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Capital budgeting and delegation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As part of our ongoing research into capital budgeting processes as responses to decentralized information and incentive problems, we focus in this paper on when a level of a managerial hierarchy will delegate the allocation of capital across projects and time to the level below it. In our model, delegation is a way to save on costly investigation of proposed projects. Therefore, it is more extensive the larger are the costs of such investigations. This delegation takes advantage of the fact that the lower-level manager's preferences are assumed to be similar (though not identical) to those of the higher level.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between before tax and after tax valuation and uses this to examine the literature on capital budgeting and capital structure in the presence of corporate and personal taxes, a literature which features a bewildering array of valuation formulae. Some of the variation between such formulae naturally arises out of variations in underlying model assumptions; however, in several cases, it arises because there are (by no means obvious) internal inconsistencies. The potential magnitude of the errors that might arise in a capital budgeting context is then explored through sensitivity analysis.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how an abandonment option influences the optimal timing of information in a sequential adverse selection capital budgeting model. While the divisional manager has imperfect private pre-contract information, headquarters can time whether the manager obtains perfect project information before (timely information) or after (delayed information) the contract is signed. In the absence of the abandonment option, headquarters favors timely (delayed) information if the investment costs are high (low). The presence of the abandonment option favors delayed information because under the timely information regime the value of the abandonment option is zero, whereas under the delayed information regime the value of the option is positive.  相似文献   

《Finance Research Letters》2014,11(3):183-193
This paper shows that the standard textbook formula for computing the present value of a future random cash flow – the discounted expected value – is formally incorrect and can generate significant errors when used to compute present values. The correct present value method is provided as well as a simple adjustment to the textbook formula which can be used to obtain an approximation to the correct value.  相似文献   

We study a dynamic economy endowed with a sequence of overlapping generations of consumers and production processes, and where productive assets are illiquid and consumption preferences are subject to uninsurable demand for liquidity. We characterize the steady states that can be achieved with alternative financial systems. We show that infinitely lived financial intermediaries offering a liability with age-dependent restrictions may implement a social optimum with full insurance. If, instead, they offer anonymous, unrestricted contracts, then only second-best consumption allocations with partial insurance obtain. We also examine the consumption allocations available when agents can trade shares in competitive stock markets. While allowing for trade across generations may or may not improve upon generational autarky, we show that this competitive equilibrium is not a social optimum, and is dominated by a system of infinitely lived, unrestricted intermediaries.  相似文献   

By combining analytic developments in the financial theory of capital budgeting with contingency theory, an empirically testable contingent theory for DCFT (discounted cash flow techniques) was constructed. This theory was tested by correlating an effectiveness measure for DCFT, based on stock return data of the sample firms, with hypothesized contingent variables, measured via interview and questionnaire. The results indicated positive correlations between the effectiveness of DCFT and predictable environments, the use of long-term reward systems, and the degree of decentralization of the capital budgeting process.  相似文献   

In this article, we propose a model that incorporates the preferences of multiple decision makers into a decison-making process using (1) The analytical hierarchy process (AHP); and (2) multiple criteria and multiple constraint levels (MC2) linear programming in a capital budgeting context. Our model can foster strategic and nonfinancial factors that are important in the capital budgeting problems of the current business environment. The two-phased solution framework proposed in this article is sufficiently flexible to reach a compromise among decision makers. Our method also facilitates collection of decision makers' preferences to minimize suboptimization of overall company's goals. In addition, application of AHP to derive weights to decision makers' preferences for resource availability decreases the solution complexity. All these characteristics represent a significant improvement compared with previous linear or goal programming approaches to capital budgeting problems.  相似文献   

This paper provides a modern overview of capital markets, financial institutions, and corporate finance in China. In our discussions, we highlight and describe what is unique to China. We also describe how papers in the Special Issue advance our understanding of financial markets, institutions, and corporate finance in China and in general.  相似文献   

Modern financial sectors consist of banks, asset markets and a central bank. This paper builds a model where these institutions provide different financial services, and their interaction supports efficient allocations. When one institution is missing equilibria are, by construction, inefficient. The paper analyzes how interest rates and asset prices depend on the structure of the financial sector and characterizes the central bank policy that supports efficient allocations. The analysis relies on the difference between liquidity and real shocks, and relates the notion of liquidity used in this paper to the one adopted in other studies.  相似文献   

Accounting academics and practitioners have been known to question whether accounting research is as efficacious as it might be. This paper focuses on capital markets-based research in accounting and how its potential contribution to the wider regulatory process can be realised more fully. Examples used are: research on corporate regulation; the move to 'harmonise' accounting standards; accounting for R&D; accounting for goodwill; and equity accounting.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the capital and portfolio risk decisions of property-liability insurance firms. A theoretical model based on option pricing theory is developed which predicts a positive relationship between insurer capital and risk, as firms balance these two factors to achieve their desired overall insolvency risk. The implications of the model are then tested empirically using a simultaneous equations methodology. The results support the predictions of the model. They also provide evidence that managerial incentives play a role in determining capital and risk in insurance markets. The findings have significant implications for insurance solvency regulation.  相似文献   

