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本文综合金融市场的多维信息,利用主成分分析法合成我国的金融周期指数。在此基础上,构建TVP SV VAR模型研究2003—2017年间我国货币政策、金融周期及宏观经济变量间的时变互动关系。研究发现:(1)我国货币政策、金融周期和宏观经济变量之间存在显著的时变互动关系。(2)金融传导渠道可能扭曲货币政策效力,通过金融传导渠道,货币政策不仅会抑制经济增长,还可能加剧通货膨胀。(3)金融周期对货币政策产出效应的影响滞后于对价格效应的影响。短期来看,货币政策产出效应的时变特征与金融传导渠道无太大关联,但随时间推移,金融繁荣对产出的负面影响可能最终使货币政策产出效应发生反转。货币当局应警惕金融繁荣对货币政策效力的扭曲,审慎操作,且不宜承担过多刺激产出的任务。  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyse the use of fiscal and monetary instruments to improve long‐run welfare when productive investment is irreversible and uncollateralizable and there is no insurance. Only fiat money or government issued bonds provide self‐insurance. We demonstrate that an increase in precautionary savings reduces irreversible productive investment. Hence, subsidies to promote productive but irreversible investment should be financed in such a way that they do not reduce insurance capability. When lump‐sum subsidies are high, a consumption tax is likely to be more redistributive and thus more consumption smoothing than are the other sets of instruments analysed in our model.  相似文献   

本文研究在全球金融危机背景下,货币政策对中国主权债务风险和系统性金融风险的影响。实证研究发现,中国的系统性金融风险在样本期间内有两次大幅度的跃升。系统性金融风险的上升跟全球金融危机的传染机制有关,但本国货币政策的影响也不容忽视。这两个原因对中国的主权债务风险也有影响。扩张性货币政策冲击显著加大了中国系统性金融风险但降低了主权债务风险,而对实体经济影响有限。本文的发现支持中国人民银行在全球金融风险较高的情况下,采取更加审慎的货币政策。  相似文献   

This article investigates how uncertainty about the adoption of a redistribution policy affects political support for redistribution when individuals can trade policy‐contingent securities in the stock market. In equilibrium the support for redistribution is smaller than where no “policy‐insurance market” is available. This implies that in economies with well‐developed financial markets redistribution decreases with the level of participation in these markets and with income inequality. Furthermore, the existence of a policy‐insurance market may lead to a less equal distribution of income than where no insurance is available even if a majority of individuals are redistributing resources through private transfers.  相似文献   

This paper develops a public choice theory of monetary policy and compares it with political-macroeconomic outcomes theory. The paper develops support for the public choice theory from recent historical evidence. It then employs this theory to explain the difficulty of effecting monetary reform and, in the absence of reform, the difficulty of implementing sustained periods of monetary restraint.  相似文献   

The operating target for monetary policy in the United States has changed from borrowings in the late 1980s to a target range for the fed funds rate to a specific fed funds target. In addition, secrecy about the policy target has largely disappeared, and since 1994 policy targets have been announced immediately. This article explores the impact of policy decisions on short-term interest rates as the policy announcements have changed. The authors find that the policy changes had a larger impact when the Fed moved to a specific emphasis on the fed funds rate. However, since the Fed began to announce the targets, policy changes have had a lesser effect on rates.  相似文献   

A model is developed that employs recent developments in the literature on search models of money to capture the distributional effects of monetary policy in a tractable way. Deterministic and stochastic versions of the model are studied. Money is not neutral, and these nonneutralities persist, whether or not the change in the money supply is anticipated or unanticipated. At the optimum, monetary policy is geared to correcting distortions in the search sector of the economy, while correcting for the persistent effects of past monetary policy actions.  相似文献   

This article studies the implication of extreme shocks for monetary policy. The analysis is based on a small‐scale New Keynesian model with sticky prices and wages where shocks are drawn from asymmetric generalized extreme value distributions. A nonlinear perturbation solution of the model is estimated by the simulated method of moments. Under the Ramsey policy, the central bank responds nonlinearly and asymmetrically to shocks. The trade‐off between targeting a gross inflation rate above 1 as insurance against extreme shocks and targeting an average gross inflation at unity to avoid adjustment costs is unambiguously decided in favor of strict price stability.  相似文献   

