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Results from a split‐sample survey of the US population reveal consumers prefer meat products carrying origin information to unlabelled alternatives. Consumers are largely unaware of origin labelling laws and are indifferent to an important aspect of the implementation of current mandatory country of origin information rules in the US. In particular, consumers value meat products labelled ‘Product of North America’ approximately the same as ‘Product of United States’. Despite the similarity of these two labels, they have vastly different implications in terms of trade and segregation costs. Our results suggest that a transition from one label to the other is equally satisfying for the consumer while being less costly for processors and more acceptable to trade partners.  相似文献   


The present study examines the way consumers form their purchase intentions for organic products using the concepts of perceived quality and value. A model of relationships among quality cues, evaluative judgments, and willingness to buy for organic foodstuff is then developed and explored empirically with respect to biological olive oil. The data provide support for the critical importance of perceived value on consumers' purchase intention. The discussion centres on theoretical and especially managerial implications for organically and naturally produced food.  相似文献   

The European Union has been relatively cautious about using biotechnology in food production. A label regime combined with the right of individual member states to ban introduction of new genetically modified (GM) strains means that GM food products in effect are banned in many countries. We show how it is possible to empirically test whether a ban can be motivated by reference to potential negative externalities. This is followed up by results from a choice experiment. We cannot reject the hypothesis of equal WTP for a ban and a labeling scheme.  相似文献   

消费者对安全认证农产品的自述偏好与现实选择的不一致性表现为消费者的认知失调现象,认知失调程度越高的个体采取措施缓解认知失调情绪的动力就越强烈,因此深入探究消费者认知失调后对安全认证农产品的行为选择构成了本文的研究起点.本文基于江苏省和安徽省840份实地调研数据,结合认知失调理论和理性行为理论,运用二元Lo-gistic...  相似文献   


This study analyzes Chinese consumer behavior across different retail food store formats and how household demographics affect shopping behavior. A multivariate probit model with four categories of retail food store formats (wet markets, small grocery stores, supermarkets, and hypermarkets) in Quindao, China is estimated. The results indicate that the new hypermarkets are substitutes for supermarkets, but they do not compete extensively with wet markets and small grocery stores. Furthur development of various catagories of food shopping store formats is linked to store-owner characteristics, potential interrelations among existing retail formats, as well as consumers' demographics and shipping habits.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the extent to which consumer information concerning several attributes of the pineapple juice packaging, including the manufacturing process, influenced the consumer intention to purchase. It is suggested that high-pressure technology retains nutrients as vitamins and keeps sensory attributes closer to those of fresh foods. These advantages meet the increasing consumer demand for healthy products and a more differentiated food assortment. However, the benefits provided by these products are not always communicated to consumers. Although information about the technology (high-pressure) had been positively considered by consumers when fruit juice consumption was taken into account, fewer studies have focused on this aspect. The effect of 5 attributes of the package (information on manufacturing process, product definition, production information, price, and brand name) on the pineapple juice consumer intention to purchase was investigated by 96 fruit juice consumers. Information about technology (high-pressure) positively contributed to the consumer pineapple juice intention to purchase and showed to be essential when it is applied on pineapple juice production, being a useful approach when adequately communicated to consumers.  相似文献   

赤潮及其对渔业经济的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
赤潮灾害严重影响渔业经济,本文结合国内外有关赤潮动态的研究,阐述了赤潮的成因、危害及防治措施.  相似文献   

Effects of Cheap Talk on Consumer Willingness-to-Pay for Golden Rice   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
A large body of literature suggests willingness-to-pay is overstated in hypothetical valuation questions as compared to when actual payment is required. Recently, "cheap talk" has been proposed to eliminate the potential bias in hypothetical valuation questions. Cheap talk refers to process of explaining hypothetical bias to individuals prior to asking a valuation question. This study explores the effect of cheap talk in a mass mail survey using a conventional value elicitation technique. Results indicate that cheap talk was effective at reducing willingness-to-pay for most survey participants; however, consistent with previous research, cheap talk did not reduce willingness-to-pay for knowledgeable consumers.  相似文献   

Consumers face an increasing availability of information on health and nutritional aspects of foods, especially on food package labels. Previous research has identified that this information is positively valued, but the effect of presenting several items of information simultaneously is not well understood. We conduct a choice experiment to identify the effects of multiple health and nutrition information labels for two products representing a healthy and less healthy food choice. Although our consumers attach positive utility to most of the individual labels evaluated here, the simultaneous presence of more than one label only has positive impact on utility in one of nine possible cases. Therefore, promotion of multiple labels should not be considered beneficial a priori either from a regulatory or business perspective. In addition, results show that consumers show a higher willingness to pay for nutrition and health labels for less healthy products.  相似文献   

