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The authors study consumers’ process of adoption of a new loyalty card in a grocery retail context. More specifically, the authors simultaneously investigate the impact of attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables on the likelihood of adoption and the time to adoption. They show that these variables differently affect the adoption likelihood and timing and demonstrate the importance of attitudinal measures of customer loyalty such as commitment to the store. This research confirms the so-called self-selection bias and extends it to the attitudinal dimension of loyalty. Some guidelines are proposed to increase the effectiveness of loyalty card program launches.  相似文献   


This paper outlines an investigation aiming to increase knowledge of the effects of exclusivity agreements on marketing channels. We focus on one of the more relevant benefits of exclusivity for manufacturers mentioned in the marketing literature: control over resellers. We analyze the different ways these agreements could affect the manufacturer's control over the distribution channel and propose five hypotheses regarding the consequences of exclusive territories and exclusive dealing on the supplier's control. The empirical results provide strong support for the hypotheses regarding their effects on control through bargaining processes.  相似文献   


The effects of assortment strategy on customer confusion have been discussed for singular channels in the past. However, multi-channel retailers also have to coordinate their assortment across channels. Recent literature has started to investigate which assortment integration strategy is most favourable for retailers, but theoretical and empirical research is still scarce. Until today, customer confusion has not been considered in this discussion. This article seeks to identify the impact of a retailer’s assortment integration on customer overload confusion, assortment perception and their consequences. In an experiment, we manipulate assortment integration internally (online and offline channel of the focal retailer; full and asymmetrical integration) and externally (online channel of the focal retailer and a competing online retailer; full, asymmetrical and no integration). The results indicate that both internal and external assortment integration have an impact on overload confusion and assortment perception. Asymmetrical internal integration induces less overload confusion in terms of its cognitive and affective components and leads to superior assortment perception. Full and asymmetrical external integration evoke less confusion with regard to its cognitive component. Eventually, overload has detrimental short- and long-term effects for the retailer. Multi-channel retailers should consider our results when implementing an assortment integration strategy.  相似文献   

Building from related interdisciplinary theories, this research identifies social influence–related variables that are linked to customer relationship management (CRM) technology utilization within an international business-to-business field sales force. Field sales employees (n = 147) in a multinational organization from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States were surveyed to test the research model. Four of 7 primary hypotheses were supported, predicting more than 65% of the variance in the research model. Effort expectancy, uncertainty avoidance, collective performance expectancy, and internal/organizational social influence all showed antecedent significance to contextual utilization of CRM technology. The results of this study suggest that group-oriented individual decision making and the related concept of institutional collectivism are equally as important as individual-oriented decision making in the international utilization of organizational technology. Based on the strong significance shown in the results of this study, it would also be wise to consider cultural value–derived uncertainty avoidance in practical development of training and implementation of multinational CRM systems.  相似文献   


Much research has been conducted into the determinants of customer experience. However, these studies do not include relationship norms as a possible determinant of customer experience. Nevertheless, there are strong indications that the relationship norms used by a customer are an important factor in customer behavior and customer experience. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influence of relational models on customer experience and to explain possible differences in presence of relational models. This paper describes the results of two studies. The first study focuses on the effects of relational models on customer experience. This first study shows that the type of relationship has a strong influence on customer experience in terms of consumption emotions, customer satisfaction, and recommendation intention. Knowing that differences in the presence of relational models have a strong influence on customer experience, a second study focuses on finding a possible explanation for the differences in the presence of relational models. We hypothesize that differences in the presence of relational models can be explained by how organizations approach their customers and how customers perceive the organization. Especially, the perceived organizational involvement and freedom of choice as perceived by the customer play an important role. The second study, therefore, focuses on the influence of perceived organizational involvement and freedom of choice on relational models. The study shows that organizational involvement and freedom of choice have a significant impact on the activation of relational models. The findings are interesting for organizations that want to improve customer experience.  相似文献   

客户关系管理在企业管理决策中起到了关键作用,而数据挖掘技术为客户关系管理的实施提供了良好的技术支持。在对数据挖掘技术于客户关系管理中的价值和应用范畴进行分析,将数据挖掘应用于客户流失分析,进而从这些信息中挖掘出客户偏好的商品组合、消费习性或流失客户特征。  相似文献   


