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<正>据对全国80家水产品批发市场成交价格情况统计,2014年4月水产品批发市场综合平均价格22.06元/公斤,同比上涨3.00%,环比下跌1.48%。其中,海水产品综合平均价格40.49元/公斤,同比上涨2.21%,环比下跌2.34%;淡水产品综合平均价格15.00元/公斤,同比上涨4.00%,环比下跌0.38%。另据对可比的40家水产品批发市场的成交情况统计,2014年4月份水产品成交量45.87万吨,同比下跌1.22%;成交额100.49亿元,同比上涨6.70%。与上月相比,监测的8大类产品中除海水头足类和淡水其他类价格分别上涨0.88%和0.38%之外,海水鱼类、海水甲壳类、海水贝类、海水藻类、淡水鱼类和  相似文献   

一、国内市场1 2000年全国水产品市场的运行特征(1)水产市场价格情况。据对全国60多个水产品市场、20多个品种价格的统计分析 ,2000年水产品市场综合价格指数为12 51,比1999年增长3 5% ,其中海水产品价格综合指数为20 91,比1999年增长8 1 % ,淡水产品综合价格指数为9 73 ,比1999年增长0 31%。(2)海水产品价格的走势特点。几年来海水产品的价格走势基本相似 ,皆呈现为先扬后抑的运行态势。2000年海水产品的综合价格指数为20 91,比1999年增长8 1% ,但仍分别比1998年和1…  相似文献   

水产品产量稳步增长消费价格先扬后落 2004年全国水产品产量4855万吨,比上年同期增长3.2%,1—11月份,淡水产品产量1669万吨,同比增长5.9%,海洋捕捞产品产量1287万吨,同比增长2.1%,海水养殖产品产量1050万吨,同比增长4.2%。  相似文献   

中国水产品流通渠道结构特征分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
相对于其他农产品而言,水产品主要以鲜活形式(淡水产品)或者冷冻形式消费(海水产品)。水产品的消费特征要求水产品必须保证鲜活流通,而水产品容易腐烂,所以要实现水产品的鲜活流通,就要求水产品流通渠道结构能够保证尽量减少水产品的实体周转,而相应的加强和稳定商流、信息流和资金流。  相似文献   

据中国水产学会调查统计,1-5月份,全国水产品总产量达到1664万吨,比上年同期增长5.04%,其中海洋捕捞产品492万吨、海水养殖产品399万吨、淡水产品753万吨,分别比上年同期增长2.67%、5.56%、6.36%.  相似文献   

<正>广东二季度水产品价格小幅提升,与一季度相比,总水平上涨0.91%,海水产品上涨1.77%,淡水产品上涨1.81%,虾蟹类上涨2.47%,贝类下降0.90%,腌干类下降13.04%;与去年同比总水平下降5.69%,海水产品上涨4.16%,淡水产品下降15.88%,虾蟹类下降3.71%,贝类上涨5.30%,腌干类下降15.44%。  相似文献   

中国作为世界上最大的水产品生产国,近30年水产品出口一直保持增长,在全球水产品市场中的比重大幅度增加,同时面临着与其他国家同业间的竞争。本文运用拓展的引力模型对1999年~2007年中国水产品出口相关的面板数据进行了实证检验,并对主要出口市场水产品贸易潜力进行了测算与分析。研究表明,引力模型只能对中国水产品出口贸易流量和潜力起到部分的解释作用,虽然中国水产品出口对欧美日等市场呈现出所谓的“过度贸易”,对泰国、印度尼西亚等表现为“贸易不足”,但这一总体趋势不会有太大改变。另外,进出口市场之间的产品竞争程度、进口市场的消费习惯也是进出口贸易可能的影响因素。  相似文献   

<正>随着世界经济的不断发展,人们消费水平不断提高,膳食结构不断优化,世界水产品消费量和贸易量不断增长,在世界人口动物蛋白摄入量中有16.6%来自水产品,所有蛋白质摄入量中来自水产品的比重占到6.5%。分析世界水产品流通、消费和贸易发展对促进我国水产品流通、消费和贸易发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

