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The Balanced Scorecard currently receives much attention. This article analyses the means by which the authors of The Balanced Scorecard have created that attention. Is it the result of a new and convincing theory, or is it merely the result of persuasive rhetoric, where convincing theory differs from solely persuasive rhetoric in that concepts and claims are based on sound argumentation? The article concludes that the text is not so convincing as persuasive—a feature characteristic of the genre of management guru texts; and, at the end, the article discusses the reasons for and appropriateness of such a genre and the consequences that should follow from the results of the analysis.  相似文献   

This case introduces students to building and implementing a balanced scorecard (BSC) in a setting with which they are familiar — cleaning, maintenance, management, and construction of a university's buildings and grounds. Students are asked to construct or critique a BSC for the facilities management division of a university. This may lead to a discussion of the causal linkages implied in the BSC and how one would implement a BSC in a governmental setting.  相似文献   

我国商业银行平衡计分卡运用中存在的问题与对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张淑娟 《海南金融》2010,(10):80-83
本文在对国内引入平衡计分卡的主要商业银行进行实地调研的基础上,结合国际经验,分析和探讨了我国商业银行平衡计分卡运用中存在的主要问题,并提出了改进建议。目前,我国商业银行平衡计分卡运用中主要存在认识不到位、实施的流程和体系不完善、实施的基础比较薄弱等三大方面的主要问题,针对这些问题,本文主要从强化平衡计分卡的战略导向、完善平衡计分卡管理体系、加强平衡计分卡的针对性、强化指标的严肃性和约束力、加强人才队伍和信息系统建设等方面提出了改进思路和具体建议。  相似文献   

This paper studies the incentive effects of a balanced scorecard within a multitask agency framework under both formal and relational contracts. First, the main characteristics of the balanced scorecard are analyzed with respect to performance measure congruity. It is shown that under complete verifiability, a properly designed balanced scorecard is capable of perfectly aligning the interests of owners and employees by means of an explicit contract. I then investigate whether subjective performance evaluation is beneficial when not all the scorecard measures are contractible. It emerges that congruity of the contractible scorecard measures constrains a purely implicit incentive contract, but the first‐best solution may still be obtained through a combination of formal and relational contracts. Furthermore, a purely explicit contract in most cases can be improved by incorporating subjective rewards.  相似文献   

沈磊 《新金融》2008,(9):34-37
相对于其他绩效管理模式而言,基于平衡计分卡的绩效管理模式具有灵活性、通俗性、战略高度、多重标准、纠正行动的优势,因而被国际上许多大银行所采用。由于我国商业银行在应用平衡计分卡过程中忽略了战略制定与战略实施的平衡,总部、事业部与个人绩效指标的平衡,财务指标与非财务指标的平衡,绩效管理中计划、辅导、评估、激励四个环节的平衡,最终导致了实施效果的不佳。未来我国商业银行在应用平衡计分卡时需重点做好绘制战略地图、构建员工胜任力模型、强化绩效管理沟通三个方面工作。  相似文献   

This paper examines the multiple possibilities that arise from the translation of actors' hopes and aspirations when implementing a balanced scorecard. The issue is studied in the context of a Singaporean security company in the initial stages of implementing a BSC. We find that the BSC is a 'messy' object, being different things to different people. This messy object is a result of the many possibilities that the BSC might become which ultimately require translating into the local setting. As such, this view challenges Kaplan and Norton's idea of the BSC as a generic and unitary object of performance measurement that is readily applicable to a variety of situations.  相似文献   

Many firms have adopted the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a way to implement strategy and measure firm performance. This paper uses a long-horizon event study methodology to examine the relationship between BSC adoption and shareholder returns. Using a matched pair design, we show that firms who adopt the BSC significantly outperform firms that do not adopt the BSC over a three year period beginning with the year of adoption. Our results are robust for different matching criteria. There is also evidence that firms earn greater excess returns after adoption of the BSC than before. These results provide strong evidence that the BSC is an effective strategic management tool that leads to improved shareholder returns.  相似文献   

The accounting profession bos been grappling with the issue of public interest responsibility for a number of years. The aim of this paper is to examine how a balanced scorecard (BSC) model can be used by the accounting profession to more effectively incorporate a public interest responsibility in its strategic framework. By using a BSC model, the paper provides an integrated framework for translating strategic values into a comprehensive set of objectives, performance measures and improvement actions .  相似文献   

Despite considerable progress in understanding the adoption and practice of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a performance management tool in government organisations, how a well‐designed BSC can become a sustainable organisational practice remains under explored and of central importance. Through a qualitative field study carried out within a government agency (Alpha), this paper demonstrates that Alpha's senior management implemented a BSC framework because they believed it would benefit the agency to realise its broader organisational and socio‐economic goals, namely sustainable organisational efficiency and social status. We conclude that an organisation's performance management systems can travel across internal organisational boundaries over time and could be assimilated by organisational actors to become a sustained internal control mechanism in a complex socio‐political setting.  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡基本原理、现代信用理论和财务分析理论,从被评企业战略层面出发,对被评企业从财务、客户、内部运营和学习成长四个方面开展全方位的分析评判,设计了平衡计分法下信用评级指标体系和信用评分方法,并将其应用于一个实例分析。  相似文献   

