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安德鲁·S.格罗夫和比尔·盖茨(Bill Gates)两人毫无疑义都是数字革命的主要设计师。虽然由于拥有富可敌国的财富,似乎盖茨的名声更加响亮,但事实上格罗夫更加无愧于这个称号。为  相似文献   

2为团队行动提供动力 ●为什么公司总是在由分散的职能部分构成的混乱集合中消亡? ●发展并控制双重报告技术 ●怎样控制团队中的行为 ●为什么团队经理的角色就好像体育教练? ●应用"相关任务完备性"来决定一种管理风格 ●回顾表现以使下属发展技能和加强动力 ●为什么应当在对"明星"表现者的促进上花更多时间?  相似文献   

4 控制战略危机●战略转型点是如何将公司带入决定性变化的旋涡中的●影响竞争战略的六种力量●标志着10X力量在急剧改变企业界的两种标志●为什么最成功的公司最急剧的变革●驶向水平工业的无情趋势●将信号从噪声中提取出来的十种方法  相似文献   

政企博弈与企业政策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
政府的企业政策从出台到执行的过程往往就是政府与企业之间博弈的结果。政企目标差异则是政企博弈局形成的原因。政企之间行为的博弈以各自效用最大化为目标从而实现帕累托最优。政府行为的制度化、企业政策的稳定性可以造成博弈的和解,出现比较理想的结果。  相似文献   

尽管格罗夫的战略转型点是所有重大变革中的一例,但还有很多别的例子.他平淡地说:作为经理人,我们憎恶变化,尤其是这些改变将我们卷入其中的时候.不管喜欢与否,他们都是人,而且他们的大部分感情都耗尽在他们自身和事业的兴旺发达上.  相似文献   

A bstract .   The purpose of this article is to analyze the relation between scientific knowledge in the form of theories and the world that such theories are about. The focus is on market theories. I argue that everyday knowledge, conceptualized using the notion of "lifeworld," is the bedrock of scientific knowledge. I also make two distinctions, one between types of markets and one between principles of order in markets. There are two different types of markets, fixed-role markets and switch-role markets, and no existing theory can be used to explain both of them. In fixed-role markets, such as a producer market of garments, actors are identified as either sellers or buyers. In switch-role markets, such as the stock exchange market or currency market, actors are not identified with one role. The other distinction is between standard and status markets. In a status market, order is maintained because the identities of actors on both sides of the market are ranked according to status, which is a more entrenched social construction than the commodity traded in the market. In a market characterized by standards, the situation is reversed: the commodity is a more entrenched social construction than the social status of actors in the market. These distinctions are the backdrop of my analysis of the idea that markets are performed. It is concluded that the performativity approach is useful today for analyzing switch-role markets. A further conclusion is that neoclassical economic theory can be used in understanding switch-role markets, but not fixed-role markets.  相似文献   

The Austrian school theory of the business cycle is based on the proposition that an artificial expansion of the money supply reduces the transaction rate of interest below its natural rate, which stimulates excessive investment in capital goods of long duration, and then when the rate of interest rises back up, these investments stop, and the economy falls into recession.  相似文献   

企业组织理论对企业发展至关重要,把握西方企业组织的理论演进历程,不仅包括企业组织形式、组织理论,而且包括西方企业组织的理论流派以及当前动态等,对企业自身定位以及适应市场经济的变化与发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以后,基德兰德和普雷斯科特所开创的真实经济周期理论在宏观经济学中引起了人们极大的关注。这一理论丰富和发展了经济周期理论,并对凯恩斯主义经济周期理论产生了很大的冲击。主要在经济周期的性质、经济周期的原因及如何减少经济周期稳定经济这些问题上存在着很大的分歧。此外对经济学的未来,真实经济周期理论的发展方向具有重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

Book reviewed
Colin F. Camerer (2003). Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction  相似文献   

领导胜任力研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胜任力理论是当前人力资源管理领域研究的热点问题。领导胜任力模型是组织区分优秀领导者和普通领导者的关健标准,成功的领导胜任力模型对选拔和任用领导者有着重要意义。文章阐述了胜任力的概念、构成要素以及通用模型,分析回顾了国内外领导胜任素质要求的研究状况。在此基础上,又提出了目前胜任力理论研究面临的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

在现代经济学缺少科学研究基点的前提下,金碚教授提出建立新的商域经济学是对现代经济学研究的重要推进和拓展。而创建商域经济学除了必须建立在科学的研究基点之上,还需要将存在逻辑断点问题的经济人假设理论的创新以及产权理论和效用理论的创新相配合。金碚教授在创建商域经济学中提出了文明型式范畴,是一种经济学的新认识,非常具有学理意义,应当引起学界的高度重视。同时,创建商域经济学这一新的经济学分支学科,对于现代经济的推进与发展和现代经济学研究的深入与拓展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

新股发行定价:理论与现实   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以西方相关理论为依据,分析了我国目前新股发行定价过程中的特点及问题,指出现阶段竞价发行并非最好的选择。应采取必要的限价措施,在恢复向二级市场投资者配售新股的同时,完善发行方式,集中配售,分步上市。  相似文献   

In this article we strive to reconcile equivocal findings about the effects of top leader succession and prior leadership experience on postsuccession organizational performance. In doing so, we draw on insights from theories of human capital, learning, and asymmetric information to better understand the conditions under which leaders increase or decrease postsuccession performance. Employing a sample of 119 newly appointed leaders in the English Premier League (1996–2010), we find the following results. First, relating to the succession event, outside leaders that directly move between leadership positions are associated with higher postsuccession performance while the departure of a prior leader to a leadership position in another organization has a negative effect on postsuccession performance. Second, relating to prior leadership experience, leaders with domestic top leader experience are associated with lower postsuccession performance, while leaders with foreign top leader experience are associated with higher postsuccession performance. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

李家龙 《价值工程》2014,(16):197-198
激励理论应用在企业管理中具有很重要的意义,通过该理论的运用能够对管理实践进行科学的指导,最终达到个人目标和企业目标相统一的管理目的。通过分析激励理论的原理,探讨其在企业经营管理中的运用。  相似文献   

基于社会交换理论,在中国情境下探讨了不同类型的幽默型领导对员工创造力的影响,以及领导-成员交换的中介作用,权力距离取向与上下级共事时间的调节作用.通过对334名员工问卷调查数据进行多层回归分析,结果表明:(1)不同类型的幽默型领导对员工创造力的影响效果不同.其中,亲和幽默型领导显著正向影响员工创造力,攻击幽默型领导显著负向影响员工创造力;(2)以上两种幽默型领导均能通过领导-成员交换影响员工创造力;(3)权力距离取向作为一种社会交换的文化背景,缓和了攻击幽默型领导与领导-成员交换之间的负向关系;(4)上下级共事时间作为一种社会交换的时机,既能减弱亲和幽默型领导与领导-成员交换、员工创造力的正向关系,又能减弱攻击型幽默与领导-成员交换、员工创造力的负向关系.  相似文献   

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