据中国水产学会统计分析,2005年1月份水产品市场购销两旺,据对全国近60家水产品批发市场成交情况统计,与2004年12月份相比,1月份水产品批发交易量略有减少,交易额比上月有一定幅度增长。1月份水产品价格总指数为(环比,下同)1.072,其中海水产品价格指数为1.087,淡水产品价格指数1.055。从分类情况看,海水鱼类产品价格上涨5.8%,甲壳类产品价格上涨18.68%,贝类产品价格上涨6.4%,头足类产品价格上涨3%,海藻类产品价格基本持平;淡水鱼类产品价格上涨6.4%,甲壳类产品价格基本持平,其它类产品价格上涨5%。与上年同期相比,水产品价格总指数1.11,其中…  相似文献   

我国城镇居民水产品消费影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
本文通过建立城镇居民水产品消费的双对数需求模型,考察了居民收入水平、水产品自身价格和相关商品价格对水产品需求量的影响.模型结果表明,影响城镇居民水产品消费的因素主要是居民人均收入水平和水产品价格,且前者与水产品人均消费量呈正相关,后者与水产品人均消费量呈负相关.  相似文献   

Chinese animal product consumption behaviour was analysed for both urban and rural households using a complete regional consumption dataset that was augmented to include away-from-home consumption. Seven animal product expenditure share equations were estimated with an extended Almost Ideal Demand System model. The results suggest that Chinese consumers will continue to increase their consumption of animal products, but that consumption patterns have changed in the 1990s. A large percentage of household animal product expenditure is still on pork. However, the shares for aquatic and poultry products consumption will increase substantially. As a consequence, the pork expenditure share will be gradually reduced as incomes grow and diet preferences change in both urban and rural households. There are significant differences in animal product consumption preferences across regions of China. As a result, studies that omit regional dummy variables in their demand systems can produce different expenditure and price parameters. The present paper also found that many of the estimates of elasticities and marginal expenditure shares would be rather different if the data ignored consumption away from home.  相似文献   

Quantifying the structure of food demand in China: An econometric approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article examines food demand structure and its dynamics for 11 commodities in urban China. The analysis is based on household‐level expenditure survey data for two cross‐sectional surveys of Chinese households pertaining to food expenditure patterns during 1995 and 2003. Pre‐committed components of commodity demands, that are insensitive to economic variables, are explored. We use the generalized quadratic almost ideal demand system (GQAIDS) for its empirical superiority to the generalized almost ideal demand system (GAIDS), and estimate the associated parameters via full information maximum likelihood procedure (FIML) accounting for endogeneity of total expenditures on food for home consumption (FAH). We also use quality‐adjusted commodity unit values to control for quality differences resulting from commodity aggregation and food choice. Furthermore, we derive GQAIDS elasticity formulas, and estimate income elasticities without restrictions. The results partially support the hypothesis that an average Chinese household has incorporated elements of Western diet (fine grains) into traditional Chinese food diet over time. Moreover, the outcome of a simple test developed here points to possible preference changes for a majority of food staples under study.  相似文献   

This study investigates the possible mechanisms through which modern food markets may affect Vietnamese households’ dietary diversity and diet quality using data from a survey of 1,700 urban households with seven‐day food recall. We calculate Household Dietary Diversity Scores to measure dietary diversity, and use consumption frequencies of micronutrients (vitamin A and heme iron) and a macronutrient (protein) to create a household measure of diet quality. We estimate a Poisson regression model using a two‐step control function approach to address the potential endogeneity of our key explanatory variable, modern market food expenditure shares. Higher modern market food expenditure share is positively and significantly associated with consumption frequency of heme iron, but there are no significant associations with consumption of vitamin A and protein. We further explore indirect linkages between food expenditure shares and dietary diversity, which in turn, may be linked to household diet quality. Results from a system of equations show that the food expenditure share variable has no significant relationship with dietary diversity, but dietary diversity is positively and significantly associated with diet quality. Our results indicate that alone, policies which encourage ‘food market modernisation’ are not enough to improve diet quality in urban Vietnam.  相似文献   

We extend the Tobit (censored) linear equation system procedure to utility‐theoretic demand functions, along with a mapping mechanism to impose the adding‐up restriction implied by consumer utility maximization theory—a theoretical restriction very often ignored in previous empirical studies with censored demand systems. In this context, the Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) procedure is applied to the censored linear approximate almost ideal demand system (LAIDS) for 12 food products, using data from the Turkish Household Expenditure Survey. All own‐price elasticities are negative and expenditure elasticities positive. Uncompensated own‐price elasticities for rural households are generally much higher than those for their urban peers, though demand for most food products are own‐price elastic for both types of households. The differential patterns in demand elasticities between urban and rural households become even more evident (almost twice) as relatively more expensive foodstuffs are consumed, showing that accessibilities to alternative products have made rural Turkish households more cognizant toward price changes in foods. Household characteristics play a key role in food expenditures, notably so in urban areas, and regional and seasonal differences are also present.  相似文献   

