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权成资料展示新的发展态势  相似文献   

近几年来,建筑市场非常火爆。 但在过去的一年里,由于经济增长速度减缓,股票交易市场波动,高科技板块股票价格不稳,使得建筑市场发展也日渐缓慢。根据美国《工程新闻记录》的最新统计,2000年美国400强承包商的营业额达到了1946亿美元,比1999年的1749亿美元增长了11.3%。其中国内营业额增长幅度最大,达到16.5%,1999年国内营业额为1452亿美元,2000年增长到1695亿美元。因为受1998-1999年亚洲和南美金融危机的影响,2000年国际市场的营业额出现了负增长,只有254亿美元,比去年同期下降了14.1%,。2000年的电力市场经营效益显著,营…  相似文献   

2013年发达国家的FDI是净流出。转型经济体和金砖国家的FDI流入有大幅增长。发达国家证券投资的净流出由日本的大量投资造成,如将日本除外,其他主要发达经济体的证券投资都是净流入。对新兴市场的证券投资减少。  相似文献   

1999年全球最大225家国际承包商述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述1999年 ,经过风雨洗礼的国际工程承包市场取得微弱增长。全球225家国际工程承包商国际市场营业额达1187亿美元 ,比1998年增长2 % ;国内和国际市场营业额达到3683亿美元 ,比1998年增长1.2%。同时 ,国际工程承包商之间的并购不断涌现 ,竞争也日趋激烈。1997年的亚洲金融危机和拉美金融风暴虽然早已成为往昔的恶梦 ,但是金融危机对国际工程承包市场的影响却是长远的。其直接导致1998年全球国际工程承包市场的合同额下降 ,从而使1999年的营业额增长乏力 ,取得2%的增长当属不易。1999年 ,国际承…  相似文献   

排名公司名称国别\地区国外营业额总营业额新签合同额1斯勘斯卡公司SkanskaAB瑞典11,520.013,951.014,141.02霍克蒂夫公司Hochtief德国10,010.011,959.013,665.03维西公司VINCI法国6,841.016,595.015,291.04布依格公司Bouygues法国6,449.015,169.016,040.05泰克尼普集团TECHNIP  相似文献   

本刊讯《工程新闻记录》杂志8月20日刊登了2000年全球最大225家国际工程承包公司的排名,34家中国国际工程承包商榜上有名,比1999年多了一家。尽管如此,根据《工程新闻记录》杂志的统计,34家中国国际工程承包公司的国际市场营业额为47.69亿美元,比1999年下降了13.29亿美元,下跌幅度达21.8%。而且,除中国建筑工程总公司由1999年的第20位前进至第19位,依然在中国上榜公司中排名第一以外,其余大部分公司的排名均有所下落。1999年排名第38位的中国石油工程建设(集团)公司下滑幅度最大,下跌了76名,国际市场营业额由1999年的7.992亿美…  相似文献   

一、“9.11”事件重创美国及全球经济。9月11日,美国纽约、华盛顿部分地区遭恐怖袭击,美国纳斯达克市场、纽约证交所及美国交易所均宣布休市,全球其他主要市场出现剧烈震荡。“9.11”事件大大加快了美国经济衰退的速度,并对全球经济的走势产生了重大影响。二、经过15年的艰苦谈判,中国终于正式加入世贸组织。在多哈举行的第四届WTO部长级会议于11月10日  相似文献   

Many centralized entry-level labor markets use the firm-proposing deferred-acceptance (DA) algorithm to compute the matching that is implemented among workers and firms. We propose a definition of the strategic options a worker faces in the DA-algorithm. Then we develop a theory to advise workers who distinguish between the firms from which they believe not to receive a proposal, the firms from which they might receive a proposal, and the firms from which they certainly receive a proposal. If a worker is not able to deduce which new proposals she receives after having rejected others, then it is not profitable for her to submit a list that reverses the true ranking of any two acceptable firms. Furthermore, it is not beneficial for her to include a firm in her submitted list that is unacceptable to her.  相似文献   

