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地方感研究是人地关系调整过程中旅游研究的前沿问题和关键领域。本文运用CiteSpace软件对国内旅游地方感研究的相关文献进行系统梳理,以期厘清该话题的研究脉络并为后续研究提供建议。研究发现:(1)国内旅游地方感研究起步较晚,发文量呈“上升-稳定”趋势,大致形成了理论导入(2007—2010年)、议题扩展(2011—2015年)、本土创新(2016—2020年)3个阶段。(2)旅游地方感研究视野与内容越来越多元、丰富,研究热点较集中于地方感理论探讨、不同主体地方感特征、不同类型旅游地地方感构建、地方感实践价值等。(3)旅游地方感研究总体上从本体、主体、客体3方面展开;旅游地方感理论、旅游者与居民地方感构建、地方感对行为的作用机理、地方感的实践意义等内容在关键词共现、高频及高中心性方面表现突出,呈现出从理论导入走向理论建构、从议题集中走向视野多元、从学术关注走向多元关注等热点演进脉络;当前旅游地方感研究聚焦于新时代人地关系演化所引发的行为和情感的变化。(4)未来旅游地方感研究应进一步结合中国国情和新时代战略,重视旅游地方感研究的理论创新,拓展旅游地方感研究的范畴内容,加强旅游地方感研究的方...  相似文献   

琼达  赵宏杰 《旅游学刊》2016,(10):108-115
旅游目的地选择模型建构的研究多数以微观经济学、认知心理学与市场营销学等为基础理论,较少从个体与地方感情连结的视角探讨游客旅游目的地选择决策行为。文章以旅游目的地选择为研究主轴概念,结合地方情感概念中的旅游目的地意象和地方依恋,根据研究文献梳理结果、基础理论界定模型建构的路径变量与逻辑框架,进而提出基于地方情感的旅游目的地选择模型及模型过程步骤。文章建构模型表明,游客旅游目的地选择始于旅游目的地意象的形成,随着整体认知意象的深化,游客对旅游目的地将产生地方认同感,再通过选择决策行为选择意向的旅游目的地从事旅游活动,通过对旅游目的地旅游体验的功能满足产生依赖感,最终形成对旅游目的地的地方依恋感。研究成果对于旅游目的地选择具有交叉研究的创新价值,对于旅游目的地市场战略规划实践活动而言具有参照价值。  相似文献   

文章综合地方依恋、游客满意及环境责任行为理论,构建了地方依恋、游客满意与游客环境责任行为之间的关系研究模型。实证研究表明:(1)地方依赖和地方认同均直接影响游客满意;(2)地方依赖和地方认同均直接影响游客环境责任行为;(3)游客满意直接影响游客环境责任行为;(4)游客满意在地方依恋各维度与游客环境责任行为关系中均起到部分中介作用;(5)游客满意在地方依赖与游客环境责任行为关系中起到正向调节作用;(6)游客满意在地方认同与游客环境责任行为关系中起到负向调节作用。  相似文献   

张敏  吴咏梅 《西部旅游》2022,(11):26-28
地方认同和地方依赖是旅游地地方感的重要内容。旅游地地方感主要包括地方客观特征和主观认知,这两个方面一般来源于游客对地方的感观情感。文章通过分析地方感的构成要素与游客认知,探讨旅游地地方感的内涵,尝试构建游客地方感认知评价指标体系,为提高游客的旅游体验提供对策和建议。  相似文献   

张辉  徐红罡 《旅游学刊》2023,(6):122-135
游客体验到的旅游目的地环境因素对其与旅游目的地之间的情感联结有重要的影响。该研究提出旅游体验场景的概念,并实证考察其物理维度、社会维度、社会象征维度、自然维度以及目的地熟悉度对游客地方依恋的影响。研究以丽江为例,采用问卷调研法,收集到422份有效问卷,运用结构方程模型对研究模型进行检验。研究发现,旅游体验场景的社会象征要素和自然要素对地方认同和地方依赖均有显著的正向影响;物理要素对地方认同有显著的正向影响,但对地方依赖的影响不显著。社会要素对地方认同和地方依赖的影响均不显著。目的地熟悉度对地方认同和地方依赖有显著的正向影响。旅游体验场景和目的地熟悉度的交互项对地方依恋的影响不显著。最后,根据研究结论总结了管理启示,并对未来的研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