This paper investigates how the organization and presentation of performance measures affect how evaluators weight financial and non-financial measures when evaluating performance. We conduct two experiments, in which participants act as senior executives charged with evaluating two business-unit managers. Performance differences between business units are contained in either a financial or one of the three non-financial categories. Specifically, the first experiment studies how organizing measures in a Balanced Scorecard (BSC) format affects performance evaluations. Our results show that when the performance differences are contained in the financial category, evaluators that use a BSC-format place more weight on financial category measures than evaluators using an unformatted scorecard. Conversely, when performance differences are contained in the non-financial categories, whether measures are organized into a BSC-format or into an unformatted scorecard has no impact on the evaluation. The second experiment shows that when performance markers are added to the scorecards (i.e., +, −, and = signs for above-target, below-target, and on-target performance), evaluators that use a BSC-format weight measures in any category containing a performance difference more heavily than evaluators using an unformatted scorecard. Our findings suggest that firms should carefully consider how to present and organize measures to get the intended effect on performance evaluations.  相似文献   

平衡计分卡在企业年金绩效评价中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
平衡计分卡通过对财务、客户、内部流程、学习与成长四个方面的业绩评价来协调目标、战略和企业经营活动的关系,实现短期目标和长期目标、局部利益和整体利益、经营结果与执行动因之间的均衡。本文将平衡计分卡运用于企业年金的绩效评价实践,分析企业年金绩效评价体系四个维度的逻辑关系和作用机制,构建企业年金绩效评估体系基本框架。  相似文献   

Many countries are turning to the balanced scorecard to measure and manage performance in the public health sector. Questions remain, however, about the usefulness of this tool for promoting accountability and strategic management in this domain. This paper draws on diffusion of innovations theory and international comparisons to explore the effectiveness of a BSC in New Zealand hospitals. The findings suggest that the NZ hospitals BSC has some way to go in moving from its current status as a mandated reporting requirement to become an effective mechanism for supporting health sector accountability and management.  相似文献   

The method of the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is very popular in the management of companies and was recently also adopted by several German statutory sickness funds. For the latter, empirical studies concerning the process of implementation are still missing. The present paper analyses the reasons, approaches and problems of the BSC introduction in statutory sickness funds based on 13 guideline-based expert interviews. In addition, a common model of the BSC implementation is tested. The results show sickness funds specific variations and particularities of the reasons, approaches and problems concerning the implementation of the BSC, but also overlaps with other models and studies are found. The present study can provide a guideline for health insurances and other organisations that are planning to introduce the BSC.  相似文献   

While a number of studies and reports (for example, CASAC 2000 ; Clarke and Dean 2007 ; Ramsay and Stapledon 1998; 2001 ) have identified the importance of corporate groups on the commercial landscape, both in Australia and internationally, little is known about the nature, incidence, composition or rationale for commercial enterprises to adopt specific types of group structures. Understanding the differences in the accounting for each separate company within a group and the process of consolidated group enterprise data used in most empirical works is a prius for researchers undertaking large‐scale empirical work. It underpins the ability to generalise about findings based on samples of publicly listed companies, arguably randomly selected from the population of listed corporate groups. This paper reports findings of an extensive empirical study using 2007 data in order to illuminate the current situation in relation to the nature, incidence and composition of corporate groups in Australia. It adopts a similar structure to that used by Ramsay and Stapledon (1998; 2001) . The current data will allow tests of stability regarding the way corporate groups are structured.  相似文献   

基于平衡计分卡的会计师事务所绩效评价问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业绩效评价问题是任何一个经济体系中的核心问题,会计师事务所作为智力密集型企业在绩效评价方面面临很多问题。本文在阐释会计师事务所绩效评价现状的基础上,提出将目前在国外广泛应用的平衡记分卡应用于会计师事务所的绩效评价,并围绕这一问题进行进一步分析和说明。  相似文献   

自从ERP诞生以来,西方学界就着力探究ERP能否及带给用户多少效益,设计了一系列计量指标和计量模型。能否在此基础上构建中国意义上的计量指标及计量模型,本文力图在此方面做出尝试。以四家引入ERP的中国用户为样本,比较了他们之间的效益。构建一个以平衡计分卡的流程、客户、财务、学习与革新四维因素为一轴,信息技术的自动化、信息化与转移三维因素为一轴,组合成计量ERP用户效益的十二单元的模型,用以解释、了解和确认引入ERP带来的直接与间接效益。在十二单元计量模型的基础上,提出了各单元的指标体系,指标体系的标准化为软件厂商的设计与用户的ERP决策提供了依据。  相似文献   

平衡计分卡(BSC)对中国企业财务绩效起什么作用,文献没有实证报导.本研究假设,使用平衡计分卡的企业获得更好的财务绩效,挑选25对中国大型企业,比对2008、2009年度的财务绩效数据,结果发现使用BSC的企业并不比未使用BSC的企业有更好的表现,也未发现BSC变量与企业财务绩效具有明显相关性.结论推翻了假设.  相似文献   

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