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通过对最新的2007年中国投入产出表进行合理的拆分与合并,并结合其他数据编制的水利社会核算矩阵可以为研究水利投资与国民经济的互动提供大量的信息,利用水利社会核算矩阵乘数模型可以考察大规模水利投资对中国经济的拉动效应。实证分析结果表明,水利投资将对国民经济尤其是农业部门产生较大的拉动效应;不同水利部门的投资增加对国民经济的具体拉动效应存在较大的差别,了解这些差别有助于水利投资结构的优化;水利投资对我国GDP拉动的平均乘数大约为1.3;基于水利投资的结构分解,测算得出4000亿元的水利投资将会带来GDP增长4925亿元。  相似文献   

This paper provides an introductory guide for environmental andresource economists to methods of assessing the impact of environmentaland natural resource policy on employment. It examines five basicapproaches to evaluating the effect of a policy action on employment:1) supply and demand analysis of the affected sector; 2) partialequilibrium analysis of multiple markets; 3) fixed-price, generalequilibrium simulations (input-output (I-O) and social accounting matrix (SAM) multiplier models); 4) non-linear, general equilibriumsimulations (Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) models); and 5) econometric estimation of the adjustment process, particularly timeseries analysis. The basic modeling structure and data requirementsfor each of these approaches are described. Simple examples of theirapplication to evaluation of environmental and natural resourcepolicy are developed and the relative merits and applicability of each are discussed.  相似文献   

Violence against women (VAW) is now acknowledged as a global problem with substantial economic costs. However, the current estimates of costs in the literature provide the aggregate loss of income, but not the macroeconomic loss in terms of output and demand insofar as they fail to consider the structural interlinkages of the economy. Focusing on Vietnam, this study proposes an approach based on the social accounting matrix (SAM) to estimate the macroeconomic loss due to violence. Using Vietnam’s 2011 SAM, the study estimates the income and multiplier loss due to VAW. From a policy point of view, the study argues that the macroeconomic loss due to VAW renders a permanent invisible leakage to the circular flow that can potentially destabilize, weaken, or neutralize the positive gains from government expenditure on welfare programs.  相似文献   

中国地区宏观金融社会核算矩阵的编制   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文从突出金融部门角度 ,编制了中国地区宏观金融社会核算矩阵 ,该项研究对于决策者和研究人员全面了解和分析地区经济状况 ,提供了科学的经济数据库。首先 ,论文从宏观经济循环角度 ,在分析了金融部门和地区部门的特点基础上 ,研究了中国地区宏观金融社会核算矩阵的结构和内容 ;其次 ,以《江苏投入产出表》( 2 0 0 0 )和《江苏统计年鉴》为基础 ,结合大量调查 ,编制了江苏宏观金融社会核算矩阵 ;最后 ,利用跨熵 (crossentropy ,CE)技术 ,对矩阵进行了平衡处理  相似文献   

构建环境会计学的理论框架   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
环境生产、人的生产和物质生产之间的内在逻辑关系 ,环境资源价值观的确立 ,资源寿命周期理论和物质流转理论为环境会计学奠定了理论基础 ;环境保护的外在压力和企业的内在需要是环境会计学产生的直接动因 ;环境会计学最基本的理论问题包括 :环境会计学的定义、要素、研究对象、研究方法及基本假设 ;环境会计学可分为宏观环境会计学和微观环境会计学两个层次  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the treatment of commodity and activity balances in a national accounts context. It makes use of a general method for reducing the size of a social accounting matrix (SAM) by apportioning the elements of one or more accounts to the rest. The national accounts are looked at in terms of their usefulness for policy analysis, not least analysis of the impact of price changes. The SNA convention of separately distinguishing activities and commodities is endorsed. However, in contrast to the SNA, it is argued that for analytic purposes commodity transactions should be recorded at market prices, with a separate account for each of the markets for a given commodity in which a distinct price prevails. The SNA SAM is shown to be a reduced form of the SAM resulting from this recommended treatment of commodity transactions, while a further round of reductions (apportionments) yields SAMs which are familiar from input-output analysis, in which activities and commodities are not separately distinguished. It is argued that no special effort would be required to produce SAMs in which commodity balances are recorded at market prices as recommended here (the necessary data are also required to produce the conventional SNA tableaux), and that all reduced form versions of such SAMs, including the SNA, are inferior as a basis for the analysis of price effects on the structure of production.  相似文献   

我国环境会计实务的现状及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过对我国上市公司年报的研究,总结了我国企业环境会计核算和信息披露的现状。同时,根据会计理论、会计政策、会计实务之间的关系,分析了我国目前环境会计理论研究、环境政策、社会和企业环境意识的状况,有针对性地提出了改进我国环境会计实务的对策。  相似文献   


