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马国旺 《现代财经》2006,26(12):9-14
随着主流凯恩斯主义经济学的流行,原创性的凯恩斯经济学实际上已经“夭折”了,它的革命思想并没有得到真正的阐发与传播。从范式角度比较和分析原创性凯恩斯经济学和三个凯恩斯经济学流派之间的本质关系后发现,后凯恩斯经济学对原创性凯恩斯经济学的研究提供了重要启示;但是后凯恩斯经济学的理论局限性说明,必须探索一种新的研究方法,即一种制度的演化的经济学范式,从而推动凯恩斯经济学的进一步发展。  相似文献   

随着主流凯恩斯主义经济学的流行,原创性的凯恩斯经济学实际上已经“夭折”了,但它的革命思想并没有得到真正的阐发与传播。凯恩斯经济学的进一步研究需要方法论上的重新定向,即以不确定性和货币非中性思想为核心,建立货币经济学的宏观分析框架,并探索一种制度的、历史的和演化的经济学范式,从而为凯恩斯经济学研究奠定现实主义的微观行为基础。  相似文献   

凯恩斯经济学微观基础的重新构造   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
什么是凯恩斯经济学的微观基础,一直是西方经济学界的热门话题。新古典综合派力图把凯恩斯经济学移植到传统的新古典经济学的理论基础上,因而背离了凯恩斯经济学的愿意。70年代以来,众多的凯恩斯弟子们试图为凯恩斯经济学构造各种各样的微观基础,但无一能提出令人信服 结论。他们私下里不得不抱怨他们的祖师父未能为其理论提供一个坚实的微观基础,因而时常遭到那些不屑子孙的歪曲、篡改以及判逆者的无端攻击。  相似文献   

近年来,后凯恩斯经济学家在拓展后凯恩斯经济理论的过程中,也开始注重转轨经济理论的构建,但尚未形成统一的理论体系。在批判"华盛顿共识"的基础上,后凯恩斯经济学者主张转轨国家政府应该干预市场关系的建立与发展,实施渐进价格自由化、渐进私有化、积极的货币政策及财政政策,避免"休克疗法"所造成的消极后果及不良影响。后凯恩斯学派的研究成果,对于中国经济转轨时期的理论与现实问题的研究,均具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

经济哲学和苏联经济学范式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毛泽东同志在20世纪50年代后期多次就苏联经济学范式论述了经济学和哲学问题,对社会主义政治经济学和马克思主义经济哲学进行了重要探索。这些重要探索凝聚在他1958年读斯大林《苏联社会主义经济问题》批注、1958年读斯大林《苏联社会主义经济问题》谈话和1959年读苏联《政治经济学教科书》下册谈话之中。这些批注和谈话,为马克思主义经济学和马克思主义经济哲学留下了十分珍贵而又非常丰富的理论遗产。  相似文献   

王明华 《经济问题》1992,(11):9-11,29
凯恩斯的经济学说,自30年代诞生后就迅速传播,并发展成为现代资产阶级经济学的主流学派。战后,它又先后被各主要资本主义国家奉为国策,对战后资本主义经济相对稳定地发展,起了很大的促进作用。然而自70年代以来,由于停滞与膨胀交织并发,凯恩斯经济学的权威地位受到了剧烈冲击,以至被人们认为西方经济学正在进行着“对‘凯恩斯革命’的革命”。那么,如何认识凯恩斯经济学对当代资本主义经济运行的作用和影响?必须进行研究和作出实事求是的回答。  相似文献   

杜培 《发展研究》2000,(10):10-11
凯恩斯主义经济学是当代宏观经济学的一个学派,诞生于20世纪30年代西方资本主义大萧条的时期。它的分析对象是需求不足型的萧条经济。它先以两部门经济为基本假设,并假定社会总需求变动时,只会引起产量的变动,不会引起价格变动(凯恩斯定律),提出国民收入(社会总产出)决定于总需求的结论,并指出,由于“边际  相似文献   

后凯恩斯学派,有时又叫做剑桥派凯恩斯主义,一般通称为后凯恩斯经济学,是当代西方一个重要的非主流经济学派,其理论观点与政策主张曾经产生过较大影响,近年来又取得若干令人瞩目的新发展.本文拟对其方法论思想特征及其近年来的新发展做一较为详细的追踪梳理与考察分析,并探讨其对于中国经济学研究所具有的启示与借鉴意义.  相似文献   

The Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been strong ties between the Cambridge Journal ofEconomics (CJE) and the Cambridge School of Keynesian Economics,from the very beginning. In this paper, the author investigatesthe environment that saw the birth of the CJE at Cambridge (UK),in 1977, and the relationship that linked it to the direct pupilsof Keynes. A critical question is explicitly examined: why didn'tthe ‘Keynesian revolution’ succeed in becoming apermanent winning paradigm? Some behavioural mistakes of themembers of the Keynesian School may explain this lack of success,but only to a certain extent. In any case, there were and therestill are remedies too. But what we are inheriting is a uniqueset of analytical building blocks (the paper lists eight ofthem) that makes this School of economics a viable (and in somedirections definitely superior) alternative to mainstream economics.Admittedly, there is some important work still to be done. Thepaper highlights the need for a two-stage approach, addressingpure theory and extensive institutional analysis. It is arguedthat a combination of the two would strengthen the coherenceof the theoretical foundations, and at the same time would providea fruitful extension of economic analysis to empirical, institutionaland economic dynamics investigations.  相似文献   