本土化:中国企业跨国经营的重要战略   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
加入世界贸易组织后,中国将面临更广泛的国际竞争,“走出去”是对外开放实现从“市场换技术、换资金”到“市场换市场”的战略转折点。在改革开放20年不断发展的基础上,我国海外投资在新的历史时期已经进入了一个新的快速发展阶段。外经贸部的统计数据显示,截至2001年底,我国批准或备案的海外中资企业总计6610家(不含金融类企业),中方协议海外投资总额已达83.57亿美元。一大批中国跨国企业在海外迅速成长,其中最大的12家中国跨国公司已经控制了超过300亿美元的海外资产,共使用了超过2万名海外员工,海外销售额达330亿美元。中国跨国企业发展…  相似文献   

This article analyses return spillovers from the USA to stock markets in Asia by means of quantile regressions. Traditional studies consider spillovers as effects of the conditional means of foreign returns onto the conditional means of chronologically succeeding domestic markets’ returns. We, by contrast, study the full range of quantiles of the conditional distribution of the domestic markets’ returns. This enables us to document the detailed structure of spillovers across return quantiles. Generally, we find spillovers from the USA to Asia to be negative. Specifically, however, we reveal an asymmetric structure of spillovers with an increasing negative magnitude from lower to upper return quantiles. Theoretically, this pattern is consistent with an asymmetric overreaction of traders in Asia to news from the US market. Extensions from the baseline model further suggest the presence of contagion throughout the financial crisis of 2007–2008 as well as of calm-down effects over weekends.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of the implementation of corporate governance regulations on cosmetic earnings management in developed and emerging markets respectively. Using Benford's Law, the analysis employs 84,870 positive earnings observations for all publicly listed US and Taiwan companies from 1990 to 2011.The empirical results show that, regardless of developed markets and emerging markets, the phenomenon of cosmetic earnings management exists. In contrast to developed markets, corporate managers of emerging markets have stronger incentives to manipulate earnings. More importantly, it was found that the degree of earnings management is significantly less after implementing corporate governance regulations both in developed and emerging markets. This result suggests that the implementation of corporate governance regulations plays an important role in reducing the earnings manipulative behavior. The findings of the study add more evidence to the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of corporate governance regulations in preventing earnings management.  相似文献   

This paper examines the essential features of too big to fail (TBTF) regimes. These regimes justify themselves on the basis of the high and socially unacceptable costs associated with their exit from the market. At the same time, a TBTF regime affects the foundations of an orderly market economy by undermining the market function of natural selection. The implicit state guarantee linked with TBTF for large and systemically important financial institutions produces negative welfare effects and creates incentives for these establishments to grow beyond their optimal size. However, the state guarantee cannot explain the existence of ‘mega-banks’.  相似文献   

In Finland the older unemployed can collect unemployment insurance benefits until retirement, while the entitlement period for younger groups is two years. In 1997 the eligibility age of persons benefiting from extended benefits was raised from 53 to 55. This paper takes advantage of this quasi-experimental setting to identify the effect of extended benefits on transitions out of unemployment among the older unemployed. We apply a competing risks version of a split population duration model to account for multiple exit routes and the possibility that some of the older unemployed may not be active in the labour market due to pension rules. Our finding is that roughly half of the unemployed with extended benefits withdraw from job search.  相似文献   

2004年,世界经济的发展速度为5.1%,达到了近二十年来的最高点。随着全球经济的持续增长,国际建筑市场的资本投入呈现出持续增长的趋势,2004年全球建筑业投资规模已达4.2万亿美元。据美国《工程新闻记录》2005年8月公布的统计数据显示,2004年全球最大225家国际工程承包公司的国际市场营业总额比2003年增长了19.8%,达到1674.9亿美元,国内市场营业额为3348亿美元,增长13.4%。225家国际工程承包公司的国际、国内市场营业总额合计达5023亿美元,增幅为15.5%。回顾2004年,国际工程承包市场呈现出如下特点:从行业市场来看,基础建设项目需求旺盛,成为…  相似文献   

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