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This consideration of the financing of tourism projects covers: the micro and macro aspects of the subject; the role of the public and private sectors and the bodies and organizations in each; the difficulties of obtaining finance for developing countries; and the direction and type of grant aid.  相似文献   

A number of tourism planning principles is considered and reference is made to the methodology of ekistics (the study of human settlements). Patmos, a Greek island, is taken as a case study, and the results of this tourism project are assessed in relation to the planning principles and methodology outlined.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the need to consider the impact of tourism as an economic and social activity in any broad assessment of the impacts of tourism developments. A number of factors must be accounted for in measuring such impacts, which derive from the nature of the tourism activity, eg tourism is a dynamic agent of change, it is an amalgam of a number of industrial activities, it occurs within distinctive contexts etc. The question therefore centres on the methodology employed to measure the distribution of the costs and benefits of tourism.  相似文献   

Property development partnerships are increasingly being seen in the UK as a means of achieving tourism and recreational projects. This article briefly examines the nature of the relevant property development market; characteristics and attitudes of involved organisations; purposes, benefits and mechanics of partnerhsips (illustrated by two case studies); and future directions for partnerships. The issues and potential approaches identified are, to varying extents, of relevance to project implementation in developed and developing countries.  相似文献   

Farm tourism in Europe   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Farm tourism in Europe is long established, but recently its importance has increased, both as a tourism resource and as a source of revenue for the farming community. In 1982 the UN Economic Commission for Europe and the FAO held a symposium to study the effects of tourism on agriculture and the possibilities for integrating the two for the development of rural areas. This article, based on the papers given at the symposium, provides an international overview of farm tourism in Europe.  相似文献   

Cohen Erik “The Impact of Tourism on the Physical Environment”, Annals of Tourism Research, Vol. V, No. 2, April/June 1978, pp. 215–237. While moderate and well-distributed tourism may help to upkeep attractions and preserve the environment, tourism as a mass industry poses new environmental risks. This paper is a first attempt to assess systematically the environmental impact of tourism and to spell out the principal factors on which this impact depends: the intensity of tourist site-use, the resiliency of the eco-system, the time perspective of the developers and the transformational character of touristic developments. The environmental dynamics of the tourist ecological sub-system are shown to consist of a constant expansion at the margins and intensification at the mature core, leading to the creation of “contrived” attractions both at the core (as “natural” attractions decline) and the margins (to supplement meager “natural” attractions as tourism expands into less attractive regions). Two major types of measures for environmental protection are discussed: those protecting the environment for tourism and those protecting it from tourism. The need for the second type of measures is emphasized, particularly in developing countries, which face greater environmental risks from tourism than the developed ones.  相似文献   

The value of multipliers and their policy implications   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper examines the nature of tourism multipliers, their origins and evolution, their misuse, their strengths, weaknesses and limitations and finally their value for policymaking and planning.  相似文献   

The author considers some oft-neglected aspects of marketing and promotion in the development of tourism, with special reference to the implications of travel marketing and promotion for the tourism industries of developing countries.  相似文献   

Considering the increasing demand for rural areas to play a role in easing stress mainly experienced by urban dwellers, we investigated from a multidisciplinary collaborative approach, i.e., physiological, psychological, and rural business management perspectives, the relaxation effects of forest-therapy tourism, an emerging type of rural tourism, on a group of urban office workers. Also investigated were conditions necessary for a sustainable rural business in Chizu, western Japan. First, the results verified physiological and psychological relaxation effects, which lasted from three to five days after forest therapy. The lasting physiological and psychological effects among those with systolic blood pressure ≥120 mmHg, however, were weaker than in the entire sample. Second, due to the ageing and depopulation of the local community, increasing the number of households that provided home stay services was difficult. In summary, it is necessary to fully integrate scientific evidence to support a viable new rural tourism business.  相似文献   