Choice experiments (CEs) are often used to elicit consumer willingness-to-pay (WTP) for food attributes. A concern about these approaches is that food attributes provided to respondents are assumed independent of attributes not provided. We use surveys containing a series of CEs to investigate effects of adding beef steak attributes. WTP for important attributes in the CEs decrease when the number of attributes increases from three to four, while WTP increases when the number of attributes increases from four to five. Changes in WTP for attributes depend on their relationships with newly added attributes and the number of attributes presented.  相似文献   

Fat content is an attribute of major concern to health conscious consumers and of growing importance in the discussion of nutrition-related diseases in Canada. This paper combines multinomial logit and Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) analysis to investigate Canadian consumers’ preferences and retail demand for ground meat products differentiated by fat content. We apply Nielsen household and retail-level scanner data. Evidence from multinomial logit supports the hypothesis of strong habits in household's point-of-sale product choices, driven by sociodemographic characteristics and regional cultural customs. Estimates of own and cross price elasticities from the AIDS model reveal that preferences for health triumph over taste. We find that perceived healthier “extra lean” ground meats have evolved into a staple in the Canadian diet. Our results are a starting point for a more in-depth understanding of consumer behavior toward healthy food choices. This information is essential for more targeted health and nutrition policy aimed at the promotion of healthful meat choices in Canadian grocery retailing. La teneur en matière grasse est un attribut qui préoccupe les consommateurs soucieux de leur santé et un sujet qui est de plus en plus présent dans le débat sur les maladies liées à la nutrition au Canada. Le présent article combine une analyse logit multinomiale et l’analyse d’un système de demande AIDS pour étudier les préférences des consommateurs canadiens et la demande du marché de détail en produits de viande hachée différenciés par la teneur en matière grasse. Nous avons utilisé les données de Nielsen portant sur les habitudes de consommation des ménages et scannées dans les commerces de détail. Les résultats de l’analyse logit multinomiale appuient l’hypothèse selon laquelle les habitudes des ménages quant au choix de produits dans les points de vente sont bien ancrées et sont motivées par des caractéristiques sociodémographiques et des pratiques culturelles régionales. Les estimations des élasticités-prix et des élasticités-prix croisées effectuées à partir du modèle AIDS ont révélé que l’aspect « santé» des aliments l’emportait sur l’aspect « goût ». Nous avons observé que les viandes hachées très maigres perçues comme étant meilleures pour la santé sont devenues une denrée de consommation courante du régime alimentaire de la population canadienne. Nos résultats constituent un point de départ pour une étude plus approfondie sur le comportement des consommateurs concernant des choix alimentaires sains. Cette information est essentielle à l’élaboration d’une politique sur la nutrition et la santé plus ciblée visant à promouvoir des choix de viande sains dans le commerce de détail canadien.  相似文献   

This research examines a marketing technique (bundling) that wine companies may use to gain access to retail stores. The study examined consumers' perception toward bundling with respect to the Australian wine market and the results allowed for the formulation of market segments, which aimed to provide a better understanding of the wine-bundle purchaser. Cluster analysis highlighted three market segments, in particular, one consumer segment is prone to purchasing wine bundles and is interested in deals. While exploratory in nature, the research may provide an insight into global wine marketing strategy.  相似文献   

Government's policy interventions in the market for food-grains affect supply as well as demand. In this paper, the welfare effects of certain food-grain policies are analysed while taking into account the interdependence of the various sectors in the economy. Adequate structure is built into the model in order to study the effects of a dual price structure on farmers' supply response, and also the effects of public distribution schemes on the aggregate demand for food-grains. Policy implications are derived by computing the market clearing prices and their movement under alternative assumptions regarding the nature of the market.  相似文献   

Several consumer studies have shown considerable market potential for sustainable meat products, however, their markets shares are still marginal. In Germany, the sustainable aspects “organic,” “local origin,” and “animal welfare” are of special interest. To obtain a precise overview of potential target groups for these meat categories and their choice of store format, 620 German consumers were surveyed on their attitudes toward sustainable meat production and their shopping behavior. First, target groups based on consumers’ attitudes were identified by cluster analysis, taking into account possible overlaps. Consumers were also clustered by their store format choice and their preferred type of meat packaging. A cross tabulation of the results then provided insights into which store format and type of meat packaging is preferred by the target groups for sustainable meat products. Due to overlaps found in the target groups, the existence of important subgroups was shown. Amongst the target groups, only a slight preference for unpackaged meat products was found. Basically, the offer of sustainable meat products appears of interest for all store formats, with particular emphasis on supermarkets. The results of this study can support producers and retailers developing new and tailored marketing strategies for sustainable meat products.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the importance of different product forms and their origin when considering the market structure in the European salmon market. The competition between farmed salmon and wild caught Pacific salmon has received some attention previously. However, this was before frozen Atlantic salmon emerged as an important product form in the market. This could be important as frozen Atlantic salmon is more likely to be a close substitute for Pacific salmon, which is mostly marketed frozen, than is fresh Atlantic salmon. In this paper, an almost ideal demand system is used to estimate the demand for fresh Atlantic salmon, frozen Atlantic salmon and frozen Pacific salmon in the European Union.  相似文献   

