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1月中旬,Facebook在公司推出社交图谱搜索工具Graph Search,可以让消费者搜索Facebook站内的信息,被认为是对谷歌代表的网页搜索的新挑战。和网页搜索不同,网页搜索主要是提取关键字,并尽可能提供与关键字匹配的搜索结果,在"图谱搜索"中你可以结合短语(比如:我在纽约的、喜欢Jay-Z的朋友)查找一类人、一个地方、图片或其它内容。第一版"图谱搜索"专注于四个方面:人、照片、地点和兴趣。  相似文献   

微软的浏览器IE5.0增加了许多新的搜索特性,使得无论是在搜索新信息方面还是在浏览你所喜爱的站点方面,IE5.0都将使你从Web上轻松获得丰富信息,方便你的冲浪。利用IE5.0查找信息最简单的方法莫过于使用其“搜索”功能。单击浏览器工具栏上的“搜索”按钮,会将当前的浏览器窗口分为左右两部分,左面的部分是搜索栏(Search Pane),在这里会显示浏览器的搜索助手(Search Assistant),可以直接在这里查询信息,享用中文Excite提供的搜索服务。在检索栏内输入查找内容的关键字串,然后按“检索”按钮,会在搜索栏显示检索结果。点击搜索窗口中每个链接,就会在右面窗口显示相应页面。可以在不丢失搜索结果列表的同时查看每个Web页,这是该功能最酷的特色。如果你第一次使用这个服务,左面的  相似文献   

作为一家搜索公司,现在,我们正在努力改善图片搜索的效果,因为越来越多的人希望直接搜索图片而不是通过关键字来进行搜索。还有视频,互联网上有了越来越多的视频内容,而这些视频包含的信息正是用户所要搜索的信息。  相似文献   

关键字策略在SEO中的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吕梁 《电子商务》2009,(2):77-79
关键字常被称为是整个搜索应用的基石,在搜索引擎营销的整个环节中,关键字的选择最为重要,如果选错了关键字,可能会影响营销目标的实现。在运用关键字策略时,首先应站在客户的角度,将关键字扩展成一系列词组/短语,并进行多重排列组合,从而确定你的核心关键字。在确定了自己的关键字之后,需要在网页文本中适当出现这些关键字,对关键字的密度和位置进行合理的分布。  相似文献   

二、检索信息的筛查与分析 关键词搜索获取得检索信息是对虚拟的网络食品经营的直接再现,这些信息既有合法经营信息,也有非法经营信息,因此各级工商机关只有对检索信息进行一定的筛查与分析,才能将其转化为有价值的监管信息。  相似文献   

1360搭上阿里进军购物搜索搭上阿里进军购物搜索近日有消息称,360联合阿里巴巴旗下一淘上线购物搜索业务。360在其搜索首页增设"购物"频道,用户点击后会直接跳转至360搜索和一淘共建的购物搜索网站(360.etao.com),页面内产品信息皆来源于一淘。与此同时,通过360搜索框检索"风衣"、"帽子"等产品,在结果页面的显要位置也会  相似文献   

META标签的作用是提供有关HTML文档信息,而它所包含的内容并不出现在网页上。有很多网页制作者很少注意这个标签,因为它并没有影响网页的外观,即使把它删除不用。META最大的作用就是提供搜索引擎关于本站的描述关键字,简单说,当搜索站台的机器人搜索到你的网站时,会首先检查META所描述的关键字,然后把这些关键字加入到数据库中。所以,利用好META标签会让你在搜索引擎中被搜索到的机会增加。 META标签的用法是这样的:,  相似文献   

本文在分析研究国内外个性化搜索引擎技术的基础上,结合人工智能技术的最新研究成果——Agent技术,提出了一个基于Agent的个性化搜索引擎系统。该系统由用户界面Agent、元搜索Agent和过滤Agent三个模块组成。用户界面Agent负责用户与系统交互,为用户提供良好的界面;元搜索Agent完成与多个底层搜索引擎的交互,对用户的查询进行个性化的信息搜索;过滤Agent根据用户兴趣模型对检索结果进行过滤,把满足用户个性化需求的文档提交给用户。  相似文献   

利用ASP数据库访问技术开发设计城调动态网站   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李涛 《市场研究》2004,(2):55-56
基于Web的数据库访问技术是指:在客户端安装浏览器,作为用户填写上传信息、输入查询条件和显示查询结果的交互界面。用户可以通过填写表格或输入关键字的方式来与WWW进行交互,当用户单击表格上的提交按钮时,表格中的数据便发送到Web服务器。Web服务器介于Web浏览器与数据库服务器之间,负责用户输入信息的接收。服务器将数据传送至要被  相似文献   

20世纪以来,信息量高速增长,浩如烟波.如何从这海量的信息里找出所需信息就成为信息检索的重任.伴随着计算机进入多媒体时代,信息科技也步入了多媒体发展时期.手工检索靠手翻、眼看、大脑判断的检索方式已难以全面适应当今信息的发展,计算机信息检索必然的提到了应用与发展阶段,以Internet为代表的全球化、网络的实际应用更进一步推动了这一发展,这既是对手工检索的扩展,也是时代的需要.在当今资本资源和数字资源并存的信息时代,作为信息资源管理者,既需要了解和掌握传统手工检索的方法,也需要熟悉和掌握计算机检索,尤其是网络信息检索的理论和技术,这是信息时代对图书馆工作者信息素质的必然要求.  相似文献   

刘姗姗 《中国电子商务》2013,(21):274-274,277
为了提高主动形状模型(ASM)算法的性能,提出了从ASM模型的初始位置、人脸特征点局部搜索两方面改进的叠加ASM模型及局部特征点搜索的二维轮廓线算法。实验结果表明,该算法比传统的ASM对人脸面部特征点定位有更高的精确度。  相似文献   

