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Traditionally, health care systems have been compared mainly in terms of their finance, that is, Beveridge‐type vs Bismarck‐type arrangements. This article adopts a novel approach permitting not only comparisons of a broader range of systems but also assessments of their potential competitiveness. This will become an issue at the latest when citizens of the European Union obtain the right to choose their health insurance. Systems are characterised by their so‐called dominant complementary agents, who promise to correct an important failure in the physician–patient relationship but differ in their incentives and their capacity to deal with a number of emerging challenges.  相似文献   

Our paper provides a consistent framework to study the structural or cyclical nature of Beveridge curve (BC) dynamics: We connect equilibrium unemployment theory to a flexible multivariate unobserved components model. We disentangle permanent and transitory components of all series determining the BC and its position. Cointegration and identification are addressed. The German curve is an ideal illustration as reforms of the institutional setting and the Great Recession were accompanied by a remarkable labour market development. We find an extraordinary increase in trend matching efficiency after the reforms, which testifies to a permanent improvement. Matching efficiency accounts for about half of the BC? inward shift. As tightness also increased, a persistent upward movement masked the inward shift.  相似文献   

We study a simple agent-based model of a decentralized matching market game in which agents (workers or job seekers) make proposals to other agents (firms) in order to be matched to a position within the firm. The aggregate result of agents interactions can be summarised in the form of a Beveridge curve, which determines the relationship between unmatched agents, unemployed job seekers and vacancies in firms. We open the black box of matching technology, by modelling how agents behave (make proposals) according to their information perception. We observe more efficient results—in the form of a downward shift of the Beverage curve in the case of simple zero-intelligent agents. Our comparative statics indicate that market conditions, such as the heterogeneity of agents’ preferences, will also shift the Beveridge curve downwards. Moreover, market thickness affects movement along the Beverage curve. Movement right-down along the curve if there is an increasing number of agents compared to positions within firms. Furthermore, we show that frictions in re-matching, such as commitment to a match, could be another factor shifting the Beveridge curve toward the origin.  相似文献   

This article investigates the ability and process of government land titling as a method to achieve secure property rights institutions. Specifically, we analyze the impact of government land titling in rural Peru. Our findings suggest that land titling does not achieve the positive benefits associated with secure property, such as access to credit. We also find that individuals prefer private enforcement methods of securing property to public means. This suggests that government land titling is not always a channel through which countries can achieve secure property rights institutions.  相似文献   

We present a new approach to trend/cycle decomposition of time series that follow regime-switching processes. The proposed approach, which we label the “regime-dependent steady-state” (RDSS) decomposition, is motivated as the appropriate generalization of the Beveridge and Nelson decomposition [Beveridge, S., Nelson, C.R., 1981. A new approach to decomposition of economic time series into permanent and transitory components with particular attention to measurement of the business cycle. Journal of Monetary Economics 7, 151–174] to the setting where the reduced-form dynamics of a given series can be captured by a regime-switching forecasting model. For processes in which the underlying trend component follows a random walk with possibly regime-switching drift, the RDSS decomposition is optimal in a minimum mean-squared-error sense and is more broadly applicable than directly employing an Unobserved Components model.  相似文献   

This paper examines how simulation modeling can be used to select a retirement age under defined benefit pension plans. This approach construes the variables affecting pension benefits as probabilistic variables. Simulations are then run to generate probabilistic values for the real value of pension benefits for alternative retirement ages. By construing variables affecting pension benefits as probability distributions, this approach reflects the uncertainty facing individuals contemplating retirement. By generating estimates of retirement benefits as probability distributions rather than as single deterministic values, the model provides individuals with a more realistic and complete frame of reference for making the retirement decision. The author is grateful to an anonymous referee and Joachim Zietz. JEF editor, for helpful comments.  相似文献   

我国电子商务环境中的电子支付方式比较分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
文章认为在电子商务快速发展的今天,国内推出了多种类型的电子支付方式以解决电子商务长期以来的支付瓶颈问题,目前主要有银行卡在线转帐支付、第三方平台结算支付、虚拟货币支付和移动支付,这4种方式各有其优缺点,对于组织和个人适合选择什么样的方式进行支付是一个值得分析的问题。  相似文献   

本文通过构建理论模型研究了控制权收益对公司融资方式选择的影响。研究结论表明:在存在控制权收益的情况下,公司对不同的融资方式存在偏好,当控制权收益大干取得此收益的成本时,公司偏好外部融资,且在股东的监督弱于债权人的监督下,公司偏好于股权融资。  相似文献   