浙江林业产业结构效应与战略选择实证分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
产业结构是衡量产业发展水平的重要标志。首先,援引数据对浙江林业产业结构的现状进行分析,找出浙江林业结构变化的基本规律;其次,采用灰色动态关联度的分析方法,对浙江林业三大产业与林业产业总体之间的关系予以实证分析;再次,采用GM(1,1)灰色模型,对2008~2012年浙江林业产业结构的发展趋势进行预测。最后,针对实证分析的结果,提出浙江林业产业结构优化升级的对策建议。  相似文献   

Basic economic theory predicts that a consumer's willingness to pay for a good is affected by the availability of complements and substitutes. In an auction setting, this theory implies that the presence of complements would increase bid prices for a good, while the presence of substitutes would decrease bid prices for a good. We designed an experiment that allows the calculation of inverse elasticities, the inverse-demand equivalent of conventional price elasticities. Our results show that the availability of complements and substitutes affects bids in the expected directions. This finding has important implications for researchers who design experimental auctions.
Selon la théorie économique de base, la volonté de payer d'un consommateur pour obtenir un bien est influencée par la disponibilité de compléments et de substituts. Dans un scénario de vente aux enchères, cette théorie implique que la présence de compléments ferait augmenter le prix offert pour un bien, tandis que la présence de substituts ferait diminuer le prix offert. Nous avons conçu une expérience qui a permis de calculer les élasticités inverses, l'équivalent de la demande inverse des élasticités-prix classiques. Nos résultats ont montré que la disponibilité de compléments et de substituts influence les offres d'achat dans les directions prévues. Cette observation a d'importantes répercussions pour les chercheurs qui conçoivent des ventes aux enchères expérimentales.  相似文献   

The use of public lands and waterways is often subject to environmental regulations designed to limit the depletion of resource stocks. Such regulations may influence expectations of quality, destination choice, and consumer surplus. This paper examines the effects of environmental regulations on recreational anglers. The empirical application develops a joint model of expected catch and expected harvest in conjunction with a random utility model of site choice. Findings for Maine anglers indicate that regulations have sizable effects on catch and harvest, site choice, and welfare.  相似文献   

Consumer information affirms that distributor brands of food are less expensive than corresponding manufacturer brands1 and that these brands are equal in quality [2, p. 8]. The price difference between these two types of brands thus represents a real gain to the consumer purchasing distributor brands rather than just a case of paying less for lower quality products. Furthermore, one source has estimated that ten per cent of the grocery bill can be saved through purchasing distributor brands [6]. The credibility of this information is open to question however, as few statements concerning the price and quality of these types of brands have been carefully documented in Canada. In the light of the limited empirical support and the substantial consumer benefit involved, the purpose of this study is to test the reported relation between the price and quality of distributor and manufacturer brands. Establishing a working definition for quality is a key problem encountered in price-quality analysis. Food quality is multidimensional and its various dimensions may be classified into two broad categories: subjective or sensory attributes such as taste, aroma, appearance; and objective attributes located below the threshold of perception such as nutrients and freedom from harmful micro-organisms. Because the sensory attributes are more amenable to measurement by non-food scientists and to variation in hidden attributes being controlled by law, this paper focuses on sensory quality. The quality and preference concepts overlap to some extent, as the subjective attributes of food are common to both quality and preference. To ensure that “sensory quality” is well distinguished from overall quality, “sensory quality” is referred to as “sensory preference”. Having gone some distance towards establishing an operational definition of quality, the principal objectives are: Summary The findings, though tentative and focused on the sensory component of quality, can scarcely be regarded as providing empirical support for the price-quality information referred to earlier. Distributor brands were notably less expensive for three-quarters of the products surveyed. As well, the manufacturer brand was rated significantly higher than at least one distributor brand for four of the ten products subject to sensory evaluation. The results therefore suggest that there is a very general tendency for distributor brands to be priced lower than manufacturer brands and to be of equivalent quality.  相似文献   

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