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Conrad (1999) examined the bioeconomics of marine sanctuaries and found: (1) a sanctuary that takes up a large share of the potential grounds can make fishing uneconomic, (2) a sanctuary of roughly the same size as the grounds can significantly reduce the standard deviation of the stock on the grounds when both stocks are growing randomly. It is argued that when one divides a fishery into grounds and a sanctuary the firm cost parameter should be adjusted in value as well as the capacity parameters. With this modification one finds that fishing grounds of smaller sizes are more profitable relative to their size than larger grounds and that the reduction in variability of stocks on the fishing ground is relatively smaller. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The paper ‘bridges the divide’ between the biological and economic literature on marine reserves. It provides a selected review of the traditional use of reserves, the early reserve literature, the potential benefits of reserves, spillovers from reserves to harvested areas and bioeconomic models of marine reserves. The bioeconomics literature is examined from the perspectives of deterministic models, spatial economic models and models that include uncertainty and stochasticity. Insights from the review are used to provide management implications in terms of reserve design, stakeholder cooperation and process, reserve-fishery transfers, traditional management controls, and ecosystem approaches to managing fisheries.  相似文献   

When transactions and information are costly and exchange is non-simultaneous, ‘institutions matter’. They matter because exchange under these circumstances subjects the participants to potentially harmful behaviors by other participants, among which are: opportunistic behavior, agency, the free-rider problem, cheating, moral hazard, and adverse selection. Institutions constrain these behaviors, allowing the participants to take advantage of the gains from trade and specialization, and thereby facilitating cooperation. Individuals adhere to institutional rules because they gain by doing so. Because the individual gains are inseparable from the structure of the institutions, the institutions themselves necessarily become the focus of the analysis—as we see in the new institutional economics (NIE). The new group selection position in biology involves a similar shift in focus from the level of the individual to the group when studying the evolution of altruism. But some of the proponents of group selection go further, arguing that altruism in biology evolves because it is in the interest of the group, but not the individual. In fact, group level analysis is necessary in biology, as in the NIE, because it allows for the discovery of ‘institutions’ that constrain cheating, opportunistic behavior, etc., thereby making participation in the group in the long-run self-interest of the individual. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Synopsis This paper is the product of a collaboration between a biologist (Ghiselin 1997) who works on the philosophy of classification and an economist (Landa 1981, 1994) who works on the ‘Economics of Identity’: how and why people classify people based on identity in the context of a theory of ethnic trading networks. In developing the ‘bioeconomics’ (the synthesis of economics with biology) of classification, we crossed a number of disciplinary boundaries—anthropology, economics, sociology, biology, and cognitive psychology including evolutionary psychology’s ‘fast and frugal’ heuristics. Using a bioeconomics approach, we argue that folk classifications—the classifications used by ordinary persons—have much in common with scientific classifications: underlying both is the need for economy of information processing in the brain, for the efficient organization of knowledge, and for efficiency of information acquisition and transmission of information to others. Both evolve as a result of trial and error, but in science there is relatively more foresight, understanding, and planning.  相似文献   

'The enterprise within the social sciences best poised to bridge the gap to the natural science, the one that most resembles them in style and self-confidence, is economics' (Wilson 1998, p. 195)'The rich array of things to learn from other disciplines is too rich And not least of all, the need for economic theorists to work on something new and different is too impelling' (Kreps 1997, p. 80)  相似文献   

The New Institutional Economics might have significant interactions with the economics of non-human societies. Some possibilities are considered in connection with the ideas of Yarbrough and Yarbrough on human societies. First, the need for enforcement may be less when the organisms in question treat one another as resources. Second, theories of the division of labor that have been developed in biology are applicable to human societies. There may be some interesting alternatives to traditional sociobiology as well.  相似文献   

Conservation of endangered species often entails significant costs, and, from a social perspective, many species can be characterized as both environmental bads and goods. This paper concerns the management of one such species, the Swedish wolf (Canis lupus). The fact that the wolf tends to disperse over a wide area causes specific management problems. The goal is to choose a harvesting strategy, such that the discounted stream of net benefits from the wolf populations in different geographical regions is maximized. The spatial dimension is involved through emigration and immigration. The solution to the management problem is shown to be a modification of the classical rule of renewable resource exploitation, caused by the migration of wolves between regions. Empirically, this problem is solved by dividing Sweden into 13 geographical regions, and accounting for the existence values, harvesting benefits, and predation costs of the wolf population in each region. The results show that the geographical distribution of wolves, in absolute numbers, is very sensitive to the abundance of prey and to different assumptions regarding the economic parameters of the model. However, the relative distribution of wolves across the country is less sensitive to these assumptions. The highest densities of wolves were found in regions with low marginal costs, due to the abundance of prey in relation to the comparatively low number of human hunters utilizing the same prey as the wolves. The lowest population densities were found in regions with a low carrying capacity for the wolf or with high costs of depredation on reindeer.  相似文献   