This article presents an adaptation of the square social accounting matrix used in economic planning and programming to the rectangular or vertical transaction matrix used in post Keynesian monetary economics. The objective is to obtain a simple and intuitive framework to organize macroeconomic data in terms of the main institutional sectors of the economy, showing how production, distribution, demand, and financing are inter-related. The article presents the social accounting matrix of the U.S. economy as an example and use it to analyze the trends in net lending and household net income since 1960.  相似文献   

人力资源会计管理成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济的发展,人们越来越认识到,人力资源是社会经济活动中具有特殊重要意义的资源。从人力资源和人力资源会计的概念入手,通过对人力资源会计成本详尽的分析,从而揭示了人力资源会计成本控制的积极意义以及如何控制人力资源会计成本。  相似文献   

Valuation methods have been used for five main purposes in environmental decision-making. Cost–benefit analysis (CBA) of projects, CBA of new regulations, natural resource damage assessment, environmental costing, and environmental accounting. The relatively lower importance attached to economic efficiency in environmental decision-making in most European countries compared to the U.S.A., both legally and in practice, might account for our general finding that there are very few valuation studies in Europe which have served as a decisive basis for environmental policy and regulations. However, with EU's goal to establish environmentally adjusted national accounts and to apply CBA to environmental policy and regulations, time seems ripe for an increased use of valuation techniques in Europe.  相似文献   

环境会计是将生态学、经济学和会计学相结合的一个会计研究的新领域,我国在这一领域的探索刚刚起步.本文在提出环境会计概念的基础上,分析了我国在这一领域的研究现状和存在的问题,最后提出了建立我国环境会计理论体系的一些思考.  相似文献   

财务会计对象要素结构模式就是财务会计对象要素之间所具有的特定联系方式和依存关系。它以财务会计对象要素为前提,通过展示各要素间的内在联系,揭示企业经济活动及其资金运动的基本规律。在财务会计对象要素结构模式的历史变迁中,不同的理论构成了不同的结构模式,其发展与经济的发展密切相关。而在现代企业中,更能适应其发展要求的,则是静态与动态相结合的会计等式模式。  相似文献   

上市公司会计诚信的博弈分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
会计诚信建设由来已久,而随着全球若干公司的会计丑闻爆发,会计诚信建设倍受关注。本文从博弈论的角度对上市公司会计诚信进行分析。上市公司会计诚信的博弈涉及到两方面的主体:会计信息的提供者和使用者。会计信息提供者可以采取诚信或不诚信的策略;会计信息使用者可以采取相信或不相信其会计信息的策略。以政府监督部门作为会计信息使用者的代表,给定上市公司失信的概率和政府部门监督的概率,建立了上市公司与政府监督部门的混合策略博弈矩阵,通过分析,提出了中国上市公司会计诚信建设的一些思路。  相似文献   

本文在对联合国国民经济核算体系(SNA)、社会和人口统计体系(SSDS)、环境和经济综合核算体系(SEEA)进行比较研究的基础上,提出了中国国民经济核算体系扩展延伸的思路和理论依据。本文认为,通过设计社会核算矩阵(SAM)和卫星账户(SA),可以建立中国泛国民经济核算体系,进而实现对环境资源和相关社会活动成果的核算。文章构建了中国泛国民经济核算体系下的若干社会核算矩阵和卫星账户,从理论和实证两方面论证了对中国国民经济核算进行扩展延伸的现实性和可行性。  相似文献   

住户部门是国民经济活动的重要参与者,住户生产核算是国民经济核算重要内容之一。本文依据SNA1993,结合中国的具体国情,界定了中国住户生产核算的主体和生产范围,在此基础上构建出住户生产核算简单账户、综合账户和投入产出矩阵范式,并延伸出相应的指标和分析方法。  相似文献   

In this paper we attempt an empirical application of the multi-region input–output (MRIO) method proposed by Turner, Lenzen, Wiedmann and Barrett [Turner, K., Lenzen, M., Wiedmann, T., Barrett, J., 2007. Examining the global environmental impact of regional consumption activities — part 1: a technical note on combining input–output and ecological footprint analysis. Ecological Economics 62 (1), 37–44] in a recent issue of this journal in order to enumerate the CO2 pollution content of interregional trade flows between Scotland and the rest of the UK (RUK). We extend the analysis to account for direct emissions generation by households, as final consumers, and to a social accounting matrix (SAM), where a more comprehensive account of incomes and expenditures is possible. While the existence of significant data problems mean that the quantitative results of this study should be regarded as provisional, the interregional economy-environment IO and SAM framework for Scotland and RUK allows an illustrative analysis of some very important issues in terms of the nature and significance of interregional environmental spillovers within the UK and the existence of a CO2 ‘trade balance’ between Scotland and RUK.  相似文献   