Abstract.  This paper applies the GS-PD framework of Ho (1988) to show that the so-called 'battle of ideas' between 'Keynesians', who believe in intervention, and the champions of the market, who believe in non-intervention, as popularly depicted, diverts attention from the crux of the matter. It shows how monetary and fiscal policies have to be coordinated in specific situations and why some macroeconomic problems may require responses beyond the purview of monetary and fiscal policies.  相似文献   

Movements in long-term interest rates Granger-cause movements in the target federal funds rate, but not vice versa, during 1990–2001. This implies that changes in the monetary policy stance, as measured by the target rate, are predicted by the bond market. Moreover, even innovations to the target rate have little effect on long-term interest rates. The policy instrument seems to be responding to information that is already impounded in the bond market. In sharp contrast, during an earlier period, changes in the target federal funds rate are mostly unanticipated by the bond market, and innovations to the policy target have a large and significant effect on long-term interest rate. ( JEL E52, E43)  相似文献   

We investigate the relationship between uncertainty about monetary policy and its transmission mechanism, and economic fluctuations. We propose a new term structure model where the second moments of macroeconomic variables and yields can have a first‐order effect on their dynamics. The data favor a model with two unspanned volatility factors that capture uncertainty about monetary policy and the term premium. Uncertainty contributes negatively to economic activity. Two dimensions of uncertainty react in opposite directions to a shock to the real economy, and the response of inflation to uncertainty shocks varies across different historical episodes.  相似文献   

Court decisions in the 1990s are widely viewed as having opened the door to a flood of business method and financial patents at the US Patent and Trademark Office, and to have also impacted other patent offices around the world. A number of scholars, both legal and economic, have critiqued both the quality of these patents and the decisions themselves. This paper reviews the history of business method and financial patents briefly and then explores what economists know about the relationship between the patent system and innovation, in order to draw some tentative conclusions about their likely impact. It concludes by finding some consensus in the literature about the problems associated with this particular expansion of patentable subject matter, highlighting the remaining areas of disagreement, and reviewing the various policy recommendations.  相似文献   

In the light of the changes to UK monetary policy since the early 1980s, we study the existence and nature of changes in the properties of retail price inflation over this period. A feature of our analysis is the attention paid to the marked seasonal pattern of monthly UK inflation. After taking account of seasonality, both univariate and Phillips curve models provide strong evidence of changes in the level and persistence of inflation around the end of 1992, at the time of the introduction of inflation targeting. Indeed, all models point to the effective disappearance of inflation persistence after this date, implying that constant-parameter models estimated using both pre- and post-inflation targeting data periods should be treated with considerable caution.  相似文献   

We extend Romer and Romer's (2004) analysis of the estimation and the effects of monetary policy shocks by controlling for (1) changes in the monetary policy reaction function and (2) changes in the response of output and prices over time with an extended data set. The results suggest that the post 1979 responses of output and prices to a monetary policy shock are significantly different from what has been reported for the whole sample: While output and prices respond significantly and negatively if their response is estimated for the whole sample period (1969–2005), the response of output is insignificant for the period of 1979–2005, and the response of prices is much weaker. The analysis of the changes in the monetary policy conducted over time allows us to partly attribute the diminished price and output responses to a successful monetary policy which led to a less volatile economy during the great moderation. (JEL E52, E32, C50)  相似文献   

This paper analyses the relationship between monetary policy and asset prices in the context of optimal policy rules. The transmission mechanism is represented by a linearized rational expectations model augmented for the effect of asset prices on aggregate demand. Stabilization objectives are represented by a discounted quadratic loss function penalizing inflation and output gap volatility. Asset prices are allowed to deviate from their intrinsic value due to momentum trading. We find that in the presence of wealth effects and inefficient markets, asset price misalignments from their fundamentals should be included in the optimal interest rate reaction function.  相似文献   

We evaluate the macroeconomic performance of different monetary policy rules when there are bubbles in the exchange rate. We do this in the context of a non‐linear rational expectations model. The exchange rate is allowed to deviate from its fundamental value and the persistence of the deviation is modeled as a Markov switching process. Our results suggest that reacting to exchange rate movements does not significantly improve welfare. However, taking into account the switching nature of the economy may be more beneficial.  相似文献   

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