quality Clubs, and The Professional Council, and with Funducion CANE in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior of Monterrey, Mexico. He is a member of numerous professional organizations including the Strategic Management Society, the Academy of Management, and the Academy of Marketing Sciences. He is a former Chair of the Public & Nonprofit Division of the Academy of Management. Professor Crittenden holds a BA from the University of Michigan, an MBA from Aubum University, and a PhD from the University of Arkansas.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of an analysis of empirical data on ethical attitudes of professionals and managers in relation to organizational core values in the Information Technology (IT) industry. This study investigates the association between key organizational values as independent variables and the ethical attitudes of IT managers as dependent variables. The study also delves into differences among IT non-managerial professionals, mid-level managers, and upper-level managers in their ethical attitudes and perceptions. Research results indicated that IT professionals from mechanistic organizations were much more likely to report – compared to those from organic organizations – that managers in their corporate environment engage in behaviors considered unethical and that successful managers were more unethical relative to unsuccessful managers. There were significant differences between the upper-level managers and the mid-level managers and between the mid-level managers and the IT non-managerial professionals on certain key ethical issues. This paper discusses the conceptual framework, hypotheses, research methodology, data analysis, implications of the findings, and suggested areas of further research. K. Gregory Jin, D.B.A, is Professor of the MIS Department, Ancell School of Business, Western, Connecticut State University. He has published numerous conference papers, chapters, and articles in such areas as MIS professional ideology and ethics, communication and control, behavioral issues in information systems development, role of IT and human factors in business process reengineering, service learning in database design, systems theory, MIS participant action research strategy, and political factors in IT management. He has more than twenty years of MIS administrative and professional experiences. He holds a D.B.A. in Information Technology Management from George Washington University. He is a member of the Association of Information Technology Professionals and a former member of DSI. Ronald G. Drozdenko, Ph.D., is Professor and Chair of the Marketing Department, Ancell School of Business, Western Connecticut State University. He is also the founding Director of the Center for Business Research at the Ancell School. Dr. Drozdenko has co-directed more than 100 proprietary research projects since 1978 for the marketing and research and development departments of several corporations, including major multinationals. These projects were in the areas of strategic planning, marketing research, product development, direct marketing, and marketing database analysis. Dr. Drozdenko co-authored Optimal Database Marketing: Strategy, Development and Data Mining and also has published professional and academic articles and book chapters. He holds a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology from the University of Missouri and is a member of the American Marketing Association, the Society for Consumer Psychology, and the Academy of Marketing Sciences. Richard A. Bassett, D.P.S, is an Associate Professor of Management Information Systems at Western Connecticut State University. He was founder and CEO of Bassett Computer Systems, Inc. for 17 years where he was involved with the design and implementation of information systems for hundreds for small and midsized businesses. He has authored several papers and articles in such areas as web-design as a web-master, web-based course design, the security threats and concerns faced by telecommuters, minimal steps required to secure a Local Area Network and the technology decision challenges which growing companies face. He is actively involved with technology endeavors of numerous nonprofit organizations including: The Children’s Center, Bridges of Milford, North Haven Rotary, Communicare, and the Amber Alert System. He holds a D.P.S. in Computing from Pace University.  相似文献   

The debate on whether and how to teach business ethics in graduate business programs continues. The authors of this article suggest specific content and processes for a course aimed at giving MBA candidates the awareness, tools, and mental processes necessary to recognize and address ethical issues in decision making. The inclusion of labor law, discrimination issues, consumer protection legislation, securities laws, and an overview of the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights coupled with the development of utilitarian, deontological, and egalitarian analysis of ethical issues provides the tools and processes necessary for ethical decision making. These tools and processes are applied in several class experiences using cases, moral audits, and the development of a code of ethics to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and values needed in ethical decision making.S. Andrew Ostapski is Associate Professor of Management and Information Systems at the College of Business Administration, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, Georgia. His teaching and research interests include the legal environment, business ethics, and international business.John E. Oliver, is presently Professor and Head of the Department of Management and Information Systems at Valdosta State University's College of Business Administration.Gaston T. Gonzalez is an Aggregate Professor at Universidad Simon Bolivar and Visiting Professor at IESA both at Caracas, Venezuela. His teaching and research interests focus on strategic management, business transformation through information technology, and the application of system thinking to the institutionalization of ethics in organizations.  相似文献   

