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根据我国加入WTO的承诺,银行业的五年过渡期已全面结束,中国商业银行业进入全面对外开放的新时期,中资银行和外资银行已开始同台竞争.本文对中资银行与外资银行同台竞争中应采取的战略措施进行探讨.  相似文献   

2002年是我国入世的第一年.为感受一下外资银行与中资银行悄悄拉开的竞争序幕,记者在元月4日新年上班的第一天,对广州部分外资银行和中资银行进行了一次"亲密接触".  相似文献   

基于企业能力理论,本文对在沪15家中外资银行竞争力水平进行实证研究。研究结果表明,外资银行整体竞争力强于中资银行,中资银行在客户资源、资产规模、网点等总量方面竞争优势明显,外资银行则在风险控制、成本控制、金融创新、人才培育等方面竞争优势突出。在中资银行内部,股份制银行的竞争力全面优于地方性银行。在外资银行内部,来自亚洲新兴市场的外资银行竞争力整体强于来自欧美市场的外资银行。中外资银行竞争优势具有较强的互补性,相互学习和借鉴有助于提高中国银行业整体竞争力水平。根据实证结果,总结了中外资银行竞争力优势和不足形成的原因,并就中资银行竞争力培育提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

外资银行进入后中资银行的应对策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外资银行进入中国,对中资银行而言,是挑战,更是机遇。中资银行应认真分析外资银行的经营策略,在此基础上,有针对性地与外资银行开展竞争。同时,在竞争中寻求合作,以达到双赢。  相似文献   

外资银行在中国的业务经营范围已与中资银行相差无几,在中国银行业全面开放之时,外资银行已经具备与中资银行形成广泛业务竞争的基础。  相似文献   

加入世界贸易组织以来,随着外资银行经营范围和业务领域进一步扩大,中资银行也在积极地推进业务整合和创新,中资银行和外资银行之间的竞争已经开始在全方面、多领域展开。本文对当前中国银行业的市场格局进行深入分析,结合外资银行的战略选择,探讨了中资银行未来业务拓展空间和新的利润增长点。  相似文献   

陈怡  马喜德 《福建金融》2002,(12):11-13
加入WTO后,我国银行业的竞争不断加剧,中资银行如何应对外资银行所带来的冲击成为人们普遍关心的话题。但是,我们在探讨中资银行自身缺陷的同时,也应看到外资银行进入中国市场同样面临着竞争力不足的问题。本文分析了中资银行潜在的比较竞争优势及基于上述优势的竞争策略———加强与外资银行的合作,探讨了中外银行合作的利益所在、业务领域、合作方式、制约因素等,为入世后实现中资银行、外资银行、消费者“三赢”局面提出了初步构想。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO后,外汇业务将成为中资银行与外资银行开展竞争的一个焦点。本文从目前中资银行开展外汇业务的实际情况出发,提出中资银行开展外汇业务应对外资银行挑战的对策。  相似文献   

外资银行在中国:业务竞争状况及其发展趋势   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
1979年第一家外资银行机构———日本输出入银行经批准进入北京设立代表处,拉开了外资银行进入中国金融市场的序幕。1995年,中国向外资银行开放的城市增加到24个。2001年12月11日,中国正式加入世界贸易组织后,外资银行进入中国金融市场的速度不断加快,与中资银行的竞争与合作也全方位展开。在这种形势下,中资银行如何应对挑战,调整经营策略,提升服务质量,在竞争中求得生存与发展一直是国内金融界极为关注的问题。为此,我们对外资银行在华业务竞争状况及发展趋势进行了认真的调查与研究,同时提出了中资银行在与外资银行的竞争与合作中提升自…  相似文献   

零售业务已成为银行业的主要盈利来源,是中资、外资银行竞争的一个重要领域.在信用卡、网上银行、私人银行、理财等零售银行业务领域,外资银行在产品创新、产品营销等方面占据优势,中资银行则拥有网点、地缘上的优势,而且中资银行的模仿速度较快.  相似文献   

外国银行机构进入及其威胁   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中国银行业全方位对外开放日益临近,外资银行在华发展已进入加速阶段。外资银行机构的大举挺进,势必对中资银行的生存发展构成现实威胁,而包括发达市场经济国家在内的世界许多国家对外国银行的进入都有相应的限制性措施。基于此,我国银行业对内开放不仅迫在眉睫,而且银行业对外开放中的自我保护同样势在必行。  相似文献   

基于阶段理论分析方法,本文从演化和发展的角度研究外资银行渗透对于中国银行业体系稳定性的影响,并选取1999~2008年数据进行实证研究。研究发现,中国银行业在开放的过程中,伴随外资银行渗透,银行体系稳定性的演化过程也可粗略地看出倒U形态,与阶段性理论基本相吻合。此外,在危机期间,外资银行在中国采取的微观战略也是影响中国银行业体系稳定性的重要因素。  相似文献   

境外战略投资者对中东欧8国银行产业转型与发展的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中东欧8国银行产业转型最重要的步骤之一是引进外资银行,形成了外资银行在该地区银行市场占有巨大市场份额的基本格局。从目前的情况来看,外资银行对中东欧8国银行产业的影响是正面的积极的,既改善了中东欧8国的宏观经济金融环境,也带动了本土银行的发展。  相似文献   