Informational power by search engines should be analysed from different perspectives. On the one hand, unlimited access to personal data can be in conflict with the interests of individuals whose data can be accessed. These interests are part of a right to privacy, including a “right to be forgotten,” which, however, must be balanced against the public interest in disclosure of information. Balancing these conflicting interests is a difficult task — a task that lies with the search engines themselves. On the other hand, firms and individuals may have an interest in their information to be found, in particular (but not only) for commercial purposes. Suppressing or “downgrading” this information as displayed to users may significantly reduce visibility. In light of these interests, it has been proposed to oblige search engines to implement “search neutrality“; i.e., that they have to present search results in an unbiased way. In this article, we take a clear position against ex ante regulation. Instead, competition law provides a sufficient framework, to protect against the abuse of “informational” market power. We sketch a new approach that may allow competition law to be applied more quickly in dynamic markets such as internet search markets.  相似文献   

本文总结性地论述了经济学的“手”的理论——“看不见的右手”(市场)、“看得见的左手”(政府)、“看得见的右手”(企业)和“看不见的左手”(权力及利益集团)的功能、缺陷及发挥各只“手”的功能所必需的约束条件,指出要达到资源的优化配置、经济增长和社会和谐,各只“手”必须各司其职,发挥其长处、规避其缺陷,在其有效边界内运作而不能畸形发育.并处理好“四只手”之间的比例、结构和均衡状态。  相似文献   

The relationship among the factors in the rising interest in new alternatives is empirically investigated in the context of shopping destination choice behavior. The hypothetical causal relationship is that the rising interest in new alternatives requires both active information search and considerable benefit, which is supported by the results of the mixture structural equation models using a data set containing revealed shopping behaviors and attitudes toward shopping destinations in the Tokyo metropolitan area: a lower level of satisfaction with the current choice set incites external information search for all subjects; however, the benefit of adding new alternatives affects the interest in new alternatives only in the group that engages in active information search.  相似文献   

人性研究具有明显的时代特征。从文献检索看,国内近三十年来人性研究主题围绕党的指导思想而流变,依次为异化与人道主义(1978-1985)、主体性(1986-1990)、市场经济中人的价值(1991-1995)、人性的内涵与特征(1996-2000)、人性与制度(2001-2005)、人性与教育(2006-2009)。这对我们概览人性的时代特征和理论建构起到一定参考作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on the information search perspective of the consumer behaviour literature, this study assesses the predictors of teacher information search. Using qualitative and quantitative methods, the case of personal finance instruction is examined. Findings suggest three levels of involvement in information search among personal finance teachers. Participation in continuing education courses, combined with a heightened interest in personal finance, were the strongest predictors of a high‐information strategy. The findings speak to the usefulness of continued teacher training that is sensitive to information acquisition behaviour.  相似文献   

In order to succeed, technology ventures need to find a profitable market application for their technology. Although external market actors may provide important information for the identification and validation of potential technology-market combinations, it remains largely unclear how technology ventures can involve them in this process. Building on insights from organizational search literature, this study follows five university spin-offs trying to commercialize early-stage technologies. We find that ventures are cognitively constrained in proactively identifying and approaching external market actors. Interestingly, the better performing ventures in our sample engage in a previously undocumented market search process we label Technology Broadcasting. They communicate their technological competencies to a broad range of market actors and react to these actors' assessment and spontaneous expressions of interest, thereby overcoming their own cognitive constraints. Resource constraints require filtering these expressions of interest through Systematic Validation with additional market players. These results complement the existing insights on market search by entrepreneurial ventures and advance the literature on organizational search.  相似文献   

Using a large sample of prices paid for 21 homogeneous grocery products available in several brands in each of 16 markets, we simulate the search behavior of a consumer following different shopping strategies using as many as four supermarkets. We find that price search can lead to substantial savings. Brand switching can generate savings at least as large as visiting multiple stores to find the lowest price for a single brand. Buying a private label is usually a better way to save than any amount of search for low prices on national brands. A case study in a small metropolitan area grocery market yields results substantially the same as the simulation results.  相似文献   

The authors investigated whether need for cognitive closure (NFCC) affected one's style of information search (attribute‐based search vs. alternative‐based search) in consumer choice. There has been growing interest in NFCC in marketing and its relationship to consumer information processing. However, no study to date has examined the different information search strategies that consumers employ when they (1) possess different levels of NFCC or (2) are exposed to situations that evoke more or less NFCC. Across two studies where Study 1 measured NFCC while Study 2 manipulated NFCC, the authors commonly found that higher NFCC compared to lower NFCC resulted in (1) a greater preference for the attribute‐based search over the alternative‐based search and (2) a consideration of a smaller amount of information to make a final choice. Implications for consumer information processing and sales strategies are discussed along with future research directions. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

近年来,随着客户关系管理(CRM)在商业运作中的巨大成功,其管理理念及价值被越来越多的企业所重视。在电子商务环境下,一对一营销正在受到企业的青睐。以客户为中心的思想,要求企业要能够有效地获取客户的各种信息,识别客户与企业之间的关系。文章在分析数据仓库特点的基础上,以客户平均购买额(A)、购买频率(F)和客户保持时间(H)作为客户价值细分变量,实例化构建了某食品连锁销售企业面向AFH客户分类主题的数据仓库。应用结果表明,新的AFH客户分类模型具有很强的表征性,能充分反映客户的当前价值(贡献度)和增值潜力(忠诚度),能为企业提供有效的决策支持信息。  相似文献   

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