This research focuses on understanding how business organizations are likely to adopt mobile commerce (m-commerce) technology. Mobile commerce adoption represents a complex process that draws in variables external to the firm such as the environment in which the business operates and the government involvement, as well as variables internal to the company such as its business strategy and its organizational culture. A model is formulated and several research propositions are offered. They will help understand the mobile commerce applications adoption process. Implications of this model and further research avenues are discussed.  相似文献   

以零售业为背景提出一个客户知识挖掘系统框架,运用关联规则和聚类分析方法挖掘客户知识,同时提出一个客户知识管理体系结构,对客户知识进行维护和管理,实现知识共享、创新和增值。  相似文献   

We develop an empirical model for the adoption process of a new durable product that accounts for consumer heterogeneity as well as consumers forward-looking behavior. Accounting for heterogeneity is important for two reasons. As the mix of consumers with different preferences and price sensitivities could change over time, firms need to update their marketing strategies. Further, it allows for a variety of shapes for the aggregate adoption process over time. As prices for durable and technology products fall over time with firms continually introducing enhanced products, consumers may anticipate these prices and improvements and delay their purchases in the product category. Forward-looking consumers optimize purchase timing by trading off their utilities from buying the product and their expectations on future prices, quality levels, and brand availability. Such forward-looking behavior will result in price dynamics in the marketplace as price changes today influence future purchases. And it results in different shapes of the new product sales pattern over time by influencing the time to take-off. We show how the parameters of our model can be estimated using aggregate data on the sales, prices, and attributes of brands in a product category. We apply our model to market data from the digital camera category. Our data are consistent with the presence of both heterogeneity and forward looking behavior among consumers. At the product category level, we are able to decompose the effects of the entry of Sony into primary demand expansion and switching from other brands. At the brand level, we find that there exist several segments in the market with different preferences for the brands and different price sensitivities leading to differences in adoption timing and brand choice across segments. For a given brand, we show how the changing customer mix over time has implications for that brands pricing strategies. We characterize how price effects vary across brands and over time and how price changes in a given time period influence sales in subsequent periods. Model comparison and validation results are also provided.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):326-342
To what extent should multichannel retailers integrate assortments across channels? Previous literature controversially discusses the question of which integration strategy is most successful but arguments are only conceptual, and no empirical assessment exists. This article presents a framework that (a) shows how customers’ perceived shopping benefits of variety, convenience, and reduced risk mediate the impact of multichannel assortment integration (full, asymmetrical, no) on patronage intentions and (b) differentiates the impact for retailer types based on substitutive, complementary, and independent assortment relations. Two large-scale experimental studies empirically investigate whether a dominant integration strategy exists in the context of full and simultaneous information (Study 1) and more uncertain and subsequent information accessibility (Study 2). We consistently find that full integration dominates no integration across assortment relations, but asymmetrical integration—the strategy that is most often realized by multichannel retailers—can have a detrimental impact for substitutive relations compared with no integration. Asymmetrical integration can be more beneficial than full integration for independent relations, while customer outcomes differ less for complementary relations. Researchers and managers can use our findings to understand how shopping benefits of variety, convenience, and reduced risk explain the different customer outcomes of multichannel assortment integration, depending on retailer type.  相似文献   

《Journal of Retailing》2015,91(2):182-197
A crucial decision firms face today is which channels they should make available to customers for transactions. We assess the revenue impact of adding bricks-and-mortar stores to a firm's already existing repertoire of catalog and Internet channels. We decompose the revenue impact into customer acquisition, frequency of orders, returns, and exchanges, and size of orders, returns, and exchanges. We use a multivariate baseline method to assess the impact of adding the physical store channel on these revenue components. As hypothesized, store introduction cannibalizes catalog sales and has much less impact on Internet sales. Also as hypothesized, returns and exchanges increase. Interestingly, transaction sizes of purchases, returns, and exchanges do not change. The “availability effect” produces a net increase in purchase frequency across channels. This more than compensates for increased returns, producing a net increase in revenues of 20% by adding the store channel. Our findings yield a deeper understanding of the revenue relation between channels, and of the dynamic cross-channel effects of marketing actions.  相似文献   

顾客知识管理的概念与体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
知识经济时代的顾客是个性化、多样化的,顾客需求趋于多元化,企业只有有效地进行顾客知识管理,才能认知顾客、管理顾客关系和交付顾客价值。因此,顾客知识管理将会是企业新的竞争优势的重要来源。  相似文献   

