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一、基金投资风险的主要类型 (一)缺乏正确认识的风险 投资者由于对基金缺乏必要的认知。对基金投资产生了很多误解:  相似文献   

人民币国际化进程给中国资本市场带来新的特点和发展趋势,中小投资者作为资本市场的弱势群体和基石,往往对资本市场的这一重大变化理解不到位,重视不够,因而,有必要通过强化对中小投资者基于人民币国际化进程中资本市场机遇和风险再教育。本文通过人民币国际化给中国资本市场带来的新的机遇和风险分析,揭示中小投资者把握这种变化、实现其资产保值增值的重大意义,从而有助于树立中小投资者信心,维护中国资本市场的健康与稳定发展。  相似文献   

财富管理是“透过一系列财务规划的程序,将个人或法人不同形式的财富,予以科学化管理的过程”。而针对个人的财富管理,则可以说是一个长期的、针对客户一生而非某个阶段的规划过程。在这一过程中,除了投资规划技巧的实际应用外,还需充分考虑到风险偏好,生命周期等因素对投资组合配置风险与收益权衡所产生的影响。[编者按]  相似文献   

钟国斌 《深交所》2007,(7):42-42
深交所围绕“炒股博客”、委托私募基金炒股、私自直接买卖港股、非法投资咨询机构诈骗等话题。目前提醒投资者注意防范上述四类投资风险。  相似文献   

股票市场中的个体投资者是有限理性的,并且普遍存在投资偏差问题。这种偏差包括投资者对股票价格波动的认知偏差、投资者对股票价值的估计偏差、投资者对风险和收益的管理偏差和投资者在股票交易过程中的操作偏差。研究股票市场中个体投资者的投资偏差问题,对提高我国股市投资者的理性程度以及推进我国股票市场的发展都很有裨益。  相似文献   

我国证券市场投资者的羊群效应、小公司效应、反应过度与反应不足等非理性行为极其明显,导致证券市场发生剧烈波动已经成为常态,从而严重影响到我国证券市场投融资功能的正常发挥,也不利于经济的发展。加强我国证券市场投资者教育工作,建立投资者教育机制,是保护我国证券市场投资者利益,维护证券市场长期稳定健康发展的需要,是治理非理性行为金融的有效路径。坚持长期有效、不懈努力地开展投资者教育工作,形成投资者教育工作的长效机制,是保障资本市场平稳运行、良性发展的重要举措,是资本市场一项重要的基础性制度建设。  相似文献   

欧阳沙  刘建芳 《时代金融》2014,(7Z):237-238
本文认为高等教育普及的金融投资实践课程可以为投资者教育服务,为促进资本市场健康、稳定发展奠定基础。为了顺应这一要求,金融投资实践教学应定位于:大学生树立理性投资观念、形成自身投资原则、不断积累投资经验的平台;并通过整合金融投资实践项目,改革教学方式方法等多种渠道,为大学生接受金融投资的普及教育创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

本文认为高等教育普及的金融投资实践课程可以为投资者教育服务,为促进资本市场健康、稳定发展奠定基础。为了顺应这一要求,金融投资实践教学应定位于:大学生树立理性投资观念、形成自身投资原则、不断积累投资经验的平台;并通过整合金融投资实践项目,改革教学方式方法等多种渠道,为大学生接受金融投资的普及教育创造良好的条件。  相似文献   

构建科学有效的投资者组织运营机制,是我国证券市场投资者教育体系正常运营并顺利实现其教育功能的重要保障。本文从分析我国证券市场投资者的非理性行为入手,提出投资者教育是治理非理性行为的科学路径,并构建了我国证券市场投资者教育体系的系统性框架。在此基础上,本文借鉴发达国家证券市场投资者教育经验,设计了适合我国国情的投资者教育体系组织模式,并给出了我国证券市场投资者教育体系的运营路径。  相似文献   

投资美股切不可盲目照搬A股投资经验,片面追求高投资收益而忽视风险控制。尽管目前境内个人投资者尚不能直接投资美股,但通过在国外券商的国内分支机构开设证券账户或在海外开设银行账户等曲线方式,越来越多的人开始关注并参与到美股投资中。然而,由于国内投资者往往忽视中美股市投资环境的差异,因而对美股各种投资工具和投资品种普遍存在片面理解。尽管中国股市已经在短时间内取得了长足的发展,  相似文献   

We analyze insurance demand when insurable losses come with an uninsurable zero-mean background risk that increases in the loss size. If the individual is risk vulnerable, loss-dependent background risk triggers a precautionary insurance motive and increases optimal insurance demand. Prudence alone is sufficient for insurance demand to increase in two cases: the case of fair insurance and the case where the smallest possible loss exceeds a certain threshold value (referred to as the large loss case). We derive conditions under which insurance demand increases or decreases in initial wealth. In the large loss case, prudence determines whether changes in the background risk lead to more insurance demand. We generalize this result to arbitrary loss distributions and find conditions based on decreasing third-degree Ross risk aversion, Arrow–Pratt risk aversion, and Arrow–Pratt temperance.  相似文献   