文章综合旅游地意象、地方依恋及环境责任行为理论,将旅游地意象分为5个要素,将地方依恋分为2个要素,并构建了旅游地意象、地方依恋与旅游者环境责任行为之间的关系模型。研究发现:(1)景观意象、设施意象、服务意象及安全意象均直接影响情感意象。设施意象与服务意象不仅直接影响地方依赖,且通过情感意象来实现。安全意象和景观意象间接影响地方依赖。安全意象、服务意象及景观意象不仅直接影响地方认同,且通过地方依赖来实现。设施意象间接影响地方认同。服务意象不仅直接影响旅游者环境责任行为,且通过地方依恋来实现。景观意象、设施意象及安全意象间接影响旅游者环境责任行为。(2)情感意象直接影响地方依赖,间接影响地方认同与旅游者环境责任行为。(3)地方依赖直接影响地方认同和旅游者环境责任行为,且通过地方认同间接影响旅游者环境责任行为。  相似文献   

骆泽顺  林璧属 《旅游学刊》2014,29(12):45-54
实证主义范式的研究无法解决地方依恋形成心理机制这一理论问题。在当前旅游领域研究中,有关实证研究在地方依恋已经形成的理论预设前提下,通过编制相关量表采用自我报告的方法(问卷调查法)来探讨目的地社区居民和游客地方依恋形成的影响因素及其后果行为。至于这两种依恋有何区别、如何形成以及如何指导相应的依恋行为等相关理论问题却鲜有涉及。该研究回溯到心理学中的依恋理论,构建了旅游情境下的内隐-外显地方依恋模型,并得出以下结论:(1)内部工作模式(依恋表征)原理可用以解释地方依恋形成的心理机制;(2)内部工作模式是由一般依恋表征和特殊依恋表征组成的层级结构,前者指导社区居民依恋的形成,后者指导游客依恋的形成;(3)地方依恋存在内隐和外显两种状态。社区居民依恋由内隐状态激发为外显状态去指导其依恋行为,游客依恋从外显状态内化为内隐状态去指导其依恋行为。  相似文献   

国外旅游地感知意象研究的地方观解构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张中华  文静  李瑾 《旅游学刊》2008,23(3):43-49
本文回顾了地方理论的基本内涵及旅游研究中地方理论研究的国外研究进展,分析了地方依附应用旅游观光意象研究的内涵,探讨游客观光意象与地方依附感之间的关系,地方依附感的旅游学认知架构,以及游客对旅游地意象感知的地方依附程度.最后从旅游规划管理和旅游业发展的角度,提出了地方理论应用旅游营销研究的现实意义.  相似文献   

场所依赖(place attachment):一种游憩行为现象的研究框架   总被引:17,自引:4,他引:17  
"场所依赖"理论是解释"某些地方与人之间似乎存在着一种特殊的依赖关系"这个客观现象的有效理论工具,并已成为西方休闲和游憩研究的一个热点,而在我国仍然处于空白状态.本文讨论了场所和场所依赖的概念及其发展,介绍了西方场所依赖研究的最新进展.文章的主要贡献包括:(1)首次将以游憩为角度开展研究的场所依赖理论引进我国;(2)用数学方法示意理解场所依赖的结构;(3)构建了场所依赖理论的CDEEM研究框架.文章还探讨了场所依赖理论的应用前景.  相似文献   

A growth in community participation (CP) in outdoor recreation provision and maintenance emerged from the post-war voluntary movement but from the 1970s, discrete initiatives were spawned in the context of management experiments, threats to urban open space from development, the enhancement of forestry recreation opportunities and European funding to remoter rural areas. A shift in the style of government from an executive to an enabling role in the 1980s and 1990s has formalized CP in public policy. This has been exploited in CP for the rights of way system and in the provision of new recreation areas: Millennium Greens. An assessment of some of the characteristics of CP in Millennium Greens is provided in relation to motivations for their development, the support of the community, the social characteristics of those affected, their spatial distribution and raised expectations where schemes have been unsuccessful. It is concluded that some executive state controls over such schemes are necessary to ensure their effective operation but this too can be enhanced by involving communities in policy formulation as well as in development and implementation. There is some evidence to suggest that governmental enabling policies benefit those who are already most enabled relative to the more marginal sectors of society and this issue merits further research.  相似文献   