Tourism saturation and unsustainability have been studied in urban political ecology. Both of these problems are inseparable from tourism planning and they have resulted in proposed solutions based on growth containment and even degrowth. These types of measures have been applied to varying degrees in mature coastal destinations in Spain since the 1990s, and they are currently being used for the country's main urban destinations due to problems generated by tourism saturation. This study examines the progressive incorporation of these measures in territorial tourism planning in Spain and it points out that the traditional emphasis on urban-tourism growth is declining and that more restrictive policies are now being implemented. This shift is illustrated through the analysis of three innovative territorial tourism planning instruments in Barcelona, the Balearic Islands and the Autonomous Region of Valencia. These ostensibly progressive processes suffer from crippling contradictions due to their inability to directly confront the capitalist accumulation model underlying the tourism growth they address. Consequently, much stronger measures capable of transcending this accumulation model in pursuit of genuine, and fair degrowth without systemic constraints are needed.  相似文献   

中国大冰雪旅游发展模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着2022年冬奥会的申办和“带动三亿人参与冰雪运动”国家战略的实施,中国冰雪产业进入快速发展阶段,冰雪旅游迅猛发展,已成为北方地区冬季旅游的新兴动力产业。本文总结了国内外冰雪旅游研究进展,基于中国目前冰雪旅游尚处于初期发展阶段,冰雪供给产业链短小,效益低下,对相关产业和区域经济社会发展的带动效应弱小的现状,针对冰雪旅游研究的不足,从大冰雪资源、大冰雪消费、大冰雪产业、大区域布局、大系统协调的视角,深入探讨了大冰雪旅游高质量发展模式,提出发挥多要素综合驱动、广泛联动的冰雪旅游对冰雪体育竞赛表演、冰雪文化创意、冰雪装备制造、冰雪教育培训、冰雪休闲娱乐等核心主导产业和相关辅助产业的联动作用,通过产业间广泛的经济技术联系和前向、后向、横向的联动,以及产业和区域间投入产出效应,构建大冰雪旅游产业体系,培育大冰雪旅游全产业链,构建大冰雪旅游产品体系,塑造特色冰雪文化品牌,促进大冰雪旅游产业绿色、低碳、循环发展格局的形成,满足游客不断增长的大冰雪旅游消费需求,实现区域经济社会-生态协调的高质量发展。研究结论丰富和拓展了冰雪旅游的内涵及外延,可为中国冰雪旅游绿色、健康、高质量发展提供决策参考。  相似文献   

The nature of government support for industry in the UK is examined. Support for tourism has not equalled that given to manufacturing but the grounds on which the case for tourism are argued are unsatisfactory. The circumstances where a free enterprise economy could be reconciled with increased government support for tourism are argued. A case is made for subsidized holidays and it is suggested that cash grants for tourism development are inappropriate and should be replaced by other forms of funding.  相似文献   

This article aims to identify the determinants that influence business tourism income and that may be controlled by economic agents and policy makers of destination countries. For the development of the empirical study, a dynamic panel model by the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) was estimated using the Gretl 2016a software, and a sample of 122 countries for the period 2002–2013 (12 years) was used. The study reveals that, for the development of policies to stimulate the growth in the short and long-term of business tourism income, countries should develop measures that encourage capital investment in tourism and foreign direct investment.  相似文献   

In China, sites categorised as UNESCO World Heritage Sites are commonly used as a means of economic regeneration through tourism development. This study is of a recent addition to the list, the diaolou (fortified tower houses) of Kaiping, Guangdong, in South China. This rural zone, characterised by past emigration and farming, is in the early stages of tourism development. The study, based on interviews and a survey, permits findings to be compared with other rural areas in China such as Hungcun and the Tangyue Arches of Bao Village in Anhui, and thus while similarities in attitudes are found, in Kaiping differences exist whereby tourism has been found to permit entrepreneurial activities while retaining an agricultural base as the “new tourism rich” employ others to continue farming. The work is contextualised within a model of evolving literature related to tourism impacts on communities. The paper explores a range of issues in sustainable tourism, including the use of tourism as a tool for social, economic and cultural development, holistic approaches to heritage tourism, and the development of glocalisation as a response to globalisation. It discusses differences in approach to heritage tourism, cultural change and commodification between western and Chinese scholars and society.  相似文献   