Bioeconomics—the merging of views from biology and economics—on the one hand invites the 'export' of situational logic and sophisticated optimization developed in economics into biology. On the other hand, human economic activity and its evolution, not least over the past few centuries, may be considered an instance for fruitfully applying ideas from evolutionary biology and Darwinian theory. The latter perspective is taken in the present paper. Three different aspects are discussed in detail. First, the Darwinian revolution provides an example of a paradigm shift which contrasts most significantly with the 'subjectivist revolution' that took place at about the same time in economics. Since many of the features of the paradigmatic change that were introduced into the sciences by Darwinism may be desirable for economics as well, the question is explored whether the Darwinian revolution can be a model for introducing a new paradigm in economic theory. Second, the success of Darwinism and its view of evolution have induced economists who are interested in an evolutionary approach in economics to borrow, more or less extensively, concepts and tools from Darwinian theory. Particularly prominent are constructions based on analogies to the theory of natural selection. Because several objections to such analogy constructions can be raised, generalization rather than analogy is advocated here as a research strategy. This means to search for abstract features which all evolutionary theories have in common. Third, the question of what a Darwinian world view might mean for assessing long term economic evolution is discussed. Such a view, it is argued, can provide a point of departure for reinterpreting the hedonistic approach to economic change and development. On the basis of such an interpretation bioeconomics may not only go beyond the optimization-cum-equilibrium paradigm currently prevailing in economics. It may also mean adding substantial qualifications to the subjectivism the neoclassical economists, at the turn of the century, were proud to establish in the course of their scientific revolution.  相似文献   

The evolutionary economics part of bioeconomics has its origins in attempts to justify why only rational firms survive, or to introduce dynamics into economic orthodoxy. To the extent that these views persist, this aspect of bioeconomics appears outdated. A more recent view is that the most significant dynamics in bio- and econospheres are not variances around equilibria. Instead order is now seen to be due to the interactions of autonomous, heterogeneous agents energized by contextually imposed tensions induced by energy differentials. While Darwinian selection is still an important process at the tail end of the order-creation process, other natural forces surrounding the biosphere are seen as causing the more significant changes in biological entities over the millennia. This view is set forth within the framework of thermodynamics. It also calls for a change away from the definition of science rooted in the equilibrium mathematics of Newton's orbital mechanics. This new message from natural science is about rapid-fire dynamics calling for a fast-motion science of order-creation before the equilibria of the 1st Law of Thermodynamics take hold. The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics is seen to dominate the 1st Law as the root cause of change. The possibility of a 0th law – of agents' self-organization toward order creation – is considered. Key works by Prigogine, Ashby, Lorenz, Haken, Kelso et al., Salthe, Gell-Mann, Mainzer, Omnès, and Kauffman are reviewed. Nine premises – tracing the path toward an emerging 0th law – are discussed, with some variance also evident. The view of Kelso et al. most easily leads to a one-sentence statement of a possible 0th law of order creation that could offer something of value to bioeconomists.  相似文献   

This paper discusses long-term equilibrium in a fishery managed by individual transferable quotas. Rising prices or falling capital costs become capitalized in a higher value of quotas, implying higher capital costs for holding quotas. This may in fact reduce the size of each firm and lead to more firms existing in long-term equilibrium. Resource rent taxation by letting firms lose a certain share of their quota holdings each year is discussed and shown to be neutral.  相似文献   

Overfishing and excess capacity in mostfisheries around the world have generated considerableand increasing concern about their biological and economic performance ramifications. Theseproblems, in part, stem from substantialinvestment in technical improvements to boats andequipment in fishing fleets, which exacerbatesexcess fishing capacity and low returns tofishing effort and investment, given regulatoryand biological constraints. However, little attempt hasbeen made to quantify the extent or effects oftechnical change in fisheries. In this paper, we usedetailed data on innovation patterns for 19vessels in the Sète trawl fleet of southernFrance to evaluate the contributions oftechnical change to catch rates. We find thatembodied technical change enhanced productivity by approximately one percent per year between 1985 and 1999, but that external (disembodied) events counteractedthis trend, causing a net output decline ofabout three percent per year.  相似文献   