Although the casino impact perception (CIP) of residents may influence their sense of place (SOP) and therefore the prosperity of casino destinations, little research has been conducted on such influence. The present study aimed to close the knowledge gap by investigating the presence of such influence in Macao, an important casino place in China and a leading casino center in the world. A structured questionnaire survey was administered to 500 Macao residents. The following results were obtained: (1) both SOP and its sub-dimensions were affected by CIP factors, (2) positive CIP factors had a stronger influence on SOP than did the negative ones, and (3) CIP factors were more important than the five socio-demographics (i.e. age, marital status, income, education, and occupation) as controlled variables in predicting SOP. This study contributes to the knowledge of the influence of CIP on SOP and provides useful policy implications for casino place management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the theoretical intersection of place attachment and community through a study of the place attachment of residents who live, work, and play in a tourism-dependent community. Using a qualitative photo-elicitation technique best described as “resident employed photography,” we asked 25 residents of Seward, Alaska, to share images and stories of important places in and around their local community. The findings suggest that place and community are intertwined, as evidenced by the use of community as a frame of reference for describing nearly every example of attachment to place. This suggests that place attachment can serve as a factor in the development “of” community, defined as a heightened engagement in collective actions that help people meet their day-to-day needs. It could also influence one's development “in” community, directing the behaviors that affect how people both participate in communities and seek to change their position within them.  相似文献   

Surfing, a dominant recreational activity in many coastal areas, is a primary driver of local and international tourism. Surf-spots, nearshore oceanic locations where waves break and surfing occurs, are essential community resources. Yet, many surf-spots are at risk of degradation from climate change and other factors. Knowing whether and why surfers consider surf-spots as meaningful places can inform sustainable management of these resources, benefitting the environment and users alike. This study examines place attachment and disruption in relation to surf-spots through an online survey of 1055 surfers in California, where surfing is an important recreational and touristic industry. Our findings suggest that surfers exhibit high fidelity to specific surf-spots and develop deep attachments to those spots, with the strength of the attachment varying depending on the type of surf-spot. Some respondents consider surf-spots to be “part of their family”; few respondents describe no attachments. We conclude that, despite being dynamic oceanic locations, surf-spots are meaningful places for surfers. This importance, combined with the value of surf-spots as resources driving coastal tourism and recreation, warrants systematic consideration of surf-spots as natural resources by managers, and suggests that user–place attachment should be better understood at surf-spots and other tourism sites.  相似文献   

With the growing influence of media on tourism destination marketing, this research proposes a possible psychological process of music effect on place attachment, using the narrative transportation theory. Data were collected through an online survey in China (n?=?531) and analyzed using SEM. Results indicate that (1) music transportation positively affects individuals’ attachment; (2) attitude plays a partial mediating role in the relationship between music transportation and place attachment; (3) previous visits have significant moderate effects on the attitude-attachment path rather than on the transportation-attachment path or the transportation-attitude path. Theoretical and practical implications for destination marketing are provided.  相似文献   

宗晓莲 《旅游学刊》2005,20(4):30-36
20世纪70年代法国学者亨利·勒菲弗尔(Henri Lefebvre)提出"空间生产理论",认为空间是在人类主体的有意识活动中被不断生产出来的.如果以勒菲弗尔(Lefebvre)空间生产概念为分析工具,旅游地空间也是在发展旅游业、刺激民众消费、获取经济效益等社会背景下被创造、生产出来的.人们以符号的制造与运用赋予地方价值,再把地方意象赋予实质可消费物品,提高商品的交换价值.旅游生产系统通过销售"地方",获取多重服务与消费之后的利润;游客则借由消费内含了丰富地方意象的物质商品和服务而消费地方.文章以社会学和旅游研究中的分析概念为工具,以丽江古城为案例,尝试分析在具有自然或文化特性的旅游地,地方符号被应用于商品消费的具体方式,以及具公共性的观光空间,如何被纳入到私人商品消费的范畴,并由此探究旅游地空间商品化的过程以及空间商品化对当地社会文化的影响,希望对今天的地方旅游规划和文化保护工作有所帮助.  相似文献   

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