The economic organization of tourism   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues that it is inappropriate to portray tourism organisation as involving the coordination of firms producing conventional well-defined commodities with marginally differentiated technologies as in a conventional industry. A number of alternative theories of corporate and industrial organization are contrasted with respect to their applicability to the imperfectly specified tourism commodity. A perspective on firms and industry which emphasizes the coordination of changing technological and marketing competencies through network relationships is believed to be particularly suitable to represent the tourism learning system and to provide an alternative outlook on tourism industry, coordination and organizational structures.  相似文献   

The use of investment incentives to attract capital finance is common to both developed and developing countries. This article (a) examines the reasons why investment incentives are offered, (b) describes the main characteristics of these incentives and (c) suggests guidelines for the use of such incentives to promote tourism development. Although this analysis is related primarily to developing countries, much of the comment is pertinent to developed countries.  相似文献   

New concepts in planning for tourism and recreation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many tourism development plans are, in practice, not capable of being implemented. It is argued here that obstacles to implementation can be overcome in the planning stage itself by taking account of a range of factors, eg the socioeconomic, political, sociocultural and environmental context of tourism developments, and the spread of activities and actors involved in the tourism sector. Integrated planning is thus viewed as essential, and the Product's Analysis Sequence for Outdoor Leisure Planning (PASOLP) is offered as a creative, pragmatic and operational approach.  相似文献   

In July 2010, the Fijian government issued a decree that liberalized Fiji's surf breaks and deregulated its surf tourism industry. It did this by canceling licenses that granted resorts exclusive use of surf breaks based on indigenous customary ownership of foreshore and fringing reef fishing areas as common pool resources. This paper analyses the sustainability of surf tourism in Fiji, utilizing a developing framework for sustainable surf tourism. Based on broader sustainable tourism theory and empirical research, the framework considers (1) the impact of economic neo-liberalism, (2) the need for coordinated planning and limits to growth, (3) the advantages of systematic attempts to foster cross-cultural understanding, and (4) the social benefits associated with the development of surfing at the village level. The study found that a lack of regulation is compromising the sustainability of Fiji's surf tourism industry in each of these four dimensions. However, evidence of a growing acceptance of the need for regulation by most stakeholders offers a starting point for a transactive, participative process to find solutions. A fifth element to the framework is recommended for future analyses based on the need for surf tourism to contribute to poverty alleviation in destination communities.  相似文献   

Tourism can be a far-reaching agent of change, yet too often planning for the industry is based solely on isolated economic criteria. Here it is argued that tourism is essentially resource-based and by ignoring social and ecological implications the industry is in danger of undermining its very existence. For the industry and the destination community to benefit a mutually symbiotic relationship should be developed, a relationship modelled on an ecosystem framework.  相似文献   

Research on sustainable tourism mainly focuses on incoming tourism, and destination perspectives and impacts, and less on the focus of this paper – outgoing tourism. In this context, direct and personal access to tourism represents an equal right to all world citizens. Because this right has not been exercised equally, the world is divided into two parts, excess and deprived, tourism citizens and their nation-states. This paper proposes a more just tourism system to balance the rights of tourists to travel, with the right to development, equal tourism participation, and consumption of world resources. It draws on theories from Nozick and Rawls on rights and justice to ground our model, backed by the work of other writers including Hultsman, Higgins-Desbiolles, Jamal, and Camargo. It expands the definition of just tourism to activate tourism's potential to become a developmental force in the existing socio-economic global order. This potential is realised through the use of market-based economic instruments for the implementation of a just tourism system. It suggests how to create financial flows towards third world states for their development and modernisation, using the concept of tradable tourism certificates, a concept tested in emissions control, population, and land use planning.  相似文献   

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