This study explores the implementation of the kanban system, which is a Lean technique, within the pharmaceutical supply chain (PSC). The case study provides insights on the benefits and challenges arising from the application of this technique, within a group of cooperative pharmacists, in Greece. The research questions developed from the review of the literature were tested using evidence from field-based, action research within a pharmaceutical organisation. The reported case study contributes to the longer term debate on assessing the Lean maturity level within the health-care sector. There are two primary findings: (i) that the adoption of kanban system provides a strategic benefit and improves the quality of services. (ii) It also provides a basis for a strategy of operational change; it gives the opportunity to the organisation to move away from the current push delivery and logistics systems towards improved logistics strategy models.  相似文献   

We study markets in which consumers prefer green products but cannot determine the environmental quality of any given firm's product on their own. A nongovernmental organization (NGO) can establish a voluntary standard and label products that comply with it. Alternatively, industry can create its own standard and label. We compare the stringency of these two types of labels, and study their strategic interaction when they coexist. We find that even with error‐free labels, environmental benefits may be smaller with two labels than with the NGO label alone, and we characterize when label competition is more likely to be environmentally beneficial.  相似文献   

This paper considers a real business cycle model with search frictions in the labor market and labor supply which is elastic along the participation margin. Previous authors have found that such models generate counterfactually procyclical unemployment and a positively sloped Beveridge curve. This paper presents a calibrated model which succeeds at generating countercyclical unemployment and a negatively sloped Beveridge curve, despite the presence of a participation margin.  相似文献   

In the article, we study two different ways of forming multipartner alliances between firms with the central idea that procedure is an important factor in multipartner alliance formation. In the first procedure, an alliance is formed simultaneously, while in the second procedure (step-by-step) members are added one by one. In the model we present, each firm is assumed to have a multidimensional maneuvering space, which consists of all alliance positions acceptable to the firm, and an ideal position in this space. Alliances will form between the firms whose maneuvering spaces overlap. The results of the analysis confirm that procedure is an important factor in multipartner alliance formation. Nevertheless, if ideal positions of firms are acceptable to all alliance partners, then the result of alliance formation does not depend on procedure. In addition, it is shown that it can be disadvantageous to be a first mover. Finally, we are able to provide sufficient conditions under which one procedure is preferred in a three-partner case. More specifically, a firm with its ideal position acceptable to the two other firms may prefer the simultaneous procedure to being a late mover if (1) there is a certain balance in the firms' degree of flexibility and their power and (2) if the agreed alliance position of the two other firms is acceptable to the firm in question.  相似文献   

The importance of information retrieval systems is unquestionable in the modern society and both individuals as well as enterprises recognise the benefits of being able to find information effectively. Current code-focused information retrieval systems such as Google Code Search, Codeplex or Koders produce results based on specific keywords. However, these systems do not take into account developers’ context such as development language, technology framework, goal of the project, project complexity and developer’s domain expertise. They also impose additional cognitive burden on users in switching between different interfaces and clicking through to find the relevant code. Hence, they are not used by software developers. In this paper, we discuss how software engineers interact with information and general-purpose information retrieval systems (e.g. Google, Yahoo!) and investigate to what extent domain-specific search and recommendation utilities can be developed in order to support their work-related activities. In order to investigate this, we conducted a user study and found that software engineers followed many identifiable and repeatable work tasks and behaviours. These behaviours can be used to develop implicit relevance feedback-based systems based on the observed retention actions. Moreover, we discuss the implications for the development of task-specific search and collaborative recommendation utilities embedded with the Google standard search engine and Microsoft IntelliSense for retrieval and re-engineering of code. Based on implicit relevance feedback, we have implemented a prototype of the proposed collaborative recommendation system, which was evaluated in a controlled environment simulating the real-world situation of professional software engineers. The evaluation has achieved promising initial results on the precision and recall performance of the system.  相似文献   

Electronic human resource (eHR) systems are being used with increasing frequency in organizations. However, there is relatively little research on factors that influence the degree to which they result in functional versus dysfunctional consequences for individuals and organizations. Thus, the major purposes of this article are to: (a) present a model that relates a number of antecedents to such consequences, (b) describe the impact of individual and eHR system characteristics on four important eHR-related variables (i.e., information flows, social interactions, perceived control, and system acceptance), (c) offer a set of hypotheses that can be used to guide research on eHR systems, and (d) advance recommendations for the design of such systems.  相似文献   