This paper addresses social accounting numerically in a dynamic generalequilibrium model. The main purposes are to study: (i) whether emissiontaxes based on static willingness to pay information can be used to improvethe welfare level, and; (ii) whether these taxes provide close enoughapproximations of the correct Pigouvian emission tax to be useful in thecontext of social accounting. The results indicate that, if environmentalquality is relatively linear with respect to pollution, the approximation ofthe Pigouvian emission tax will bring the economy close to the sociallyoptimal solution and, at the same time, provide a close approximation of thevalue of net investments in environmental capital.  相似文献   

有效会计监管的均衡模型   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:30  
会计欺诈已经成为世界范围内的重大问题 ,它给世界经济带来了重大的负面影响。本文通过建立两阶段动态博弈模型并对其求解发现 ,会计规则执行者的违规程度与惩罚力度、执行者的贴现因子以及政府的监管概率成反比 ;而政府的会计监管力度与惩罚力度、执行者贴现因子的平方以及政府的监管成本成反比。政府的最优事后会计监管的合适目标并不是要杜绝会计规则执行者的会计欺诈行为 ,而是将部分会计规则执行者的会计欺诈行为控制在一定的范围之内 ;最优的会计监管对于控制很看中当期收益的会计规则执行者的会计欺诈行为来说无能为力 ,控制这类会计欺诈行为的唯一措施在于提高会计监管的时效性 ;有效会计监管需要额外成本 ;并且有效会计监管实施的基本条件存在优先次序 :首先区分不同类型的会计规则执行者 ,其次区分会计规则执行者所承担的他们真正能够感知的违规处罚 ,然后才是选择最优的监管力度。  相似文献   

Although the functional and institutional distributions of income are integrally connected to individual living standards and other development policy objectives, these dimensions are rarely given prominence or even accommodated within standard national accounting frameworks. This paper summarizes research on the estimation of a social accounting matrix (SAM) for Malaysia for 1970 in which the distribution of income between different factors and socio-economic groups is identified. It is the latest of a series of case studies involving some of the authors and is, perhaps, the most detailed of its kind. The study departs from the United Nations SNA guidelines at various points. The SNA basically proposes a commodity balance approach to national income accounting. In giving equal emphasis to income/outlay accounts as to the production accounts, the present study has brought together data from two major primary sources: a household expenditure survey and a production survey. Their combination poses several problems which are discussed in the paper. It leads to an integrated picture, in matrix form, of the interrelationships between income distribution and production structure in the Malaysian economy. Both the factor and household accounts in our SAM are disaggregated according to race and the geographic distinction between Peninsular and East Malaysia, with an urban/rural split within Peninsula Malaysia. The Peninsula labor force is further disaggregated by education level, while its households are then subdivided according to the employment status of main income earners. Arguments for and against these choices are presented. Some other aspects of the study can be noted. First, the distinction drawn between East and Peninsular Malaysia is desirable not only because of the inherent interest of the regions but also because of large differences in data availability and hence in estimation methods. Secondly, to complete our SAM it was necessary to estimate inter-household transfers, being the institutional analogue of inter-industry commodity flow. And finally an attempt has been made to impute the labor component of unincorporated business income. These, then, are the major problems which had to be overcome in our attempt to quantify the generation, distribution, and redistribution of income within Malaysia in a SAM framework.  相似文献   

Yuri Biondi 《Applied economics》2015,47(34-35):3651-3672
This article develops a heterogeneous agents-based model to examine the emergent dynamic properties of share market price formation over time, with a view on financial market stability under alternative accounting regimes. In the model, individual heterogeneous investors interact with each other and with institutional devices which are an accounting system (related to the business firm) and a price system (related to the Share Exchange). These interactions provide mechanisms for transmission through which firm-specific (accounting signal) and market-driven (aggregate price) factors can act. A baseline simulation analysis assesses the financial market stability under three alternative accounting designs, namely two kinds of historical cost accounting regime and one kind of fair-value (mark-to-market) accounting regime. The former prove to better stabilize the financial system in terms of market volatility and exuberance in perfectly balanced conditions between speculative and fundamentalist beliefs and intentions. An evolutionary analysis is then developed by varying the relative degree of speculative attitudes between the two sides of the market. Historical cost accounting regimes further prove to make the financial system more resilient to speculative waves occurring at inter-individual level. Baseline findings are further corroborated through experimental analysis in twelve artificial financial systems. This mathematical institutional economic analysis has general implications for both designing accounting systems aimed at enhancing financial market stability and preventing procyclicality, and the study of accounting information process in the formation of share market prices over time.  相似文献   

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