We investigate an optimal investment problem of an insurance company in the presence of risk constraint and regime-switching using a game theoretic approach. A dynamic risk constraint is considered where we constrain the uncertainty aversion to the ‘true’ model for financial risk at a given level. We describe the surplus of an insurance company using a general jump process, namely, a Markov-modulated random measure. The insurance company invests the surplus in a risky financial asset whose dynamics are modeled by a regime-switching geometric Brownian motion. To incorporate model uncertainty, we consider a robust approach, where a family of probability measures is cosidered and the insurance company maximizes the expected utility of terminal wealth in the ‘worst-case’ probability scenario. The optimal investment problem is then formulated as a constrained two-player, zero-sum, stochastic differential game between the insurance company and the market. Different from the other works in the literature, our technique is to transform the problem into a deterministic differential game first, in order to obtain the optimal strategy of the game problem explicitly.  相似文献   

Using an analytically tractable two-period model of a financially constrained firm, we derive an investment threshold that is U-shaped in cash holdings. We show analytically the relevant trade-offs leading to the U-shape: the firm balances financing costs for present and future investment, respectively. Our main argument is that financing costs today are more important than the risk of future financing costs. The empirically testable implications are that low-cash firms facing financing costs today are more reluctant to invest if they have less cash, or if their future cash flows are more risky. On the other hand, cash-rich firms facing no financing costs today invest in less favorable projects (i.e., forgo their real option to wait) if they have less cash, or if their future cash flows are more risky. The magnitude of these effects is amplified by the degree of market frictions that the firms are facing.  相似文献   

We ask to what extent the negative relation between investment and average stock returns is driven by risk. We show that: (i) the average return spread between low and high asset growth and investment portfolios is largely accounted for by their spread in systematic risk, as measured by the loadings on the Chen, Roll, and Ross (1986) factors; (ii) as predicted by q-theory and real options models, systematic risk falls during large investment periods; (iii) the returns of factors formed on the investment-to-assets, asset growth, and investment growth all forecast aggregate economic activities. Our evidence suggests that risk plays an important role in explaining the investment-return relation.  相似文献   

我国保险资金境外投资风险防范探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着保险业发展速度的加快,保险投资资金的不断增多,使保险资金境外投资逐步成为国内保险机构扩展投资领域、提高保险资金投资收益的重要途径。但与境外投资高收益相伴的是不容忽视的高风险,2008年下半年以来,随着美国次级债风波演变为百年难遇的全球性金融危机,国际金融形势风云突变,对外投资形势日趋严峻,我国保险资金对外投资面临着严峻的风险。本文通过对当前我国保险业保险资金境外投资面临的风险分析,采取理论与案例相结合的方式,从保险监管方式、内部风险控制、资产负债匹配、投资比例限制及投资人才储备等方面提出我国保险资金境外投资风险的具体策略和措施。  相似文献   

保险资金不动产投资模式研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文首先对国际上保险资金进行不动产直接投资和间接投资的情况进行了概述,然后对保险资金不动产投资模式进行了归纳总结和案例分析。在此基础上,对我国目前保险资金不动产投资政策与模式进行了探讨。最后,针对我国保险资金不动产投资业务的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

We consider an insurance company whose surplus is represented by the classical Cramer-Lundberg process. The company can invest its surplus in a risk-free asset and in a risky asset, governed by the Black-Scholes equation. There is a constraint that the insurance company can only invest in the risky asset at a limited leveraging level; more precisely, when purchasing, the ratio of the investment amount in the risky asset to the surplus level is no more than a; and when short-selling, the proportion of the proceeds from the short-selling to the surplus level is no more than b. The objective is to find an optimal investment policy that minimizes the probability of ruin. The minimal ruin probability as a function of the initial surplus is characterized by a classical solution to the corresponding Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (HJB) equation. We study the optimal control policy and its properties. The interrelation between the parameters of the model plays a crucial role in the qualitative behavior of the optimal policy. For example, for some ratios between a and b, quite unusual and at first ostensibly counterintuitive policies may appear, like short-selling a stock with a higher rate of return to earn lower interest, or borrowing at a higher rate to invest in a stock with lower rate of return. This is in sharp contrast with the unrestricted case, first studied in Hipp and Plum, or with the case of no short-selling and no borrowing studied in Azcue and Muler.  相似文献   

We propose a methodology for modelling the value at risk of a complex portfolio, based on an extension of the Ho, Stapleton and Subrahmanyam technique. We model the variance-covariance structure of up to seven variables. These could represent four country indices and three exchange rates, for example. In addition, the effect of an arbitrary number of orthogonal factors can be analysed. The system is illustrated by estimating the value at risk for a portfolio of international stocks where the factors are stock market indices and exchange rates, a portfolio of international bonds where the factors are interest rates as well as exchange rates, and a portfolio of interest rate derivatives in different currencies. In this last case, we model a two-factor term structure of interest rates in each of the currencies, valuing the derivatives at a future date using these term structures and the Black model. The model is applied for different fineness of the binomial density and computational accuracy and efficiency are estimated.
G13, G15, G21  相似文献   

近来随着我国股市的低迷,经营非寿险投资型产品的保险公司面临着越来越多的问题。本文试图从非寿险投资型产品的发展分析入手,进一步认识非寿险投资型产品的发展规律,并在此基础上提出非寿险投资型产品自主发展的策略建议。  相似文献   

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