Post Keynesian and institutional economics have traditionally maintained a critical stance toward the orthodox model of labor supply, questioning many of its underlying assumptions. Nevertheless, this critical view has not led to the formulation of an alternative conception of labor supply that is sufficiently coherent and structured to be generally accepted within these branches of the literature. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to contribute to the construction of such an alternative. To do so, the article starts by analyzing the relationship between the reasons that lead to individuals offering their labor and what that activity can bring to human beings in return. Secondly, the authors present an alternative concept of what workers contribute at work. They then analyze how the decision-making process regarding the labor supply actually takes place. Finally, the article concludes by briefly presenting certain additional points, in particular how differentiation is an inherent feature of the labor supply.  相似文献   

There has been a substantial amount of convergence between post‐Keynesian and Marxist economics, the writings of Kalecki being common ground for both traditions. Still, some differences remain. While authors in both traditions seem to agree to a large extent on short‐period issues, long‐period matters relating to the role of saving, the rate of profit, inflation, crowding out, excess money supply, are still contentious. All this seems to depend on the exact form taken by the investment function, more specifically the role of capacity utilization. Four different equations are set up to be tested, two of which correspond to two variants of the Marxist view, while the other two equations correspond to a naive and a sophisticated Kaleckian view, the latter being based on hysteresis. The equations are tested on three sets of annual Canadian data. Various statistical tests are applied to all four equations in an effort to rank them, notably information and encompassing tests. The Kaleckian equation with hysteresis generally comes out empirically with the preferred statistical properties, when manufacturing data on actual rates of capital accumulation are considered separately or when both realized and intended rates of investment for the total industrial sector are used.  相似文献   

发展经济学逻辑体系的松散使得这门学科在面对发展中国家现实和理论发展时,必须对其方法的何去何从作出选择.本文从发展经济学方法的古典基础、建立与发展以及新趋势等几个方面,对发展经济学方法论作了初步的探讨,认为未来的发展经济学方法需要打破传统经济学界限,并考察历史、政治学、社会学、伦理学和制度等.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyze the effect of the income distribution between labor and capital on the growth performance of Thailand from a post Keynesian view. It rests on the theoretical model of Bhaduri and Marglin (1990 Bhaduri, A., and Marglin, S. “Unemployment and the Real Wage: The Economic Basis for Contesting Political Ideologies.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, December 1990, 14 (4), 375393.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) to see if an increase in the labor income share has a sufficient positive effect on consumption to offset a negative effect on investment and export demand. In order to investigate the question empirically we adopt and develop the approach of Stockhammer, Onaran, and Ederer (2009 Stockhammer, E.; Onaran, Ö.; and Ederer, S. “Functional Income Distribution and Aggregate Demand in the Euro-area.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, 2009, 33 (1), 139159.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Several measures of the labor income share are calculated to take into account the fact that wage labor represents only half of the total labor force and check the robustness of our results. We also introduce a new treatment of external trade to better integrate the price competitiveness of Thailand. The econometric investigation shows that the growth regime is profit-led over the period 1970–2011, which shows that rebalancing the Thai economy will be difficult and requires an overall change of strategy going beyond a simple prolabor policy.  相似文献   

The paper presents a brief overview of the basic premise of the Burczak's Socialism after Hayek, and shows that Burczak's “applied epistemological postmodernism” presents a unique unifying ground for heterodox economics, breaking down traditional barriers between right and left. This new approach allows us to revisit the Marx-Keynes-Hayek debates in a more constructive way for a unified theory of social justice. However, we argue that Burczak's system does not automatically guarantee full employment, so it cannot be considered an ideal theory of social justice. A Post Keynesian contribution is presented in the form of the Employer of Last Resort (ELR) program which we argue is compatible and complementary to Burczak's theory of social justice. Finally, we argue that an adequate system design of the magnitude proposed here must be infomed by the principles of institutional adjustment as outlined by J. Fagg Foster.  相似文献   

凯恩斯革命是从理论、政策、方法三个层面展开的。货币非中性论、货币供给外生论、对萨伊定理的彻底否定构成凯恩斯革命的理论基础;财政政策和货币政策是凯恩斯革命赖以实现的政策工具;对经济学研究对象的纠偏、破除传统的两分法和首创货币经济学是凯恩斯革命赖以完成的方法论。与此同时,《通论》内在逻辑上的不一致性,与经典学派崇尚经济自由传统的趋同,决定了凯恩斯革命中的继承。由于经济运行的常态是非充分就业均衡,《通论》必然具有永恒价值。  相似文献   

The New-Keynesian (NK) business cycle model has presented itself as a potential “workhorse” model for business cycle analysis. This paper seeks to assess afresh the performance of the baseline NK model and its various extensions. The main theme of the paper is that although the dynamic NK literature has secured a robust defence to criticism arising, inter alia, on account of lack of microfoundations, it still has a long way to go in terms of providing a fully satisfactory model of the business cycle. In this regard, it is conjectured that explicitly accounting for the role of heterogeneity in business-cycle dynamics could lead towards a viable solution.
Gaurav SaroliyaEmail:

The author discusses several issues that instructors of introductory macroeconomics courses should consider when introducing imports in the Keynesian expenditure model. The analysis suggests that the specification of the import function should partially, if not completely, be the result of a simple discussion about the spending and import behaviors of the household, firm, and government sectors. The analysis also indicates that instructors who use certain import functions that are in some introductory textbooks will inadvertently impose restrictions on the model and potentially confuse students. The author examines several implications of the specification proposed by Robert Cherry (2001) Cherry, R. 2001. The simple expenditure model with trade: How should we model imports?. Journal of Economic Education, 32: 5357. [Taylor &; Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and shows how the restrictions imposed by Cherry's specification make it difficult for instructors to present certain types of economic events and policies. The import function discussed here avoids these restrictions and allows instructors to present more easily certain types of examples.  相似文献   

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