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Um eine graphische Darstellung einer gegebenen, eindeutigen Funktion f(α) zu erhalten. denken wir uns die den Wert en α′, α″,… αn der unabhängigen Veränderlichen entsprechenden Grössen x = l . f(α) als Abszissen auf eine Gerade von demselben Ausgangspunkt abgetragen und bezeichnen dann die Endpunkte der Abszissen mit dem zugehörigen Wert von α. Öber die Konstante l, den Modul, können wir frei verfügen und hierdurch einen passenden Massstab erhalten.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyze the corporate liquidity and its determinants for the German property-liability insurance industry using company-level data for the period 2002–2014. We first investigate the differences in cash holdings across insurers. We then quantify the relative importance of firm-level determinants compared with macroeconomic determinants in explaining insurers’ cash holding choices. In addition, we examine whether the financial crisis of 2008 has an impact on the liquidity situation of insurers. Our results indicate that cash holdings vary significantly across German property-liability insurers. The firm-level determinants size, group affiliation and reinsurance utilization explain more than 50% of the variation. We also find that macroeconomic conditions appear to have negligible effects on the liquidity situation of insurers. In addition, we do not find evidence that the liquidity of German property-liability insurers is influenced by the financial crisis of 2008. The proportion of cash remains relatively stable at 6% of the total assets.  相似文献   

The article deals with the rights and obligations between the policyholder, the insured directors and officers of the policyholder and the insurer in ‘Insured vs. Insured’ D&;O claims. Based on a case study where several directors commit wrongful acts the following questions will be examined: (1) whether or not the policyholder is entitled to directly claim damages from the insurer, (2) whether or not the policyholder violates its duties towards the insurer or the insured directors by its deliberate choice not to make claims against all insured at the same time but in different policy periods, and (3) which obligations has the policyholder towards its directors when there is not sufficient coverage to cover all claims of the policyholder against the directors.  相似文献   

The article deals with the impact that recent legislation in German Insurance Supervision law concerning both directors’ liability and management remuneration exercises on the law of corporations applicable to insurance companies. In both areas the general rules of corporate law are presented first, followed by an examination of the specific new supervisory rules. Considering everything, three results may be named: (1) The principle that directors are bound to observe any relevant legal rule constitutes a link between the supervisory rules and the law of corporations; (2) the new legislation has lead to an increase of surveillance, and (3) in practice an efficient use of existing self-regulatory mechanisms within the corporation should make any intervention by supervisory authorities unnecessary.  相似文献   

To be able to plan measures insales planning successfully, informations are necessary about the expected trend of demand in the future. In this respecttheoretical funded andempirical relevant correlations between exogenous influencing factors and the process of demand must be systematically explored. Consequently for the private health insurance aglobal model was developed, which is the basis for presenting exemplarily an approach of explanation for the health cost insurance. Via this approach theshort-term fluctuations in the trend of demand, which were noticed in the past, can be traced satisfactorily. In this context besideseconomical alsopsychological influences like attitudes and expectations must be explicitly integrated in the approach of explanation. Naturally also the effects ofsociopolitical events, which are relevant to demand, were included in the analysis, especially as the process of demand for private health insurance is substantially marked by sociopolitical legislation.  相似文献   

Against the background of the rapid spread of new technologies such as nanotechnology to name only one, third party insurers are faced with a multitude of challenges. The reason for this is the typically totally unknown damage and thus liability potential of these technologies. In this context special focus is on the aggravation of risk and the question whether the rights included in §§ 24 f. of the German Insurance Contract Act should be granted to the insurers in the event of any future revelation of the actual damage potential. This must, however, be answered in the negative since here only the risk of an initial and not the risk of a subsequent disruption of the equivalence mandate as assigned to the insured as per §§ 23 ff. of the German Insurance Contract Act applies.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the disputed legal nature of the duty to notify and the duty to disclose information according to sections 30 et seq. of the German Insurance Contract Act (VVG). To the extent to which the aforementioned legal provisions impose such obligations on a third party, the author reaches the conclusion that they are to be regarded as true legal obligations, i.e. their breach may result in damage claims. As to the policyholder, however, the legal provisions must be qualified as statutory warranties (so-called Obliegenheiten) without sanctions. Therefore, in order to sanction a policyholder’s breach of his obligations, the contracting parties have to turn the statutory Obliegenheiten into contractual Obliegenheiten, which are then subject to section 28 VVG. In the second part of the article the author addresses the scope of application and the content of the Obliegenheit to instruct the policyholder according to section 28 subsection 4 VVG. This Obliegenheit is imposed on the insurer as a requirement for the sanction of a breach of the contractual duties to provide information and to disclose by the policyholder.  相似文献   


Christian Kramp, geb. am 10. 7. 1760, gest. am 13. 5. 1826, war einer der berühmtesten Mathematiker seiner Zeit. Seine Hauptwerke, die »Analyse des refractions astronomiques et terrestres» (die sehr viel mehr hält, als der bescheidene Titel verspricht) und die »Arithmétique universelle» werden sogar heute noch manchmal in Schriften zitiert, die sich mit dem Wahrscheinlichkeits-Integral und mit der Theorie der Fakultäten beschäftigen. Um so auffallender ist es, dass zwei Beiträge Kramp's zur Versicherungs-Mathematik in den Jahrgängen 1787 und 1788 des »Leipziger Magazins für reine und angewandteMathematik» bis heute ganz unbeachtet geblieben sind. Die erste Abhandlung ist betitelt: Versuch, die Natur der bisher bekannt gewordenen Sterblichkeitstafeln durch einfache Gleichungen zu bestimmen», die zweite: »Entwurf einer Einrichtungöffentlicher Leibrentenkassen». Auch der Hinweis NEUMANN's in seiner grossen Übersicht über die VersicherungsLiteratur des 18. Jahrhunderts im Jahrgang 1912 der Zeitschr. f. d. gesamte Versich.-Wissensch. hat nicht vermocht, die Aufmerksamkeit der Fachwelt auf die Aufsätze KRAMP's zu lenken.  相似文献   

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