郑莉  张靖苓 《海洋经济》2019,9(5):53-59
中美贸易摩擦已经涉及我国海产品及海洋渔业产业,其中我国对原产于美国的海产品加征关税已经实施,美国已发布对我国加征 10%关税的海产品清单。研究发现,中美互为重要且较稳定的海产品贸易伙伴国,中美贸易摩擦对我国海产品生产、进出口、消费产生负面影响,主要包括推动海产养殖成本上升、导致美国自中国进出口份额下降近一半、引起海产品价格上涨等问题。提出了扩大国内国际市场、推进海洋渔业产业转型升级和加大海产品加工企业财税扶持力度等应对建议。  相似文献   

In this study we analyse the role of the storageregulation in a fishery's production process when theresource exploited and the market to which theproduction is exported are characterized by seasonaldephased oscillations. For this purpose we built up adynamic model drawn from the French Guyana shrimpfishery example. The underlying objective of the modelis not the maximisation of a given criterion (as wouldbe in the optimal control approach), but merely themaintenance of the fishery's economical viability. Thefundamental principle is here to try to preserve asmany as possible viable control options. Theconditions to achieve and maintain this viability arecaptured in a certain number of constraints. Theanalysis points out periods and situations within theseason where the fishermen must anticipate theevolution of their storage to avoid violating thoseviability constraints. The study also indicates howthe fishery's viability can be ensured even if theexploitation costs exceed the commercial value of thelandings for a finite part of the year. However, whenthe resource's and/or market's oscillations are toolarge, the fishery may be not viable any longer and itappears that the crisis can not be removed byinvesting in larger storage capacities.  相似文献   

This is a rather impressionist report of my recollections of the history of the bioeconomics field.  相似文献   

The financial crisis of 2008 provided an informal test of mainstream and institutional views of consumer behavior. The test posed by the financial crisis assumes the form of a “story.” A successful story provides a reasonably coherent explanation of events, confirming our beliefs and justifying our policies. First, the article examines the failure of mainstream economics to present a coherent story of consumer behavior. Ignoring the relevance of assumptions, as Milton Friedman advocated, leads economists to hypostasize the model, filtering information central to the crisis. Second, Minsky’s discussion of consumer behavior and its effect on cash inflows to businesses represents an institutional explanation regarding why John Maynard Keynes’s long-run vision did not occur. The third section expands on some of the themes addressed by Minsky, which are found among the contributions of institutional economists, focusing on efforts to mold institutions to increase cash inflows to corporations and protect those inflows.  相似文献   

海洋经济:概念、特征及发展路径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伍业锋 《经济前沿》2010,(3):125-131
在全国大力发展战略性新兴产业的背景下,中国海洋经济发展又面临着新的一轮发展机遇。然而,目前学术界关于海洋经济的理论研究尚处于初级阶段,尚不能指导国家及沿海各地区海洋经济发展规划和相关政策的制定。本文以对海洋经济概念的辨析讨论为切入点,深入分析了现代海洋经济发展的外在约束和内在约束,给出了中国海洋经济发展的基本路径。本文认为,现代海洋经济具有资源依赖型、技术资金密集型、高风险型和国家主导型等核心特征,中国海洋经济要走上可持续健康发展的道路,就必须从制定完整清晰的国家海洋政策入手,加强海洋基础管理工作,加强对海洋资源的占有和保护,加强对海洋科学技术和工程开发研究的投入,加强海洋软科学的研究,大力培养海洋科技和管理人才,提升国民的海洋意识。  相似文献   

This paper explores how harvesting technology can affect firms' internalisation of common pool externalities and the incentives for expanding firm's size. Focusing on supply side non-pecuniary externalities, our closed-entry harvesting competition model suggests that when marginal harvesting costs are weakly sensitive to common pool externalities, atomistic competition is likely to remain, other things equal, as the predominant industrial structure in the fishery. The avenue for increasing industrial concentration is modelled via Stackelberg leadership which offers the option of preempting rivals' production. In our static modelling, a fishery subject to Stackelberg signalling results in higher overfishing versus the case of a highly decentralised harvesting sector (proxied by the use of Nash conjectures). Given that static optimising behaviour could be interpreted as a result of entry controls and other fishing regulations being widely perceived as ineffective controls, the obtained overfishing ranking suggests that in fisheries where strategic preemption in production is feasible, but where entry controls and other important regulations on fishing effort are considered to be ineffective, overfishing is likely to remain the predominant outcome, even if other incentives promote evolution towards a more concentrated industry structure. When the fishery is already overpopulated by numerous small firms, whatever advantages large firms may have in terms of profitability, numerous small-scale fishermen tend to make up for in the political arena. This imposes constraints on the politically feasible fishing regulations. We use a second best welfare benchmark to illustrate resulting policy trade-offs.  相似文献   

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