本文收集了近10年中国水产品对日本出口的贸易数据,利用分散度指数、结构变化指数以及区域显示性比较优势指数,对中国水产品出口到日本的商品结构进行实证分析,结果发现:1998~2007年,中国水产品对日出口的分散程度呈现出“先增高,后降低”的趋势;商品结构变化幅度呈现出“低-高-低-高”的变化趋势;中国深加工水产品(0371、0372)在日本市场具有很强的竞争优势;中国对日本出口额较大、竞争优势较强的水产品大多集中在日本进口额相对较小的水产品类别上。  相似文献   

An assessment of the current structure of food demand in urban China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We evaluate the current structure of food demand in urban China by using household expenditure survey data from five provinces. Two complementary analyses are undertaken. First, an aggregate analysis based on a fractional logit model is used to examine how households allocate food expenditures across the food‐at‐home (FAH) and food‐away‐from‐home (FAFH) categories. This is followed by a disaggregated analysis of how households allocated their FAH expenditures across 12 commodity categories. A Quadratic Almost Ideal Demand System (QUAIDS) is used. We find evidence of significant food purchase substitution and complementarity.  相似文献   

[目的]文章以内蒙古自治区呼伦贝尔市内鄂温克族自治旗、陈巴尔虎旗、新巴尔虎右旗为典型区域,定量研究我国北方牧区居民家庭食物消费结构及特征,以期丰富我国牧区的食物消费数据库、促进牧区居民食物消费转型升级。[方法]采用分层抽样,通过实地入户3d跟踪称重调研,获取典型区域内204户居民家庭食物消费的一手数据,结合中国居民膳食宝塔推荐值和传统农村(山东省)居民食物消费数据,对牧区家庭食物消费结构进行分析。[结果](1)牧区居民家庭人均食物消费量为495.99g/(人·餐),其中植物性食物消费量是动物性食物的2.4倍;蔬菜消费占比最高(24.43%),其次是面粉(18.39%)、奶类(12.62%)和肉类(11.39%);粮食消费中50%以上为面粉消费,肉类消费中60%以上为牛羊肉消费。(2)不同区域和群体间消费差异明显。收入水平较高的家庭对非主食类食物(肉类、食用油、零食和酒水)的消费量更高,而对薯类的消费量更低;与少数民族相比,饮食主要决定人为汉族的家庭人均食物消费量更低,且对奶类、酒水的消费量明显更低。(3)与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔推荐值相比,呼伦贝尔牧区居民食物消费表现出高油多盐的特征,同时对牛羊肉为主的肉类和谷薯类的消费偏高,而对水产类、水果和奶类的消费明显不足;与传统农村居民家庭食物消费相比,牧区居民的蔬菜、大豆及坚果的消费量更低。[结论]牧区居民食物消费有了主、副食兼用的趋势,且仍能体现地域特色,但饮食结构仍呈现单一化,对牛羊肉等肉类消费过量情况尤为突出。  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which Russian households that differ in their members’ weight status adjust their food consumption differently when their economic resources change. Using household‐panel data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey (RLMS) from 1995 to 2005, we estimate total expenditure elasticities of food expenditures, food quantities, and food quality for normal‐weight, overweight, and obese households, respectively. The expenditure elasticities of quality derived for obese households for meat, bread, fruits, and dairy were found to be 15–20% higher than those of normal households. Hence, a change in economic resources causes obese households to adjust the quality of purchased foods significantly more flexibly than normal‐weight households. Only few differences were found for quantity and expenditure reactions. Our results emphasize that policies aiming to reduce obesity should consider deviations in consumption behavior of normal and obese consumers in terms of quality.  相似文献   

Seafood is an important food commodity in Spain, the second largest consuming nation of seafood in the world. Today, several changes in demographics, socioeconomic factors, and lifestyle changes have affected demand for seafood products. Double‐hurdle models allow an examination of Spanish household expenditures on these products and explicitly account for the value of women's time. The empirical evidence shows that the set of statistically significant factors in the participation and expenditure equations is not the same for fresh and processed seafood goods. Income and household demographic variables are important determinants of both participation and expenditures on seafood products. In addition, the value of women's time affects expenditures on processed products, which include frozen, cured, and canned seafood goods.  相似文献   

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