This study aims to investigate the effect of social media on customer loyalty with the mediation of customer co-creation value and to build a customer engagement model through co-creation value, which is supported by product improvement perceived in increasing customer loyalty. The data collection employed a survey method with structured questionnaires which were distributed to 150 respondents who were the members of social media product communities in Indonesia. The findings showed that interactions through social media are able to increase customer engagement, facilitaitng collaboration in co-creation value, allowing the company to improve and develop products based on customers' needs and desires, which will eventually increase customer loyalty.  相似文献   

试论顾客忠诚的影响因素与理论模型   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
随着市场竞争的日趋加剧和顾客争夺成本的提高,顾客忠诚的形成与维持问题已经成为市场营销理论界与企业界关注的一个焦点。但是,到目前为止,有关顾客忠诚的影响因素及其作用机制研究仍然缺乏。本文基于国外相关文献评述,对顾客忠诚的内涵及其影响因素进行分析,探讨顾客忠诚形成的理论模型及其机制。  相似文献   

As globalization increases and competition grows, firms are becoming increasingly dependent upon group work and collaboration. The recent surge of reengineering efforts to reinforce a process view of organizational work and the emergence of virtual corporations spanning the globe indicate that firms are relying more on group work today than ever before. Information technology (IT) may have the capability to greatly enhance the quality of collaboration in accomplishing group tasks. This paper focuses on electronic meeting systems (EMS), which are mostly aimed at supporting group work in a face-to-face setting, and empirically assesses their adoption and use in supporting task-oriented collaborative work in Australian and New Zealand organizations. Results from survey data collected from 147 organizations indicate that EMS adoption has been somewhat limited. Most organizations had not adopted EMS to support group work. Further, both the level of adoption and level of use of EMS within the organizations was very low. Barriers to adoption were identified along with implications for future research. Organizational barriers, including compatibility with cognitive styles, lack of incentives and resistance to change, were the most important adoption obstacles. Technological and costs issues were somewhat less significant. Overall, the findings are fairly similar to the US study on which the survey instrument was based, though some adoption differences occurred which may be related to the structure and ownership of the organizations.  相似文献   

王婉薇 《商业研究》2005,42(2):67-69
客户关系管理是一种倡导企业以客户为中心的营销管理创新的思想和方法。在客户关系管理中 ,出现了不同于以往的product (产品 )、price (定价 )、place (分销 )和promotion (促销 )的新 4P要素 ,它们是 :product (产品 )、process (流程 )、person (人员 )和performance (表现 )。把这些新 4P组合起来 ,能进一步提高企业的市场竞争能力和增加价值的能力  相似文献   

本文针对目前我国中小企业信息技术采纳遇到的诸多问题,分析了中小企业的自身特点并提出通过推荐系统消除在信息技术采纳过程中产生的信息不对称现象,从而有效地帮助企业进行合理的信息技术采纳,降低信息化建设投资的风险,使中小企业在信息化建设中实现效益最大化。  相似文献   


Following the causal complexity theory, fsQCA has emerged as an advanced methodology in examining hypotheses and creating new theories in social science. However, fsQCA falls short dealing with structural associations and with latent variables when multi-faceted scales are combined into a single indicator by mean. To extend the application of fsQCA, the study demonstrates an approach to investigate a multi-layered problem of eWOM, social influence, and product adoption intention. The findings from fsQCA successfully confirmed the results from the statistical approach that eWOM and social influence have structural associations with customer adoption intentions of new high-tech products.  相似文献   

通过描述与分析销售标准化对销售绩效的影响,认为企业实施销售标准化有利于提高销售绩效;产品、顾客群体及销售渠道影响销售标准化的创建;销售人员的选拔、培训与考核及销售管理与控制体系影响销售标准化的执行,销售标准化、销售人员选拔培训与考核及销售管理与控制体系综合影响销售绩效;企业应根据所处的发展阶段及市场环境的变化,不断调整销售标准化的流程与构成要素,实现销售流程再造,实施新的销售标准化。  相似文献   

商业银行的客户关系管理既要重视以客户为中心,又要利用客户关系管理系统来达到降低银行经营成本,实现客户收益最大化的目标。我国商业银行实施客户关系管理,必须正视所存在的认识不足、机构设置不配套、软件开发能力差、缺少复合型人才等诸多问题。应制定相关措施,加快改革经营管理体制,构建合理业务流程,实施差异化营销策略,培养适合客户关系管理需要的复合型人才,以促进银行提升竞争能力和盈利能力。  相似文献   

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