This study presents an empirical investigation of the ethical perceptions of the future managers – Turkish university students majoring in the Business Administration and Industrial Engineering departments of selected public and private Turkish universities – with a special emphasis on gender. The perceptions of the university students pertaining to the business world, the behaviors of employees, and the factors leading to unethical behavior are analyzed. The statistically significant differences reveal that female students have more ethical perceptions about the Turkish business climate, behavior of employees, and the ethicalness of the behavior of the employees in comparison with their male counterparts. M.G. Serap Atakan is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Business Administration of Istanbul Bilgi University, Turkey. She is teaching and conducting researches on business ethics, corporate social responsibility and retailing. She has two co-authored articles published in the Journal of Business Ethics. Sebnem Burnaz is an Associate Professor of Marketing at Istanbul Technical University. She holds Ph.D. degree in management with major in marketing. Her teaching and research interests are in the field of Marketing, Retailing, Decision Making, and Business Ethics. She has published articles which have appeared in Advances in International Marketing, Sex Roles: A Journal of Research, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis. Y. Ilker Topcu is an Associate Professor of decision sciences in Istanbul Technical University. He has finished his Ph.D. studies in I.T.U., Faculty of Management. His teaching and research specialties are in the field of Operations Research/Management Science, Multiple Criteria Decision Making, Logistics, Transportation Planning, and Business Ethics. He has published papers which have appeared in Journal of the Operational Research Society, European Journal of Operational Research, Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis, Journal of Global Optimization, Transportation Research Part A, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Energy, and Building and Environment.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences in the types of media used for four product classes, and to examine the effect of respondent's demographics and psychographics on the types of media. Eight hundred and four respondents were randomly selected from the population (8040) of five residential sections of Lubbock, Texas, by using systematic sampling. Different merchandise names representing the classes of product were listed in the questionnaire. The respondents were asked to rate each type of merchandise according to the order of media usage when they purchased the merchandise. One hundred and fifty-two questionnaires were analysed by factor analysis, multivariate analysis of variance, and Friedman two-way analysis of variance by ranks. Eight psychographic factors extracted by factor analysis were Traditional, Self-confident, Satisfied with Finances, Satisfied with Friends, Living Optimist, Self-conscious, Community Minded, and Homebody. Self-conscious was the only factor to affect the consumers' usage of newspapers, television, radio, magazines and direct mail. In addition, the usage of television was affected by the Satisfied with Finances factor. The demographic variables of marital status, age, education, ethnic group, political outlook, occupation and social level influenced the usage of newspapers, magazines, radio, television and direct mail. The usage of television was affected by one's political affiliation. Income did not influence media usage. The findings indicated that the individual's usage of the newspapers, television, radio, magazines and direct mail was affected by the classes of products: convenience, preference, shopping and speciality goods.  相似文献   

Income and Quality of Life: Does the Love of Money Make a Difference?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines a model of income and quality of life that controls the love of money, job satisfaction, gender, and marital status and treats employment status (full-time versus part-time), income level, and gender as moderators. For the whole sample, income was not significantly related to quality of life when this path was examined alone. When all variables were controlled, income was negatively related to quality of life. When (1) the love of money was negatively correlated to job satisfaction and (2) job satisfaction was positively related to both income and quality of life, income was negatively related to quality of life for full-time, high-income, and male employees. When these two conditions failed to exist, income was not related to quality of life for part-time, median- or low-income, and female employees. This model provides new insights regarding the impact of the love of money and job satisfaction on the income–quality of life relationship. Thomas Li-Ping Tang (Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University) is a Full Professor of Management in the Department of Management and Marketing, Jennings A. Jones College of Business at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU), Murfreesboro, Tennessee, 37132. He has taught Industrial and Organizational Psychology at National Taiwan University and at MTSU. Professor Tang teaches (has taught) EMBA courses in China and France. He serves (has served) on the editorial review board of six journals and as a reviewer for 26 journals around the world. Professor Tang’s research interests focus upon people’s work motivation, compensation, money attitudes, the Love of Money, pay satisfaction, turnover, stress, and cross-cultural issues. He has published more than 100 journal articles in top behavior sciences and management journals, including Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Human Relations, Journal of Management, Management Research, Management and Organization Review, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Managerial Psychology, European Sport Management Quarterly, Journal of Higher Education, and others. He has presented more than 185 papers in professional conferences and invited seminars in Austria, China, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Greece, Hong Kong, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, the UK, the US, and other countries. His research has been cited in many languages, textbooks of several fields (e.g., Management Organizational Behavior, Human Resources Management, Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Human Relations, Compensation, and Statistics), and popular books. He was the winner of two Outstanding Research Awards (1991, 1999), and Distinguished International Service Award (1999) at Middle Tennessee State University. He also received the Best Reviewer Award from the International Management Division of the Academy of Management in Seattle, WA (2003).  相似文献   

作为日尔曼文化发展历史上的一个方面,基督教的传播深刻影响日尔曼民俗法的发展,并最终促成了法治主义的成型。其最重要的是正义观念本体意义的根本改变。法治主义逻辑前提是社会的法律权威意识的存在,即整个社会对法律超然独立于政治、经济、宗教、习俗等文化要素之外,并应当支配国家与社会合理行为的认识态度。  相似文献   

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