This paper provides results on the economic decision‐making process of Spanish workers, who decide their jobs from the effects of variations in the non‐wage income, the wage and the prices of non‐pecuniary job characteristics. To that end, we formulate a non‐separable generalization of the Linear Expenditure System (NLES) as a joint model of labor supply and job characteristics demand, estimated separately for both males and females, using a 1991 Spanish survey. The main results show that: (i) some job characteristics have a positive effect on the wage, whereas others have a negative effect; (ii) the average percentage effect of employer size and the complexity index are higher for males than for females, with the fatal accident risk displaying similar values; (iii) if the non‐wage income of every worker increases, these individuals will prefer to devote less hours to work, and will also prefer jobs in smaller companies and with a lower risk; and (iv) if the wage and hedonic prices of non‐pecuniary job characteristics increase, then both males and females will prefer to reduce their labor supply, and devote their available time to jobs in bigger firms, with a higher risk and complexity. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文从外部性以及经济收益与成本角度分析后认为,会计舞弊均缘于舞弊者“经济人“的理性行为。治理会计舞弊一方面应施行“严刑峻法“,让舞弊者承担其舞弊行为的全部成本,使其得不偿失而改变行为预期;另一方面通过健全、完善产权等相关制度,建立适当的激励机制使个人收益等于社会收益,用完善的制度正面引导个人“从善“,自觉杜绝舞弊行为。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model in which the composition and size of public spending are determined through a political process. Agents differ in wage rates, and live in households positively sorted by wage; household production benefits both partners but the partners interact non-cooperatively, hence the laissez-faire equilibrium is inefficient. There are three policy tools, a labour income tax rate, a cash transfer and an in-kind transfer. The latter can be combined with household production to generate a household public good. All agents agree on some form of public intervention to remedy the inefficiency, but low-wagers prefer high taxes and cash transfers, while high-wagers prefer low taxes and in-kind provision. Under the empirically plausible assumption that voting participation is positively correlated with income, the equilibrium policy will be of the sort preferred by voters with above-mean income. This effect is accentuated by increased inequality.A previous version of this paper has been presented at the 2004 EPCS conference in Berlin; we thank our discussant Stanley Winer, as well as two referees of this journal, for insightful comments  相似文献   

We extend the standard textbook search and matching model by introducing deep habits in consumption. This assumption generates amplification in the response of labour market variables to technology shocks by producing endogenous countercyclical mark-ups. The cyclical fluctuations of vacancies and unemployment in our model can replicate those observed in the US data, with labour market tightness being 20 times more volatile than consumption. Vacancies display a hump-shaped response to technology shocks and the numerical simulations generate an artificial Beveridge curve that is in line with the data. Our model preserves the assumption of fully flexible wages for new hires and the calibration is consistent with the estimated elasticity of unemployment to unemployment benefits. Finally, we show that in contrast to models with exogenous mark-up shocks, the deep habits model does not require an implausible variation in the elasticity of demand to match the volatility of labour market variables, and the cyclical properties of the mark-up are in line with empirical evidence.  相似文献   

This inductive case study research examines the sales cycle of eight information systems (IS) providers situated in Australia, Hong Kong, Europe, and the United States. The study found that the IS sales cycle provides a restrictive covenant for ensuing projects with contractual constraints, having consequences for fundamental project factors such as benefits, scope, and cost. The process also impedes solution design, schedule, extent of customizations, and training. There are many implications for improvements to practice, in particular there should be more focus placed upon business benefits and increased awareness of life cycle cost during the sales process.  相似文献   

This introduction to the special issue on Data Governance, Digital Innovation, and Grand Challenges highlights the importance of data governance when seeking to address grand challenges through the innovative use of digital technologies. The benefits, risks, and consequences of data, ubiquitous in today's data-rich world, can be harnessed for innovation and societal good. However, there are no guarantees that (only) desirable outcomes will develop. The creation and exploitation of vast data stockpiles raise substantial concerns about privacy, data security, equity, and the potential for harm from data misuse. Meaningful approaches to data governance within and across organizations are critically important to facilitate digital innovation and to balance social, economic and technical benefits and risks for individuals, organizations, and societies. In this introductory paper, we reflect on foundations established to date in information systems (IS) research and highlight possible future directions for scholarship on data governance across multiple levels to enhance digital innovations for transformation and societal good.  相似文献   

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