Project valuation in managerial accounting often involves discounting approximately continuous cash flows. Calculus is the natural mathematical tool for dealing with continuous flows and is a required part of the business curriculum in most major universities. Typical managerial accounting textbooks provide students with little opportunity to use calculus in solving accounting problems. Discounting continuous flows is a natural medium for introducing calculus into managerial accounting courses. This article illustrates the application of calculus to capital budgeting. Explicit but simplified consideration of inflation and taxation leads to interesting conclusions while maintaining enough simplicity for upper-division managerial accounting presentation  相似文献   

从国际"创新型国家"的成功经验看,技术革命与金融创新可以称作是共同创造社会财富的一对翅膀。"十二五"期间,中国在加快经济增长方式转变和实现经济可持续发展的过程中,将加大促进科技与金融结合的力度。各级政府在促进科技与金融的结合中发挥怎样的作用?  相似文献   

Asia’s ongoing rapid economic growth is successfully lifting millions of poor out of the vicious cycle of poverty, but that performance comes at a price. The unprecedented growth we witness today is also rapidly driving resource consumption to unsustainable levels. Local production and consumption-led growth is causing a considerable increase in external costs, such as deforestation, and knock-on effects, such as increased emissions including greenhouse gas (GHG); depletion of non-renewable resources; pollution of rivers; desertification; flooding; and long term climate change. Currently, the region accounts for about 40% of GHG emissions, which is expected to rise to almost 50% by 2030 if the business-as-usual trajectory projected for the region is not altered. Countries in the region are taking action when it comes to the transition to a green economy. When compared to other regions, Asia has the highest rate of policy innovations that can help in the transition to a green economy. Even though fiscal instruments in-use are to some extent already altering aggregate demand of resources and economic activities, resource allocation, and distributive capacity of the economy, instrument such as “carbon tax” that has the real potential to contain rising emissions and save economies from getting locked into carbon-intensive pathways are yet to be adopted widely. Tax on natural resources extraction is yet to be implemented in wider scale despite of rampant destruction of natural resources and environments and increase in associated GHG emissions. Sporadic adoption of fiscal instruments is not going to be enough, if Asia as a region, is to transition to a green economy. In addition, there are substantial implementation barriers that need to be eased for wide-scale adoption and diffusion of green fiscal instruments.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ‘modernising government’ initiative in the UK, and the ‘flexibilities’ – lead commissioning, integrated provision, and pooled budgets – introduced in the Health Act 1999. This policy reform, and the associated tools to operationalise it, placed ideas of cooperation and partnership at the heart of inter-organizational relations in the domain of public administration, and gave prominence to the roles of management control practices in facilitating cooperation. We consider how the ideals of cooperation and partnership were discursively articulated, how professional and administrative boundaries were given visibility in particular legal cases, and what happened when local practitioners sought to make these ideals operable. We demonstrate how cooperation initially emerged as a ‘local’ phenomenon, both prior to and subsequent to the Health Act 1999. We then examine how those delivering services sought to mediate pragmatically between legal and policy injunctions to engage in formal cooperation, and the imperative to provide services across organizational and professional boundaries. Finally, we consider the limits of cooperation across organizational boundaries in settings with strongly developed professional enclosures. The paper draws on both archival material and fieldwork to examine what are termed ‘regulatory hybrids’ – those inter-organizational processes, practices and expertises that are formed from two or more elements that previously existed separately, and that emerge in part out of regulatory or judicial interventions rather than simply the imperatives of voluntary coordination. The paper seeks to build on suggestions for developing the links between the accounting and public administration literatures, and it draws on ‘governmentality’ studies to analyse the phenomenon. This argues for the importance of considering three distinct and interrelated layers or levels of analysis: the programmatic or discursive, the practices and processes to which such discourses are intrinsically linked, and the professional ‘enclosures’ that can emerge in some domains. While drawing on governmentality studies, we also suggest extending them by paying greater attention than is customary in such writings to localised processes and practices. In particular, we propose the concept of ‘mediating instruments’ to explain how management control practices link the larger political culture with the ‘everyday doings of practitioners’.  相似文献   

在2014中国环保上市公司峰会上,民生证券研究院执行院长管清友表示,2015年中国经济下行的压力依然很大,但资本市场相对乐观。他还提醒说,猪本是不会飞的,会飞的是猪八戒;牛也不会飞,会飞的是牛魔王,所以牛市中别忘了留一份清醒,也要注意相关风险。他说新常态下,环保产业已经站在了风口上环保板块在2013年表现非常抢眼,2014年差强人意,但并不是说资本市场不认可环保,而是因为大家太认可环保产业了,所以在2013年提前反应了。过去环保类的法律法规制度  相似文献   

We build a general equilibrium model with incomplete markets, production, default, and bankruptcy. The existence of equilibrium is proved. Theoretically, under appropriate conditions, we show that the reduced-form entrepreneurial equilibrium and profit-maximization entrepreneurial equilibrium, as defined by Magill and Quinzii (1996), are equivalent. In addition, we find an inverse relationship between the economy real interest rate and the probability of default. This result is empirically tested by applying the Cox proportional hazards model with time-dependent covariates for a sample of sole proprietorships’ unsecured credit operations in the Brazilian economy. The estimates confirm the findings from the theoretical model.  相似文献   

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