Foreign participation in Indonesian banking has expanded from the establishment of foreign de novo banks into the acquisition of existing local banks. The increase in foreign participation has therefore not been associated with a growing number of banks. This study aims to examine the competitive behavior of foreign and local banks as a competitive banking industry is important in boosting economic efficiency and economic growth. This study also examines the role of modes of entry of foreign banks on competition, either through the establishment of foreign de novo banks or the acquisition of local banks. The recent methodological refinements of the Panzar–Rosse method developed by Bikker et al. (2011) are employed to estimate the level of competition among local and foreign banks. Generally, the foreign banks, particularly foreign de novo banks behaved more competitively than local banks, and their penetration is therefore important in creating a contestable market. This study found that in terms of assets, on average foreign de novo banks were smaller, more efficient, and had lower overhead costs, so they could offer lower loan rates and disburse more loans. The recent consolidation in the Indonesian banking industry may have an adverse impact on competition as it restricts the establishment of foreign de novo banks.  相似文献   

The role that foreign banks play in developing countries has been arduously debated. Foreign banks can improve the efficiency of the banking sector in the host country but they can also undermine local banks by selecting only the most trustworthy borrowers. In this paper, I analyze the period between 2005 and 2014 and compare the differences between foreign and domestic banks in Mexico and Colombia. Analyzing Mexico is of great importance given that foreign banks control more than 80% of the banking assets. Also, given the difference in institutional development between Mexico and Colombia, I can control for regulatory environment. After controlling for size, institutional development, and country of origin, I find that foreign banks have not stimulated growth in Mexico through commercial loans. Previous studies suggest that this lack of credit to companies may be due to a weak enforcement of contracts rather than to foreign ownership. However, Colombia has a weaker enforcement of contracts environments and foreign banks also do not provide as many commercial loans as domestic banks. This paper is of particular interest to regulators in developing countries that need foreign capital and those that want to intensify the allocation of commercial credit.  相似文献   

中外资银行税费负担比较分析:广东调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文基于对广东省内(除深圳)20个地市226个中外资银行机构的调查,得出:2006年末我国银行业全面对外开放以来,中外资银行的业务范围已不存在差别,但中资银行仍承担着远重于外资银行的税费负担,影响了其市场竞争力的进一步提高。为此,我国应进一步取消外资银行"超国民待遇"的税收优惠,统一银行业营业税制,统一城市维护建设税、教育费附加的征收,统一呆账准备金税前扣除方式,统一税外收费项目,促进中外资银行税负公平,加快我国金融体制改革步伐。  相似文献   

We study whether foreign banks engaged in countercyclical lending in the United States during the 1990–1991, 2001, and 2007–2009 recessions. Aggregate lending by foreign banks increased in the 1990–91 recession and by domestic banks in the 2001 recession. Controlling for local GDP and unemployment, we show countercyclical lending by foreign branches in the 1990 recession and by foreign subsidiaries in the 2001 recession. In the 2008 recession, foreign branches and subsidiaries exhibited neither countercyclical nor procyclical lending. We conclude that foreign banks like domestic banks respond to local economic conditions; the foreign ownership is not a factor.  相似文献   

本文以8家城市商业银行的42份年报作为研究样本,利用主元分析法实证研究了地方政府和境外战略投资者对城市商业银行公司治理的影响,及其作用于城市商业银行的具体机制。研究结果表明,地方政府对城市商业银行治理产生了负面影响,境外战略投资者在一定程度上抑制了地方政府对城市商业银行的干预,促进了城市商业银行治理的改善。为了提升城市商业银行公司治理水平,本文建议地方政府进一步退出城市商业银行,取消城市商业银行中境外战略投资者持股比例监管限制,鼓励外资派驻更多的董事和高管实质性参与城市商业银行的经营管理。  相似文献   

Foreign ownership and foreign management are often assumed to improve the efficiency of emerging market banks. Our article examines this relationship for the Vietnamese strategic partner program, where foreign banks have been allowed to take minority stakes in local banks. We add to the existing literature by distinguishing between ownership by foreign strategic and non-strategic investors, and between foreign management sent by the strategic partner and independent foreign executives. We show that only the presence of independent foreign executives has a positive impact on banks. We interpret these results as the consequence of conflicts of interest and power struggles between local shareholders and the strategic partner, which prevent efficiency in enhancing technology transfer.  相似文献   

机构集聚、风险传染与香港银行的系统性风险   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文研究作为银行金融机构集聚的香港国际金融中心,经受外部冲击后银行系统脆弱性的内生性及传染机理。本文把系统性风险的形成划分为共同冲击和相互传染两个过程,选取香港上市银行2006年到2011年的股价收益率为研究对象,分别研究中资、港资及外资三个组别的金融机构个体风险特征,运用分位数回归模型,通过测量香港银行体系的条件风险价值,判断香港银行的系统性风险,并分析影响香港银行体系脆弱性的外生性因素和内生性因素。结果表明,外资银行对共同冲击的抵抗能力较强,而港资银行的抵抗能力优于内地银行;金融机构间的传染和风险溢出效应会导致系统性风险的增加,而且不同规模银行对于系统性风险的溢出程度不一样,规模较大银行的溢出效应较为明显。  相似文献   

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